Reminder: 2nd Saturday Chapter Meeting 0900
Fellow aviators, This Saturday morning at 0900 we will be reverting back to our 2nd Saturday schedule. David Sorrells will be there accepting the $25 annual dues for our chapter. We still need a president. At this point we don't have a particular agenda, however I'd like to see another member relate how he/she got into aviation if someone is willing to take the floor for a few minutes. Topics for discussion? Fly-outs, city events, Young Eagle activities, etc. See you there! Jim Quinn Chapter Secretary 903.746.0342 Cellular
Passing of Wayne Baker/Funeral tomorrow Friday 12/6 1400 Noonday Cemetery Hallsville FM 450N
Fellow aviators, I just received a voicemail from our chapter's other Jim Quinn (Hallsville) with news about Wayne Baker, who passed last week. The graveside funeral will be held TOMORROW afternoon at 2:00 p.m. at the Noonday Cemetery on Hwy 450 North in Hallsville. Thanks to Jim for the information. Jim Quinn Chapter Secretary 903.746.0342
New monthly meetings... 2nd Saturdays 0900
Fellow aviators, After reading all the comments, David Sorrells and I made an executive decision to change the monthly chapter meetings to the second Saturday of each month at 0900 at the FBO. We are two of the three officers (Treasurer and Secretary, the President slot is still open!) of the Chapter, so that's what we came up with. Thank you all for your input. See you Saturday the 14th at 0900! Dues are $25/year so David will be prepared to accept them. Jim Quinn 903.746.0342
Request for comments for December meeting, going back to Saturday mornings, what you want to see/hear, etc. AND dues information....
Fellow aviators, Let's start with the subject of dues: Our annual chapter dues are payable by December 31st. David Sorrells has set us up with payment capabilities using PayPal, a service that I myself use in my business. Simply go to (you don't have to have an account), select to send money and use this email address link for the payment: eaa1656gc@... It worked for me and others last December. If you would rather mail a check, make it out to EAA Chapter 1656 and send it to David's address: David Sorrells 1207 Cannon Street Gladewater, TX 75647 Or you may pay dues at our December meeting (see below)... ----------------------------------- To continue: After a several month trial of the third Thursday meetings we've experienced very low attendance in comparison to our previous Second Saturday meetings. At our meeting this past Thursday evening, multiple comments were made pertaining to: 1. Moving the meetings back to a regular Saturday, i.e. first, second, third or fourth Saturday... 2. Moving to perhaps a different weeknight other than Thursdays. 3. Suggestions for a specific theme of each meeting, i.e. for different presentations, or activities preplanned each month and published agenda for the next monthly meeting. 4. General suggestions regarding bringing friends, etc. to see if we can expand our membership. 5. Suggestions for/against/indifferent about incorporating meetings at a restaurant with/without having the remainder of the meeting to continue at the FBO. Should we remain in the Gladewater area, or meet elsewhere? Should be choose a different venue every month? 6. We have a Facebook page and a web page. How should be manage them, or should we bother? Who should be handling the posting, etc.? 7. Why do we not have a chapter president? Suggestions? Volunteers? 8. Should we just shut down the chapter and last one to leave turns out the lights? (NOT my choice!) All topics, comments, etc. are welcomed and needed. Please respond to this initial message and responses so that subsequent comments can be fully disclosed without opening new comments. Thanks! Jim Quinn Chapter Secretary 903.746.0342 Mobile
Minutes, etc from 11/22 Chapter meeting
Fellow aviators, Attached are the minutes from last night's meeting. I'll be sending a separate message in the near future asking for suggestions, recommendations, etc. Our annual chapter dues are due by December 31st. In my aforementioned upcoming message I'll have the app for paying online and address for sending a check. Thanks! Jim Quinn (LGV) Chapter Secretary 903.746.0342
Meeting reminder
Fellow aviators, As requested, here's another reminder for our meeting tomorrow evening at 1900. David will be collecting the $25 annual chapter dues. See you then! Jim Quinn Chapter Secretary 903.746.0342 Cell
Reminder: Third Thursday Chapter meeting
Fellow aviators, Just a couple of reminders, etc.: Our monthly meeting will be this Thursday 11/21 at 1900 at the FBO. David Sorrells, our chapter treasurer, is informing member that our annual chapter dues of $25 is due by the end of the year and he is accepting payments. Last year he did issue a link for online dues payments however he can accept cash and checks at the meeting. We still need someone to assume the position of chapter president. Please! We're asking our members to step forward to share how/why they got involved in aviation. It doesn't have to be a formal speech with media, etc. but rather just relate how you got started. Tonight I expect to do a presentation with a video that I captured in November 2001 that documents a "Redcap" mission for the Civil Air Patrol two months after the 9/11 terror attack. Redcap is a search for a missing aircraft with this one being out of Graham, Texas. We