San Miguel de Allende Rentals
Welcome to the group about rental information and rental experiences in San Miguel de Allende! This group is designed to let you share rental-specific information with folks living in SMA or those who are interested in renting in SMA.
The idea behind this group is a repository of rental information as well as a kind of consumer-driven Better Business Bureau, where renters and landlords/property managers can post both positive and negative rental experiences. This will allow members of the rental community to better connect with each other and also avoid potentially difficult situations before they happen.
Please note: All potential members are required to submit their name to have membership approved. Members are also required to interact courteously at all times, and sign their posts with at least their first name.
NB: This list is exclusively for residential rental properties in SMA. To keep this list true to purpose, please refrain from posting on land or real-estate sales or any other form of advertisement unrelated to residential property rentals.
The idea behind this group is a repository of rental information as well as a kind of consumer-driven Better Business Bureau, where renters and landlords/property managers can post both positive and negative rental experiences. This will allow members of the rental community to better connect with each other and also avoid potentially difficult situations before they happen.
Please note: All potential members are required to submit their name to have membership approved. Members are also required to interact courteously at all times, and sign their posts with at least their first name.
NB: This list is exclusively for residential rental properties in SMA. To keep this list true to purpose, please refrain from posting on land or real-estate sales or any other form of advertisement unrelated to residential property rentals.
Інформація про групу
- 1,310 Members
- 2,790 Topics , Останнє повідомлення:
- Started on
Адреси електронної пошти групи
- Запис:
- Підписатися:
- Відписатися:
- Власник групи:
- Допомога:
Налаштування групи
- Всі учасники можуть писати в групу.
- Дописи в цій групі не потребують схвалення модераторів.
- Дописи нових користувачів потребують схвалення модераторів.
- Повідомлення налаштовані на відповідь відправнику.
- Підписка на цю групу вимагає схвалення модераторів.
- Архів доступний лише для користувачів.
- Вікі видима лише для учасників.
- Користувачі не можуть редагувати свої повідомлення.
- Користувачі можуть налаштувати підписку без електронної пошти.