Seriously struggling to get NanoVNA-H working on Windows 11
I am also using windows 11. First I would remove the driver you installed as I have a feeling that is causing your problems. For the record, I didn't even bother installing a driver and on my system i
· #37110
Seriously struggling to get NanoVNA-H working on Windows 11
Hi all, I'd like to first start out that I am a noob to nanovna, but not pc's in general. I'd like to think I know my way around a PC. Love it or hate it, I'm currently on Windows 11. Trying desperate
· #36850
#general #macos #nanovna-app NanoVNA-App for OSX?
Parallels or another VM on your Mac? (ducking for cover)
Jim Lux
· #34436
#general #macos #nanovna-app NanoVNA-App for OSX?
Mainly that app is pretty functional on windows and I know roughly how to use it. Saver on windows looks very unfinished (the python program).
Paul - AI7JR
· #34435
#general #macos #nanovna-app NanoVNA-App for OSX?
I think OP is looking for Mac osx Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S®6 active, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
Jim Lux
· #34433
#general #macos #nanovna-app NanoVNA-App for OSX?
try this dg9bfc sigi Am 19.10.2023 um 19:45 schrieb Paul - AI7JR:
Siegfried Jackstien
· #34431
#general #macos #nanovna-app NanoVNA-App for OSX?
They pretty much do similar things. I think the -App does firmware up/down loads. Saver does not (at least not on the versions I use) Is there a specific capability you need?
Jim Lux
· #34430
#general #macos #nanovna-app NanoVNA-App for OSX?
Thanks-- That gets me NanoVNASaver (which is a step forward!) but not NanoVNA-App. These two programs don't seem to have the same capability, or do I just need to look harder? ;-) Paul
Paul - AI7JR
· #34429
#general #macos #nanovna-app NanoVNA-App for OSX?
Paul, try it this link:
· #34428
#general #macos #nanovna-app NanoVNA-App for OSX?
Is there a version of NanoVNA-App for OSX? The link here ( for a precompiled app does not work. :-( TIA for any help! Paul -- AI7JR
Paul - AI7JR
· #34361
Arinst VNA-DL1-8800 MHz VNA
Khalid, Depending on your requirements, you could look at using a Pluto with Satsagen with the third harmonic option. It's not vector, though. https://
David J Taylor
· #29470
Arinst VNA-DL1-8800 MHz VNA
Hello Roger and Larry, Thanks everyone for your support and information. I really appreciate your help. Roger, Yes, I have LiteVNA64, however, I am looking for higher frequency range, and this is the
Khalid Ibne Masood Khalid
· #29468
Arinst VNA-DL1-8800 MHz VNA
This VNA product has its own PC program and they have not published their communication protocol. So it does not work directly with NanoVNA Saver or NanoVNA app. You would have to "sniff" the USB exch
Roger Need
· #29457
Arinst VNA-DL1-8800 MHz VNA
Khalid, Unless the manufacturer has claimed this device uses a command structure that is compatible with the NanoVNA & LiteVNA series, you will have to write your own interface routines in NanoSaver.
Larry Rothman
· #29454
Arinst VNA-DL1-8800 MHz VNA
#general Roger
Roger Need
· #29440
Arinst VNA-DL1-8800 MHz VNA
Hello Everyone, I was wondering has anyone of you used this product? ( My concern is whether this VNA can talk with nanovna saver or may be with some python progr
Khalid Ibne Masood Khalid
· #29436
New user questions - where to find answers
New users of the NanoVNA have many questions about their new piece of test equipment. They will find a lot of useful information and User Guides in the Files section of this group.
Roger Need
· #28928
#general SD card function on H4
Answering to myself, I just solved with my screenshot saving issue. It was guilt my 2GB Transcend transflash: the only device in my avalaibility till yesterday. Maybe the architecture that was not SDH
· #27236
#general SD card function on H4
Mine is a 2GB only. It's big enough for my fun! As you can see in my attached pic, my problem is limited with bmp (screenshot) files only. They are created but 0 lenght. All the rest works well. Many
· #27141
#general SD card function on H4
Hi Sergio, My H4 had the SD card slot installed already. All I had to do to get the SD working was use a 16GB card. It would not work with larger capacity cards. 73, Rudy N6LF
· #27140
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