Hi, all. I am trying the get RPF running on SVS 1.7L. Most of the modules run fine. I can EDIT, BROWSE, foreground assembly and library functions, However I met an abend16e in BLDL with first operand 0 to find a module in the job pack area or link pack area. According the documentation of SVS BLDL 0 is supported, but will abend. What am I doing wrong? Cheers, Rob
Розпочато Rob Prins @ · Останніх @
OS/VS1 v1.6.7 SYSGEN issue 3
I've been trying to perform a SYSGEN for OS/VS1 v1.6.7. However, I can't get past job g04-init-dasd-misc.jcl as it seems there are not enough 3350 DASD devices available in the starter system. I tried a to assign 014b from the WORK61 DASD volume but had the same issue with the PERM73 volume. Has anyone worked through this issue? Or am I doing something wrong? Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Ron Lucas
Розпочато Ron Lucas @ · Останніх @
OS/VS1 Operations 6
I recently completed a SYSGEN of OS/VS1 using Simon Toffler's well written .pdf document. I'm running the OS under Hercules Hyperion 4.6. However I have an issue with submitting batch JCL. When I submit a job using the card reader (devinit 00c myjcllib/myjob.jcl) I don't get a run of the job. I see it sitting on the 00c card reader device on Hercules. However when I start the reader (sf ,00c) and the printer (sf ,00e), I don't see the job execute in the system console or see any output in the printer file (prt00e.txt) but the job is gone from the card reader. I suspect I am missing something in my start up process (possibly an initiator in partition P00?). Has anyone else experienced this? Thank you, Ron
Розпочато Ron Lucas @ · Останніх @
SVS Rel. 1.7K allocating sysres datasets 13
HI all. I am trying to generate SVS Rel. 1.7K starter system using TK4-. I created the necessary DASDs, mounted them under MVS, loaded DLIB from tape to SDLB17 DASD, initialized SGEN17 DASD, and I am trying to allocate the necessary datasets on it. I am using the job "05-allocate-sysres.jcl", I have added the necessary authorization to the job card. When I started the job, I got the message: IEF861I FOLLOWING RESERVED DATA SET NAMES UNAVAILABLE TO G05RALC IEF863I DSN=SYS1.PARMLIB IEF863I DSN=SYS1.VTAMLIB *IEF099I JOB G05RALC WAITING FOR DATA SETS SGEN17 is mounted: 141 3350 O SGEN17 PRIV/RSDNT and from TSO I can allocate datasets on it. What am I doing wrong? Thank you for your answers. Bruno Novak
Розпочато Crni Mrki, DK4BN @ · Останніх @
SVS r1.7K generating starter system under tk4- 5
Hi! I'm gathering all the pieces to generate the Starting system using the generating-system zipped JCLs under tk4-, and, while I got the whole picture clear enough to dare giving it a try, I miss a piece. Reading the description on the zip, I uderstand that both idecams.jcl and usercat.jcl files are VSAM master and user catalogs jobs, that we're advised NOT to be run while generating the staring system under tk4-, right?... if so, further question pop in my misnd: when and where should those jobs be run?... I guess they should be run under a running starter system, but I'm neither sure, nor I understand which volume is SRES17 present on a 3350 for the master catalog... at this point I'm staring to feel I'm missing something beyond what I have at hand. Could you please give me some clue? Thank you very much. Cheers.
Розпочато Alejandro olivan Alvarez @ · Останніх @
VTP documentation 5
I am trying to use VTP to update some PROCs, and the lack of docs is slowing me down. Do any exist? In lieu of that: * how do I create a new member in a PDS? * how do I insert lines into a member that I am editing?
Розпочато Doug Wegscheid @ · Останніх @
Unable to apply TX67308, infinite loop? 7
I have a freshly generated 6.7, using the instructions and materials from the Files section of this group. the g13-smpinit.jcl job ran fine, so SMP is at least minimally functional. I am trying to apply some of the usermods from http://www.j76.org/vs1/usermods.html. The first one I am byting off is TX67308 (a replacement IEFACTRT). The job does not complete. It hits the initiator, seems to do some work judging by the PSW jumping all over the place, then goes into a tight problem state CPU loop, with the instruction address bits of the PSW running in range of less than 20(hex) bytes, and a large R1 value that seems to be decrementing (it's around BB000000 right now, suppose I could wait for it to go to 0 and see what happens). Has anyone else been able to apply this (or any) usermod?