were searching for a missing Piper Cheyenne that did not arrive at Graham as expected and nobody realized it was missing until the next morning when the occupants did not show for work. The conditions were miserable when the aircraft was enroute and at the Graham airport with mist, rain, dense clouds and fog. At the time I was at the Mesquite CAP squadron and three of us went to join the mission at the Graham airport. The video shows the trip from departure to scenes/activities at the search base; helicopter traffic arriving, etc. When the crash site was discovered I hitched a ride on the DPS helicopter to the site, where I did shoot quite a bit of video before returning to the search base on the helicopter. The video is about 18 minutes long, and I'm in the process of uploading it to my computer so that I can show it on the minotor. It's not a professional video but rather one that I filmed and edited when I returned from the mission. I think you may find it interesting, especially if you've not seen what at airplane looks like after the CFIT, or Controlled Flight Into Terrain. I have attached the NTSB findings. Please plan to attend.... Jim Quinn Chapter Secretary 903.746.0342
Minutes attached for October 17th Chapter Meeting
Fellow aviators, Here are the minutes for our October 17th meeting. We had a total of five attendees. David Sorrells has asked that members be reminded that our $25 annual chapter dues will be due December 31st and he will be able to collect now. If you would be willing, we're still looking for members who would share their story about how they got involved in aviation, specifically being a pilot, and their history since. Your story does not have to be illustrated or presented in a splashy video, etc., but rather just speak your story. Any sort of photos, videos, etc. would be welcomed, of course, but not required. We're still needing someone to serve as the chapter president. If we don't have someone step forward, we may elect someone in absentia. Our next chapter meeting will be November 21st, the Third Thursday at 1900 at the FBO as usual. Please try to attend so we have a good turnout. Kind regards, Jim Quinn (Longview) Chapter Secretary 903.746.0342 Mobile
Reminder - Third Thursday Chapter meeting Thursday 1900
Fellow aviators, It's that time! We have our monthly 'Third Thursday' chapter meeting at 1900 at the FBO this week, October 17th and we have two challenges.. No one has stepped forward to take on the office of Chapter 1656 President, so this is still a concern. If you can take a year to be the one, consider it as being a fairly easy tasking with twelve meetings and a couple of other functions, i.e. a Young Eagles event (We have a coordinator!) and perhaps a couple of other events that need a bit of attention. As president, you'd not be alone but rather will have other members that will help out with any taskings, events, etc. so it's definitely NOT a one-man-band situation. Please consider it. Part 2: I'm looking for someone this Thursday evening to give a little talk about how they got into aviation, especially to become a pilot. What caught your interest? When? Why? What was your path to get into the left seat (with the exception of our helicopter pilots)? Do you have any photos to display or pass around? Videos? What were your challenges that stood between you and the yoke? What milestones or moments really got your attention, good or not so good? Did you fly professionally for pay? (Let's hope we all fly professionally!) I will volunteer for our next meeting if necessary but we need someone for our Thursday meeting.... Part 3: I have an event immediately prior to our meeting, so I may be a few minutes late; I will call someone to advise of my arrival at the meeting, but the latest I anticipate being there would be 7:15. Our last meeting's attendance was stellar! We had a great turnout for Carl Robinson's talk and video about his experiences at the Reno Air Races. Thanks, Carl! See you soon! Jim Quinn Chapter 1656 Secretary 903.746.0342
Pancakes and Presentation this Sarturday 9/28/24
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: EAA 1475 (EAA 1475) - <eaachapter1475@...> Date: Mon, Sep 23, 2024 at 9:24 PM Subject: Pancakes and Presentation this Sarturday 9/28/24 To: Jim Quinn <jimquinndallas@...> Problems viewing? click here. We value your feedback. Not interested anymore? unsubscribe. Hello 1475! Hope all are well! This is an update for our September event this Saturday 9/28 at Mineola Wisener 3F9. We will serve pancakes from 8a.m. to 10a.m. and then have a presentation at 10:30a. from Pete Krotje about Jabiru engines and the Arion Aircraft Lightning aircraft. Please join us. We will need a few volunteers to come set up tables and chairs and help cook so let me know if you can do that. Also a reminder that October 12 from 10-2 at Mineola Wisener 3F9 we will be having our annual "Chili"Dog Fly-in and will need volunteers for that. This is an election year, for our country and our chapter, and all offices will be open. You can review the offices at this link . Any regular member can run for any office. If you would like to be a part of running and growing our chapter please step up and throw your hat in the ring. Thanks! ------ ATTACHMENTS - Click link to Download ------ --> EAA14759-28Flyer.pdf
Minutes attached for August, September meetings; request for speaker...
