
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
It has long been established that R&L electronics is one of the most reputable sources of the NanoVNA, if not THE most reputable source. This link brings up a search on all the variants of the NanoVNA
Від Richard Spohn · #38985 ·
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
there seems to be a debate as to where or how to purchase a nanoVNA. They are all made in various factories in Mainland China. the issue is not so much (in my mind) if it is a clone as in reality they
Від VE6LX · #38965 ·
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
Here's the deal.... NanoVNA is very excellent and has complex abilities. It operates over a wide range of Frequencies and will test or can be used for developing devices besides Antenna.s However it r
Від Larry Macionski · #37123 ·
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
It depends on what you want to do. Both the NanoVNA and some antenna analyzers do things the other doesn't. The NanoVNA can be used for a wide range of functions an antenna analyzer can't do. I also h
Від Zack Widup · #37105 ·
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
I have a NanoVNA-H4 and a RigExpert Stick Pro. They have a lot of overlapping use cases but I do use them both for different purposes * NanoVNA for constructing antennas and dialling them in at home o
Від Connie · #37092 ·
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
I have a RigExpert Pro up to 600MHz, and just picked up a NanoVNA-4 to get 915 for mesh. Wow, what a quagmire I’ve stumbled into! I actually was after an SWR appliance, and I’m hoping I’ll find a simp
Від ... · #37091 ·
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
Some points which seems to have been left out of this conversation are that the nanoVNA and clones have not only TWO ports but also vector(phase) measurements and error correction, which greatly incre
Від Donald S Brant Jr · #37090 ·
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
FYI, nanovna-saver is a Python app, so should not be limited in any way to a specific Linux distro - anything that can run Python3 should be able to run it.
Від Tim Dawson · #37089 ·
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
Many thanks for the post! What version of Ubuntu are you running the nanovna-saver on? gmail.com@groups.io> wrote:
Від Julie Spehar · #37087 ·
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
This is a common sense observation. Yet it is the only way to learn. I would advise you to use your nanoVNA from the start through software like nanaovna-saver. This will already prevent you from gett
Від François · #37077 ·
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
ameritech.net@groups.io> wrote: I am coming late to this thread which Edward VE3VYT started last year and which has been resurrected just last month. I'd like to add my perspective, based on recently
Від mike.carden · #37071 ·
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
Thank you, gentlemen, for your insights regarding the NanoVNA. I kinda figured at the onset there was going to be a learning curve - and I hope I'm up to the challenge. (I'm not getting any younger, a
Від n9wys · #37070 ·
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
Yes, if one has never used a vector network analyzer (VNA) or even a scalar analyzer, the learning curve is steep. But you will learn a whole bunch that you can carry forward to other projects. The NA
Від W0LEV · #37067 ·
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
If you already have 26 responses, another can't hurt. The nano vna does have a learning curve, but what doesn't? If you're an appliance user, go ahead and get a dedicated tool. If however you want to
Від AF7XT · #37066 ·
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
Hello, The Comet is only good to 500Mhz. The NanoVNA H and H4 will go to 1300Mhz. Also I have used both and find the NanoVNA 's much more useful than just an analyzer. As far as ease of use, the NanoV
Від Clyde Lambert · #37065 ·
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
The Comet CAA-500 MKII antenna analyzer is far easier to use for your stated purpose than the NanoVNA. Is a bit pricy but sooo much easier to use with no learning curve. If you have an SWR issue that
Від gwilson001@... · #37064 ·
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
Antenna analyzer is much easier to use and the best of the bunch for ease of use is the Comet CAA-500 MKII. Connect your antenna, turn it on, select the band/freq. and see your measurement on both a m
Від gwilson001@... · #37063 ·
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
Zeenko is the approved supplier from AliExpress as listed on the NanoVNA website https://nanovna.com/?page_id=121. I'd say yours is probably genuine.
Від David Pryor · #36806 ·
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
Did you buy it from a listed seller from this website? : https://nanovna.com/?page_id=121 If not, I'd send it back and repurchase from one listed.
Від ... · #36803 ·
Nanovna or antenna analyzer?
Hi gang, I'm a newbie at this Nanonva and just purchased Nanovna-h4. I have read through this thread: And saw some notes about to see if it's real or not get one built by Hugen "If you order it you ca
Від ... · #36802 ·