
Antenna Propagation video - old but with very good commenters
Further to the SWR vs Resonance thread, I have started a new thread here. Have a look at https://youtu.be/-F7KYLO4Bkg?si=v6utQyiV5rKRwYPi There are some excellent comments posted as well. Should we mo
Від Ham Radio ·
measuring antennas with NanoVNA 12 повідомлення
If you are going to use a high-value resistor across your transmission line, you will not only have to watch the power dissipation rating but its voltage rating in a high-power and/or high VSWR situat
Від Donald S Brant Jr ·
Fundamentals of Network Analysis
I came across an Introduction to Network Analysis presentation by Keysight that I thought those new to the VNA might be interested in reading. It covers Transmission lines, S parameters, Smith Chart,
Від Roger Need ·
NanoVNA have L/C Match function (Marker->Measure->L/C Math in last firmware) This function calculate how compensate measured impedance to 50 Om
Від DiSlord ·
Focus on the Fundamentals. #newbie #tutorials #learning #general vna 2 повідомлення
I think these RF test boards help, trains you on results, if you have set the vnanano up and calibrated correctly, getting the prescribed results gives us ou some confidence in the nano.
Від ... ·
A guide for absolute beginners in spanish. Guia para principiantes en español.
Hello everybody: I just uploaded to the archives section a Spanish translation of the excellent beginner's guide published by Martin some time ago. I hope it serves you. Link: https://groups.io/g/nano
Від Daniel Magnoli ·
nanoVNA - Measuring Inductors and Capacitors (Vers. 3) 7 повідомлення
Was just over reading Roger’s excellent thread on using a VNA to examine discrete components. I figured I should be clear with everyone that the method I presented below is not and was never intended
Від Gregg Messenger VE6WGM ·
nanoVNA - Measuring the resonant frequency of a crystal
A video I did up last summer on how to use the nanoVNA to measure the resonant frequency of crystals. The intended audience is those who are not wanting a complete and exhaustive characterization of c
Від Gregg Messenger VE6WGM ·
nanoVNA - Measuring the resonant frequency of crystals 3 повідомлення
Well, I'm an electrical engineer and I found it very useful. Zack W9SZ
Від Zack Widup ·
Measurement of common mode attenuation - balun
https://youtu.be/_vvCBarRaPY Here’s what I did to measure the common mode attenuation of a current balun that I recently constructed. -- VE6WGM
Від Gregg Messenger VE6WGM ·
A guide for absolute beginners 18 повідомлення
Upgraded and expanded version of the "Absolute beginner's guide to NanoVNA" v1.5 has been added to file section of this group. A detailed chapter "The firmware upgrade" has been added. As always I am
Від 9A2JK ·
NanoVNA presentation 7 повідомлення
Return loss has nothing to do with antenna radiation or efficiency. It is a measure of the impedance match between a source and a load. An antenna with high ground losses could look wonderful from a r
Від Hasan Schiers N0AN ·
Signal Integrity Tips and VNA Measurements 3 повідомлення
Keysight webcast RF Microwave Signal Chain & Network Analysis https://gateway.on24.com/wcc/eh/2189474/lp/2292318/rf-microwave-signal-chain-network-analysis?partnerref=EML-FMRFB2B1rerun&elq_cid=1002152
Від pete.berquist ·
NanoVNA-Saver Linux update procedure 21 повідомлення
Hi I am new to this group and this topic is kind of old but maybe the problem is still there. I had the same issue and I got it working in this way: open file setup.py and, at the end, replace install
Від iz2rxs ·
Off-topic: Learn Python Intro to Programming on Github
If you're interested in modifying/hacking/playing with several of the NanoVNA apps written in Python, there is an open-source area on Github with a complete intro on the subject: https://github.com/we
Від Larry Rothman ·
QEX 7 повідомлення
On Mon, 13 Jan 2020 at 22:12, hwalker <herbwalker2476@...> wrote: > On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 01:05 PM, Nels Nelsen wrote: > > " … Your review of the QEX article on the nanoVNA is very appreciated
Від Dave smith ·
NanoVNA Presentation 16 повідомлення
Its in the files section of the Nanovna group under presentations. On Fri, 10 Jan 2020 at 4:23 PM, uni berry<uniden355@...> wrote: Hi Luc, Could you please show me the link for the english trans
Від Larry Rothman ·
A strange S11 from a amplifier 10 повідомлення
166 µH is a pretty large inductor and likely has a pretty low self resonant frequency. Try 'de-Qing" the inductor by parallelling it with a 4.7 k to 10 k carbon resistor. If those work, increase the r
Від W0LEV ·
Ham Radio and nanovna test of pi filter network ? How is it dones, if it can be done? VHF 14 повідомлення
Thanks Alan, I have some work to do here. A ham radio club tested it on a spectrum analyzer and saw the attached. I would like to see the S21 response from the VNA after I clean it up a bit. Thank you
Від Jeffrey Messikian ·
QEX Magazine 45 повідомлення
It's a $40 gadget right? Let's have a healthy new year and we now a new free trade agreement between us so communications paths are open Watch out for open mics and two faced silver dollars or what we
Від John ·