Rohn Tower anyone?
I ran across this on craigslist. I think it is probably worth the ask but I am already tower poor. I didn't see a base but one could probably be purchased or fabricated. Lincoln City is only 5 hours away! 73, Jim WO7V
6th Annual 12 Days of Christmas - 2024
K2RYD - Callsign Lookup by QRZ Ham Radio 6th Annual 12 Days of Christmas - 2024 W2P - Partridge in a Pear Tree, W2T - 2 Turtle Doves, W2F - 3 French Hens, W2C - 4 Calling Birds, W2R - 5 Golden Rings, W2G - 6 Geese A-Laying, W2S - 7 Swans A-Swimming, W2M - 8 Maids A-Milking, W2L - 9 Ladies Dancing, K2L - 10 Lords A-Leaping, K2P - 11 Pipers Piping, and W2D - 12 Drummers Drumming. BONUS STATIONS VC9XMAS1 VC9XMAS2 Work all 12 Days and 1 or 2 Bonus Stations for a "Clean Sweep PLUS" Certificate Dec 14th through Dec 25th Link to Chasers Worksheet - Just Download it and print it out. (No need to send to me. This worksheet is for your convenience only.) Work 1 for a certificate or work all 12 for a Clean Sweep. This year, any of the 12 Special Event call signs may have a /call area to identify the location of the operator. A B-E-A-Utiful certificate is available for pick up after January 31st, 2025. The 12 Days of Christmas 2024 Special Event Certificate link will appear here after Jan. 31st, 2025. Please DO NOT send QSL's cards. Download Certificate Only! Or send $4. and a return address label and we will send you the certificate.
Training courses K-BAR-A should offer for new hams
Hi Everyone, I wanted to get everyone's ideas and feedback and suggestions following a discussion at the K-BAR-A monthly meeting last Wednesday. As a service organization to hams and to others, the idea came up to offer some basic "hands-on" training and help to other hams in some Saturday or evening classes. The first and perhaps most important and basic training was to help new hams program their HTs for repeaters and other memory channels (e.g., 146.520) and get them talking on their HTs. There is a strong realization that many hams struggle with programming repeaters and many have an initial fear of keying the mic and talking. We could also give them a list of our nets and times and invite them to check-in as a guest. I wanted to get everyone else's ideas on what additional types of "hands-on" training classes would be most beneficial to get them going and get them over their initial anxiety about using their HTs, mobile stations, or base stations. This is particularly true for new techs. There might be additional training for new General Licensees. Please let me know what you think and what might have helped you the most or would help you the most to get over some of the hurdles. I also thought that some of these "hands-on" classes might be a good idea to conduct on Field Day. 73 Alan Ertle KF3KF
December Meeting Stream Link - Google Meet
Google meet link for tonight's meeting. Charlie/K7AKT
ARRL 10-Meter Contest, December 14-15, Great Opportunity for Technicians
ARRL 10-Meter Contest, December 14-15, Great Opportunity for Technicians We are at the peak of Solar Cycle 25, and the 10-meter amateur radio band has been providing impressive propagation lately. Recent reports of "wide open" band conditions make this weekend's ARRL 10-Meter Contest a great opportunity to take advantage of the best conditions of a generation. "I've been leaving the mobile radio on 10-meters for the drive into work each day," said ARRL Regulatory and Radiosport Manager Bart Jahnke, W9JJ. "I've been working all around the world with a mobile antenna and no amplifier," he said. We are at the peak of Solar Cycle 25, and the 10-meter amateur radio band has been providing impressive propagation lately. Recent reports of "wide open" band conditions make this weekend's ARRL 10-Meter Contest a great opportunity to take advantage of the best conditions of a generation. "I've been leaving the mobile radio on 10-meters for the drive into work each day," said ARRL Regulatory and Radiosport Manager Bart Jahnke, W9JJ. "I've been working all around the world with a mobile antenna and no amplifier," he said. ARRL 10-Meter Contest is this weekend starting on Saturday, December 14 at 0000 UTC (Friday evening in North America), and concluding on Sunday, December 15 at 2359 UTC. Stations may contact any other station, regardless of location, using CW and phone. The 10-Meter contest is a great opportunity for Technician class licensees to get a taste of HF contesting using the CW and SSB modes. On 10-meters, Technicians have CW privileges from 28.0 to 28.3 MHz, and SSB phone privileges from 28.3 to 28.5 MHz. ARRL Contest Program Manager Paul Bourque, N1SFE, hopes Techs seize the chance. "At the peak of the solar cycle, 10-meters can offer opportunities to work some great DX," said Bourque. For complete contest rules, visit Need an antenna for 10-meters? ARRL Dual-band Momobeam 6/10 Antenna features a 10-meter moxon (28 MHz) and 6-meter Yagi (50 MHz) in one innovative design. It's lightweight, mast mountable, and includes extra hardware for fixed and portable use.
