Thetis remote with winkeyer 4 #Thetis #Winkeyer #MRP40
I have tried til I'm blue in the face and looked on this group, Thetis and a barrage of others and videos to boot. I have an ANAN 7000 DLEMKII running Thetis v. (x64). My physical equipment is in my shack, 45' out my back door and I run Thetis on a computer on the same network in my office. I can use MRP40 with a keyboard, even use ACL or FLDIGI but all with a keyboard. I've read WKUSB and the other references for connecting to the aforementioned programs but I believe they're all describing the setup as if I was sitting in front of the rig. I know I can't be the only one in the world wanting to do this whether I'm on the same network or halfway around the globe that owns an ANAN and runs Thetis with the desire to inject a winkeyer in the mix. Oh and I've also tried WKremote but I'm trying to reduce the latency. So, my question to Steve and the rest of the group... Can winkeyer be set up to work with Thetis directly or even MRP40 in a remote type setup? 73 John
Розпочато John KC4LZN @ · Останніх @
Read WK and Write WK greyed out cant use? 2
I am connected to the winkey BUT no read or write options? How do I make it work? I am on W11 and it says I am on WK F/W ver 30.10 N8EM
Розпочато jon greenwood @ · Останніх @
WKmini dah issue 4 #Winkeyer
Hello everyone! Im having an issue with my WKmini where every time I try to send a dah, it sends a "K." Very confused as to why im having this issue, never had it before, any help would be greatly appreciated!
Розпочато Liam - KC3UII @ · Останніх @
K16 EXT on 4.5 volts 7
Can I run the K19-EXT on 4.5 volts (3xAA batteries) bypassing the regulator VR1? Otherwise I'd need to go with an external connection which adds another wire / connection or with a 9 V battery which has limited capacity. I'm replacing a very old CMOS Super Keyer III v.2 that has become intermittent with a K-19-EXT. It ran on 3xAA that lasted forever. Thanks for your input.... 73 Den W2DEN
Розпочато Dennis Spiess @ · Останніх @
WKRemote keying issues 5
I have WKRemote on my remote (server) PC talking to WKRemote on my local (client) PC. I see 'Connected to Server' on the remote PC and 'connected to client' on the server PC (the one connected to the radio). If I click 'Tune' on the remote PC, the radio sends a continuous carrier. All seems well. However, when I type anything into the Remote PC, nothing happens to the radio. I am using a YCCC SO2R box that identifies as a winkey v10 and WKRemote seems content with that. I have no remote Winkey, I am trying to send CW using the remote (client) keyboard. I have programmed M1 on the remote (client) version of WKRemote to be 'TEST'. If I click M1 on the remote PC, nothing happens to the radio. I'm a bit stumped now. WKRemote 1.5 at both ends. Windows 10 at both ends. What should I try next? John G4DRS
Розпочато John, G4DRS @ · Останніх @
WinKeyer USB Problem 10
I'm having a problem with my WinKeyer USB after several years of trouble free operation. It stopped sending characters while using my paddles. I changed the internal batteries thinking that might be the problem. I checked the old batteries after the change out but they turned out to be okay. I checked the WinKeyer with the new batteries and it sends CW okay with the paddles,, but now if I press the red button on top of the WinKeyer it causes the 3 black buttons on top to stop working. If I continue pushing the black buttons several times the WinKeyer starts sending a lot of miscellaneous characters after a bit of delay. It sends out a lot of Z's with a "W" mixed in. After several seconds of these random characters the sending stops. At this point the WinKeyer behaves normally unless I press the red button again. Any ideas? Ron, W4UT
Розпочато Ron @ · Останніх @
WKmini repairs ? 2
My WKmini Rev B suffered a component failure. While WK Demo shows the keyer as working it will only send code from output port 2 and not output port 1. Have tried the WKMini keyer at another person's station with a functional unit running Windows 10, for N1MM, Writelog and Logic general logging software. We tried his cables and could not get the keyer to send at all with the logging software. While it will send and key with WK Tools using Output port 2 to a radio, Output port 1 only lights the LED on the side of the case and will not actually cause the radio to send CW with WKTools or to logging software. Quite certain it is not a cable issue, have reloaded firmware and logging software. Have spent a good part of 3 days trying to get it working but it just seems to have fail. Must be an internal component, but cannot tell which. Has anyone experienced a similar failure? Can anyone tell which component would be the cause and Is there any recourse for this in terms of repair/parts? Thanks Sam VE5SF
