Exciting Announcements from Your Regional Management Team
Hello Region 11. All of the roles played by members of the RMT are crucial to the success of Region 11 but the one that is vital to making our annual convention and seminars a reality is the Events Coordinator. This is a very big job for one person! To ease the burden, your RMT is launching a two-year pilot program during which we are testing the feasibility of having two people in this role as Co-Event Coordinators. One coordinator will handle the responsibilities of the job for our annual convention and the other will handle the same responsibilities for seminars. Officially, the pilot will be in place for the two-year term beginning in May 2025. At the end of the two-year term, we will evaluate the effectiveness of having co-coordinators and decide how to proceed going forward. I am also happy to announce that Debbie Curtis is joining the RMT in the role of Events Coordinator - Convention, effective immediately. Debbie will be completing the current term, which has been vacant since the resignation of Colleen McCormick. The current term ends on April 30, 2025. She will then begin a two-year term, beginning May 1. Debbie has a long history of participation in regional activities and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her new role. She has previously served on the RMT as Education Coordinator, Communications Coordinator and Marketing Coordinator, as well as Administrative Coordinator (aka Team Coordinator) during the SAI’s 2-year governance pilot program. Currently, as Communications Chair on the Convention Committee, she is working tirelessly along with the rest of the committee and with her counterpart in Region 21 to help bring our joint convention to fruition. If you would like to send congratulations to Debbie, you may contact her at curtisnotes2@.... The RMT would also like to formally thank Colleen for her dedicated service to the region. If you would like to personally thank Colleen, you may contact her at cjsings@.... The success of our region depends on people like Debbie and Colleen and the other members of the RMT. We're looking for someone to join Debbie in the Co-Events Coordinator position. In addition, all the coordinators are looking for members to join our team in committee roles. We can get so much more accomplished with the help of a volunteer army! I would be thrilled to announce your name in a future email! If you have questions or comments about this announcement or would like to volunteer to support your region in any capacity big or small, please reach out directly to me at sairegion11communications@.... Best regards, Lora Goodpasture Communications Coordinator
A message from the Golden Sands Chorus.....
Hello Region 11, Our wonderful dear director, Lou Schroff, has decided to retire as the director of Golden Sands Chorus next year after our 2025 Spring Regional Contest. This contest will be a memorable one for us as well as for Lou. Lou has been a member of our chorus for 17 years and has served as our director for the last 5 years. We truly appreciate all the hard work and unwavering dedication Lou has given to our chorus. She has touched many lives, both in Golden Sands and within the Sweet Adelines community. She will be sorely missed, and we wish her the best in her retirement. Our chorus, based in Long Beach, California is starting our director search and we invite all interested candidates to contact our president, Darice Hawkins, at agfox@....
SAVE THE DATE Sizzler 2025!
While travel is on the brain and our region sends out our champs with love as they journey to International. . .start thinking Summer Sizzler plans! Voices United Chorus is proud to welcome and host in fabulous Fresno! Gateway to Harmony will be July 24-27 at DoubleTree by Hilton Fresno Convention Center https://www.hilton.com/en/hotels/fatccdt-doubletree-fresno-convention-center/ Details about faculty, classes, registration, and all things Fresno will be coming soon but for now, mark your calendars because you will NOT want to miss the opportunity to savor a DoubleTree chocolate chip cookie in the Raisin Capital of the world. We exceeded our attendance goals in 2024 so let's support our region by maintaining this winning streak. Voices United is putting together a travel guide with all the must-see Central California sights so you may want to make Sizzler the icing on the cake of a vacay to Yosemite, Kings Canyon National Forest, or even the local wineries, state of the art Fresno Zoo, Forestiere Underground Gardens, and more! Walk through the Gateway to Harmony and be an earwitness to how the chords ring in Central California! Sue Walker Seminar Communications Convention Awards Tenor, Kick it Up Quartet
To all International Convention Attendees: Join the Region 11 Rah-Rah Rally in Kansas City!