Ham Radio License testing this Saturday
For those of you that want to get their ham license or upgrade there will be a testing session this Saturday in the conference room behind the WaFed building 5215 South Sixth Street. Testing starts at 1:00 PM and walkins are allowed. For those of you VE's that just want your name on the green sheet you are welcome too. 73, Jim WO7V
Dec. 26-29 Technician and General class license classes
Relaying a message... Scott is the VP of Willamette Valley DX Club, Trustee of W7PXL, co-founder of Ducks on the Air N7DUX and ARRL® Oregon Section Manager. -- 73 | Cyndi | KK7AZD | Chiloquin by Agency Lake HH 6101191 | HOIP 100097
Snow flake
So everyone should have received their Google sheet email link go ahead and open it please. I had one volunteer that had trouble with it. If I don't hear from you I'm assuming it works for you. Thanks 73 Walt KK7DRL
SOTA Gathering
Jeffersonians- We will be having a SOTA breakfast/gathering December 14th, 2024 at 9:30am at the Centennial Grill on N. Phoenix Rd (Centennial Golf Course in Phoenix/S. Medford). All are welcome to join for a nice visit, ask any questions as activator or chaser, tell us your 2025 goals or UTC New Year and Winter Bonus plans, etc. Looking forward to seeing you all! We had fun last winter seeing each other and hope to make this more of a regular event, monthly or quarterly. 73, Amy--AG7GP
Snowflake Parade
Greetings my KBARA volunteers Due to the holiday and my work schedule the briefing meeting will be on-site at the fuel commander where the Registration tent will be at. At the corner of spring st and south 6th. They are doing construction on it so there is a chain link fence around it you can't miss it. Registration starts at 4pm I want to all meet there at 3pm. Plenty of parking just north of the fence. What to bring: Dress warm be Prepared for rain snow ice freezing temperatures. Hi viz if you have it Your best HT fully charged and on high power your best Hi gain antenna that you have for it. I will bring extras. The reason for this is after my testing we all need to do this for good comms. Your cell phone and external battery pack if you have one my phone died last year. A flash light also. The club has traffic wands for us also. You will all receive a email link from Allen Rogers when you click on it you will see a real time list of the entries as they register. Everything else will be discussed at the briefing meeting. Any questions please reach out to me. Thank you 73 Walt Costa KK7DRL Second Vice President KBARA Event Coordinator
How to Let Kids Talk with Santa Over Ham Radio This Holiday Season
Thanks Walt/KK7DRL for pointing this out. How to Let Kids Talk with Santa Over Ham Radio This Holiday Season Santa Claus will be on the amateur radio airwaves again this year. The 3.916 Santa Net will be on the air every night at 7:00 PM CST from November 29 through December 24. Reserve a spot with Santa by making a pre-net check in. You can check in each night starting at 6:30 PM CST online at Santa and Mrs. Claus will also be on the air, together, thanks to special arrangements with the Cowley County Amateur Radio Club in Kansas. They will be on the air on the 147.000 repeater and the Sunflower Net system, between 10 AM and noon CST on November 30 and beginning at 10 AM until band conditions change on December 14 and 21. In addition to the local repeater, the Sunflower Net offers connection options to Allstar, DMR, Dstar, Echolink, Fusion, Hamshack Hotline, M17, and P25. The club is also setting up a radio link at the local library to talk to Santa. A special effort is being made to give children who are hospitalized or otherwise unable to visit personally an opportunity to reach out to Santa. Also, for the 4th year, Santa has sent Elf Chucky and his team of amateur radio operators to northern Colorado, to help make sure children of all ages can talk to Santa on station NØP from the North Pole. Thanks to the Longmont Amateur Radio Club and the Northern Colorado Amateur Radio Club, children can get into the holiday spirit by talking to Santa on the radio. Both are ARRL Affiliated Clubs. Get the details on that operation at
Rescheduling of the November KBARA meeting
KBARA, To avoid conflict, we were going to reschedule November's meeting from the 27th to the 20th. However, the large room has already been reserved by another group for the 20th. We may reserve the medium room for the 20th, but there is a fire marshal limit of 20 people in that room. Note: we usually only have about 20 people attend. Other options include large room on the 19th or the large room on the 27th knowing we may have limited participation because of Thanksgiving being on the 26th. I am calling for a vote (ironically): __ Tuesday, Nov 19 large room __ Wednesday, Nov 20 medium room (20 people) __ Tuesday, Nov 27th large room (before Thanksgiving) In any case it may be a small meeting with a class, socializing and some info distribution. I will finalize the reservations at noon on Friday, Nov 8th and email the plan. You may reply to this email, or send your response to info@... to get it to all the Executives. We also need to discuss the schedule for the December meeting. Walt should have some info forthcoming. Thanx, Jeff Eastburn, KBARA Sec/Treas KJ7IRV, ~73 Sent with Proton Mail secure email.
