Ferromagnetic core modeling.
On Sun, Dec 22, 2024 at 10:19 PM, Andy I wrote: (Note that the "A" dimension on Fair-Rite's datasheet is not the "A" parameter in the Chan model. You probably knew this already.) No, Andy I haven't go
Richard Andrews
· #157008
Ferromagnetic core modeling.
I am a Linux user John. Ctrl + shift+u for one second then the Unicode in hexadecimal.
Richard Andrews
· #156986
Ferromagnetic core modeling.
Thanks Dave.
Richard Andrews
· #156975
Ferromagnetic core modeling.
I am reading here. "A is the bead magnetic cross section in square meters, use dimensions C*(A-B)/2, area is in mm2 hence the u". So, is the area in meters, micrometers, or millimeters? hence the u? S
Richard Andrews
· #156973
Ferromagnetic core modeling.
Interestingly, today I am reading "The Chan inductor does not currently directly support Mutual Inductance, so unless only a single-winding inductor is being modeled, multiple windings must be added v
Richard Andrews
· #156961
Ferromagnetic core modeling.
Yes sir, I downloaded your TRANSFORMers.ZIP last night.
Richard Andrews
· #156897
Ferromagnetic core modeling.
Yes, I found the wiki Thanks to Jim.
Richard Andrews
· #156888
Sweep inductance?
I really should get a printer and print this help file out along with a cheat sheet. Thank you Tony.
Richard Andrews
· #156887
Ferromagnetic core modeling.
Thanks Jim, that's what I need I believe.
Richard Andrews
· #156884
Sweep inductance?
Bah, I settled on a .step function for the inductor. I am used to programming and it would be nice to sweep component values with time. It would be a cleaner screen to view.
Richard Andrews
· #156883
Sweep inductance?
To clarify I use equation L(t) = L_start + (L_end - L_start) * (t / T). L=inductance L_start=start inductance L_end=end inductance t=sim time T=sim time length
Richard Andrews
· #156879
Sweep inductance?
I've tried to sweep inductance in my sim. I give value for inductor {Lsweep} and put directive .param Lsweep (1u+(200u-1u)*({time}/1m)) on the schematic, but it don't work?
Richard Andrews
· #156878
Ferromagnetic core modeling.
Thanks guys. So, how can I start to simulate cores in LTspice? Is there a way or should I not bother?
Richard Andrews
· #156877
Ferromagnetic core modeling.
Hello everybody, I have the need now to simulate ferromagnetic cores. I thought about it and don't recall info in the help file so, I asked google's Gemini AI "Proper method to model a ferromagnetic c
Richard Andrews
· #156873
After all these years ...
Did you look at the error log?
Richard Andrews
· #156791
X axis limits.
I get all my models from mouser.com or direct from the manufacturer.
Richard Andrews
· #156759
X axis limits.
.model tip41c npn (is=7.55826e-11 bf=260.542 nf=1.11221 vaf=100 +ikf=0.526814 ise=1e-08 ne=2.18072 br=26.0542 nr=1.5 var=1000 +ikr=3.54059 isc=1e-08 nc=1.63849 rb=4.56157 irb=0.1 rbm=0.1 +re=0.0162111
Richard Andrews
· #156758
X axis limits.
Thank you Dave, I will try these setting.
Richard Andrews
· #156743
X axis limits.
Dave, can you be a little more specific as to what you did to get a measurable plot?
Richard Andrews
· #156727
X axis limits.
Thanks Dave, I will try this.
Richard Andrews
· #156726
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