VNA Case studies Analysis Interpretation
Hi Bill , at first you can look at the kiwi section of the groups. There are many informations and links on the subsection Of course Keysigth , Nat
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #35217
VNA Case studies Analysis Interpretation
Keysite, R&S, and Advantest (Tek) all have general tutorials addressing vector network analyzers. Once you become familiar with the basics, you should be able to use any similar instrument. Dave - WØL
· #35212
VNA Case studies Analysis Interpretation
I'd be interested in those too!
Mike Charters VA6PLC
· #35211
VNA Case studies Analysis Interpretation
Copper Mountain and Keysight/Agilent/HP both have lots of tutorial material for VNAs. The other possible source is the syllabus from a class at University of Alberta - during COVID, they sent out a pa
Jim Lux
· #35210
VNA Case studies Analysis Interpretation
Where can I find detailed analysis, interpretations, insights, and teachings of case studies and examples of scan outputs from various test experiments, so I can learn how to interpret the output and
· #35209
NanoVNA Saver Display issues
In Display Settings, check "Show Lines"
· #27931
NanoVNA Saver Display issues
Hello, New owner of a NanoVNA-H4. I'm trying to use NanoVNA saver but haven't been successfully at getting chart data that looks like everyone else's, with generally continuous lines. Mine are all sca
· #27928
NanoVNA Saver Display issues
Hello, New owner of a NanoVNA-H4. I'm trying to use NanoVNA saver but haven't been successfully at getting chart data that looks like everyone else's, with generally continuous lines. Mine are all sca
· #27927
trace in smith chart always open circuit
No. The number of points depends on a few things: a nanovna-H and earlier can only scan 101 (or 50) points. The nanovna-H4 can scan 101 up to 401 points. The number of scan points depends on what you
Larry Rothman
· #25487
trace in smith chart always open circuit
So if I did get this correct, then if I set up a stimulus to start at 6MHz, stop at 8MHz, the number of points will be selected accordingly, which may be 101 points for the CAL. But if I set a start a
· #25485
trace in smith chart always open circuit
I believe you can add a 'T' (through) calibration to an existing SOL calibration, noting that the T calibration is often skipped when not using the second port. Or indeed any part of the SOLT calibrat
Stan Dye
· #25483
trace in smith chart always open circuit
Is there aru use case where Reset is not needed before calibration? If not, any reason NOT to have Reset cycle included in firmware whenever calibration is invoked?
Miro, N9LR
· #25480
comparing LCR meter to VNA measurements
Thanks Wes, thanks Martin, I hope you find it useful. Also appreciate any suggestions for improvement. Also, a big thank you to Roger who has identified a couple of bugs and suggestions for improvemen
· #25477
trace in smith chart always open circuit
So this is probably a core of your problem. If you don't reset before the cal, it doesn't clear the old cal data, and what you end up with - well, it's not entirely clear to me what you end up with, b
Stan Dye
· #25476
comparing LCR meter to VNA measurements
There's ideal and there's real. No real component behaves ideally.
Lou W7HV
· #25475
comparing LCR meter to VNA measurements
It could be due to several things: - Something to do with your test jig. What are you using? Hopefully not alligator clips. - What frequency does this occur at? - Are you properly calibrated (good loa
Roger Need
· #25474
comparing LCR meter to VNA measurements
I have observed a strange behavior with the nanoVNA measuring an air core coil through CH0 only (i.e. S11). As I would expect, L shown on the Smith chart is very stable until I approach self-resonance
· #25473
comparing LCR meter to VNA measurements
Air core. I understand that ferrite will have variable permeability...
· #25472
trace in smith chart always open circuit
I did miss the reset cal and have been doing cals for the past month with no reset! So I guess what I have been doing when I save the current setup is the first cal along with the other setup paramete
· #25471
comparing LCR meter to VNA measurements
Miguel, marvelous tool. I have been using the one Diz has on the kits and parts site. Yous will help with the RF design work us 'amateurs' are doing. Thank you for sharing your work.
· #25470
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