50W Amp - no output
60 повідомлення
Thanks Jonas, I have seen them used but never realised the potential:-)
Alan G4ZFQ
Is it bricked?
31 повідомлення
Will do. Thanks Greg. -- Jim VE4BWG
Troubleshooting QMX+ JS8call PTT Test Fail
7 повідомлення
Don't you love it when it's something simple. Have some radio fun often. :) GREG Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer
Greg McCain
QMX Startup Problem
11 повідомлення
Never underestimate the usefulness of Mark I eyeballs. :) I recently practiced SMD soldering and rework with some cheap practice PCBs I got off Amazon. Unless it's the really, really tiny stuff, I fou
Greg McCain
QMX+ failure. Power disconnected when in terminal mode
8 повідомлення
There are a few different failures that could cause the measurements you are seeing, including D109. IC101 should output 3.3-3.6V or so, and you only see 2.17, so either the IC101 circuit is not putti
Stan Dye
#problem Why can't I do this
2 повідомлення
You press the right encoder button, which copies the currently viewed preset into VFO A. If that doesn't work, you should check the functionality of your right encoder button.
Stan Dye
QMX+ Smoke Test/First Power-Up Failed
2 повідомлення
Damon A gentle suggestion Throwing out another comment every so often is probably not going to get you the help you're looking for People are confused What was damaged in shipping, how did you resolve
Bruce Akhurst
Power output question
8 повідомлення
It's entirely possible to have only 1.5 watts out with all finals working. The LPF toroids may just need to be tweeked. Also, depending on other factors, like line imbalance and impedance differences,
Daniel Conklin
QMX+ - No Receive Audio
27 повідомлення
Well it turns out that after removing the PCM1804 I still have a low resistance on pin 22 to analog and digital ground. I traced it to one of the plug-in power supply boards (8-pin 4x4 connector). Som
Michael N2ZDB
N3FJP & QCX Mini
2 повідомлення
You have one or two options that I am aware of... #1 - Use an external keyer that plugs between your computer and the QCX Mini. #2 - Send CAT commands to the QCX Mini to send the CW. Hans explains the
Ed - AE8Q
QMX USB audio output level not controlled by knob - intentional ?#audio
4 повідомлення
With the USB audio being independent of the volume control on the radio, you can use digital modes without having audio output to your headphones. I often turn the volume completely down while working
Karl Heinz Kremer - K5KHK
QMX mid band construction fails and recovery
I completed a QMX mid band from Dayton and it functions flawlessly (4-5 watts all bands). But I had 2 major constructions fails. 1. Soldered both push buttons on the bottom of the control board. SOLUT
Newly built QMX antenna connectivity issue
6 повідомлення
Thank you everyone for the advice and knowledge. This radio is actually the first kit I've assembled so it's encouraging to know that it seems to be working as intended, moving forward I will buy or a
Daniel White
Rotary Encoder Issues
5 повідомлення
OK, after cleaning up solder area with alcohol, the issue was solved. I should have cleaned it before power it up, I thought it was very clean, but apparently, not clean enough. feel guilty to suspect
QMX diode clearance question
3 повідомлення
Ouch. If you had sent this before changing out the diodes I would have said just leave them. I too soldered them with the less than desirable orientation. When I starting test fitting the wound toroid
Greg McCain
#qmx #error #function #problem #beacon #cw #wspr
Hello Rob I have fixed problems with the WSPR beacon functionality in the forthcoming 1_00_015 firmware release. 73 Hans G0UPL http://qrp-labs.com https://www.buymeacoffee.com/g0upl
Hans Summers
QMX anomaly with CW and WSPR beacon
10 повідомлення
...and yet, some of us find the SWR measurement to be quite accurate, even at lower powers/output. So YMMV.
Randy, N4TVC
QMX Input Analysis / Waterfall not working...
3 повідомлення
So it is the TX spectrum or audio input from the PC and not the RX spectrum that gets analyzed?! I think I completely misunderstood what this thing is supposed to do then. 😆 If one reads "Waterfall" a
Tobias [DL3MHT]
2 повідомлення
I can help. My email is in QRZ or Send me a private message for details. Jeff W1NC
Jeffrey W Moore
U3S - reboots when WSPR Tx begins
26 повідомлення
On Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 12:36 PM, Bruce Akhurst wrote: I'm in two minds about transistor sockets. I spent a long while at a bench doing equipment repairs that seemed to be 'always' just bad connection
- Andy -
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