Hey Region 11, IT'S HAPPENING!! Join your Region 11 Rah Rah Coordinator, Monica Tautkus, for these opportunities to show your love and support for our Region 11 competitors: • Troubadour ~ 2024 Quartet Champs! • Shenanigans ~ Wildcard Quartet! • Santa Monica Chorus ~ Our Champion Chorus! • R#11 Dual Members competing this week! The 2024 Region #11 Rah-Rah Rally Date and Time: TUESDAY October 29 at 7:30pm Where: Santa Monica Chorus Rehearsal at the Kansas City Convention Center (KCCC), Room 2504 A & B (SAI Riser Room) Monica says "Don't be late as we're gonna get in, rally, and then get out of the way and allow SMC to get on with their rehearsal!" This is an open rehearsal so you are welcome to stay and watch and applaud! The "Tunnel of Luv" Following each competitor's performance (semi-finals and finals!), join the Region 11 Tunnel of Luv as they come from the backstage area. ALL MEMBERS are needed and welcome to form the Region 11 Tunnel. Help make this tradition a wonderful memory for our competing friends :-) Here are the on-stage times for the quartet semi-finals on Wednesday: Troubadour, contestant # 28, 4:50PM Shenanigans, contest #36, 6:53PM Santa Monica Chorus will be on stage at 4:32PM on Thursday. Join the Tunnel directly following each performance! And should it come to pass that Region 11 is represented in the Finals, then the Tunnel is definitely on! ** SMC has 2 other Open Rehearsals scheduled if you want to attend: Wed, 10/30. 11am-1pm. KCCC Room 2501 C. (Skylines Room) Wed, 10/30. 8-10pm. Marriott Hotel, 1st Floor, Royal Hall. (City of Lakes Room) Have questions? Contact Monica at gtasingmt@.... See you there, Your Regional Management Team
The Vote for the International Board of Directors is Coming Soon to Your Chorus!
Hello Region 11, It is time for the membership of Sweet Adelines International to cast their ballots for three members who will serve on the International Board of Directors, beginning May 1, 2025. What is your vision for the future of Sweet Adelines International? What should the priorities of the organization be in the next few years? Click on the following link – 2024 BOARD NOMINEE FLYER to review the biographical statements of each of the five candidates running for the IBOD and choose the three that most closely align with your answers to these important questions. The vote will be conducted by your President/Team Coordinator during an upcoming Chapter meeting. Each member will vote for their top three choices. Your President/Team Coordinator will then submit the names of the three candidates who won the most votes in your Chapter to International Headquarters to count towards the election of officers. Your responsibility as a member of Sweet Adelines is be prepared to make an informed choice when the votes are cast in your Chapter. Do your homework now! Best regards, Lora G Your Region 11 Communications Coordinator
We have a winner!
This historic contest will be the first ever jointly held by two Sweet Adelines Regions; 11 and 21. Preparations for the contest are well under way as teams from both regions work together to plan schedules, infrastructures and celebration of shared traditions. There will be one panel of judges and two panel secretaries to adjudicate a full schedule of quartets and choruses in the Marriott Redondo Beach ballroom. Region 21 held the 2024 contest in this CA location. The combined effort will save each region a considerable amount of money and will replenish funds impacted by rising costs and diminished revenue through the pandemic. The logo contest was open to all members of each region, including CAL and MAL members, and was judged by a joint panel from both competition teams. There were nine entries; 4 from Region 11 and 5 from Region 21, which were judged by the blind panel. We all know what talent there is in members from both regions and the entries to the contest illustrate that. Voting was close. The winning entry was designed by Debbie Curtis. Debbie will receive VIP seating during the contest and will also receive a SWAG package of all merchandise created with the logo. This merchandise will go on sale to all members and friends around the first of the year. We want to thank all the designers for the outstanding participation in this contest. Well done!
Quartet competitor count
Hello Region 11 — In order to start planning for the Quartet Contest in April, I’ve been asked to poll our region to determine how many quartets are planning to compete, either in the International Division or Open Division. Please let me know if your quartet is planning to compete in the Quartet Contest next year, and which division you’re planning for. And if you are considering putting a quartet together to compete, let me know that, too! Please send your responses to me: curtisnotes2@... by this Friday, October 11. P.S. — This is not an official commitment — we’re just trying to get a preliminary count. Thanks, Debbie Curtis Region 11 Convention Communications Chair
Region 11 Parade of Quartets over the years (curated by Debbie Curtis)
Region 11 has a rich history of fabulous quartets who go on to compete at the international. And while there can only be one quartet champion per year, there are so many other wonderful quartets who have graced our regional competition stage over the years. Please enjoy this fabulous parade of quartets curated by Debbie Curtis. https://youtu.be/jMY4KF4jO_Q
Kim Vaughn's "The Art Of Your Part" webinar November 16-17
Hello, singers everywhere! Open your calendar app-- you won't want to miss this weekend of education with Kim Vaughn! Specialized coaching for all four voice parts, inspired by her "Lead School" following the 2015 International competition. That event sold out in a day! If you're in a quartet, what better place to learn how to improve your vocal skills than with a three-time International Quartet Champion? And if you're not yet in a quartet, but want to improve your singing chops before 2025 competitions, step right up! Get all the details and buy your tickets at https://www.simpletix.com/e/the-art-of-your-part-tickets-177748 Join us to see how Kim can help you to elevate your vocal skills! Barb Schultz TC, Agoura Hills Harmony
You're Invited! Santa Monica Chorus Friends & Family Night Send Off to Kansas City Show
Hi Region 11 Friends, Family, and Fans!! Please join Santa Monica Chorus on Tuesday, October 8th, 8:00 pm in Culver City at the Veterans Memorial Auditorium, Rotunda Room, to share in our excitement preparing for our upcoming International performance in October in Kansas City! Please see flyer for details! Lots of holiday shopping opportunities! See’s and Greenery orders, Silent Auction, and our famous Second Hand Rose table of Treasures! Hope to see you there! ❤️ Santa Monica Chorus
LOGO CONTEST - Only 5 more days!
