No garbage pickup on New Year’s Day
In case you didn’t get the news, our next trash pickup will be on Thursday, January 2nd. Happy New Year! Chuck and Carolina 5632 Begin forwarded message: From: WM <noreply@...> Date: December 28, 2024 at 1:34:58 AM PST To: caffler@... Subject: WM Alert: Your holiday pickup schedule Reply-To: WM <reply-30505155-4693465_HTML-1676676140-10991002-38731@...> Waste Management Make sure your container is accessible Sign Up Your Holiday Schedule Regarding the New Years holiday, WEDNESDAY waste pickup occurring on or after the holiday for your residence will be provided one day late. To stay up to date on changes to your service schedule, visit or opt in to texts alerts via My WM. Set Preferences Do More with My WM Set Communication Preferences View Pickup Schedules Easily Handle Holidays Manage Billing Sign Up for My WM Download the My WM App Manage Preferences | Privacy Policy © 2024 WM Intellectual Property Holdings, L.L.C. 800 Capitol Street, Suite 3000, Houston, TX 77002
Ink jet printer?
Hi neighbors! Happy holidays!! I need to print one copy of a picture onto fusible material for a t-shirt gift for my daughter. I didn’t think it would be so hard to find a printer! I need a good color ink jet printer, that does not have a heating element - very key- I almost ruined Shonas printer, by not seeing that fine print! (everything worked out for the printer, but not the copy) All the commercial places have laser printers. Does anyone have one who is willing to give it a go? many many thanks! Kelly
Intruder at 5:13pm on 12/22
A guy caught on camera at 5:13pm on Sunday 12/22 in our backyard (don’t know how he got in ) trying to open the back door to go inside the house. The door was locked so he walked away. We were all inside the house. Please be careful. Here is the link to the footages
Found notebook
In the street in front of my house, at the end of Pedestrian Way. Spiral bound, half size paper. Seems to have to do lists beginning August 2024. Anyone claim it?
Luffes Family
Does anyone know the Luffes family? A package arrived today at 5600 OG.
Boulder Creek had an albino peacock!
3 Rare White Peacock Killed in California Mountain Lion Attack Rare white peacock, known as Albert in the Boulder Creek community, has been killed by a mountain lion.
Want Better Homes and Gardens Magazines?
I have 9 magazines. Let me know if you are interested in any or all! Carolina
Summary of Planning Commission Meeting Outcomes RE: JCC Project
FYI Sent by magic Begin forwarded message: From: Leslie Moldow Date: November 6, 2024 at 9:55:30 PM PST To: ChabotVillagers, Chabot Core Subject: Summary of Planning Commission Meeting Outcomes RE: JCC Project This is a photo of 18 participants of the 27 who spoke on behalf of Chabot Village and related neighbors. In addition there were several other supporters from our block who attended but chose not to speak. Everyone who spoke during the 2 minute community presentations,underscored the issues of the increased traffic on Chabot that would be caused by their plan and/or the noise the project will create from pickleball, outdoor amplified sound and a half-court basketball court. There was an ample variety of informed perspectives presented and the Planning Commissioners articulated that they were overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness and thoroughness of the community turn-out, passion and concern. In an effort to show some appeasement of the neighborhood's concerns, the JCC came prepared with some concessions they presented and summarized in a memorandum that was shared in an email with our core team literally an hour before the meeting. The planning commissioners, after extensive and perceptive questions to planners, consultants and the JCC on issues relating mostly to traffic safety and security, used the JCC memorandum as the basis of their Conditions of Approval. I am sure that we will get a formal summary of the Conditions of Approval from the Oakland Planning Department tomorrow, but I also know many people are curious about what happened. The project was approved with the following Conditions: 1. Construction vehicles will only use Claremont, not Chabot. 