noldo/dwarf orders final
I shoulda posted these earlier. Being on vacation really threw off my rhythm. Anyway, just in case my JO orders didn't get through to MEPBM, here they are if shadow orders are needed for me. Orders for Game 934, Turn 15, Nation 8 Bombur (bombu) @ 2212 (C32) 765 SplArmy ori i 0 0 850 0 0 0 408 HvInfan 500 wo no Durin (durin) @ 2212 (C30) 215 RfsPers 325 NatSell fo 70 Falin (falin) @ 1910 (C44, A35) 610 GrdChar falin 430 TrpsMan hi Frerin (freri) @ 2212 (C30) 310 BidCar mi 500 25 728 NamComm Nali m Fulla III (fulla) @ 2212 (C52, E13) 185 DnStNat 18 215 RfsPers Gáin I (gain ) @ 3121 (C58) 215 RfsPers 860 ForcMar nw no Girat (girat) @ 2216 (E44) 520 InfYour 215 RfsPers Gokin (gokin) @ 2904 (E58) 215 RfsPers 520 InfYour Gundor (gundo) @ 1012 (E59) 550 ImprPop 755 JnCmpy thrai Narvi (narvi) @ 2904 (C33) 435 ArmyMan 925 Recon Ori I (ori i) @ 2212 (C35) 215 RfsPers 860 ForcMar w h h h h nw no Skagnull (skagn) @ 1012 (E58) 520 InfYour 755 JnCmpy thrai Thrain (thrai) @ 1012 (C35) 745 CreCmpy 820 MovCmpy 2014 Thrár III (thrar) @ 2904 (C51, A33) 408 HvInfan 300 wo no 610 GrdChar narvi Threlin (threl) @ 1910 (C76, A51) 255 CptrPop fl 860 ForcMar e ne e no Orders for Game 934, Turn 15, Nation 10 Belegurdor (beleg) @ 1205 (C10, A38) 745 CreCmpy 820 MovCmpy 2013 Círdan (cirda) @ 0708 (C44, A20, E40, M80) 728 NamComm Himeldir m 520 InfYour Elladan (ellad) @ 1205 (C50, A46, M23) 755 JnCmpy beleg 610 GrdChar beleg Elrohir (elroh) @ 0605 (C59, A45, M20) 610 GrdChar glorf 705 RsrchSp 4 Elrond (elron) @ 2013 (C40, E84, M124) 550 ImprPop 940 CstLoSp 428 64 810 MovChar 2112 Erestor (erest) @ 0711 (E59, M80) 550 ImprPop 940 CstLoSp 428 15 Gadoron (gador) @ 2112 (C30) 810 MovChar 2209 925 Recon Gaerdae (gaerd) @ 1907 (C72) 230 AttEnmy ch 860 ForcMar e e no Glorfindel (glorf) @ 0605 (C125, E33, M60) 705 RsrchSp 420 408 HvInfan 200 br br Lasdes (lasde) @ 0708 (E30) 520 InfYour 810 MovChar 0808 Narmondur (narmo) @ 2317 (C10, A43) 605 GrdLoc 810 MovChar 2112 Raindir (raind) @ 0711 (C10, A50) 610 GrdChar erest 820 MovCmpy 0911 Tathrenes (tathr) @ 0708 (A48) 605 GrdLoc 325 NatSell fo 50 Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges
Cardolan and North Gondor Drafts Turn 16
Cardolan and NG orders as follows: Orders for Game 934, Turn 15, Nation 5 Aethelan (aethe) @ 2711 (C19, A39) 408 HvInfan 400 st st 605 GrdLoc Cymbaline (cymba) @ 1510 (E50) 520 InfYour 810 MovChar 1113 Dantalion (danta) @ 1510 (E60) 550 ImprPop 810 MovChar 1113 Eärnil (earni) @ 1513 (C46) 185 DnStNat 19 325 NatSell le 100 Finduilas III (findu) @ 1113 (E40, M41) 520 InfYour 710 PrenMgy Finieous Fingers (finie) @ 1510 (A32) 605 GrdLoc 810 MovChar 1410 Hallas (halla) @ 1513 (C40, A45) 185 DnStNat 18 