EAA Board Meeting 5/1/24
Hi folks, I would be happy to bring some cookies for the meeting. Lucy
EAA393 Holiday Dinner
Seasons Greetings To all, Attached is the invitation for this year’s holiday dinner which will be held on December 11th at the clubhouse. Tracy Peters will be our gourmet chef this year. More information to follow. Ron Lem President EAA393 Ron
Veterans Day Flyover
To All, To honor our veterans, the Memorial Squadron will be performing a twelve ship fly over tomorrow at Buchanan field. We will be departing KLVK at 10:30 with a time over target at KCCR of 10:45. In addition to Concord, we will fly over the veterans home in Yountville, the Golden Gate and the Hornet. We do this to honor all our veterans and especially those who paid the full price in service to our country. Ron Lem President EAA393
EAA393 October General Meeting
Good evening Friends, This invitation is being sent out to inform you about our General Meeting at the clubhouse on October 27th. This will be our first meeting in the clubhouse after a hiatus of almost two years. While we have already had some great events this year, it will good to return to our clubhouse! In addition to delicious food, Tom Hammond who is building a Vans RV14 will be our speaker. I hope to see all of you there. Ron Lem President EAA 393 Ron
EAA Chapter 393 October General Meeting
Good morning to fellow EAA 393 club members, Thanks to the efforts Keith Freitas and Judy Evans,from from Contra Costa County, we have been granted a temporary use permit for our clubhouse commencing on October 27th, 2021 and ending June 30th, 2022. The terms are the same as our old lease with the exception being the addition of a number of Covid 19 protocols. From my perspective, these protocols are fair and appropriate as they are designed to prevent our members from suffering from a serious illness or passing along the virus to someone who is susceptible to infectious diseases. I will touch on a some of the requirements with the first being that attendees of each meeting/event at the clubhouse must show proof of vaccination, or, if not vaccinated proof of a negative Covid test taken within the last 72 hours. A club officer must attest to each attending member/guest proof of vaccination or negative Covid test. Masks will be required to be wore indoors unless eating or drinking as required by the most recent health order. There are cleaning requirements after the event is over and we will ask for volunteers to help us in that area at the beginning of the each event. The cleaning requirements are not exigent and can be easily completed. For October, the food will be prepared for you a German theme-Octoberfest! The election results will be announced and we will have a speaker. I look forward to seeing all of you there for this enjoyable night of aviation fellowship and good food. Ron Lem President EAA Chapter 393
EAA 393 Teenie Two Event Saturday October 16th
Good Evening to All, EAA Secretary Pete Mitchell asked me to resend this message: This Saturday October 16th, we will have a builder’s session at the executive hangars just southeast of the clubhouse. The project will be cleaning up Don Baldwin’s Teenie Two and attaching the wings. Coffee and donut’s will be provided for a small donation. If you are interested in helping out or hangar talk, pllease send an email to Pete Mitchell at pmitchelll@.... You can also send a text to Pete at 925-685-3700, please do not call his number unless you are on his contact list as his phone is equipped with anti-spam! Blue Skies, The Teenie Team
EAA Chapter President's October Message
Good morning to All, Attached is your October 2021 President’s message. This Saturday October 16th, we will have a builder’s session at the executive hangars just southeast of the clubhouse. The project will be cleaning up Don Baldwin’s Teenie Two and attaching the wings. Coffee and donut’s will be provided for a small donation. If you are interested in helping out or hangar talk, pllease send an email to Pete Mitchell at pmitchelll@.... You can also call or send a text to Pete at 925-685-3700. Blue Skies, Ron Lem President EAA 393
Ray Scholarships
Good morning to All, Distinguished member Tim Roberts recently reported to me that his Hayward EAA Chapter recently had success in attaining $10,000 in Ray Scholarships which provide for flight training to the recipients. We are looking for a Chairperson who can lead a small committee to acquire the scholarship and subsequently award that scholarship to a deserving individual. If you are interested, please send me an email at rjlbap@.... Not necessarily a whole lot of time involved and this is not a long term commitment. The deadline for applying for the scholarship is January 31st. Ron Lem President EAA393
EAA 393 General Meeting Wednesday September 22nd
To All, I apologize for my previous email which left out the date for this month’s General Meeting. Like Pete Mitchell always tells me (because I’m always asking) it’s the 4th Wednesday of each month. Just to be clear, the meeting starts at 6:30 with dinner being served at 6:00. For dinner you must RSVP with Lucy Hart whose email address is included above. This is a pre=election meeting and the candidates will be disclosed at the meeting. Additionally there will be business relating to the Young Eagles program that will be brought to the membership. Ron Lem President EAA393 “On a scouting mission, looking for fun-mission accomplished!"