Hello Region 11! Only 5 more days to submit your logo artwork for this Convention Logo Contest! When you’re ready to upload your logo, let me know and I’ll send you the link!! Debbie Curtis Region 11 Convention Communications
Rising Star Quartet member search
Hello! I've been contacted by a youth member from Region 12, Ana Bispo, who is looking to form/join a quartet to go to Rising Star next year. She has been a Sweet Adeline for 5 years and sings baritone in Diablo Vista Chorus. She would be willing to do some travel, pending how far other quartet members are. If that sounds interesting then you can either email her at aebispo2005@... or send me contact info and I will put you in touch Thank you! Darica Louie R11 Young Voices in Harmony Coordinator
Exit Survey for Summer Sizzler
R11NG@groups.io Mon 8/21/2023 11:45 PM Hello All! Here's some Weekend Homework Who still has an earwork from Sizzler? Nothing wrong in this whole world some little song won't cure.... After a few technical difficulties, the much-anticipated Exit Survey is here! We can't wait to hear your thoughts and experiences! Thank you to all who planned, performed, shared knowledge, and created a safe and fun environment for everyone. Early reviews have been fantastic. So many attended and had a really great time! Thank you to all who have shared pictures and experiences. Here is a chance for all to share your experiences. Now that you've had a chance to get home and let all the good vibes soak in, please take a moment to fill in the survey so the region knows what to continue and how to serve our singers the best way possible. Your answers will not be made public. No judgements. This is just information to help shape future events. If you did not attend, there is a small moment on the survey for you too so we can gather information on how to serve the most members. You will not have as many questions to answer but please share your insights on the ones available to you. Your voice will be heard. So much love for Martha and the Seminar team, Tammy and the amazing educational coordination she magically turned into an amazing weekend of becoming better performers, the fabulously entertaining Winners' Circle show, and our friendly and hardworking hosts ChannelAire and all who came together to make this such a success. Still coveting their fabulous show costumes. This could not happen without all this massive effort and sleepless nights. Let this information guide your responses. I tried the survey out on myself, and it seems to run smoothly but if you run into any issues, please reply to me at moonsuep@... . Find the Survey Here: https://forms.gle/DgsAEkX8nvP6MUsm6 Sue Walker Seminar Committee, Communications Convention Committee, Awards Tenor, Kick it Up Quartet
A Primer on Region 11’s email forum -- The R11ng
Hello all. I have received numerous questions from Region 11 members about the R11ng: what it is, how to sign up, how to use it, why messages don’t always show up and more! So, let’s dig in a bit: The R11ng (note that it is spelled with the number 11 to represent the one and only Region 11!) is an email forum for communicating official regional information and Chapter announcements. The forum is hosted by the website Groups.io. It is a separate entity from our region’s website at sairegion11.org. All members of the Region should subscribe to the R11ng email group to receive valuable notices and timely updates, as well as “how tos” like this one that you are reading now. All members may also post notices to the R11ng for distribution to the membership. Note that all emails are moderated. This means that when you send an email to the R11ng, it will be reviewed by your Communications Coordinator (that’s me!) for appropriateness before being approved and sent out. What is appropriate? Anything that is informational in nature and related to Region 11, our choruses and our quartets. If your message is inaccurate or unclear, I will ask you to edit for clarification before approving it. Also, note that since I do read and approve all messages before sending them out, your message may not be received in members’ inboxes for several hours after you send it or the next day, depending on my schedule. Since the R11ng is for announcements and is not a social forum, replies to R11ng emails are not expected or encouraged. In general, if you wish to comment on a R11ng announcement, you should contact the sender directly. Their email address will be included in the “from” information. There are exceptions but in general, we want to avoid filling members’ inboxes with replies and comments that are not necessarily intended for all members. To post an email or to subscribe/unsubscribe to the group, send an email to the following: Post: R11NG@groups.io Subscribe: R11NG+subscribe@groups.io If you are a new member of the Region, your Chorus membership chair may add you to the R11ng but, if not, you should subscribe yourself. Unsubscribe: R11NG+unsubscribe@groups.io Please do not take this action if you are active in Region 11. You do not need to send any content in the email. I have heard from some members that they