More Check Washing Theft
I write all my checks with a sharpie. How is this not permanent? Sarah - from previous message - [snip] Use Permanent Gel Pens only Unlike standard inks, gel's absorbed into the paper! [snip]
Sarah Brooks
· #220998
More Check Washing Theft
As a victim to this exact crime myself (except it was to the IRS instead of DC), I HIGHLY recommend these two steps: 1. Arrange with IRS for regular withdrawals directly from your bank acccout 2. Sign
Sarah Brooks
· #220985
GW Immediate & Primary Care no longer offers "immediate care"
My family has made good use of CVS's Minute Clinic in Tenley -- from a Tetanus shot after stepping on a nail, the strep infections, to the removal of a thorn deeply imbedded in a foot (Not the same fo
Sarah Brooks
· #220801
ISO someone with a truck to move furniture: Wonderful mover found!
I have also used AJ for two of my past moves. Great crew. Highly recommend. Sarah on Macomb - previous message - Dear All, I had a wonderful experience with a local mover last week. He goes by AJ, and
Sarah Brooks
· #220600
ISO Optical stores and kids glasses
Apex Optical is the gold standard Sarah - original message - Hi everyone, My five-year-old needs glasses. Does anyone have recommendations for optical stores that have a g
Sarah Brooks
· #219740
Where to donate unopened packages of adult diapers?
Adas Israel has collection boxes in their coatroom for such things. Just bring them over during regular business hours. And thanks, Sarah Brooks - original message - I very very sadly find myself with
Sarah Brooks
· #219389
Signs on 34th street - what is the organization?
I saw it too. The sign also mentioned [the intersection of 34th &] Newark, which is also very hard to cross. Sarah - original message - My wife and I just saw signs all along 34th street asking DDOT t
Sarah Brooks
· #219306
How to apply for the senior exemption for shoveling snow?
I just applied, having turned 65. I was rejected because I am "not born before March 1, 1955" because I'm not 65. Typical DC. Sarah on Macomb - original message - Does anyone know how this service wor
Sarah Brooks
· #219267
ISO prescription insurance feedback
Every formulary I have gotten from WellCare lists only 3 tiers. Sarah - previous message - Regarding Tiers of meds for Medicare Part D: There have been typically 5 Tiers recognized, but here is the la
Sarah Brooks
· #219068
ISO prescription insurance feedback
I had the opposite experience. I received a letter saying one of my drugs was going to go up in cost next year. I called the number they suggested and it was answered by a clearly overseas person. He
Sarah Brooks
· #219043
ISO Info on the Helicopters over Cleveland Park about 9:45 a.m.
If it was a plane, it was probably too close to the Veep's house and that triggered the helicopters. Sarah - previous message - Anyone know what occasioned these flights? One or two small helicopters
Sarah Brooks
· #219021
ISO experiences with Solar Solutions DC
I am currently working with them. Awaiting permits (sigh), so can't give a final rating, but so far, everything has gone smoothly. I also had some technical challenges that they conquered. For years I
Sarah Brooks
· #218998
Another Instance of Check Stolen & Check Fraud
Agree and that's why it is 'interesting' that after 6 months of doing nothing, I threatened legal action against PNC, and by the end of the week, I had every dime back. It was a LOT of money, so the i
Sarah Brooks
· #218732
Another Instance of Check Stolen & Check Fraud
Yes, that is my understanding as well. Reinforced by my experience. I assume PNC was sitting on the money returned. Until I threatened legal action—again, money was returned to my account immediately.
Sarah Brooks
· #218695
Another Instance of Check Stolen & Check Fraud
My bank is PNC. When I threatened legal action after 6 months, I had my money a week later. The bank that cashed the washed check was Chase. Sarah - from previous message - Can people share the names
Sarah Brooks
· #218678
ISO Medicare, Part D Insurance
I recommend Boomer Benefits (, a broker. It doesn't cost you a thing and they give great advice. Sarah on Macomb - original message - My provider, WELLCARE, has substantially increa
Sarah Brooks
· #218225
From Urban Turf: 127 unit apartment building to replace the former WTTG-Fox5 HQ on Wisconsin Ave in Friendship Heights
Parking aside, we have ample grocery stores to handle more customers. And with restaurants having trouble hanging on, having more customers is a good thing. There is a huge housing crisis in the count
Sarah Brooks
· #217977
Spotted lantern fly is here!
Funny this is mentioned today as I am visiting my son in NYC and he (and others) were stomping on them as they were walking, doing their bit to stamp out the 'invasive species.' Now that I know that w
Sarah Brooks
· #217949
Dealin’ Jackson-Reed Weed
If you think the kids at the private schools are not using drugs and having sex, I've got news for you. Sarah on Macomb - from original message - [snip] What should be done? [snip] Avoid DCPS and pay
Sarah Brooks
· #217869
Worried about the Van Ness Giant
This Giant serves an elderly, not highly mobile community. Those who don't fit in that category have gravitated to the other opportunities in the area; but for this community, it is their only option.
Sarah Brooks
· #217761
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