2. They will delete the 4 pickleball courts from their site. 3. Basketball may be played from 9am-9pm (the half-court was not relocated or eliminated) 4. Special events will be held from Saturday at 5 (or an hour after sunset, to 10pm) 5. For the curbs on Claremont and Chabot, the curbs will be painted red to daylight at least 20ft on each side to increase visibility 6. Special events of more than 50 people will use Claremont for both ingress and egress so that traffic will not be on Chabot. 7. Rideshare will have their drop-off on Claremont 8. We will have twice a year meetings with the JCC to check in on issues that may be occuring to come up with solutions to solve them. There were some informal clarifications that the JCC said during their presentations that are not in writing but we will have some on-going discussions with them to pin them down. 1. The JCC described their outdoor amplification system as a PA system for emergency and security situations and events such as graduation. They clarified it was not for blaring music during parties. 2. During special events the road between parking lots will be connected so the lots can work in tandem 3. They will not be asked to pay for an added bulb-out on the south-east corner of College and Chabot. It will not happen. 4. The JCC will share the results of their annual traffic study with us for the first three years they are required to do it. 5. Our recourse if there is too much site noise is to contact the person in the planning office who records issues that are breaking the COA for the project. I feel we did get them to make some changes to their program that without everyone's input they would not have felt the pressure to make-- That said, if people are still dissatisfied there is an appeal process that will be outlined in our email from the City I will share when I receive it. Our understanding is we have a 10 calendar day window to file an appeal. It costs $10K. It would go to the City Council for review. I sent an email to Dan Kalb earlier today asking about the process and if he can support us if we take that route. Others with better notes or memory than I have, please add on to this email if you know I am missing something or misrepresenting something. Exhausted by the last two days but exhilarated by everyone's care, Leslie -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "ch
Thank you! Let's party!
My dearest Oakgrovians and Pedestriots! Election season is just about over and I want to thank you all for the incredible support you've shown for me and my campaign. Having a home base like this has been a huge source of comfort and inspiration for me. And now, thank God, it's almost over. Win or lose, I'd love to celebrate with you all tomorrow night. A bunch of my friends and supporters will be gathering at Beer Baron starting around 730 to have some food and drinks and nervously watch the national results together. I'd love if you could join us! We'll be wrapping up around 9 so that people can move on to other election night celebrations. If it fits into your schedule, please stop by and say hello. And if you can't make it, please just know how much I appreciate you all. I'll see you around the neighborhood! --Zac
Rockridge Community Planning Council letter on JCCEB
FYI RCPC perspective on JCC traffic etc. impact due to expansion Sent by magic Begin forwarded message: Date: November 1, 2024 at 2:00:00 PM PDT To: ChabotVillagers <ChabotVillagers@...>, chabotcore@... Subject: Rockridge Community Planning Council letter on JCCEB Hi, Neighbors: I wanted to share the letter written by the RCPC (Rockridge Community Planning Council) about the JCC East Bay project. In my opinion, it does a nice job outlining all of the concerns and conditions we've been voicing for the past few years. A big thanks to Mark Aaronson for writing the letter and for representing the needs of the neighborhood and community. Hope that folks can make it next Wednesday for the Planning Commission meeting. Best, - Sheela (on behalf of the task force) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "chabotcore" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to chabotcore+unsubscribe@.... To view this discussion visit
Planning Commission Meeting with JCC on topic - November 11 @ 3pm Please attend!
