Some reminders
Hi everyone, Hope you’re all well. It was great to see some of you at the International last weekend! If you’ve never attended the international, it’s worth the trip! I know some of you are working on your requirements/application for the regular judging program. Attached is the rule about submitting paperwork to waive some of the requirements. Please don’t wait until the last minute to submit your paperwork. You can send it as you go. A maximum of 15 is what we have done in the past. A reminder about fun shows. You need to get permission first from the judging program, so send me those requests, and I’ll forward them on. You may not judge any shows, even fun shows, outside the area in which you were approved in the associate program. Hope to see some of you soon! Anne
Розпочато Anne Mathis @
Just a reminder that as a judge, you can’t go on stage to receive an award that you don’t own or have bred. Thanks! Anne
Розпочато Anne Mathis @
Judge’s test
Hi everyone, Thanks to all of you that have sent your test results! For those of you that have not completed the test, this is a reminder that the test is due by the end of this week. Please make sure you get it done by then! Thanks, Anne Mathis
Розпочато Anne Mathis @
Code of ethics, test, and email list
Hi everyone, Hope you’re all well! Just a gentle reminder that your test is due in a few weeks. There are quite a few of you that haven’t returned your code of ethics, also. Could you please get that done? I think four of you aren’t on the email list yet, and since that is how things are sent out. If someone on the email list would remind Kitty, Wasabi, Katherine, and Eva, I would appreciate it. I will send them another WeChat message today,also. Thanks for your help! I hope to see many of you at the Annual. If you’re there, please attend the Judges Workshop! You’ll be needed your 12 CEUs in the next couple years. Anne
Розпочато Anne Mathis @
Code of ethics and judges list
Hi everyone, A number of you have not returned your code of ethics and/or joined the judges list, despite numerous reminders. Can you please take care of this? Also, don’t forget to get your judge’s test in on or before the due date. Thanks, Anne Mathis
Розпочато Anne Mathis @
Judges Test
For those of you that are not on the judge’s list. Please join when you can. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Vicki Nye <tvnye@...> Date: Sun, May 5, 2024 at 5:54 PM Subject: Judges Test To: yukiko Hayata <yukikohayata@...> CC: Anne Mathis <annekevinmathis@...>, barbara Jaeger <barbara.jaeger911@...> Hi everyone, It’s that time again! This year’s judges examination consists of 50 T/F questions with content from the 23/24 and 24/25 breed standards and show rules, and the current judging program rules. Please read the directions and questions carefully. If you have trouble logging in, please contact Kathy Durdick or me, and we can help you out with that. You may take the test online or email or snail mail me your answers. The link for the test is below. I will send the test and answer sheet out in a separate email. Please contact me with any questions you have. None of these questions are meant to be “trick” questions in any way. The test is due on or before June 14, 2024 If you take the paper exam, please email or snail mail your answer sheet to Anne Mathis. annekevinmathis@... Vicki Nye Co-Chair CFA Judging Program tvnye@... 831-320-1896
Розпочато Anne Mathis @
[CFAassociates] Judges Code of Ethics
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Vicki Nye via <Tvnye@...> Date: Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 6:37 PM Subject: [CFAassociates] Judges Code of Ethics To: <>, <> Dear Colleagues, In June 2022, at the CFA Annual, the Judging Program Committee began collecting a Judge's signed copy of the Judges' Code of Ethics. Due to the changes in the Judges Code of Ethics at the April 2, 2024 Board Meeting which now includes Social Media, I will need to collect a signed version from every Judge, Trainee, Associate Judge Trainee and Associate Judge. Please sign, date, print your name and return to me tvnye@.... Thanks you for your cooperation. Vicki Nye Co-Chair CFA Judging Program tvnye@... 831-320-1896
Розпочато Anne Mathis @
A few things
Hi everyone, Hope you are all well! A few informational things for you. First, the biannual judges test is coming up next month, and you are all required to complete it by the deadline. You need to score at least 85% to pass. The test may be taken online, and if you do it that way, you will know your score as soon as you submit your test. If you prefer to take the test on paper, a link will be sent out when the test goes active. You would send your results to me. Some of you have a continuing education deadline coming up. A continuing education report card must be submitted every 5 years, and this date would be from when you were advanced to associate judge. The report card will list the ways in which you can earn credits. Most judges attend the judges workshop at the annual to earn points, and also participate in the Zoom breed presentations given in the summer. You can also attend a BAOS to earn these credits. If you are using the BAOS toward your judging program application requirements, you may not be able to count that, but that rule may have changed. I’ll let you know. A reminder to those that have still not joined the judges e-mail list. The chairs of the program say this is mandatory, as it’s the way to know of changes, concerns, or other issues that judges need to be kept up to date on. Some of you have also not returned your judge’s code of ethics. There are some changes being made to that, so no need to return it now, but when the new ones come out, please send it right back. A reminder that the judging program rules stipulate that you must judge three times in two years to be relicensed. If you have not judges in a year, we will ask that you complete a refresher course, which is a session in the ring with a judge at a show. This would need to be prearranged. Please read the show and judging rules! We all need to keep up to date on those. Any questions? Just ask. Anne Mathis
