Looking for a working closed loop LLC Converter
I have designed a good number of power supplies, but I would not attempt an LLC without a good theoretical background. There are few specialists that crank out these designs and they usually know a gr
Michael Fortner
· #156983
Define coupling coefficients for center tapped transformers
Most of the time when I have a complicated transformer, I short the unused windings and find the leakage inductance. Then, I add a leakage inductor to each leg of a perfect transformer. Small 60Hz tra
Michael Fortner
· #154802
upgrading my simulation with noise i see in the lab
I've often worked with sensitive circuitry during it's development stages. With packaging, and filtering at the various entry and exit points, man-made noise is seldom an issue in the completed design
Michael Fortner
· #153509
Need Help!! in modifying my circuit.
Sounds like you badly need a consultant. On Sunday, April 7, 2024 at 12:06:07 PM CDT, Andy I <ai.egrps+io@...> wrote: Oops, my fingers typed "That doesn't work to power the isolated half of the
Michael Fortner
· #152969
Coupling factor 'k' very twitchy - what is typical?
Different transformer technologies yield different values of K. When starting with a transformer you lack experience with, you generally need to build one and test it to establish the parameters for l
Michael Fortner
· #151895
Problem with a Log Amp with temp compensation
Andy, While physical circuits never violate the rules of physics, the people assembling them often ignore some of the rules. In the physical world, leakage inductances are all pervasive as is parasiti
Michael Fortner
· #151218
Harmonic Suppression In BJT Power Transistors
Jeff, I apologize. I mistook the topology of your amplifier. It is simply two class-C amplifiers passing through pi-filters to be combined. It is not the push pull topology I had become accustomed to
Michael Fortner
· #151154
Harmonic Suppression In BJT Power Transistors
Jeff, Ideally, the even order harmonics would dissappear in this configuration, but in reality, the output transistors had to be closely matched to create supression. These transistors were non-linear
Michael Fortner
· #151152
LLC resonant tank closed loop opeartion
Resonant Topologies can be slow. I would start with the basics. Inject various sine waves into your setpoint and collect the phase and gain numbers. That may sound boring, but I've wasted days of my l
Michael Fortner
· #150080
Emitter Follower Oscillation
I once had a troubleshooting case in which an emitter follower in a power supply was oscillating in the many 10's of MHz. It manifest as parts throughout the system exhibited a 120 Hz rectification ri
Michael Fortner
· #149541
100 KHz oscillator runs slowly
Ethan, You can have a lot of fun with PWM generators and audio. Take a pair of analog switches (CD4066)and chop the audio at a couple of hundred kHz and you can use it like a multiplier to fade audio.
Michael Fortner
· #149075
100 KHz oscillator runs slowly
Ethan, Good to hear that someone remembers the reverse BJT trick. Another good one is using JET amps right after the volume controls. Having a really high load impedance delays the onset of needing th
Michael Fortner
· #149073
Using LTspice for digital simulation
As long as one remembers that logic need propagation delays and corresponding time steps, LT works great for logic. On Saturday, October 14, 2023 at 05:35:16 PM CDT, Richard Andrews via groups.io <ric
Michael Fortner
· #149070
monolithic multilayer ceramic capacitor specifications
Go to the Kemet site and run KSIM. It will model the frequency characteristics of a number of capacitors. Mike On Friday, October 6, 2023 at 11:13:39 PM CDT, Jerry Lee Marcel <jerryleemarcel@...> w
Michael Fortner
· #148931
Equivalent Circuit model for crystal
I just thought I'd toss in a remark about how very long the start up is due to such incredibly high Q. I had a project that used a 32.768kHz tuning fork to clock a processor. The processor was to init
Michael Fortner
· #148812
Equivalent Circuit model for crystal
Hello Robert, I've gotten the needed values from crystal vendors. They'll give the motional capacitance, motional inductance, and series resistance. These all make up a series circuit wich connects be
Michael Fortner
· #148772
wireless charging -> random inductance, coupling factor and leakage inductance, and skin effect in copper, and hysteresis in magnetics
To Andy, I appreciate your description of Litz wire. It is an often misunderstood technology. I often explain the matter as the wire being the equivalent of concentric pipes. The outermost pipes creat
Michael Fortner
· #146242
Finding AC Power Losses for an inductor
There's always the temperature rise test. Build it, measure the temperature, and then pass DC through it to achieve an equitable temperature. This has proven tried and true. Especially when the wavefo
Michael Fortner
· #145280
if (DC voltage is torque, DC current is rpm, inductance is mass) then ... how to simulate a planetay gear ?
Most of what is written is incomprehensible to me. Though I'd enjoy some discussion on motor theory as I too would like to reduce it to a model within LTSpice. From my work with brushless DC motors, I
Michael Fortner
· #144990
Phono preamp with LT1028
Andy, I'm a bit new to the conversation, but the keyword "Noise" was involved and pricked my ears up ;). You are correct, The various noise sources are uncorrelated, so introducing an extra resistor t
Michael Fortner
· #144279
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