Got My R-300
It showed up yesterday afternoon. Haven't pulled the covers yet, but it could be worse. Does work, but really dirty controls and off frequency. The Bandspread seems to have been pushed into the radio. Hmmm. I hope it's just a straightening of metal thing. I managed to get the knob off and the shaft turns with some difficulty. The aluminum ring is missing from the Antenna Tune knob. Maybe I can make one! :) Darrel
Just found the group. Did everyone just up and move someplace else? Where? J
I/F Gain Control Mod
I found this on an eHam review; One easy reversible mod to aid in CW/SSB reception is to add an external 5K pot to the (-) side of the S-meter and ground, to give a true I/F gain control. The radio's RF gain control is actually a front end attenuator and the RF and I/F circuits run full blast with only the AGC to adjust it.
No Topics?
Hi all, I joined because I finally completed my Kenwood collection by snagging a great deal on eBay for an R-300. It was sold as “for parts or repair,” as the main tuning dial cord had slipped. It took me an hour to get the string back on a tiny pulley but it nowlooks and works like new. I was curious why there was no activity here. Was there ever a Yahoo group? Thanks, Dominic
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