Fellow aviators, My apologies for not sending the minutes from our August 15th meeting. I'd written them and forgotten to export them to PDF and send them. Also attached are the minutes from last week's meeting, September 19th We're looking for someone to tell the story of how they got into aviation and how their history has progressed. Anyone? It does not have to be a fancy presentation but photos, videos, or whatever you want to include will be welcomed. Just let us know if you'd like to volunteer for our October 17th meeting. Also... We need a chapter president! Please consider taking that spot. Thanks! Jim Quinn Chapter Secretary 903.746.0342
Tonight's the night! Third Thursday chapter meeting
Fellow aviators, Just a reminder of our chapter meeting tonight at 7:00. We still need someone to step one step forward and assume the role of Chapter President, which has been vacant for a few months now. If you don't show at the meeting, congratulations may be in order if you're elected without being there! We will have two presentations this month: 1. Doc will provide his monthly safety video, something he does at every meeting. These are great to watch and analyze and see if you make the correct choice of safe/not quite as safe choices from the situation depicted. 2. Carl Robinson will have a presentation from the Reno Air Races, in which he participated prior to moving to our part of the country. This particular event had a serious impact with Carl.... His aircraft lost the canopy while he was racing! The video will be a real thrill to watch! Join us! Jim Quinn (LGV) Chapter Secretary 903.746.0342
Third Thursday Chapter Meeting w/ 2 presentations!
Fellow aviators, Just a reminder of our upcoming Thursday chapter meeting 9/19 at 7:00. We still need someone to step one step forward and assume the role of Chapter President, which has been vacant for a few months now. If you don't show at the meeting, congratulations may be in order if you're elected without being there! We will have two presentations this month: 1. Doc will provide his monthly safety video, something he does at every meeting. These are great to watch and analyze and see if you make the correct choice of safe/not quite as safe choices from the situation depicted. 2. Carl Robinson will have a presentation from the Reno Air Races, in which he participated prior to moving to our part of the country. This particular event had a serious impact with Carl.... His aircraft lost the canopy while he was racing! The video will be a real thrill to watch! Join us! Jim Quinn (LGV) Chapter Secretary 903.746.0342
Fw: [SW19131599] Cedar Mills 23rd Annual Safety Seminar Fly/Splash In -
Fellow aviators, I'm sure you probably received this but just in case... ------ Jim Quinn Longview, TX ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: <> To: "jimquinndallas@..." <jimquinndallas@...> Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2024 at 08:00:34 AM CDT Subject: [SW19131599] Cedar Mills 23rd Annual Safety Seminar Fly/Splash In - FAA Safety Team | Safer Skies Through Education You have asked us to notify you when a seminar is scheduled that meets your criteria. The following seminar may be of interest to you: "Cedar Mills 23rd Annual Safety Seminar Fly/Splash In" Topic: Cedar Mills South Central Fly-In and Safety Seminars. On Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 09:00 Central Daylight Time Location: Cedar Mills Marina & Resort 500 Harbour view Road Gordonville, TX 76245 Select Number: SW19131599 Description: The Schedule of Events for October 19, 2024 ( See also PDF file at the bottom of the page.). Please select the hyperlink(s) below to register for each individual seminar you wish to attend. 9:00am -10:00 Mr. Methab Sandhu " Mitigating Pilot Deviations in the NTX District". 10:00am- 11:00am Mr. Jim & Pete Mcelvain: "The Dreaded Stall & Spin it's just Physics & Laws". 1:00pm-2:00pm Mr. Adam Sipe:" Lessons from a Freight Dog, How to Fly Single Pilot IFR Like a Pro". 