Correction NO Meeting on 9/26. Pls signup for Drill on SAT 10/1
RACES Zoom Meeting Monday 6:30 pm Jan. 24, 2022
Welcome back from the holidays. Please join us on Zoom for the RACES meeting on the 4th Monday of the month at 6.30 pm. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 825 4496 5736 Passcode: 528721
RACES Zoom Meeting Monday, Nov 22, 2021 6:30 pm
HNL DEM RACES AGENDA Last Monday of the Month Monday, November 22⋅6:30 – 8:00 pm Short link to zoom: Sign in - List your name and followed by your call sign Michael KH6ML INTRODUCTIONS and OPENING COMMENTS Michael KH6ML GOOD NEWS Briefly mention one personal accomplishment or highlight since the last meeting. 30 sec each DEM Office - updates: Vaccination Requirement - MAHALO to those who got it in. UPDATE contact info - MAHALO to those who got it updated. MAHALO to those who attended Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Ethics Training. Operation “Cyber Wind” Saturday, November 13th, 2021 Hotwash - EDC - Everyday Carry Recruiting new members. Todo: Attendees: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 825 4496 5736 Passcode: 528721
RACES Meeting Monday 9/25/21 6:30 pm on Zoom
Please join us for the monthly RACES meeting this coming Monday at 6:30 pm HST. See the attached Agenda, which includes updates from DEM, Hot Wash of recent communication exercises, and Mapping contacts for nets and exercises/events 73, Jeff AH6IX
Simulated Emergency Test
SET 9 to 11 am. Check into RACES repeaters. Send peer to peer Winlink messages to AH6IX using digipeter KH6EN KH6CE KH6CZB. Others might be in range.
Handout: Sending text messages via email
Add your cell number in front of your cell provider below: AT&T: Metro PCS: Nextel: Sprint: T-mobile: U.S. Cellular: Verizon: Virgin Mobile: For example, 8082710865@... sends a text to me.
RACES Zoom MGT 6:30 pm tonight pls reply Attending or not Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 825 4496 5736 Passcode: 528721
Save the dates on your calendar
RACES Meeting via Zoom on Monday, Sept. 27 at 6:30 pm. Simulated Emergency Test Saturday, Oct. 2. Details will be discussed at next Monday’s meeting. 73, Jeff AH6IX Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 825 4496 5736 Passcode: 528721
RACES Meeting on Zoom Aug. 23 6:30 pm
Please join us on Zoom for the August 23, 2021 RACES meeting at 6:30 pm. Robert Harter from DEM will present “Activation Safety and Dog Bites”. Clem Jung will review the July 31, 2021 Communications Exercise and announce the upcoming Communications Exercise for Saturday, August 28 from 9 to 10 a.m. 73, Jeff AH6IX Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 825 4496 5736 Passcode: 528721
RACES Meeting on Zoom Month 7/26/21
I apologize for the last minute notice. The next RACES meeting will be on Zoom on Monday 7/26/21 at 6:30 pm. Clem will be discussing an upcoming text message activation and communications exercise with as many members as possible sending a simplex voice message and a peer-to-peer Winlink message. See the attached map for the district simplex plan. If you would like to be on the text message activation list, please email me your cell number and your cell provider company. Harold will be unable to attend future RACES meetings. We may or may not have DEM staff available to participate. 73, Jeff AH6IX Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 825 4496 5736 Passcode: 528721
RACES meeting on Zoom Monday 6/28/21 6:30 pm
The next RACES meeting will be on Zoom on Monday 6/28/21 at 6:30 pm. Harold will be discussing the current hurricane season forecast. Aloha, Jeff AH6IX Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 825 4496 5736 Passcode: 528721
Hams acting as shelter operators Wednesday June 9
DEM has an opportunity for hams to act as shelter radio operators during the day on Wednesday, June 9 in the Honolulu Makani Pahili 21 Exercises. Unfortunately people who work during the day will have difficulty participating. We will send out more information when we have it. I don’t know for sure, but I suspect hams can operate from home. Jeff AH6IX
RACES meeting Monday, 5/24/21 at 6:30 pm on Zoom
The next RACES meeting will be on Zoom Monday, 5/24/21at 6:30 pm. Clem will be discussing the June 19, 2021 Makani Pahili 2021 amateur radio COMMEX. Note the date change to June 19. Hurricane Season starts June 1. The Central Pacific hurricane Center predicts a near or below average hurricane season, but there has already been some activity. Remember, it only takes one. Aloha, Jeff AH6IX Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 825 4496 5736 Passcode: 528721
RACES meeting on Zoom 4/26/21 at 6:30 pm
The next RACES meeting will be on Zoom Monday, 4/26/21 at 6:30 pm. Harold will be discussing damage assessment for the monthly training topic. Attached is material for that training. Clem will be discussing two upcoming exercises, the ARC/RACES May 8, 2021 Spring Exercise and the June 12, 2021 Makani Pahili 2021 amateur radio COMMEX. See you then. 73, Jeff AH6IX Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 825 4496 5736 Passcode: 528721
[dem-races] Zoom RACES Meeting Monday 3/22/21 at 6:30 pm
Begin forwarded message: From: "Jeffrey Sue AH6IX via" <jeffreysue@...> Subject: [dem-races] Zoom RACES Meeting Monday 3/22/21 at 6:30 pm Date: March 20, 2021 at 9:15:33 PM HST To:, OahuRACES <oahuraces@...>, Harold Buckle <hbuckle@...>, Clem Jung <chmjung4@...>, Kevin Bogan <kevin.bogan@...>, Ralph Linda Miranda Races <> Reply-To: Please join us for the Monthly RACES meeting on Zoom, Monday 3/22/21 at 6:30 pm. We will practice voice traffic passing with Kevin Bogan, and Clem Jung will discuss future exercises and events. I have resigned as the Acting Assistant Coordinator, so there is an opening for that position. 73, Jeff AH6IX Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 825 4496 5736 Passcode: 528721 -- You can set your subscription settings here: You can opt to receive: all messages in individual emails, collections of messages in a digest, a daily summary, or only special notices. If you do not wish to belong to this group, you may unsubscribe by sending an email to:
[dem-races] Online Zoom RACES Meeting Monday 1/25/21 6:30 pm
I would like to that Clem Jung for arranging for our special speaker. Thank you, Clem.
Online Zoom RACES Meeting Monday 1/25/21 6:30 pm
We will have a special speaker, Kevin Zanjani from Bioenno Power, who will be talking about Bioenno lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries and their advantages over SLA batteries. He will also extend a 10% discount on Bioenno products to RACES members. Several of us, including Clem Jung, Kevin Bogan, and I have and use Bioenno batteries. See you all Monday, Jeff AH6IX Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 825 4496 5736 Passcode: 528721 One tap mobile +16699006833,,82544965736# US (San Jose) +19292056099,,82544965736# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 825 4496 5736
RACES Zoom Meeting Monday 6:30 pm
Reminder, there is an online RACES Zoom meeting Monday at 6:30 pm. Clem will be discussing the nationwide American Red Cross Exercise last Saturday, Nov.14 and possible future events. See you all on Zoom, and Happy Thanksgiving. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 825 4496 5736 Passcode: 528721 One tap mobile +16699006833,,82544965736# US (San Jose) +19292056099,,82544965736# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 825 4496 5736
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