Розпочато Doug Wegscheid @ · Останніх @
VTP 3.5 Starting device reply. 7
Hi! I'm messing with VS1 6.7 and I tried to install VTP 3.5 to give that a try (I know there's 3.7...but 3.5 seems to have a much more straightforward installation and overall footprint). I got some problems due to DD statements beyond column 12, and I had to change a STEPCAT DD that complained about missing FGEN73 to FGEN67... but so far, I think I had all jobs, executing all steps, with condition 0 or at least without freaking output. I added a pair of 3270 displays at 0C8 and 0C9 , as indicated on the README, and re-IPLed the system, which now starts much more automated, and, well.... looks good! However, I'm unable to put VTP to run: Either something is wrong with the installation and/or the underlying system, or I'm failing to guess the right answer to VTP startup job: d a IEE821I 12.50.29 ACTIVE DISPLAY 051 PNO JOBNAME STEPNAME SUBT STAT PNO JOBNAME STEPNAME SUBT STAT WTRZ WTRZ WTR 00E WTRF 00D 001 INITSWA P1 A,E 002 INITSWA P2 A,E 003 INITSWA P3 A,E 004 INITSWA P4 A,E s vtp.p1 IEF244I VTP .TP .DD4 UNABLE TO ALLOCATE P01 IEF247I VTP ALLOCATION RECOVERY P01 IEF247I VTP 140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,14A,14B OFFLINE P01 IEF247I VTP 14E,14F,150,152,153,154,155,156,157,158 OFFLINE P01 IEF247I VTP 159,15A,15B,15C,15D,15E,15F,1C0,1C1,1C2 OFFLINE P01 IEF247I VTP 1C3,1C4,1C5,1C6,1C7,1C8,1C9,1CA,1CB,1CC OFFLINE P01 IEF247I VTP 1CD,1CE,1CF,240,241,242,243,244,245,246 OFFLINE P01 IEF247I VTP 247,248,249,24A,24B,24C,24D,24E,24F,250 OFFLINE P01 IEF247I VTP 251,252,253,254,255,256,257,258,259,25A OFFLINE P01 IEF247I VTP 25B,25C,25D,25E,25F,2C0,2C1,2C2,2C3,2C4 OFFLINE P01 IEF247I VTP 2C5,2C6,2C7,2C8,2C9,2CA,2CB,2CC,2CD,2CE OFFLINE P01 IEF247I VTP 2CF,340,341,342,343,344,345,346,347,348 OFFLINE P01 IEF247I VTP 349,34A,34B,34C,34D,34E,34F,350,351,352 OFFLINE P01 IEF247I VTP 353,354,355,356,357,358,359,35A,35B,35C OFFLINE P01 IEF247I VTP 35D,35E,35F,3C0,3C1,3C2,3C3,3C4,3C5,3C6 OFFLINE P01 IEF247I VTP 3C7,3C8,3C9,3CA,3CB,3CC,3CD,3CE,3CF,450 OFFLINE P01 IEF247I VTP 451,452,453,454,455,456,457,4C0,4C1,4C2 OFFLINE P01 IEF247I VTP 4C3,4C4,4C5,4C6,4C7 OFFLINE P01 *00 IEF238A REPLY DEVICE NAME , OR 'CANCEL' P01 I have to answer always with a 'CANCEL' reply to end this job. Otherwise, no matter which CUUs I reply to it (I have tried 0C0 and 0C9) it keeps asking over and over endlessly. Maybe someone could help interpreting what's going on here: whether the install is messed or what does VTP needs to be told. Thanks. Regards.
