N Gauge abd DCC
I'm in the process of building an N gauge on a regular size door, so far so good, and I'm using Peco track and points, proving the system as I go with a very old dc controller. My ultimate aim is to have my railway running on DCC, at the moment I have a Life Like (Gulf Mobile and Ohio A and B unit) plus a Kato 10-1299 155 excursion train. I need some idea of the better DCC systems for these two units, ( no doubt there will be more). All advise and guidance is appreciated. My back ground in trains is 2 HO systems from 1971 to 1985, then 7 and 1/4 " with a 44227 diesel loco, then a Shay, coal fired Regards Terry
Issue 39 of 'N Scale Modeller'
Issue 39 of the free eMag "N Scale Modeller" has just been released. This issue includes a couple of articles on Narrow Gauge modelling. You can peruse/download it (26 pages, PDF size 7.8Mb) at : www.nscale.org.au/nsm Regards, Graham Cocks (NSMA Secretary)
Selling n-scale layouts
Hi, my father has a layout that he is selling due to his dementia getting worse. I was just wondering if anyone can help put me in the right direction to being able to sell it for him. We live in Brisbane. TIA
Group Open
Welcome. The group is now open. There has been no migrations from the Yahoo group. Regards, Graham (owner)
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