EAA 393 September September General Meeting
Fellow Aviation Enthusiasts, There’s a couple of changes for this month’s meeting: first, due to the current nomadic nature of our club, the meeting will be held on the northwest side of the field in hangar A15. All persons attending must be vaccinated. Indoors, masks are required unless actively eating or drinking. A hand cleaning station will be provided. The times for this meeting has changed due to logistics- a potluck dinner will start at 6:00 and the meeting will start at 6:30-6:45. All persons attending the event will have to park outside the gate and a gate monitor will let each person or group of people into the event. Airport Manager Keith Freitas will give a brief talk followed by local adventurer Rich Finkle who has a presentation on local airports and the history behind them. Rich is both well traveled and well spoken so the presentation should be quite interesting. We will need volunteers to help set up the meeting and to take it down and clean up-there are no free lunches! please chime in if you can help. I would like to express my appreciation to CFI Ryan Baillie for allowing us the use of his space and social coordinator Lucy Hart for putting this event together! Ron Lem President EAA 393
9/11 Memorial Formation Flight By The Memorial Squadron
To All, There will be a flyover to honor the victims of the 9/11 attack this Saturday. Once I get the briefing, I will send out the specific time and direction of flight. In the past we have come directly from the south over the 19R runway. Ron Lem Call Sign “AMan" Note-I was formerly called Stubbs but because I picked that name which is not how one gets their call sign, it was determined that I should be Anonymous Man- “AMan” for short!
O290D For Sale
To All, A fellow EAA member is selling an engine. Please see the attached. Ron Begin forwarded message: From: jerri <jerri429@...> Date: September 5, 2021 at 9:59:56 AM PDT To: aqcs@..., iacchapter38@..., www.iac38.org@..., Brianstefens927@..., dsdt22@..., davidlewisstart@..., wennbergt@..., EAAchapter654@..., jimshumker@..., duanefey@..., thhorlick@..., dbailey402@..., direese@..., gliese229c@..., president@..., info@..., t.gummo@..., stebowsr@..., pgvardara@..., ww-guru@..., Kelizondo1@..., 723membership@..., pres@..., dmccune@..., gary.aldrich@..., bob@..., tcone1@..., vaachapter25@..., eaa1474@..., eechapter845@..., greynolds@..., newsletters@..., vaa29ye@..., brells240@..., eaa1539@..., LFaast@..., pres@..., eaa1541@..., eaa1469@..., frank@..., kendaliflllys@..., nishantghally@..., info@..., eaa512pvt@..., miles@..., sguillen489@..., jim@..., redwhitchamp@..., vwbugin@..., eaachapter52@..., motomn@..., eaa14contact@..., president@..., president@..., icduesk@..., eaa170@..., mc@..., eaa527@..., gould42@..., 11.eaachapter@..., jacobs775@..., eaachapter491@..., wd6bor@..., eaa1432@..., docblevins@..., itsoktofly@..., flyingtiger17@..., contact@..., mahedrick@..., eaa.119.membership@..., eaglennestnorth@..., woodlakeeaa@... Cc: jerri420@... Reply-To: jerri <jerri429@...> Hello fellow EAA members. My name is Ron Smith ,Ripon California, and I'm a member of Chapter 90 Oakdale California. I sending information out to California EAA members only, at this time. I have a o290 D, low time 230 SMOH with starter ring and , carburetor marvel-schebler , prop wood flothorp a face plate with bolts for same prop used on engine to fly my Hatz , with log books. all for on price of $4500.00 cont. me email Ron at jerri429@... I will then give you a telephone call. Not always here the sky is turning blue.
September Young Eagles Event Canceled
To All, As per the outcome of the last board meeting and per the President’s Message the content of which was based on that meeting, there will be no Young Eagles event in September. The October events remain in place. I apologize for any confusion. Ron Lem President EAA393
EAA393 President's Message
To All, Attached is your September President’s Message. Ron Lem President EAA393
Rich Cunningham The New Webmaster
To All, Rich Cunningham has agreed t take over the webmaster position for our chapter. It is my hope that Renee will provide Rich with all the information that he needs to publish the Cleco. This is especially important because 50% of our members rely on the Cleco for information relating to chapter events, news and information. Ron Lem President EAA 393
Kitfox Fabric Tester
Good morning to All, I’m looking for a fabric tester to check the fabric on Lee Techiera’s Kitfox which is for sale. Ron
EAA 393 Chapter Officer Elections
Greetings to All, EAA chapter 393 elections will be held at the October general meeting. The positions up for election are President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. I am looking for members who are interested in being part of the nominating committee. I f you are interested in participating in the nomination of candidates, please send an email to me at rjlbap@... Ron Lem President EAA393 rjlbap@...
