Looking for a working closed loop LLC Converter
Hi Tony, thank you! study in progress. Regards, Shengqiao
Від zhengsq1989@... · #156858 ·
Looking for a working closed loop LLC Converter
Hi Denys, Thank you! got that. Regards, Shengqiao Zheng
Від zhengsq1989@... · #156857 ·
Looking for a working closed loop LLC Converter
Hi Denys, thanks for sharing, this is a interesting paper that include the basic LLC design topics. Is it possible to find out the example spice file, NCP1396A.asy and NCP1396A.lib?
Від zhengsq1989@... · #156854 ·
voltage source are paralleled make a over-defined
Hi Vlad, Andy. thanks for you great help, I would reinstall my LTspice, without fiddling the hardcoded paths and retry. Again, thanks a lot! Regards Shengqiao
Від zhengsq1989@... · #140492 ·
voltage source are paralleled make a over-defined
Hello Andy I am so sorry for late reply! and really thanks for you kindly instruction and uploaded the file with .sp file and delete the raw file, the zip folder as "Boost_PFC_math_symbls_error_B sour
Від zhengsq1989@... · #140439 ·
voltage source are paralleled make a over-defined
Hi Andy, sorry for late reply, I do have the case what you mentioned which are multiple instances in of some same symbols, for instance or symbol, I have two symbols. but I delete it and have the same
Від zhengsq1989@... · #140321 ·
voltage source are paralleled make a over-defined
Hello Andy Thanks a lot and appreciate! sorry for the missing asy, and already added the DCTransformer.asy, and CurrentSensor.asy ,uploaded with "Boost_PFC_math_symbls_error_B source paralleled_2" for
Від zhengsq1989@... · #140244 ·
voltage source are paralleled make a over-defined
Hi Andy and Tony I am so sorry for confused you and really appreciate you kindly reply and correction, I follow your suggestion and uploaded associated asy and lib file as the zip file name as "Boost_
Від zhengsq1989@... · #140240 ·
voltage source are paralleled make a over-defined
Hi Tony here is the link, for the total library ,http://www.bordodynov.ltwiki.org/ please let me know if the symbols can be find, looking forward for your comments For example: C:\Users\Joe\Documents\
Від zhengsq1989@... · #140236 ·
voltage source are paralleled make a over-defined
Hi Andy thanks for your quick comments. already uploded as you mentioned. the file name is "Boost_PFC_math_symbls_error_B source paralleled"
Від zhengsq1989@... · #140230 ·
voltage source are paralleled make a over-defined
Hello All I am test a PFC circuit with close loop, I used the symbols in below link, C:\Users\xxxxxxxxx\Documents\LTspiceXVII\lib\sym\ZZZ\LTspiceControlLibrary\Math\Functions I reference the CCM-Bridg
Від zhengsq1989@... · #140228 ·
voltage source are paralleled make a over-defined
voltage source are paralleled make a over-defined The limit symbol can not be work in my circuit, but it can work fine in the reference circuit CCM PFC
Від zhengsq1989@... · #140226 ·