Розпочато Anne Mathis @
Associate program
Just to explain the sunset term. There was a proposal to end the program in 5 years. If you had not gone into the regular program at that time, you would no longer be able to judge. That did not pass, so at this point, there is no end date for the program. Anne
Розпочато Anne Mathis @
Associate program and judging program changes 2
Hi everyone, Hope you are all well. It’s been great to see some of you behind the table recently! In case you missed it, there were some issues that involve the program at the last board meeting. The proposal to sunset the program in five years did not pass, which gives you more time to work toward or decide if the regular program is for you. The English speaking rule was also removed. That being said, if you plan to apply to the program, I would certainly work on getting that together. As for the English speaking, you will certainly get more out of your training sessions if you don’t require a translator. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Thanks, Anne
Розпочато Anne Mathis @ · Останніх @
A couple reminders
Hi everyone, Hope you are all well. We’ve had a couple things come up, and I need to send you some reminders. The confusion may well be my fault, but I need to make things clear before they happen again. As the associate program was designed as we went along, there have been unintended consequences we have had to deal with. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you have. 1. As far as judging one day, and showing the next, the rule that was passed allows trainees and associates to show only the opposite specialty from which they are licensed. Also, if the co-owner or breeder judges on the first day, that cat can’t be shown on the second day. We are going to try to amend that rule in April, as associates need to show additional cats in the first specialty to qualify for the regular program, but for now, only opposite specialty cats may be shown the second day of that weekend. 2. As far as clerking both specialties, that was only able to be done as trainees. Once you are a licensed judge or Associate judge, you can only clerk the opposite specialty. The exception to this is that you may clerk both specialties in an area where you are not licensed to judge. 3. A reminder that all associate judges will need to complete the same continuing education credits as regular judges do. For the first round associates, the first report card will be due in 2025, so if you haven’t attended our zoom meetings or a judges workshop, you’ll need to start doing that. I will send more information about that soon. I’m very sorry about any confusion, so please let me know if I can clear anything up for you. Thanks, Anne Mathis
Розпочато Anne Mathis @
Second day showing 2
Hi everyone, Hope you are all well. We had a situation come up last weekend where associates exhibited on the second day of a show flyer they judged the first day, and were told that was not allowed. The current rule reads that you may only exhibit in the opposite specialty, which obviously does not allow you to show in the same specialty, which is a problem if you are working toward the regular judging program. I have, with Vicki’s help, rewritten this rule, and we will put it up for approval at the April board meeting. In the meantime, you should not plan to exhibit on the second day of a weekend if you judge the first day. There obviously was a misunderstanding, by myself and others, about this rule. I’m sorry for any inconvenience or problems this may have caused. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this issue. Thanks, Anne Mathis
Розпочато Anne Mathis @ · Останніх @
Social media reminder
Hi everyone, Just a reminder that the social media policy doesn’t allow us to post pictures of ourselves with cats are we are currently judging, finaling, or showing. Pictures from past seasons or at end of season are fine. The judging program committee gets lots of complaints about this. I have sent individual emails when I’ve seen any, but others I’ve been prompted to send by the committee. Please be careful about this. Thanks, Anne
Розпочато Anne Mathis @
International breed experiences
Hi everyone, Can those of you that were interested in doing breed experiences at the show please let me know? I left my list at home, and can’t remember all that asked to participate. Thanks, Anne
Розпочато Anne Mathis @
Applying to the regular program
