Due to a significant lack of activity in this group, I was considering shutting it down. If anyone wants to take over, let me know as I have to update national in less than TWO WEEKS. If I do not hear from anyone by about December 8th, the SIG will, sadly, cease to exist.
Simpsons video game
Earlier this year - April, to be specific - my wife and I were in Roanoke, VA. Roanoke has a Pinball "Museum" (pay one price, play pinball all day - highly recommended) and what they call the Starcade (pay one price, play video games all day - not as recommended as the Pinball Museum - and there is a discount for a two-fer ticket). In the far back corner of the games facility was a Simpsons upright video game. I played a game of it - as Homer - for a few minutes before I moved on because the controller was acting up a little.
Simpsons Magazine in Europe
I will admit that this group is rather quiet, for that, I'm sorry. Last fall, my wife and I were traveling in Europe. Our bus stopped for the passengers to take a technical break. In the convenience store we came across a Simpsons magazine (pictures attached [not sure how they will be rendered, if at all]). Thought that was interesting.
Did you all hear about the [Ned] Flanders Crossing Bike and Pedestrian Bridge?
Latest episode
Is everyone caught up? Who was pleasantly surprised by that one short-appearing (or is that short-sounding) "guest star"?
September 27
Is the start date for the beginning of Season 32. Looking forward to it! Steve ***/-**/--
Catching up on the DVR
Hope everyone is staying healthy and safe. I've been catching up on the recorded Simpsons. Overall they have been pretty funny. The isolation intro a couple weeks ago was was interesting. Most recently, the "we're having roasted Bible. Too soon?" was especially funny. Steve ***/-**/--
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