2024 Results and post event thoughts; Berryville 4
Again, thanks to all for your efforts this year. I posted the results on "cumulative" page of the sign-in sheets. My target was 25,000 QSOs. We got 26,506, a great surprise to me, given the number of empty slots. As in the past, I will be commissioning a genuine K2B mug this year, similar in design to last years - see animation, attached (but with this year's QSL card, of course), personalized with your callsign. I'll let you know if the $20 pricing remains same as 2023. I will be buying one each for the top five scores, and one for our great QSL manager, Rhonda, W0MAN. There may be more little surprises in the envelope with your certificate. K2B bling. On the cumulative sheet, you will also see a summation of top 20 K2B ops, which is 24,875. This was the idea of Ken KU2US, to level the playing field among colonies. This will be the score that's used for comparison in the hyper-competitive (ugh) inter-colony rivalry. (double ugh) May I ask for comments / complaints / suggestions? W2RU had one comment: I thought the real-time google docs spreadsheet worked very well, with the single exception that it was too easy for me (and others, too, it appears!) to accidentally change the contents of a cell. I have no idea whether that can be easily corrected with a special “Enter” key combination, but I wouldn’t give up the “real time” aspect of that shared spreadsheet — it made it very possible to dodge the frequent sporadic lightning alerts we had down here all week and sign up for hour-long slots at the last minute. I plan to reserve a table (Horticulture Room - yes they have AC this year) at Berryville Hamfest, August 4, maybe an impromptu K2B meet-up at lunch time? Also, if you have gear you'd like to sell, I am happy to accommodate. If there's demand, I will get two tables. Let me know, off-thread. Maybe email me off the thread for a casual RSVP, if you would. Hoping I can snag Bud W2RU and Jeff K0ZR to buy or get autographed a copy of their books. (also on Amazon) I am starting to feel like we are family .... in a good way. Or more aptly, a band of brothers ... having been through an ordeal together. 73, David, K2WPM
Розпочато David Wright K2WPM @ · Останніх @
2024 log
Розпочато Ian Callahan KN4TBG @
K2B Spreadsheet 4
Hey folks, I was adding in my cumulative totals to the tracking spreadsheet and noticed that the formulas expect values every day of the week (except those before your first day). W4TEA, NT8B, and K0ZR, I filled out your rows by taking your final count and copying it right. Feel free to put in the actuals if you did operate those days. I was just trying to make the totals work as you weren't being counted. Sean N3RTW -- Sean Walberg <sean@...> http://ertw.com/
Розпочато Sean Walberg N3RTW @ · Останніх @
If you did POTA
If you happened to do a POTA activation using K2B, Please send that adif log to me (timboyd@...) and I'll get it uploaded to the POTA data base 73 Tim AA4SS
Розпочато Tim Boyd AA4SS @
K2B 2024 Log From KN4DUF 2
Attatched is my 2024 K2B log from KN4DUF. Wasn't sure I'd be in state but caught the last 5 days for 291 FT8/4 contacts. Seemed slow and well under my past 500 to 800 FT8/4 contacts. Several years ago there was just a few of us doing FT8. No problem finding open schedule slots on the prime bands and would get slammed with contacts while on. Not so this year, seemed like most of the prime slots were filled well in advance. **THIS IS A GOOD THING** I'm happy to see so many more participants. I kept an eye on the 13 Colonies Facebook page and several spotting pages. Didn't see a single "Where Is K2B" for any mode or band. Shows K2B had a strong team and David desrves credit and thanks for organizing the past few years. Frank KN4DUF
Розпочато Frank Stapanowich KN4DUF @ · Останніх @
ka3ocs 2b log
attached please find my log. sorry i could not do more but as i am getting older my energy level has dropped. bob ka3ocs
Розпочато Bob Gebeaux KA3OCS @
K2B Log Submission 3
How should I submit my K2B log? Post it here, or email it directly to David? --- Mike N4CF
Розпочато Mike Dodd N4CF @ · Останніх @
Free-for-all Sunday? 17
First, thank you to all who have been operating tirelessly to field the huge volume of contacts this year. Special shout-out to Chip, N2YO, who apparently operated all night ... at 35 wpm, last night! Unbelievable. Question for the group. It's a tradition that the final day is a free-for-all, meaning each colony can have more than one op on a band, same mode, at the same time; no rules really. Except not for digital modes, as that would be too confusing (right, digi ops?) I don't care for this; other states field many folks and it really clogs the bands, but I have not been able to convince the boss to stop it. What do K2B team members think? Would appreciate any thoughts. I suppose ultimately it will be whatever each individual wants to do. Also, after the event is over, I'd appreciate if you could email me your log in adif or Cabrillo format, at your earliest convenience. I will summarize and circulate K2B results as well as 13 Colonies overall summary. Then we'll talk about K2B bling. Many thanks, David, K2WPM
Розпочато David Wright K2WPM @ · Останніх @
I can hear thunder so no 5-6 pm operation for me. I took myself off the schedule for 20m FT4 at that time. I'll see how things develop later on. 73, Kay N3KN
Розпочато Kay N3KN @
15 m at 3-4 pm
no signals heard so gg to qrt at 315 pm bob ka3ocs
Розпочато Bob Gebeaux KA3OCS @
Dropping 17m CW at 1-2pm July 5
Have to cancel this slot. Perhaps someone else can pick it up. Should be on 15m in 2-3pm time slot 73, Paul — N4PD Radio.N4PD@...