605 GrdLoc 947 NatTran 2711 mo 93 Jareel Razoress (jaree) @ 3121 (C42) 230 AttEnmy ch 850 MovArmy ne se no Lanaigh (lanai) @ 3121 (C40) 215 RfsPers 850 MovArmy ne se no Smidvaarg (smidv) @ 1513 (C40) 770 HrArmy 500 hi wo no 500 325 NatSell ti 100 Taarna (taarn) @ 3220 (C40) 870 MovJoin 2711 aethe 925 Recon Yoshimi (yoshi) @ 1513 (A34) 610 GrdChar halla 947 NatTran 2711 fo 93 Orders for Game 934, Turn 15, Nation 6 Camina (camin) @ 2924 (E49) 810 MovChar 2325 734 NamEmis Griselda f Tarondor (taron) @ 3121 (C123, A21, E33) 210 IssPers mu ra 860 ForcMar ne se ev 925 Recon Telumehtar (telum) @ 2924 (C70) 728 NamComm Narcan m 325 NatSell fo 100 Vagaig (vagai) @ 1106 (C44, E46) 430 TrpsMan hi 520 InfYour SH
EO Turn 16 Orders
Orders for Game 934, Turn 15, Nation 3 Aluiric (aluir) @ 3121 (C49) 498 Threat 850 MovArmy sw no Beattpot (beatt) @ 3221 (C30, A24) 215 RfsPers 840 Stand nw Bresow (breso) @ 3012 (C10, A10, E10) 325 NatSell fo 99 725 NamChar m 10 10 10 0 Estelmo (estel) @ 3309 (C10, A10, E14) 215 RfsPers 810 MovChar 3012 Helir (helir) @ 3221 (C37, A44) 430 TrpsMan hi 610 GrdChar beatt Kandii (kandi) @ 3221 (C59) 210 IssPers kaldu 430 TrpsMan hi Minohtar (minoh) @ 3217 (C15, A26) 255 CptrPop fl 850 MovArmy ne e no Ulbar (ulbar) @ 3012 (C10, A10, E10) 770 HrArmy 400 hi wo no 1 850 MovArmy e e e e e e no
SG Turn 16 Orders
Orders for Game 934, Turn 15, Nation 7 Baragund (barag) @ 3723 (C14, A20) 255 CptrPop ch 810 MovChar 3222 Baranor (baran) @ 2522 (M47) 310 BidCar mi 1100 25 710 PrenMgy Candii (candi) @ 2121 (E72) 215 RfsPers 500 Double syrel Dwanol (dwano) @ 2522 (C10, A10, E10) 520 InfYour 948 TranCar 2522 3012 mi 500 Glóredhel (glore) @ 2624 (C24, A13, E14, M10) 430 TrpsMan hc 850 MovArmy e no Marahil (marah) @ 3028 (C21, A39, E42) 255 CptrPop fl 798 PickShp 16 8 830 MovNavy w sw w w w sw sw se se e ne no Milvil (milvi) @ 2619 (C14, A20) 430 TrpsMan hc 850 MovArmy ne no One-eyed Bob (one-e) @ 2527 (C46) 210 IssPers khamu 860 ForcMar e se e e ne no Scarlett (scarl) @ 2121 (E67) 215 RfsPers 500 Double echin Skurvy Bob (skurv) @ 2121 (C13, A20) 215 RfsPers 820 MovCmpy 3124
Northmen 16
Subject to change Orders for Game 934, Turn 15, Nation 2, Draft 1 Astragalus (astra) @ 4217 (C35) 340 TrPo2Ar 810 435 ArmyMan Béawyn (beawy) @ 3109 (M50) 810 MovChar 2418 940 CstLoSp 428 156 Brytta (brytt) @ 3109 (C30, A15) 315 PrchCar fo 2540 400 HvCvlry 297 wo no Chloris (chlor) @ 4013 (A30) 325 NatSell st 58 605 GrdLoc Distichilis (disti) @ 4013 (C44) 325 NatSell ti 100 430 TrpsMan hi Echinocystis (echin) @ 2121 (E77) 585 Uncover 810 MovChar 2430 Èoder (eoder) @ 3716 (C49, A32) 435 ArmyMan 610 GrdChar galiu 850 MovArmy e h h e ne no Eserod (esero) @ 2417 (E43) 520 InfYour 810 MovChar 3013 