FYI, JCC expansion opp to discuss traffic impact Begin forwarded message: Date: November 1, 2024 at 2:53:30 PM PDT To: chabotcore@..., ChabotVillagers <ChabotVillagers@...> ____ Here is the agenda for the Wednesday 11/6 Planning Commission meeting. Link to Agenda - City of Oakland | Planning Commissions See attachment for more details BUSINESS MEETING Wednesday 11/6 3:00pm Council Chamber, City Hall, 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Oakland Persons wishing to address the Commission on any item on the agenda, including Open Forum and Director’s Report, should fill out a speaker card and give it to the Secretary. Agenda items will be called at the discretion of the Chair not necessarily in the order they are listed on the Agenda Speakers are generally limited to two minutes at the discretion of the Chair. Applicants and appellants are generally limited to five minutes at the discretion of the Chair. The order of items will be determined under Agenda Discussion at the beginning of the meeting. With the exception of Open Forum, a new item will not be called after 7:15pm, and the meeting will adjourn no later than 7:30pm, unless the meeting is extended by the Chair with the consent of a majority of Commissioners present. While attending Planning Commission meetings, you may park for free in the Dalziel Building Garage (located on 16th Street between San Pablo Avenue and Clay Street). As of September 2023, parkers must use the ParkMobile parking app on a mobile device to manage their parking, and the promotion code for free parking will be provided at the meeting. ================================================== Informational Reports - The Vision 980 Study Caltrans is collaborating with partners, stakeholders, and the public to explore alternatives for reconnecting communities along the I-980 corridor. Phase 1 (Spring 2024 – end of 2025) will identify a community-supported land use and transportation vision for the corridor. Phase 2 (early 2026 – late 2027) will include a deeper feasibility analysis of the vision developed in Phase 1. Fill out a survey - This is your opportunity to voice an opinion on the future of 980 ============================================ 5901 College Avenue; 5965, 5957, 5941 Chabot Road; 6012, 6016, 6028, 6036, 6046, 6048 Claremont Avenue Major Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Design Review to alter existing building facilities and permit Community Education and Community Assembly Civic Activities to serve as a Jewish Community Campus of the East Bay (JCCEB). Case File Number: PLN23117, TPM11430
JCC development update + planning commission presentation Nov. 5
Hello neighbors, As Pedestrian Way also straddles Chabot, we’re also on their mailing list. The Chabot group have been vigilant in monitoring the major development plans of the Jewish Community Center (JCC) on what is now the Dreyer’s HQ. Please read the below and reach out to Leslie Moldow with questions or support. You may also attend the Nov. 5 to lobby for key considerations. Sent by magic Begin forwarded message: On Sat, Oct 5, 2024 at 1:08 PM Leslie Moldow <leslie.moldow@...> wrote: The JCC is tentatively scheduled to present to the Planning Commission on November 6th at 3pm. We only have between now and then to make our case for changes to address traffic, parking, noise and other related issues. Please save the date to attend the planning commission meeting as we will need bodies and voices should we not get some concessions we feel are necessary. It is good to get a handle on how a Planning Commission meeting works. Several people are planning on attending the meeting on October 16th at 3. Does anyone know any of the Planning Commissioners that we can talk with ahead of time? There has been a small group of activists on the block including Karen Lee, Eric Siegle, Jim Crawford, Daniel Brekke, Eric Newman, Sheela Subramanian and Leslie Moldow Below are some of the actions we have and are taking: Petition / OakDOT Sheela sent an email to Joe DeVries, Deputy Administrator for Oakland, on Tuesday requesting a meeting with OakDepartment of Transportation to discuss traffic calming ideas for our street. We are meeting with Dan Kalb at 1:20pm today to raise awareness and press for the meeting. No response from the city yet. -RCPC They met to review and discuss the presentations JCC gave and that we gave regarding traffic issues. RCPC chose to support our efforts to meet with OakDOT, but is not weighing in on the project or supporting our specific requests at this time. Traffic Report Review and Comment JC and LM reviewed and analyzed the report and created a list of questions for the traffic engineer to respond to. The JCC arranged a meeting for this Wednesday evening to discuss the traffic consultant, Fehr and Peers' response. Review the summary traffic report here. We suggest you read it, as it has a direct impact on the quality of life of our block. We sent a copy of our comments to the City Planner responsible for the project, Alexia, on 10/5
Tues @ 10-11am Mayor/Police Mtg in Rockridge
The Rockridge Biz District (RDA) is hosting a Mayor/Police Chief mtg on College Ave tomorrow (Tuesday) from 10-11am at the College Ave Presbyterian Church (CAPC). The meeting got scheduled so quickly I don’t think there’s any information on the RDA website yet, but the general idea is the mayor and police chief are going around to the different business districts and talking to the merchants and business owners in the area and then doing a walk run afterwards and the public is invited to listen in so all are welcome to come to the 10 AM meeting tomorrow. cheers!
Room for a visitor
Dear neighbors, My sister will be visiting from the UK next month (Oct 11-20) and we do not have a spare bedroom! In the past she has visited with her husband and they have rented a car and stayed on our sailboat in the Berkeley Marina. But she does not want to do that on her own. So I am wondering if anyone has a spare room just for her to sleep in? I have not been able to find any airbnb close enough to walk from. many thanks Hilary 5623 Oak Grove Av
Anyone need a crib/toddler bed?