are not receiving R11ng messages. This problem is most likely related to your email settings/service. Here are some things you can do: · In the settings of your email program, mark R11ng@groups.io as a safe sender · Add R11ng@groups.io to your email program’s address book. · Some email services just don’t play well with others, so it is possible that you may have to periodically check your spam folder to see if messages are being redirected there; in this case, reach out to your provider for assistance. · If you have never received any messages even though you believe you are subscribed, you should confirm that the email address is correct in the R11ng directory of members. You can do this by logging in to groups.io or by sending me an email (sairegion11communications@...) to check for you. · When members subscribe, they are set up to receive all individual messages. You can change this to receive messages grouped in a “digest” format. If you are an active member, I don’t recommend this. Did you know that you can go directly to the R11ng on groups.io and read any message that has been sent? To do this, you will need to be logged in to your Groups.io account. You can log in to your account using any of these methods: Without setting a password Using your email address and account password Through a Facebook or Google account Chorus leadership: Please forward this message to your members and encourage any who have not subscribed to the R11ng, to do so now. Please let me know if you have any questions about the R11ng or need help subscribing or checking your subscription status. Best regards, Lora Goodpasture Communications Coordinator Region 11
Let's Sing Again Choreo
I've been asked by a couple of people to send this out so here it is: the proposed choreo plan from Summer Sizzler for the Green Chorus's song Let's Sing Again! You will notice a couple of slight differences between this and where we ended up due to changes made then and there at the seminar. It is my hope that each chorus can use this as a basis for their group's choreo on Let's Sing Again, but that each ensemble can embellish and build upon this simple plan with what works for them. Then as we progress we can share and grow from each other's ideas into something we can all live with and emulate! Anyways, hope you all enjoy and that someone within your chorus was part of the Songbirdz and can help teach (and develop) this choreo plan! Let me know if you need any clarification or have questions. Thanks everyone! Still smiling thinking of what fun Summer Sizzler 2024 was!!! P.S. There was a video too, but I don't really have a way to send that out, besides I want to see how it evolves and develops with all of the talented movers and shakers out there!!! Logan P.-M. Some people march to the beat of a different drummer. And some people POLKA! Pretty please? The physical appearance of your please makes no difference...
Contest Logo Contest!!
Region 11 and Region 21 will make history in 2025 in Torrance. CA, as they combine to hold their Spring contest together. Plans have been in the works for a while as both convention teams put their heads together to work out the details for a shared panel and venue for the contest to be held April 3-6, 2025. This joint contest will save both Regions money and should prove to be a winning experience for all attendees as we make new friends and share our performances. To kick off the effort, the Regions are sponsoring a logo design contest for the theme, "Harmony Hand-in-Hand." The creator of the winning logo will be recognized during contest weekend with VIP seating for two and special prizes from the merchandise that will be created for the event. So get your creative juices flowing, and submit your camera-ready logos by the September 30, 2024 deadline. Debbie Curtis Region 11 Convention Communications
Shenanigans Dinner Show Fundraiser
We are thrilled to have been selected for a wildcard spot at Sweet Adeline’s International Quartet contest in Kansas City, MO this fall! Come join us at our fundraising dinner. We’d love to share our joy and excitement with you! Liz Sloan Shenanigans Quartet Region 11, SAI
TAGS! (You're it!)
Hello, Denizens of Regional Heaven! The tags from Summer Sizzler 2024 AND the "Two Note" tag that Agoura Hills Harmony has been using at their recruiting events have been posted to the STAR Songs page of our website: This is the link to the page:STAR Songs - Region 11 Thanks to Logan Patrick-Miernicki, our TAG MASTER, and to all the Region 11 arrangers who contributed: Elizabeth J. Frank, AA Joan Adler, CMA Sue Walker Elizabeth Orr, AA Enjoy the tags and sing them in good health!-- Laura La Borde Finance Coordinator Sequoia Pacifica Region 11
Two-Notes - To-Night - wGnotes.pdf
Here are the tags Monica taught us this weekend. I hope you find success in using them for recruitment on rehearsal nights and any other opportunity to introduce BBS to strangers! Tammy Ragsdale Education Coordinator, Sequoia Pacifica Region 11 Master Director, Verdugo Hills Chorus Tenor, Eclectic Mix Quartet (805)218-7268
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