Galium (galiu) @ 3716 (C34) 430 TrpsMan hc 925 Recon Odagavia (odaga) @ 3916 (C56, E10) 255 CptrPop fl 850 MovArmy h h h h h ne no Palafoxia (palaf) @ 2121 (E80) 580 SprdRum 810 MovChar 2430 Pinus (pinus) @ 4217 (C30) 408 HvInfan 400 wo no 925 Recon Scutellaria (scute) @ 3916 (C43) 430 TrpsMan hi 925 Recon Sparganium (sparg) @ 3819 (E44) 525 InfOthr 810 MovChar 3712 Tetraneuris (tetra) @ 4013 (C47) 408 HvInfan 400 wo no 947 NatTran 3109 mo 100 -- Bos
Sinda 16
Subject to change Two armies heading to Morranon with combined force of 282 HC, 2866 HI and 1 War machine Orders for Game 934, Turn 15, Nation 9, Draft 1 Abronia (abron) @ 2215 (E45) 525 InfOthr 810 MovChar 2715 Amroth (amrot) @ 3121 (C70, E23, M42) 430 TrpsMan hi 940 CstLoSp 413 3221 Aristida (arist) @ 2413 (C30) 408 HvInfan 500 wo no 850 MovArmy e se no Jubatum (jubat) @ 2413 (C30) 325 NatSell ti 100 430 TrpsMan hi Lanthir (lanth) @ 2325 (C51, M30) 340 TrPo2Ar 438 408 HvInfan 400 wo no Nimrodel (nimro) @ 2908 (E20, M65) 710 PrenMgy 940 CstLoSp 428 190 Orophacus (oroph) @ 3017 (C37) 850 MovArmy se se se se no 925 Recon Ringlin (ringl) @ 2619 (M94) 810 MovChar 2325 935 UsScArt 29 2122 Salicornis (salic) @ 2929 (C64) 870 MovJoin 2325 lanth 925 Recon Sitanion Histrix (sitan) @ 2413 (C30) 325 NatSell fo 45 785 JnArmy taurn Taurnil (taurn) @ 2413 (C51, A13, M10) 185 DnStNat 13 947 NatTran 2514 fo 95 Typha (typha) @ 3121 (C55, E16) 435 ArmyMan 860 ForcMar ne se no Vulpia (vulpi) @ 2715 (C30) 315 PrchCar fo 1000 860 ForcMar se e se e se no -- Bos
Sinda 16 - IMPORTANT
Bos We did have one big request as we were reviewing turns. North Gondor really needs another pop center for his economy. Can you have Abronia - MovChar to 2325 ( your major town in the south) - Transfer Pop to NG emissary Camina Lanthir - since you will be transferring the pop center and won't be able to recruit any more, can you recruit 400 and move navy to 2628 to help defend southern gondor Thanks Bill
Woodmen draft
Just thought I would start getting drafts out there a little sooner this turn. I was a little slow last turn myself. Orders for Game 934, Turn 15, Nation 1 Beoraborn (beora) @ 2508 (C62, A30, M16) 185 DnStNat 16 731 NamAgen Logrus f 947 NatTran 2508 mo 100 Caine (caine) @ 2508 (A38) 325 NatSell fo 30 947 NatTran 2508 le 100 Chilperic (chilp) @ 2724 (E69, M13) 525 InfOthr 810 MovChar 3426 Despil (despi) @ 3024 (A29) 810 MovChar 3224 930 ScoChar Diedre (diedr) @ 2107 (C22, E47) 215 RfsPers 250 DstPop fl Dwarkin (dwark) @ 2613 (A14, E40) 520 InfYour 810 MovChar 2508 Fiona (fiona) @ 2305 (E75) 215 RfsPers 810 MovChar 2605 Ghostwheel (ghost) @ 2508 (C30) 728 NamComm Julian m 870 MovJoin 2107 diedr Guntram (guntr) @ 2209 (C42, A30) 435 ArmyMan 930 ScoChar Moire (moire) @ 2405 (E40) 320 SellCar br 1406 520 InfYour Oberon (obero) @ 2209 (C36) 430 TrpsMan hi 925 Recon