Snowflake Parade
Greetings KBARA This email is going out to my Snowflake Volunteers and any other members that might be interested in volunteering. I would like to have a briefing meeting on Saturday maybe breakfast? I would like to know if we all could attend that? Please respond to this email l would like your thoughts on this due to it being the holiday weekend. Also I need all your email addresses for the Google sheet tool that we use for the entry placement order. Thank you. 73 Walt Costa KK7DRL Second Vice President KBARA Event Coordinator
Google Meet for November 2024 Club Meeting
Here's a link for live streaming of the club meeting Thanks, Charlie / K7AKT
November KBARA meeting on the 19th
KBARA, The consensus is to have the November meeting on the 19th in the big room. Cyndi (KK7AZD) will be giving an ARES presentation at 6:00 PM, followed by the regular meeting at 6:30 PM. I will have more electronic components to give away, so please, COME GET FREE STUFF! Hope to see you there, Jeff Eastburn, KBARA Sec/Treas KJ7IRV, ~73 Sent with Proton Mail secure email.
Tower #3 goes up
Hello Everyone, Here is a link to a short video showing tower #3 going up yesterday. Thanks to my Son Christopher and Erik Jorgensen for the help. Now just one more tower base to build and put in the ground. Hopefully towers 4 and 5 will be installed soon. 73, Jim WO7V
Sad news on inovato
See message I received Sun, Nov 17, 2024, at 5:02 PM > Dear Fellow Hams, > > I have been fighting pancreatic cancer in recent months, which has now spread to my lungs. The treatment schedule and my energy level require me to close Inovato in a few weeks. My family is helping get final Quadras built and orders shipped. > > I wanted to let as many people as possible know as this will be the last opportunity to purchase Quadras and accessories before it closes. As long as the store accepts your order, they will get shipped. I apologize in advance if I am a bit slower than normal getting orders out. > > I can only directly email customers who have opted in to receive emails, so please let other hams who have Quadras or might want one know. > > It has been an honor and pleasure to help bring the fantastic HamClock by Elwood Downey to more hams. I am sorry this plug-and-play HamClock appliance will come to an end. But remember you can always make your own using a Raspberry Pi. See the excellent tutorial by G6NHU for step by step instructions. > > 73, > > Michael > > P.S. I release all support content and the Quadra Restore Image to the community. > inovato > > 4750 SW Maplewood Rd > Portland OR 97219 > United States > 73 | Cyndi | KK7AZD | Chiloquin by Agency Lake HH 6101191 | HOIP 100097
Field Day Results
This months QST lists our field day results on page 70 Klamath Basin ARA W7VW (+N2RSN) 305 2 25 2,570 OR 73, Jim WO7V
ARRL Sweepstakes SSB this weekend
Hello Everyone, For those of you that don't plan on participating in the ARRL EME contest this weekend there is another one that might suit your fancy. It is the ARRL Sweepstakes SSB which is always a lot of fun. The exchange is a bit lengthy but is quite manageable. This is a great way to work all of the US states plus all of the Canadian provinces in one weekend. You have to work all 85 sections to complete a clean sweep. I've only managed to work them all once. For more information you can look at this page on the WA7BNM contest calendar and this one from the ARRL. For logging I would suggest you grab a copy of N1MM and set it up to run your radio. 73, Jim WO7V
The First tower is going up.
Hello Everyone, Being a recovering DX junkie isn't easy. You have to work at it. The easiest way is just to yield to the temptation to get DXCC on 160m. I already have DXCC on 80m-10m including the warc bands but 160m for me has always been a pipe dream. You need a good antenna. Well on that band other than a 4-square antenna which is out of the question for me, a loop antenna is second best. Loops are quieter and not so prone to electric noise as they are magnetic (H field only). Only problem is that at 160m you really need something formed in a square about 135 feet on each side. Fortunately my Wiard street property has enough space to put one up. Last summer Terry, KA6DNO came over and drilled two 24" holes for some fixed towers. Later I got Eric, W7KHD to help me weld up the rebar cage for the 55ft crank up tower I've been hoarding for the past 14 years. This tower will be the source of the RF in the (NE) corner of the property. The cage to support the tower was a really big measuring 4x4x7.5 ft and weighed 280lbs. It took 8 yards to fill the hole. My contractor dug the hole and set the base. He also set the base for the other 2 fixed towers. My contractor also poured a pad next to the big tower where I will place a cabinet to house all of the radio equipment. That's right, the whole shebang will be remote controlled! Well today I got my wife to help me pull up the NorthWest corner tower. Attached is a clip of the "Erection". In the next few days I plan on erecting the SW tower So to complete the 4th (SE) tower is a work in progress. I have a few options but I think the tower I brought home last weekend from my friend Larry Johnson will suffice nicely to form the SE corner tower. I will keep you all posted. 73, Jim WO7V
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