Розпочато Alejandro olivan Alvarez @ · Останніх @
Unable to use VM/370 SPOOL Reader with OS/VS1 r6.7 10
Hi! I've set up VS1 r6.7 under VM/CE.. and it almost works perfect! Unlike DOS/VS I can let the VM run in the background and send jobs to it... but, this time the issue is that the reader, at 00c, configured as SPOOL, doesn't work. However, if instead, I DEDICATE a reader, it does work. This means that jobs cannot be punched from a VM user, which is quite ashow stopper. Here's how it looks like on the log: 094610 0000 SF ,10C 094610 4000 IEF543I 10C RDR FLUSHING JOBSTREAM AFTER JOB 094610 4000 IEF039I 10C RDR WAITING FOR WORK 094611 4000 IEF403I HELLOCBF STARTED TIME=09.46.11 P01 094611 0020 IEC130I SYSLIB DD STATEMENT MISSING P01 094613 4000 IEF404I HELLOCBF ENDED TIME=09.46.13 P01 094613 4200 IEF049I HELLOCBF ON DEVICE 00E 094613 4200 IEF868I 00E WTR WAITING FOR WORK 094613 4000 IEF005I PARTITION WAITING FOR WORK P01 094636 0000 SF ,00C 094636 4200 IEF244I RDRF .00C .IEFRDER UNABLE TO ALLOCATE For some reason, IEFRDER on job RDRF cannot allocate 00C (SPOOL) but does with 10C (DEDICATE). Has anyone any clue on what could be happening? Cheers.
Розпочато Alejandro olivan Alvarez @ · Останніх @
Separator pages? HASP? 11
Can one get separator pages on VS1 printed output with retrofitting HASP? How bad *is* retrofitting HASP? I saw the doc in the files section (though no tape).
Розпочато Doug Wegscheid @ · Останніх @
I want to add the SYSCPK to my VS1. My first hurdle is the PROCLIB. On MVS, you can add a PROCLIB by changing the PROC that runs JES2. Near as I can tell, on VS1, I would need to add all the PROCs to SYS1.PROCLIB. Is that the case or am I missing something?
Розпочато Doug Wegscheid @ · Останніх @
VS1 6.7 19
Don't know if anyone is still around. Just wanted to let you know that I got VS1 6.7 genned and it's working great.
Розпочато Mike Ward @ · Останніх @
description of g06-jobcard job backwards? 2
from the 6.7 00README: ``` g06-jobcard-nonstarter.jcl g06-jobcard-starter.jcl Jobs to modify the "JOBCARD" stage 1 sysgen macro in SYS1.AGENLIB. Run one or the other, depending on your circumstances: the "nonstarter" version if you're using MVS or some other system that supports VSAM as your generating system, the "starter" version if you're using the VS1 6.0 starter system as your generating system. The "starter" version adds a "JOBCAT" DD statement to each stage 2 job, the "nonstarter" version doesn't. ``` I am reading the jobs as doing the opposite WRT //JOBCAT. Are the jobs wrong, or the docs?
Розпочато Doug Wegscheid @ · Останніх @
SMP/SMP4/usermods/stage1 chicken and egg
Working on 6.7 sysgen with the usermods. some of the usermods need to be applied before stage1 or stage2, they use a SMP4 proc to apply the usermods. there is no SMP4 proc in the starter system, I can add the SMP proc from the g13-smpinit job to the starter system (and fix the usermod jobs to use the SMP proc instead of SMP4), but the proc refers to a SYS1.SMPACRQ dataset that does not exist in the starter system. how do I get those usermods applied before doing my stage1? is the SMP4 PROC referred to in the usermods directory really the SMP PROC that is installed in the g13-smpinit job?
Розпочато Doug Wegscheid @
Job G13SMPIN went in the ditch 6
Working on a 6.7 gen, things are going well. Got my generate system up, submitted G13SMPIN. Two things happened that look wrong: ``` / IEF425I TX67893 EXCEEDED SWADS SPACE P01 / IEF040I SWADS I/O ERROR INTERPRETING JOB TX67893 P01 ``` the 2nd badness is that the output from the job indicates a lot of members with garbage names: ``` ^L IEBCOPY MESSAGES AND CONTROL STATEMENTS PAGE 0001 COPY INDD=SMPACDS,OUTDD=SMPCDS IEB167I FOLLOWING MEMBER(S) COPIED FROM INPUT DATA SET REFERENCED BY SMPACDS - IEB154I <B3>.<F8>b<E7><D4> HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY COPIED ... ``` looks like an ASCII/EBCDIC garble. The first problem looks like I need to adjust some stuff in sys1.parmlib. Not sure about the 2nd; is this what everyone gets?
