Hello all- My brick wall is Samuel Cook Lewis b. 1822 ,Stanstead, QC, Canada; 1877, Malcom, Powesheik, Iowa, USA. He married Sarah Ann Packard, dtr of Moses Packard and Rhoda Lillie in Stanstead in 1849. I am trying to find the ancestors of Samuel Cook Lewis. There is much info available of the Lillie and Packard families for which I am grateful. For Samuel, I've found real estate sale prior to the family moving to Iowa but that does not indicate his parentage. Thank you for any help or hints Debbie Cotter Sent from AOL on Android
Roll: Brown, Thurber, Barwis, Hopkins, McNeill, Nugent, Thom
I would like to submit my list of names. I am researching the origins of Bartholomew BROWN (~1820-1910) of Ireland township. He married twice, first to Martha THURBER, then to Juila BARWIS. His descendants have married into the families of HOPKINS, MCNEILL, NUGENT, and THOM. Thanks in advance. -Curtis
Roll: Salls, Tryon, Young, Tallman, Derick, Scott, Hurlbut
Everyone Caldwell’s or Christie’s Manor 1780ish
Being Active
Seeing how the group is all of a sudden so busy. Perhaps we could all post a couple of our main family groups. Going first MACE-COUCHMAN-LLOYD-MASTINE cheers Tim
Roll call Wighton, Lesperance, Vincelette, Desforges, Blake, Malcolm, Stinehour
We used to do a roll call - and place the family names we are researching in the subject line so they can be viewed without opening each email. Want to try this again? On 05/18/2024 3:18 PM EDT Pam via groups.io <pam.chlopas@...> wrote: Great idea Tim. Mine are Nurse/Nourse. Quebec, Cookshire, Sherbrooke. Thanks. On 18 May 2024, at 20:11, Rogers™ <timmace@...> wrote: Seeing how the group is all of a sudden so busy. Perhaps we could all post a couple of our main family groups. Going first MACE-COUCHMAN-LLOYD-MASTINE cheers Tim
Not sure who still receives these
Anyone out there a descendant of William Henry Young, b. 1815 Caldwell’s Manor?
Brock, Tracy, others
I'm sure there's connection. Phoebe Spencer?? I'd have to look it up in my tree. My ancestors are Solomon Brock who married Sarah Miller. Solomon goes back to the immigrant ancestor Walter Brock, of Scotland. If my memory is correct, Sarah had two sisters that married Tracy brothers. I am related to the Brocks on my mother's side and the Tracy's on my father's side.
Brock, Spencer, others
Solomon's parents were William Stuart Brock and Phoebe Spencer. I have a L'esperance connect via the Royer family.
Being active
Mainly SUTTON and MORRISON, but many other names affiliated. The time frame; 1805 to current, The location; Barnston, Stanstead, Sherbrooke, Ayer's Cliff and beyond. Ancestry destroyed the Rootsweb mail lists as well as the Rootsweb hosted web pages. So I've had to move my pages; moved my stuff to another location; http://philpotsutton.atwebpages.com/ Descendants of Philpot Sutton Descendants of Philpot J. Sutton. From the Eastern Townships of Quebec into New England, Ontario, Minnesota, Washington, California and other states. Other surnames; Baldarelli, Mulgrew, Golliff, Contessa, Morrison, Hart, Lang philpotsutton.atwebpages.com
1820 Fire in Caldwell's and Christie's Manors
Just found an interesting article in a newspaper called Galignani's Messenger, which was published in Paris. The issue it appeared was 1 Jul 1820: 13th May, Montreal: We regret to learn on the 5th last [May], ...a fire broke out in Christie's and Caldwell's Manors, which was either communicated to or broke out simultaneously in Champlain, Odelltown, and St Alban's, in the State of Vermont. In the last a Mr. Ferris is said to have lost a building worth 800 dollars, and the Court House to have been several times in flames, but finally preserved. In the two former a number of buildings are said to have been consumed. The accident originated in the embers of weeds, stumps, etc. which the farmers had been burning in the fields, being carried across the face of the country by wind, which was very violent that day. The following list of persons living in the manors, amongst others unknown to our informant, may be relied on as correct, viz.: John ALLEN, Abraham SALLS, G.G. SALLS, Daniel TRYON, Ephraim FILER, John SCOTT and W. SCOTT. A great deal of damage is said to have been done to the fences. Who knew that it would be news in Europe? Although, the paper was published in English. Since I am related to the SALLS, TRYONs and SCOTTs, I was quite pleased. Anyone ever hear anything about such a fire in 1820? Pam Wood Waugh 1833 Winding Oaks Drive Orlando, FL 32825 http://www.woodwaugh.com http://www.quebecgenweb.com/~qceastwn/
Has anyone tried to do any research in determining if a relative was a member of the Orage Order? I have an ancestor that arrived in Lower Canada between 1820 and 1850. He started his family in Megantic county of the Eastern Townships. I have found marriage and birth records from two different churchs, Leeds Anglican Church and Ireland Anglican Church. Given that the churches both Anglican, how likely should I expect for a church member to be part of an Orange Lodge? I have only been able to find information on Megantic Orange Lodges from a defunct webpage, preserved in Archive.org: https://web.archive.org/web/20190118214159/http://canadianorangehistoricalsite.com/index-92.php Would these lodges have membership records, or just records they are willing to share to armchair genealogists? Looking at the webpage for the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada: http://grandorangelodge.ca/contact-us/ they seem to be based in Toronto. Are customs or protocols when reaching out to them to ask for this kind of information? Thanks in advance for anyone giving insight.