Turn 15 Cardolan and North Gondor Drafts
Cardo and NG drafts as follows: Orders for Game 934, Turn 14, Nation 5 Aethelan (aethe) @ 2711 (C19, A36) 408 HvInfan 400 br br 605 GrdLoc Cymbaline (cymba) @ 2008 (E50) 215 RfsPers 810 MovChar 1510 Dantalion (danta) @ 2008 (E60) 215 RfsPers 810 MovChar 1510 Eärnil (earni) @ 1513 (C46) 185 DnStNat 21 315 PrchCar st 1000 Finduilas III (findu) @ 1113 (E37, M38) 520 InfYour 710 PrenMgy Finieous Fingers (finie) @ 2008 (A32) 215 RfsPers 810 MovChar 1510 Hallas (halla) @ 1513 (C40, A43) 728 NamComm Smidvaarg m 947 NatTran 2711 st 93 -- Jareel Razoress (jaree) @ 3120 (C42) 215 RfsPers 850 MovArmy sw sw sw se no Lanaigh (lanai) @ 3120 (C40) 215 RfsPers 925 Recon Taarna (taarn) @ 3324 (C40) 810 MovChar 3220 925 Recon Yoshimi (yoshi) @ 1513 (A30) 605 GrdLoc 325 NatSell mi 100 Orders for Game 934, Turn 14, Nation 6 Camina (camin) @ 2924 (E49) 215 RfsPers 325 NatSell le 100 Sigismund (sigis) @ 3120 (C107) 215 RfsPers 360 TrArt taron 49 57 Tarondor (taron) @ 3120 (C77, A21, E33) 215 RfsPers 230 AttEnmy ch 850 MovArmy sw sw sw se no Telumehtar (telum) @ 2924 (C70) 215 RfsPers 925 Recon Vagaig (vagai) @ 1106 (C44, E43) 520 InfYour 770 HrArmy 400 hi wo no 0 SH
Orders for Arthedain and Dunlendings Turn 15
Dragon Hit List: (Red = Dead) Itangast Turukulon Khuzadrepa Klyaxar (current target) Smaug (next target for Turn 15) Corlagon (next target for Turn 16 after Smaug--couldn't reach on Turn 15) Orders for Game 934, Turn 14, Nation 4 Alquawen (alqua) @ 1407 (A26, E23, M10) 610 GrdChar minas 947 NatTran 1407 le 100 Argeleb II (argel) @ 1916 (C131, E66) 285 ReacEnc ATTACK 525 InfOthr 810 MovChar 2409 * Going for Dragon Skull #4 and moving to take out Smaug the Golden this turn. Bondan (bonda) @ 0605 (C35, E28) 215 RfsPers 255 CptrPop ch * Capturing in coordination with the Noldo and removing this nuisance once and for all. Meneldir (menel) @ 0606 (C54) 255 CptrPop ch 850 MovArmy se e e no * Taking another Witch-king pop center away. Minastir (minas) @ 1407 (C30, M10) 300 ChTaxRt 55 325 NatSell mi 100 * Lowering tax rate to try to help save my army commander again from assassination (its been working, thus far!) Sargentum (sarge) @ 1806 (C30) 255 CptrPop ch 850 MovArmy se e no * Taking back influenced Fire King village. Sarkar (sarka) @ 2008 (C53) 250 DstPop ch 850 MovArmy sw sw no * Per request, Woodmen and I are destroying this pop center completely and utterly! Sesper (sespe) @ 1106 (E37) 500 Double vagai 810 MovChar 2107 Shalisha (shali) @ 1407 (A35) 731 NamAgen Darkness m 947 NatTran 1407 st 100 Shandrella (shand) @ 2008 (E58) 