HEADS UP -- Next EAA / PJTF Young Eagles Event / PILOT AVAILABILITY (Sat., Oct 2nd)
To All, Please see the attached email regarding the Patriots event in October. Their safety briefing is very thorough something that our Young Eagles staff should take a look at. The Patriots have a great venue, those of you who are interested in volunteering, please add this to your calendars! Ron Lem President EAA393 Begin forwarded message: From: <dpaiva@...> Subject: HEADS UP -- Next EAA / PJTF Young Eagles Event / PILOT AVAILABILITY (Sat., Oct 2nd) Date: August 22, 2021 at 6:58:45 PM PDT To: "'Mark Freeman'" <mark62fox@...>, "'Douglas Fitzgerald'" <dfitzgerald@...>, "'Joel Leveille'" <joel_leveille@...>, <tommy.ishii@...>, "'rose desmond'" <rdesmond40@...>, "'ttucker0182'" <ttucker0182@...>, "'Renee'" <webmaster@...>, "'Bill Bower'" <medicbill@...>, "'Ron Lem'" <rjlbap@...> Cc: "'John Sawatzky'" <john@...>, <kentmckinnon@...>, "'Andrew RANDAZZO'" <jsrandazzo@...>, "'James Elliott'" <jelliott@...>, <madisun.mckenzie@...>, "'Ryan.Bertsche@...'" <ryan.bertsche@...>, "'Evan Lomeli'" <erlomeli89@...>, "'Abbie C'" <abbiecrews07@...> Hi Everyone – PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS – our next joint EAA 393 / PJTF Young Eagles event is scheduled for Saturday, Oct 2nd at Byron airport. It is hard to believe our last joint event was in November 2019. We’re so excited to restart Young Eagle events at Byron airport. We have such a pent up demand. Please note Rose Desmond is our key contact at EAA393 for this event. Students / Pre-Registration Targeting 35-40 kids from three (3) groups listed below: o Air Force Jr. ROTC (Heritage HS, Brentwood) o Tracy HS Space & Engineering Academy o PJTF Aviation Students (preference to Summer 2021 Introduction to Aviation Class) Requiring pre-registration (no walk-ins) – using the new EAA on-line registration system (private event) / combined with our normal preregistration process. Splitting into two (2) sessions: Session #1 as 10:00-11:30 and Session #2 as 11:30-1:00. We’ll send out a student roster once pre-registration is completed. Aircraft / Pilots · Mark, Doug, Joel, and Tommy please let me know if you’re available to fly students on Oct 2nd – thanks in advance!!! · Rose will let us know the probable number of aircraft at EAA393’s end as we get closer to the end – thanks!!! We’re targeting at least 2 aircraft at our end. · It would be nice to have 6-7 aircraft. We’ll reconfirm the week of the event. We can operated safely with up to 9-10 aircraft at our facility. · We’re assuming 10 students per sortie (i.e., 5-6 aircraft; maximum 2 students per plane) and two sorties per hour (+/-). Safety Briefing Materials / Preliminary Schedule Please find attached the safety briefing document. We’ll have hard copies available at the hangar as well. Rose can you kindly send this document to those pilots who will be flying at this event so they have a chance to review prior to the safety briefing. We’ll have extra radios, vests, and batons available for ramp operations. We plan to follow a similar schedule as in previous events and now have two “student / parent” safety briefings: § Pilots Arrive (get situated) by 0930 § Pilot Safety Briefing 0930-1015 (built flex into schedule if some pilots arrive a little late) § Parents / Kids Safety Briefing 1000 (Session #1) § Students / Pilots Meet 1015-1030 § First Flight 1030 § Parents / Kids Safety Briefing 11:30 (Session #2) § End / Lunch 13:00 COVID Protocols Requiring participates / volunteers to wear face masks inside the hangar (unless actively eating or drinking), consistent with the recent CCC Health Services order. We’ll be following the EAA safety protocols for YE events, particularly related to the aircraft protocols. Likely will require all parents / guardians to sign the PJTF’s COVID acknowledgement and liability waiver. Posting signs at entry / around hangar, noting face masks are required, and will have hand sanitizer stations and extra masks available. Refreshments / Lunch We’ll have donuts / coffee in the morning and lunch (sandwiches / chips) after the event for all the EAA / PJTF volunteers. We’ll have bottled water and sodas available as well. S
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