Stone family from Dunham
Looking for any records/details on Alexander Stone / Virginia Beaudreau. Daughter Salome Stone was baptized in Dunham, QC in 1858. Thanks, Todd
Alexander Carlisle Buchanan, emigration agent
I have been reading through this PDF article about Quebec immigration: "A. C. Buchanan and the Megantic Experiment: Promoting British Colonization in Lower Canada" https://hssh.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/hssh/article/view/40265/36450 Mr. Buchanan was supposed to have help thousands of migrants colonize Megantic County in the the Eastern Townships area around the early 1800s. I would be interested to know if and where I can find a list of people he helped. Would anyone know if such a list might exist or where I would start looking? I have an ancestor, Bartholomew Brown, who supposedly arrived in the Township of either Leeds or Ireland, around 1824, but then started a farm around 1845. I'm having thick brick walls trying to trace him any further back. I have tried asking on FamilySearch's Quebec community group, but I haven't been able to solicit any responses. Thanks in advance.
Sherbrooke Gazette/ The Gazette
Good Morning Can anyone tell me where I can access the Sherbrooke Gazette 1907 and the Gazette 1937? TIA Pam C
Fw: Ancestors of Diane Bourdon
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2020 3:47 PM To: Jim Muirhead Subject: Re: Ancestors of Diane Bourdon Jim, Please resend this posting to QC-ETANGLO@groups.io This just came to me alone, as it was addressed to ...@groups.io group moderator. Pam Wood Waugh
Desforges, Lavoie
Jean, Could you fill in some dates and/or time frames. Might help if someone is doing some searching for you. Thanks
first posting
My family in Quebec....Vincelette, Lesperance, Desforges, Trahan, Wighton... In particular... I still cannot find my gggrandmother-Philomene Desforges.... I think she was an illegitimate child of Jeremie Desforges & Adeline Lavoie Jean
Our New Mailing List
Well, Subscribers, over 80 of our old members have joined our new list. I hope to see you posting queries! I know I need to, as well. We all thirst for fresh information. Pam Wood Waugh
new arrival
Garth Hamilton my family, James & Joseph Hamilton arrived in Hawksbury area about 1824 from Ireland, James my 3rd great grandfather, first settled near Lakefield and about 1867 moved to Ranborough Qc He had a farm corner of Statton and Parker, then retired to live in Randboro across from Methodist church at foot of Parker Hill. His son Matthew lived in East Clifton , also lived in Johnville one daughter buried in cemetery and Lennoxville, one daughter buried in was editor of newspaper there followed his sons to Unity SK after 1910 in retirement, Matthew my 2x Ggrandfather lived in East Clifton near method church and in 1899 move to homestead near Sidney Manitoba built what is now general store there and lived on maple street near Methodist church his father lived near by. When Portage La Prairie was made division point for CPR instead of Sidney.in 1910 Mathew's 3 sons set out for Unity Sk where they homesteaded and had businesses in town Hugh my Grandfather was in farm equipment later autos and fuel His brother Justin ran a dairy farm and their brother Frank had a horse ranch west of town. connected families are Evans, Cairns, Gordon Mao, Parker, Waldron . Joseph settled in Winchester west of Hawksbury from Ranborough parts of family ended up in Bernardston Mass.and Manchester NH regards Garth live near Niagara Falls ON now retired age 77
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