Розпочато Paul Dluehosh N4PD @
20 meters
Set up at 0900 and havent heard a thing, even set up a endfed. Noticed 40 timeslot was open going to try that from 10-11.
Розпочато Ian Callahan KN4TBG @
Dropping 80m CW in 7-8pm slot... 9
...bad day at Black Rock! Hope someone can pick up this hour, also. -- 73, Paul — N4PD Radio.N4PD@...
Розпочато Paul Dluehosh N4PD @ · Останніх @
FT8 Log 5
What contest log are you FT8 folks using? -- George-K4GM
Розпочато George Marzloff K4GM @ · Останніх @
Bud's line of storms will be here in an hour or so, give or take. Timing doesn't look good for my 6PM shift on 20CW. I'll take another look at the radar at 5:30PM. Chuck K4QS
Розпочато Chuck K4QS @
T-storms have arrived!
Totally disconnected as of 3:00 p.m. — first of multiple waves of T-storms has just arrived from the NW. At least they’re bringing much-needed rain. At the halfway point for 13 Colonies 2024, I’ve managed 720 CW QSOs in 9.5 hours’ operating time. Most of that is from CQing on 20 meters, with brief forays to 15 and 40 in yesterday’s 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. CWTs, plus 30 minutes on 15, just before shutting down for the storms. Unfortunately, there are 29 “dupes” in my QSO totals. Not sure why the dupe count is so high in this event but maybe those are “insurance contacts”. Band conditions have not been particularly great, and I’ve had to ask for callsign repeats numerous times despite enjoying a generally quiet receiving location. It’s been gratifying to see near-continuous DX Cluster spotting of K2B CW operation from nodes all around the globe. And at one point on the first or second day I saw eight K2x CW stations spotted at one time on 20 CW. If it looks like this QTH is not going to be clear of T-storms in time for my scheduled 10 p.m. 20-meter CW hour, I’ll erase my call — probably some time after 9:30 or so. Bud, W2RU
Розпочато Bud Hippisley W2RU - B2X @
Dropped 2-3pm 20mCW slot on 3 July (Today) 2
I hope someone will pick it up. -- Thanks, 73, Paul — N4PD Radio.N4PD@...
Розпочато Paul Dluehosh N4PD @ · Останніх @
Hurricane Beryl - Avoid 14.325 and 7.268 2
David O. Wright, K2WPM From: Ytdave <ytdave@...> Sent: Monday, July 1, 2024 06:23 To: David Wright <dwright@...> Subject: Fw: Hurricane Beryl - Avoid 14.325 and 7.268 Sent from the all new AOL app for iOS Begin forwarded message: On Sunday, June 30, 2024, 14:07, Larry Krainson <wb1dby@...> wrote: Great advice! I forwarded to my ops for K2H. Larry, W1AST ARRL WMA Affiliated Club Coordinator Northeast HamXposition Committee Member Team K2H - 13 Colonies Massachusetts State Manager Proud Member of ARRL, HCRA, FCARC & YCCC 413-348-3289 Hamop.W1AST@... On Sun, Jun 30, 2024 at 11:38 AM wa3pzo <wa3pzo@...> wrote: The following info was posted on the Hurricane Watch Net website this morning. The Hurricane Watch Net will be activated this afternoon (Sunday) at 3:00 PM EDT (1900 UTC) on 14.325.00 MHz (USB). We remain in operation on this frequency for as long as propagation allows. We will activate this evening at 7:00 PM EDT (2300 UTC) on 7.268.00 MHz (LSB). We will remain active on this frequency overnight for as long as propagation allows. If propagation allows us to operate all night, we will suspend operations at 7:30 AM EDT Monday to allow the Waterway Net to conduct their daily Net. For this evening and overnight, we will be lining up reporting stations in the path of Beryl. This will allow people to check their equipment and allow us to know where storm shelters are located as well as line up Emergency Operations Centers and Emergency Comms. For Monday, we will resume operations on 14.325.00 MHz at 6:00 AM EDT (1000 UTC). Also, we will resume operations on 7.268.00 MHz at 8:30 AM EDT (1230 UTC). We will be collecting surface reports and forwarding that information directly to the National Hurricane Center in Miami.
Розпочато David Wright K2WPM @ · Останніх @
Sign up sheet 2
Reminder to please use the sign up sheet. For the third time I have seen a Band/Time/Mode open, but when going there, someone is operating.
Розпочато Tim Boyd AA4SS @ · Останніх @
Is anyone on 20 meter SSB? 2
W2WCM is signed up for 9 to 10 am 20 meter SSB No sign of K2B on 20 meter phone. No spots. I went up and down the phone band, no sign of K2B. NX3A is on 7214, please spot him. Nice little pile up, Carl. If people cannot do their slot, please delete your call so folks like me -- who may have an hour free in an otherwise hectic day -- can get on and do an hour. As it is, empty air. Other K2 stations have been spotted at least a hundred times this morning ... David, K2WPM
Розпочато David Wright K2WPM @ · Останніх @
Current Image
Image Name
Sat 8:39am