What nanoVNA and from Where
It is very well documented and not expensive at all. Isn't it an old model (V1 actually) because it says Build Time: Jan 1 2020. For use up to 900 Mhz is it not enough?
Від François · #38821 ·
#NanoVNA-H Firmware for 75 Ohm port?
With a "normal" nanoVNA (50 ohms), if, during the SOL calibration, instead of using 50 ohms during the LOAD you place a load of 75 ohms, it works. The central point of the Smith will correspond to 75
Від François · #38799 ·
** Yes, it is
Від François · #38775 ·
Choke measurement
Let's be reasonable If we talk about the parasitic capacitance of a coil, it is because we assume that the coil conforms to the model of a parallel LC circuit. It is then easy to calculate L and C in
Від François · #38733 ·
Calibrating Methods
** Yes, I use nanovna-saver. I name my files as Cable BNC 1 m 0.1-30 MHz (lin) 20seg.cal
Від François · #38724 ·
Calibrating Methods
Two common mistakes: 1/ Making measurements with a calibration, certainly done in the right place, but not on the same frequency range. Nothing indicates the range used when you reload a calibration r
Від François · #38722 ·
Choke measurement
I made a document for *beginners* but it is in French. You have to *download* it and submit it to Google to get the translation. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VARrQmlDGQ2a4GzQEQp8l3vk9C8128ry/view?
Від François · #38706 ·
Choke measurement
Your port1.s1p file shows that your measurement is very bad. All points must be inside the circle. You need to learn how to use your NanoVNA on **much simpler** cases. Don't forget to do a RESET on th
Від François · #38703 ·
Choke measurement
I would be interested in the .s1p measurement file of your coil connected to the S11 output port of the VNA. Connected with: one wire to the output and the other wire to ground. Maybe you don't know h
Від François · #38686 ·
Choke measurement
** Ah, I hadn't thought of that. Obviously Thanks for enlightening me and this is the case in the case of Bob's coil
Від François · #38675 ·
Choke measurement
Parallel resonance and series resonance appear when there are two capacitors, as in a quartz: A large coil in series with a very small capacitor with a fairly large capacitor in parallel. https://uplo
Від François · #38670 ·
Choke measurement
** Yes, the peak on the left. We would have to expand the frequency scale. Do the calculation with the value of the coil and you will find the parasitic capacitance of your coil. In general, for this
Від François · #38662 ·
Choke measurement
Hello Now that your coil is disconnected from the rest I think you can do "as I do". You solder only one of the terminals of your coil on the output of the NanoVNA, leaving the coil, and especially th
Від François · #38660 ·
Since I am on Windows Seven, I use nanovna-saver 0.3.8. My NanoVNA is DEEPELEC NanoVNA-F 4.3" HW2.3 HW3.1 Firmware 1.05 (Oct 31, 2022) I observe: 1/ To succeed, every time, the NanoVNA <-> PC connecti
Від François · #38612 ·
Hello Here is my reasoning regarding this problem of visibility of the NanoVNA screen outside. This case only applies to an antenna that will be connected to the station by a coaxial transmission line
Від François · #38412 ·
SWR vs. Resonance
** For me, what I overloaded in red is the measurement of the voltage that we add or subtract from a transformation of the current.
Від François · #38252 ·
SWR vs. Resonance
You are talking about return losses but in the line + antenna assembly, it is only reactive energy, in addition to the energy transmitted to the load. These are not losses in Watts. The losses will de
Від François · #38233 ·
SWR vs. Resonance
Can you explain what is meant by: "Transmitter is"
Від François · #38166 ·
SWR vs. Resonance
Indeed, a 5/8 on 145 MHz requires a series inductance of 0.231 µH (on a metal ground plane) but the antenna remains at 70 Ω and therefore a ROS of 1.4 If we want to adapt it is necessary an 'L' adpate
Від François · #38154 ·
Smith Chart Impedance
If you use the box of your nanoVNA alone; that is to say not connected during the measurements to a computer, you can, on most models, save the measurements in a file resident in the box. Once back ho
Від François · #38042 ·