NanoVNA presentation
Return loss has nothing to do with antenna radiation or efficiency. It is a measure of the impedance match between a source and a load. An antenna with high ground losses could look wonderful from a r
Hasan Schiers N0AN
· #19014
NanoVNA presentation
My sincere thanks to RATPAC for arranging this presentation and of course to Alan-W2AEW, who I've been following on Youtube since I first stumbled on one of his NanoVNA videos last week. He is truly a
Don Bomer, W5MML
· #19011
NanoVNA presentation
How much power is being absorbed by the load (whether it is radiated is another story entirely). 10dB return loss means 10% of power is reflected back *if the source is 50 ohms*, which it might not be
Jim Lux
· #19010
NanoVNA presentation
Return loss - I could be wrong, but I see 'return loss' as an indication of how well the antenna is radiating instead of reflecting. O db return loss indicates that all of the energy is being bounced
Neil Preston W0NRP
· #19009
NanoVNA presentation
Thanks Neil, Very well worth watching Alan's presentation. For those not familiar, Alan's entire channel on YouTube (W2AEW) is outstanding. 73 de k1jbd bammi
WS1M - bammi
· #19008
NanoVNA presentation
W2AEW Alan knows the material and is an exellent instructor. His videos are exsquisite . The Nano VNA is quite the tool. Be sure to do an adequate calibration. I found it much easier to use once I loa
Barry K3EUI
· #19007
NanoVNA presentation
A recent ZOOM presentation was made to members of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service to introduce the NanoVNA. It's about 105 minutes long (I haven't watched it all yet) but it seems to be very well
Neil Preston W0NRP
· #19001
Real/Imaginary vs R+jX (Ω) Charts
RESISTANCE IN YOUR COAXIAL CABLE STUB Your antenna has R = 0 Ω. The R+jX (Ω) chart allows for positive and negative R values. 1) What is the significance of R = 0 Ω in your “antenna”; Is there an “RR-
F6EGK - Jean-Roger
· #18591
Real/Imaginary vs R+jX (Ω) Charts
Thank you, Jean-Roger, for taking the time for an extensive answer! I had to lay down flat on my bed with this one ;) This response got long. I tried to get it all in there, not necessarily expecting
Simen Tobiassen
· #18576
Real/Imaginary vs R+jX (Ω) Charts
Thank you Christian, for answering! Complex Scattering (including the impedance from S11) refers to all the S-parameters being calculated from readings of scattered current and voltage waves, being co
Simen Tobiassen
· #18575
Real/Imaginary vs R+jX (Ω) Charts
Thank you for answering, David. This is also what I know and related to, with both the Impedance and Admittance having a Real and an Imaginary part. But Jean-Roger have got to the core here; The "Real
Simen Tobiassen
· #18574
Real/Imaginary vs R+jX (Ω) Charts
REAL and IMAG parameters are quite different from RESISTANCE and REACTANCE parameters. REAL and IMAG apply to reflection coefficient Γ, in its complex form (a+j.b). That's why values are always in the
F6EGK - Jean-Roger
· #18445
Real/Imaginary vs R+jX (Ω) Charts
The first displays the complex scattering parameter (S11 or S21), the second display the complex impedance calculated from S11. Regards Christian
Christian Zietz
· #18438
Real/Imaginary vs R+jX (Ω) Charts
Imaginary = ±jX (just presented in different forms) Capacitive reactance carries the negative sign (bottom half of the Smith Chart). Inductance reactance carries the positive sign (top half of the Smi
· #18437
Real/Imaginary vs R+jX (Ω) Charts
What is the difference between the curves in "Real/Imaginary" vs "R+jX (Ω)" Charts - in NanoVNA Saver and NanoVNA 2_2 ? What do they represent, as they usually have resonance on different frequencies?
Simen Tobiassen
· #18418
A practical example of evaluating unknown cables using the TDR feature of a nanoVNA
It would be good for this to be posted to the wiki and/or in a file download location. The questions about how to do TDR measurements one up frequently, and last week we had a very rude and frustrated
Geof Gibson
· #17603
A practical example of evaluating unknown cables using the TDR feature of a nanoVNA
Thank you Bryan for your excellent and very explicit document. Jean F5EDP
· #17595
A practical example of evaluating unknown cables using the TDR feature of a nanoVNA
nanovna users: Sometimes we are handed equipment that we want to use; however, we are not given any information about that equipment. I experienced one such issue recently when I purchased a house wit
Bryan, WA5VAH
· #17589
Network Analysis Webinar: Master Network Analysis Fundamentals by Keysight
Keysight "RF Microwave Signal Chain & Network Analysis" webcast added to External links:
· #17145
Network Analysis Webinar: Master Network Analysis Fundamentals by Keysight
Gary W9TD
· #17135
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