555 CreCmp Blood Ash n Bone 810 MovChar 2119 Shard (shard) @ 1407 (A45) 610 GrdChar minas 947 NatTran 1407 mo 100 Shendath (shend) @ 0606 (C42) 255 CptrPop ch 850 MovArmy se e e no * Assisting with its capture and moving off to build up and smash the evil here in the North. Syrath (syrat) @ 1906 (C59) 408 HvInfan 200 wo le 860 ForcMar e e no Whysper (whysp) @ 1211 (E53) 550 ImprPop 810 MovChar 2107 Zephyr (zephy) @ 1609 (E47) 520 InfYour 810 MovChar 2119 Orders for Game 934, Turn 14, Nation 23 Daonghlas (daong) @ 2620 (C63, E22) 400 HvCvlry 200 st st 340 TrPo2Ar 20179 * Recruiting the final troops for this army and transferring food as well. Elharian (elhar) @ 1817 (M52) 710 PrenMgy 940 CstLoSp 420 gaurh * Keeping tabs on their Ice King uber champion agent. Enion (enion) @ 2620 (C61) 315 PrchCar le 800 850 MovArmy ne ne e ne e se se no * Purchasing 'over-kill' of leather here so I can Nat Sell 2/3 of leather without disrupting my final recruitment for army. Moving the all-cavalry army to hex 3119 as per original plan. Eríbhen (eribh) @ 1817 (M58) 710 PrenMgy 940 CstLoSp 418 1 * Building mage rank to hopefully 60 and locating the Ring of Wind. Logan Rendayne (logan) @ 2620 (C37) 440 MakWrMa 16 780 TrComm enion y * Making final War Machines (total of 72 for this army and then transferring army under Regent Enion). Raonull (raonu) @ 2724 (C33, A40, M10) 690 StlGold 870 MovJoin 3119 enion * Stealing gold to give this commander/agent one more needed agent boost and then having him also join Enion's army. The army will currently have 6 commanders with two of the commanders also mid-40's agents to help guard, possibly scout and help keep it going. Rargath (rarga) @ 1817 (C30) 315 PrchCar st 4000 947 NatTran 1817 mo 100 * Purchasing 4,000 steel to help manipulate the market in our favor. Shaden (shade) @ 1817 (A39) 731 NamAgen Shard m 947 NatTran 1817 le 100 * Naming a 39 agent and plan on naming two more shortly after. Sylvera (sylve) @ 2008 (E66) 500 Double finie 810 MovChar 2119 * Doubling to help improve emissary rank and then moving to take back Angrenost as it was reduced to 'Fair' loyalty last turn. Syrellia (syrel) @ 2121 (E53) 215 RfsPers 525 InfOthr * Also attempting to influence back this major town from the QA. Ulf Dilan (ulf d) @ 1817 (C42) 325 NatSell le 65 408 HvInfan 500 st st * Recruiting 500 HI stl/stl as an added defense for my capital. Urdrek (urdre) @ 2620 (C54, A41) 610 GrdChar enion 925 Recon * Guarding to help improve agent rank and doing a solid recon as well. Zarvaax (zarva) @ 2620 (C30) 315 PrchCar fo 4222 780 TrComm enion y * Purchasing food units enough to give this 4100 cav army enough food for 3 turns. Also transferring command to Regent Enion.