Розпочато Doug Wegscheid @ · Останніх @
Notes on building VS1 6.7 15
I got through the first part of Kevin Leonard's gen process. I did run into some issues, though... 1) The biggest issue is that the starter system only has 4 3350s defined. I discovered this was a problem while getting g04-init-dasd-misc to run. I wound up unmounting the WORK61 volume at 14B and using that for PERM73 instead. 2) The starter system needs to be IPLd from a 3215 console at 01F. Thai is because that address needs to be online at IPL time so the SPECIFY HARDCOPY message can be replied to with "r 00,'hardcpy=01f,all,cmds)'". Replying SYSLOG instead of 01F there results in the SPECIFY HARDCOPY message being repeated. You can have a 3270 console connected at 010, and once the system is up, switch to it with "v 010,mstcons". 3) The supplied stage 1 has display consoles defined, and so a 6.7 genned with that deck can't be IPLd: you have to have the 3270 online at IPL time or else you get a 00F wait state, and if you have it online the DIDOCS bug gets you. I'm about to rerun the stage 1 with the 3270 consoles removed. Maybe the usermod can be applied before the gen is run? Haven't looked at that yet. -- Jay Maynard
Розпочато Jay Maynard @ · Останніх @
OS/VS1 operator guide 2
is there a preserved copy of a OS/VS1 operators guide? I couldn't find one on bitsavers, and JES1 is new to me...
Розпочато Doug Wegscheid @ · Останніх @
VS1 6.7 starter system CUUs / mount issues. 3
Hi Folks! I'm having troubles in my way through the Sartting system instructions for OS VS1 6.7. Overall, the absence of a pdf with plenty of screenshots makes it more challenging and fun... but I'm stuck: The problem is that I'm confused on the actual CUUs, disks, vary and mount commands that are needed to have in place before running g04-init-dasd-misc.jcl Until that point, I've pretty much make it on my own, but, at some point, looking at the contents of g00-create-dasd.cmd for a 'map' of which arrangement on the whole system get confusing... because I see that the mount commands for the starter system do not match exactly the CUUs of hercules conf, and/or reference volumes/DASDs (dliba1 or work61) that I don't figure out at which point are used, if at all... Sure, I tried to get a working 'map' of consisten CUUs <-> DASD content <-> mount volume , but at some point I was shocked as the started system replied to me at the console: v 14c,online IEE313I 14C UNIT REF INVALID ... and I have absolutely no clue of why 14C seems to not go online. on the hercules side, the attach command does work: HHC01603I attach 014c 3350 dasd/work73.14d.cckd HHC00414I 0:014C CCKD file dasd/work73.14d.cckd: model 3350 cyls 560 heads 30 tracks 16800 trklen 19456 As it should, since that CUU is free... so, from a noob perspective, it looks like the starter system either doesn't like the hardware emulated at 14C or 14C at all. Other than that, I would have those needed DASDs/Volumes mounted: v 148,online IEE302I 148 ONLINE v 14c,online IEE313I 14C UNIT REF INVALID v 14b,online IEE302I 14B ONLINE v 151,online IEE302I 151 ONLINE But I feel that I have to fix this before continuing. Any clues? Has anyone a more specific 'map' of harcules CUUs -> DASD image -> vary/mount on the starter system? Thank you very much in advance. Regards!
Розпочато Alejandro olivan Alvarez @ · Останніх @
How did TSO work on SVS? 20
I worked on MVT and then went straight to MVS - never in my life used an SVS system. So I've never thought about how TSO worked in the large single address space. I imagine it still had SWAP dataset(s), but did it really swap from/to *virtual* storage, with effectively double paging? Or was it the norm to make the TSO region(s) run V=R? Or something else I'm not thinking of...? Tony H.
Розпочато Tony Harminc @ · Останніх @
What are little SVS systems made of? 3
Mark Waterbury once said on the hercules-390 goup: > SVS ran very well on a 370 model 158 with 2MB of main storage, circa 1976 or so, running batch and also supporting CICS/VS for on-line applications. No TSO, though, as that was known to be a performance hog. One of the selling points of CMS was it could run as twice many users of TSO on the same hardware. > SVS 1.7, with the VSAM ICR (independent component release) to support VSAM datasets for use by CICS/OS/VS 1.1.1. BTAM was used with CICS/VS for local terminals, not VTAM. (mainly due to lack of 3705 hardware.) What does the SVS version in this group's archive have? (Does it have basic VTAM and VSAM?) -ahd-
Розпочато Drew Derbyshire @ · Останніх @
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