Hi neighbors, We have a used but still in great condition crib/toddler bed that we are ready to pass along. Anyone need it? I think we have some growing families on the block. I’ll be posting on facebook at the weekend. Thanks, Jan Faraguna 5701
Large men’s clothes needed
Hello all- reposting for a friend from another block list … you can also leave on my front porch and I’ll deliver (5655 OG) Hi. Not sure you’ve met Roy before but he’s living in a car someone donated to him, he helps us clean up our streets until he can get an apartment. Right now he’s asking for clothes. He is 5’11 and need L or XL shirts or shorts or sweatpants (he’s not big on jeans or regular pants). Might you have some extra (large) clothes you’re not using? If so, you can bring to 5800 Clover and leave on bench or I’ll pick up! Thanks in advance, Kelly
Posting for Hilary
Subject: Room for a visitor Dear neighbors, My sister will be visiting from the UK next month (Oct 11-20) and we do not have a spare bedroom! In the past she has visited with her husband and they have rented a car and stayed on our sailboat in the Berkeley Marina. But she does not want to do that on her own. So I am wondering if anyone has a spare room just for her to sleep in? I have not been able to find any airbnb close enough to walk from. many thanks Hilary 5623 Oak Grove Av
backpack found on Oak Grove
Is anybody looking for a lost or stolen backpack? It was found in front of our house this afternoon. It’s full of clothes, plus an auto insurance card for Eric Schneider. Does anyone know him? Chuck at 5632 510-590-0014
any baby equipment to lend for a few days?
Hi all, our 1 year old grandson and his parents will be visiting us at the end of September for a few days. Does anyone have any of the following lying around that we could borrow: a portacrib/PaknPlay 1-2 baby gates a high chair Many thanks! Jeff and Melissa (5689 OG)
Fired up? Ready to Go? Let's get together to help grassroots organizers get swing states on board for Harris/Walz! (Also - please forward to your friends!)
House Party Details Hosts: Shona Armstrong, Julie Caskey, and Zac Unger Date: Sunday, August 18 Time: 4:00pm PT Place: 5664 Oak Grove Avenue, Oakland, CA 94618 Please join us for a House Party to hear from an organization we find deeply compelling, Flip the Vote. You will hear a short presentation from Flip the Vote on how you can have the biggest impact on elections and build community power for years to come. We look forward to seeing you there! How to Donate If you are unable to attend or would like to donate in advance you can donate online. If you would like to donate by check, wire transfer, stock transfer, charitable trust, or donor-advised fund, please email Flip the Vote at info@... for instructions. About Flip the Vote Flip the Vote is a volunteer-fueled organization that educates and engages our peers to collectively maximize the impact of their political investments and activate their networks in furtherance of a more inclusive, equitable, and just American democracy. If you have questions about this event email us at join@.... Please RSVP by clicking on this link to register: RSVP here Contact join@flipthevote with any questions. Chip in! Show your support with a contribution. Shona and Julie's Flip the Vote Party House Party Details Hosts: Shona Armstrong, Julie Caskey, and Zac Unger Date: August 18 Time: 4:00pm PT Place: 5664 Oak Grove Avenue, Oakland, CA 94618 Join us for a House Party to hear from an organization we find deeply compelling, Flip the Vote. You will hear a short presentation from Flip the Vote on how you can have the biggest impact on elections and build community power for years to come. We look forward to seeing you there! How to Donate If you are unable to attend or would like to donate in advance you can donate online. If you would like to donate by check, wire transfer, stock transfer, charitable trust, or donor-advised fund, please email Flip the Vote at info@... for instructions. About Flip the Vote Flip the Vote is a volunteer-fueled organization that educates and engages our peers to collectively maximize the impact of their political investments and activate their networks in furtherance of a more inclusive, equitable, and just American democracy. If you have questions about this event email us at join@.... Let's get started. Please enter your email address below. Contact join@flipthevote with any questions. Email Please use a unique email address for each registrant.
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