Sinda 15
Please note this is for game 934, and changes welcome Orders for Game 934, Turn 14, Nation 9, Draft 1 Abronia (abron) @ 2617 (E45) 525 InfOthr 810 MovChar 2215 Amroth (amrot) @ 3120 (C70, E23, M42) 430 TrpsMan hi 940 CstLoSp 413 3221 Aristida (arist) @ 2413 (C30) 315 PrchCar fo 900 408 HvInfan 500 wo no Jubatum (jubat) @ 2413 (C30) 325 NatSell mi 18 728 NamComm Sitanion Histrix m Lanthir (lanth) @ 2325 (C51, M30) 340 TrPo2Ar 1154 408 HvInfan 400 wo no Nimrodel (nimro) @ 2908 (E20, M63) 710 PrenMgy 940 CstLoSp 428 45 Orophacus (oroph) @ 2715 (C37) 408 HvInfan 300 wo no 860 ForcMar se e e se no Ringlin (ringl) @ 2715 (M94) 810 MovChar 2619 935 UsScArt 29 3221 Salicornis (salic) @ 2929 (C64) 215 RfsPers 230 AttEnmy fl Taurnil (taurn) @ 2413 (C51, A13, M10) 765 SplArmy jubat 0 0 100 0 0 0 947 NatTran 2715 ti 100 Typha (typha) @ 3120 (C55, E16) 215 RfsPers 850 MovArmy se no Vulpia (vulpi) @ 2514 (C30) 408 HvInfan 400 wo no 860 ForcMar se e no -- Bos
934 Northmen 15
Ditto. Michael, will you Up Nation Status for Northmen so that my two emmy's can join Skurvy Bob's group? Orders for Game 934, Turn 14, Nation 2, Draft 1 Abronia (abron) @ 2617 (E45) 525 InfOthr 810 MovChar 2215 Amroth (amrot) @ 3120 (C70, E23, M42) 430 TrpsMan hi 940 CstLoSp 413 3221 Aristida (arist) @ 2413 (C30) 315 PrchCar fo 900 408 HvInfan 500 wo no Jubatum (jubat) @ 2413 (C30) 325 NatSell mi 18 728 NamComm Sitanion Histrix m Lanthir (lanth) @ 2325 (C51, M30) 340 TrPo2Ar 1154 408 HvInfan 400 wo no Nimrodel (nimro) @ 2908 (E20, M63) 710 PrenMgy 940 CstLoSp 428 45 Orophacus (oroph) @ 2715 (C37) 408 HvInfan 300 wo no 860 ForcMar se e e se no Ringlin (ringl) @ 2715 (M94) 810 MovChar 2619 935 UsScArt 29 3221 Salicornis (salic) @ 2929 (C64) 215 RfsPers 230 AttEnmy fl Taurnil (taurn) @ 2413 (C51, A13, M10) 765 SplArmy jubat 0 0 100 0 0 0 947 NatTran 2715 ti 100 Typha (typha) @ 3120 (C55, E16) 215 RfsPers 850 MovArmy se no Vulpia (vulpi) @ 2514 (C30) 408 HvInfan 400 wo no 860 ForcMar se e no -- Bos
EO Turn 15 Orders
Orders for Game 934, Turn 14, Nation 3 Aluiric (aluir) @ 3012 (C49) 770 HrArmy 200 hc wo no 401 850 MovArmy e se se sw sw w sw se se se sw no Beattpot (beatt) @ 3120 (C28, A24) 230 AttEnmy fl 850 MovArmy se h h h se no Helir (helir) @ 3120 (C33, A41) 430 TrpsMan hi 610 GrdChar beatt Kandii (kandi) @ 3120 (C54) 430 TrpsMan hi 925 Recon Minohtar (minoh) @ 3012 (C15, A26) 408 HvInfan 200 wo no 860 ForcMar e se se sw sw se no Ulbar (ulbar) @ 3012 (C10, A10, E10) 325 NatSell mi 100 725 NamChar f 10 10 10 0
Woodmen draft - Attn Arthedain - DESTROY RHUDAUR CAPITAL