2:00pm-4:00pm Mr. Scott Chesnut:" Why Bad Things Happen to Good Pilots". Once the event is selected you wish to attend the available credit will be identified. To view further details and registration information for this seminar, click here. The sponsor for this seminar is: NTX FSDO The FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) is committed to providing equal access to this meeting/event for all participants. If you need alternative formats or services because of a disability, please communicate your request as soon as possible with the person in the 'Contact Information' area of the meeting/event notice. Note that two weeks is usually required to arrange services. The following credit(s) are available for the WINGS/AMT Programs: n/a Click here to view the WINGS help page Earn your WINGS to get a chance to win a prize. Go to for more info. Join us on Facebook: | Email Preferences | Opt Out Do not reply to this email as it is an unmonitored mailbox. Contact us for comments or questions.
Civil Air Patrol Airplane (or car, boat, truck!) Wash at Gladewater 8/24 10-2
Fellow aviators, During our meeting this past Thursday evening the local CAP officer dropped off a flyer about their aircraft wash and fundraiser. I heard a number of positive comments about how these adult-supervised cadets did a fantastic cleaning job, so here is the flyer. Jim Quinn Chapter Secretary 903.746.0342
Young Eagles Day 8/24/27 @ Mineola Wisener
Fellow aviators, Chapter 1475 at Mineola is having a Young Eagles event and they are requesting help. Please contact Mike Straus and/or Jimmy Chadwick as indicated if you're able to help out. Also, they're having a planning meeting at Wisener Field this Saturday 8/17 at 0930. I received this yesterday and forgot to forward.... Jim Quinn (GGG) ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: EAA 1475 (EAA 1475) - <eaachapter1475@...> Date: Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 3:24 PM Subject: Young Eagles Day 8/24/27 @ Mineola Wisener To: Jim Quinn <jimquinndallas@...> Problems viewing? click here. We value your feedback. Not interested anymore? unsubscribe. Hello Chapter 1475!! I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying this Texas Summer!! Our Chapter will be having our second Young Eagles Day at Mineola Wisener on August 24, 2024 which just 10 days away. Jimmy Chadwick has been getting everything organized but we need more volunteers to help make it a fun day for the kids. As of right now we have 7 folks signed up but we need at least 5-6 more to help with registration, escorting, ramp, etc. If you would like to come help out that morning, please feel free to respond to this email, call or text me at 903-539-3230, or get a hold of Jimmy Chadwick at james@... to get on the list. We will have a meeting for those that volunteer or want to volunteer this coming Saturday August 17 at 9:30 a.m. at the Mineola Wisener office to go over the event, so please come join us. Thanks, Mike Straus
Tonight's the night! Third Thursday chapter meeting
Fellow aviators, Tonight is the night for Chapter 1656, 1900 at the FBO. I hope to see you all there! Jim Quinn (GGG) Chapter Secretary 903.746.0342
Reminder - Third Thursday Chapter meeting Thursday 1900
Fellow aviators, Just a reminder of our monthly chapter meeting at the Gladewater FBO at 1900 this Thursday. Thanks! Jim Quinn Chapter Secretary 903.746.0342 Cellular
Minutes from July 18th meeting attached
Fellow aviators, Attached are the minutes of our short and lightly attended monthly meeting last week. I didn't have much to write since so many members were headed to Oshkosh... Kind regards, Jim Quinn Chapter Secretary 903.746.0342
Reminder: Chapter meeting tonight at 7:00 p.m.
Fellow aviators, I'll be at the FBO this evening at 7:00 for the meeting though it may be a very short one with many of our members indicating they're not able to attend. See you there! Jim Quinn Chapter Secretary 903.746.0342
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