Hi everyone, I know quite a few of you are working on your applications to the regular program, and Vicki Nye and I thought that a quick zoom session might be in order, as some of the applications that have come in aren’t complete. We want to give you every chance to succeed. Please don’t plan to submit your application right at the deadline, as if anything is missing there will be no time to correct that without in a delay. We will cover - APPLYING TO THE REGULAR JUDGING PROGRAM Covering requirements Following the judging Program Rules How to put together an Application Package What to Include in your Application Package When and how to schedule marking a judges book Role of your Mentor Deadlines Club Recommendation Letters Do’s and Dont’s We plan to have this session on October 24 at 8PM China time. That is 8AM my time. Please let me know if you want to attend so we can remind you! Thanks, Anne
Розпочато Anne Mathis @
International show
Hi everyone, If you are considering the regular program and would like to do some breed experiences at the show, please let me know. I can see if I can arrange some for Sunday morning. Anne
Розпочато Anne Mathis @
[T3CFAAsiaAssociates] Message Approval Needed - posted to
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Group Notification <> Date: Fri, Sep 22, 2023 at 3:13 PM Subject: [T3CFAAsiaAssociates] Message Approval Needed - Barbara.jaeger911@... posted to To: Anne Mathis <annekevinmathis@...> A message was sent to the group from Barbara.jaeger911@... that needs to be approved because the user is new member moderated. View this message online Subject: CFA Breed Awareness and Orientation School, October 12-15 Registration closes October 1 or when 30 applications are received. A complete copy of this message has been attached for your convenience. To approve this using email, reply to this message. You do not need to attach the original message, just reply and send. Reject this message and notify the sender. Delete this message and do not notify the sender. NOTE: The pending message will expire after 14 days. If you do not take action within that time, the pending message will be automatically rejected. Change your notification settings ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Barbara Jaeger <Barbara.jaeger911@...> To:, CFA T3 <>, CFAAssociates <> Cc: Bcc: Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2023 12:13:03 -0700 Subject: CFA Breed Awareness and Orientation School, October 12-15 Registration closes October 1 or when 30 applications are received.
Розпочато Anne Mathis @
Submitting paperwork
Hi everyone, The judging program has made a couple changes regarding your submission of paperwork prior to applying to the regular program. We’ve been getting some really old paperwork, and if you are currently judging, one would hope that your more recent paperwork would have less errors anyway. We will no longer review any paperwork that is more than a year old. There may be a few exceptions to this, such as having never submitted any to us, so please contact me privately if you have a question about this. If we have reviewed older paperwork of yours and it was free of efforts, that still counts toward your 10 error free sets. A second change is that you may only submit a maximum of 15 shows toward your ten error free. Remember, if a clerk brings back something for you to correct during the show, make sure you put the white copy back on the yellow copy before you make the change, so that it is correct on both copies. It’s not fair to our paperwork reviewers to go over 20 or more sets of paperwork just to see the same errors over and over again. I have attached the most recent marking a judge’s book pdf, so you can review it if you have questions. The breed experiences are an important part of the application process, so we would also encourage everyone to do these with as many breeds as possible. If you are going to be at the International, I’d be glad to help you find some breeds to work with. I should be free on Sunday, unless someone cancels and I end up judging the show. I’m also still hearing that some of the associates, and I don’t know any names on this, are showing cats to qualify that are no either not good examples of the breed, not well presented in terms of grooming, or do not have show temperaments. I’m very disappointed to hear this. If you want future invitations to judge and the respect of the exhibitors, you need to be better than good in all aspects. Please let me know if you have any questions Thanks, Anne Mathis
Розпочато Anne Mathis @
CFA Judges Code of Ethics
Hi everyone, Please sign and return this to Vicki. Judges do this each year. Thanks, Anne ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Vicki Nye <tvnye@...> Date: Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 12:00 PM Subject: CFA Judges Code of Ethics To: <> CC: anne Mathis <annekevinmathis@...> Dear Associate Judges. Please print and sign your name and date the attached Judge’s Code of Ethics document, scan and return to me. Thank you for your cooperation! Regards Vicki Nye Co-Chair CFA Judging Program tvnye@... 831-320-1896
Розпочато Anne Mathis @
Applying to the regular program
Hi everyone, I know some of you are working on getting things together to apply to the regular program, and this is a reminder that if you plan on applying to the regular Judging program, and want to take advantage of section 5.2, you must provide us your 10 shows for review. Remember, these must be without any errors. Please do not wait until you send your application in as it takes time to review these and we wouldn’t want you to miss the deadline of six weeks prior to the board meeting because were unable to review your paperwork. Please don’t send them all in one document as it’s sometimes really hard to find a way to open them. Don’t forget evaluations, please. Thanks, Anne
Розпочато Anne Mathis @
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