After talking with Michael, I plugged in the 100% morale if we issue destroy orders and we will be successful if the loyalty is 86 or less and since we hit it three times successfully last turn... it will be. Feel free to doublecheck my math. Kevin, please issue destroy order and charge at Rhudaur capital. One of the emissaries can create a camp when we are done Orders for Game 934, Turn 14, Nation 1 Beoraborn (beora) @ 2508 (C62, A30, M12) 185 DnStNat 16 315 PrchCar st 1000 731 NamAgen Caine m Chilperic (chilp) @ 3528 (E65, M13) 500 Double zizza 810 MovChar 2724 Despil (despi) @ 2919 (A29) 810 MovChar 3024 930 ScoChar Diedre (diedr) @ 2008 (C19, E47) 250 DstPop fl 860 ForcMar ne no Dwarkin (dwark) @ 2605 (A14, E38) 520 InfYour 810 MovChar 2613 Fiona (fiona) @ 2305 (E72) 215 RfsPers 555 CreCmp Mount Fiona Ghostwheel (ghost) @ 2508 (C30) 325 NatSell fo 25 325 NatSell mi 100 Guntram (guntr) @ 2409 (C38, A30) 435 ArmyMan 850 MovArmy w w nw no Moire (moire) @ 2605 (E36) 520 InfYour 810 MovChar 2405 Oberon (obero) @ 2409 (C33) 340 TrPo2Ar 3000 408 HvInfan 300 wo no
SG Turn 15 Draft Orders
Orders for Game 934, Turn 14, Nation 7 Baragund (barag) @ 3622 (C14, A20) 770 HrArmy 100 hi wo no 0 850 MovArmy se no Baranor (baran) @ 2522 (M47) 310 BidCar st 5000 4 320 SellCar mi 325 Candii (candi) @ 3222 (E69) 215 RfsPers 525 InfOthr Dwanol (dwano) @ 2223 (C10, A10, E10) 215 RfsPers 810 MovChar 2522 Glóredhel (glore) @ 2723 (C21, A13, E14, M10) 255 CptrPop ch 850 MovArmy sw no Marahil (marah) @ 2225 (C21, A39, E42) 400 HvCvlry 300 wo no 798 PickShp 16 8 830 MovNavy sw sw se e se e e e e e e ne e no Milvil (milvi) @ 2522 (C14, A20) 770 HrArmy 100 hc wo no 201 850 MovArmy w nw e ne ne ne no One-eyed Bob (one-e) @ 2327 (C44) 255 CptrPop fl 850 MovArmy e e no Salty Bob (salty) @ 2633 (C38) 830 MovNavy nw nw w nw nw h h ne no 925 Recon Scarlett (scarl) @ 3222 (E65) 215 RfsPers 525 InfOthr Skurvy Bob (skurv) @ 3222 (C13, A20) 215 RfsPers 820 MovCmpy 2121
Woodmen draft - Attn Arthedain
Arthedain - By my calculations, we cannot take the Rhudaur capital. Please double check my math. I am giving you some food so you can chase down some enemy armies. I am going to burn out the pop center in the mountains. Orders for Game 934, Turn 14, Nation 1 Beoraborn (beora) @ 2508 (C62, A30, M12) 180 UpStNat 4 710 PrenMgy 731 NamAgen Caine m Chilperic (chilp) @ 3528 (E65, M13) 500 Double zizza 810 MovChar 3123 Despil (despi) @ 2919 (A29) 810 MovChar 3123 930 ScoChar Diedre (diedr) @ 2008 (C19, E47) 347 TrFood sarka 3000 860 ForcMar ne no Dwarkin (dwark) @ 2605 (A14, E38) 520 InfYour 810 MovChar 2613 Fiona (fiona) @ 2305 (E72) 215 RfsPers 555 CreCmp Mount Fiona Ghostwheel (ghost) @ 2508 (C30) 325 NatSell fo 25 325 NatSell mi 100 Guntram (guntr) @ 2409 (C38, A30) 435 ArmyMan 850 MovArmy w w nw no Moire (moire) @ 2605 (E36) 520 InfYour 810 MovChar 2405 Oberon (obero) @ 2409 (C33) 340 TrPo2Ar 3000 408 HvInfan 300 wo no