Розпочато Sam Ferris @ · Останніх @
WKmini with N1MM+ & KX3 Config -- Solution
My config may be unique, but I wanted to post this for reference for others. N1MM+ --> WKmini --> KX3 Paddle 2 Input (Front) [via Pro Audio Engineering KX Keyport (or W6IPA KX Buddy Key)] Using shielded stereo cables. (This is why the extra config is likely needed.) I followed the instructions for the WKmini (ver. 1.3). Unit tested fine with WK3Demo 4.2. Would not send Morse code correctly with N1MM+ (Had solid tone) Solution Additional Setup for K1EL WKmini in N1MM+ In N1MM+: Config --> Configure Ports, Mode Control, Winkey, etc... --> Winkey Set Winkey Pin5 Function to 'None'. Click OK to close Window. Reasoning: Pin 5 default setup in N1MM+ is 'PTT'. If you build a new cable according to the wiring diagram in the WKmini instructions, keying the KX3 through the front input will work without this change, as the PTT wiring is not carried to the radio. If you are like me, and bought a factory-made cable for the slim body on the 3.5mm stereo cable, that PTT line is lurking and waiting to cause problems. PTT asserts by default N1MM+ settings for Winkey for the duration of the sent CW by default. the radio sees the constant high from the PTT line on the other input, (even though the setting in the KX3 menu for CW KEY2 is 'HAnd') and sends constant CW tone. Setting Pin 5 Function to 'None' stops the constant CW keying and allows N1MM+ and the WKmini to work as expected. Tim Raymer 73 de N0UI <ka0ouv@...>
Розпочато Raymer, Timothy @
TX Paddle or PC keyboard CW to Xiegu X6100 4
Hi all, I’m a new CW user. (~5wpm at LCWo) I’d like a setup that allows me to transmit morse using either my pc keyboard (with something like CWtype) or my paddle (a CW Morse single paddle). My radio is a Xiegu X6100, which only accepts CW input via its key port (not its usb port). Can anyone confirm that the WKmini would enable sending CW via keyboard or paddle to this radio’s key port? Assuming the answer is yes, any suggestions for PC software and cabling that's simple to setup and easy of use? Minimal feature-set is fine. I am not interested in auto logging, contesting, etc. I just want to TX via keyboard or paddle. Thanks in advance for any help! 73, Tony Webster, KE1TLG
Розпочато Tony @ · Останніх @
WKMini and KH1 config?
Is anyone using the WKMini and KH1? Getting them working together was as easy as you'd expect, but the CW sounds "short" on the radio, although I need to listen to it on air. But if anyone has a config file for the WKMini to drive the KH1 that will just save me a little time. Thanks in advance. 73/77 Ciemon --- Ciemon Dunville - GØTRT Warminster, Wiltshire. UK
Розпочато Ciemon Dunville @
Strange behavior using Winkeyer USB with MLDX software 5
I have been having an intermitent issue for some time while using my Winkeyer USB on my MAC Mini using MacLoggerDX keying software. The keyer will either just start to send random dits or dahs or reset while I am transmitting. ( This not an RF issue it happens with no power out ) What is really strange this does not occur when using MAC Winkeyer or SkookumMorse instead of the keying SW in MLDX. I have reviewed the Users Group for MacLoggerDX and not found any instances similar to this. I have noticed while testing the Keyer that sometimes it seems a little slow to read and write the Eprom with WinKeyer Tools using both my primary Mac and with an older Windows 10 computer. I have had the Winkeyer for some time and have the latest firmware (DIP Version 31.02 installed. I idid revert to the original firmware to see if that made a difference but it did not. It seems like the USB might be failing but why would that happen with MLDX and not MAC Winkeyer SW? Of course I am sure there are differences how MLDX communicates with the keyer as compared to the others SW. Any thoughts would be appreciated, Chris NJ5N
Розпочато Nj5n@... @ · Останніх @