Harad draft
Orders for Game 934, Turn 14, Nation 22 Benedict (bened) @ 2833 (C30) 255 CptrPop fl 850 MovArmy nw w no Rinaldo (rinal) @ 2732 (C30) 725 NamChar Dalt m 10 0 20 0 810 MovChar 2430 Sparhawk (sparh) @ 2732 (C30) 325 NatSell le 100 770 HrArmy 400 hi wo no 1 Tyiga (tyiga) @ 1109 (C10, E42) 320 SellCar mi 31 520 InfYour
THESE ARE TURN 12 ORDERS. YOU NEED TO SEND TURN 13. I think you need to back off the pipe-weed my dude. Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges ________________________________ Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2022 4:29 PM To: <> Subject: [FA401DS] Northmen 12 Not too inspired. open to suggestions Orders for Game 933, Turn 12, Nation 2, Draft 1 Barlin (barli) @ 4013 (C67, A10) 215 RfsPers 810 MovChar 3109 Béawyn (beawy) @ 3105 (M67) 705 RsrchSp 504 710 PrenMgy Berula (berul) @ 4217 (E58) 525 InfOthr 810 MovChar 3316 Callirhoe (calli) @ 3109 (A20, E10) 610 GrdChar odaga 520 InfYour Cirsium (cirsi) @ 3109 (C36) 430 TrpsMan hc 765 SplArmy vulpi 0 0 125 0 0 0 Dudannis (dudan) @ 4013 (A65) 810 MovChar 3214 930 ScoChar Elynus (elynu) @ 3109 (C30) 315 PrchCar fo 2900 785 JnArmy cirsi Frumgara (frumg) @ 3109 (C33, A17, E17) 340 TrPo2Ar 2459 430 TrpsMan hi Gaerandil (gaera) @ 3214 (C66, E10) 215 RfsPers 230 AttEnmy su Jirfelien (jirfe) @ 4217 (E59, M30) 525 InfOthr 810 MovChar 3316 Odagavia (odaga) @ 3109 (C40, E10) 408 HvInfan 400 wo no 860 ForcMar se se e no Tetraneuris (tetra) @ 3214 (C30) 215 RfsPers 430 TrpsMan hi Vulpia (vulpi) @ 3109 (C30) 325 NatSell fo 100 325 NatSell ti 99 -- Bos
Northmen 12
Bos you are supposed to be 615 assassinating with your agent. Please get with Bill
SG Turn 14 Orders
Orders for Game 934, Turn 13, Nation 7 Baragund (barag) @ 2825 (C10, A20) 255 CptrPop ch 810 MovChar 3622 Baranor (baran) @ 2223 (M47) 215 RfsPers 810 MovChar 2522 Candii (candi) @ 3528 (E69) 215 RfsPers 525 InfOthr Elfhelm (elfhe) @ 2223 (A36) 215 RfsPers 810 MovChar 2522 Glóredhel (glore) @ 2624 (C14, A13, E14, M10) 430 TrpsMan hc 850 MovArmy ne no Marahil (marah) @ 2223 (C21, A39, E42) 500 Double din o 725 NamChar m 10 10 10 0 850 MovArmy sw se no Milvil (milvi) @ 2522 (C14, A20) 310 BidCar mi 600 31 948 TranCar 2522 3012 mi 250 One-eyed Bob (one-e) @ 2227 (C44) 408 HvInfan 500 wo no 850 MovArmy e no Saerol (saero) @ 2223 (E13, M50) 215 RfsPers 940 CstLoSp 424 ji in Salty Bob (salty) @ 2633 (C36) 215 RfsPers 230 AttEnmy fl Scarlett (scarl) @ 3528 (E65) 215 RfsPers 525 InfOthr Skurvy Bob (skurv) @ 3528 (C13, A20) 215 RfsPers 820 MovCmpy 3222
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