WKmini and FT-710 10
If it's like the dx10, set skin on, internal keyer off so winkey should act like a straight key sent by ve3wej on samsung s21+
Розпочато Michael Carey @ · Останніх @
Winkeyer stopped working 2
I hooked my Winkeyer up to the radio and the paddle was reversed. Not surwe how that happened but thought I would open the WK2MGR app and fix it. I read the setting and saw that SWAP was checked and unchecked it. Clicked the Box to Write the file and it said that was successful. I can read the file and the SWAP is now unchecked. I can click the Test WK button and it says it is OK. However, there is no output, no sidetone, no R when you plug in the USB cable, no R if you try to reset it, etc. Surely there is some way to bring a Winkeyer back to life that has been working fine for years until I connected it to the App? Would appreciate any help I can get. Stan, ZF9CW
Розпочато Stan Stockton @ · Останніх @
Hi, I am having some trouble with my setup. I am running my Yaesu FT-710 with FLDIGI 4.2.03. I my WKmini setup and it works running the WK3demo 4.2. I believe that I have followed the instructions for setting it for FLDIGI, however I can hear code being sent, but the WKmini the light does not come on. So, I am not sure what I have done wrong. Please help. Michael, KD7GHZ
Розпочато Michael Carey @ · Останніх @
WinKeyer USB stopped working - it can't find a port 3
I love my WinKeyer. Over the weekend, after Mike, W9MDB, fixed an incompatibility between ACLog with WSJT-X and then adding JTAlert, I find WinKeyer 3 Tools can't establish a connection with the keyer. I'm stuck. Can you help? 73, Ken KN2D
Розпочато Ken KN2D @ · Останніх @
Can you use a WKMini with WKRemote 3
I have a new Flex 8400 on order but do not plan on getting a Maestro at this time. I currently have a WKMini that I use with my current rig. I plan to use SmartSDR for my interface. When I am remote, it looks like the WKRemote is the best solution. My question is, do I need to buy two full WinKeyers to work with WKRemote or will my WKMini be OK for one of the ends?
Розпочато Alan N7AKG @ · Останніх @
WK USB - can I use both outputs? 8
40 messages in a sort-of related thread but none seemed to address my issue. I want to use one WKUSB output to key rig1 and the other to key rig2. Can I do this without changing a setting somewhere? I used the Output Configuration in WK3tools to change from Port1 to Port2 (and wrote to the WK again) but when I plugged the cable into Port2 it did not key the rig at all. I tried reading the manual but failed to find the correct advice. I know this must be a n00b question but I appreciate any help. Thanks and 73, Mike W2IY
Розпочато devnull8it @ · Останніх @
Error Code? 3
My WinKeyer is not working properly and I am hearing 3 Dahs and a Dit? If that is an Error Code, please tell me what it means. Please respond directly to me. This is an older WinKeyer with an updated DIP chip. There is corrosion in the battery compartment so I plan to replace that. Fortunately I also have a new WinKeyer USB SMT which is working perfectly. Derek WF4I
Розпочато Derek WF4I @ · Останніх @
Keyer Hangs 6
I use the K1EL keyer stand alone on POTA activations. And on most activations I experience a situation, every few hours, wherein the keyer stops responding for a short period of time, perhaps 5 seconds or so. During that time the key does not work and none of the memory buttons work. It's as if the processor stops functioning for a few seconds. Of course it usually occurs right when a station has called and is awaiting my reply. I try to send the other stations call and nothing happens. I then hit different memory keys and they also do not respond. Then a few seconds later the key will start working again and all is well. I recently spent four days activating several hours a day and this usually occurred a couple of times each day. I have tried searching the group messages but have not found any that appear to address this issue. So is anyone else experiencing something like this?
Розпочато Roger - K5PE @ · Останніх @
WinKeyer with more than 4 buttons? 8 #k1el #Winkeyer
I'm finding the 4 buttons to be somewhat limiting, as I don't always remember to do a 2-button press to get to messages #5 and #6. Is there another keyer with 6 buttons?
Розпочато Ken KN2D @ · Останніх @
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