Липкий Upcoming Activations - Post Plans Here 96
Quick thought. I know most people use the SOTAwatch3 site, the SOTA Goat app or otherwise to add alerts, but does anyone have any interest in, or utter objections to, pinning a thread on this page for upcoming activation plans? Many might be lone wolfs, or only like to hike with a select crew, etc. Understood. However, for those that are looking to just let everyone know they planning to activate within W0C soon (or elsewhere) this thread could act as an alert alternative or supplement to Sotawatch3/other applications. For those looking for a hiking partner in crime (or misery), I figured this might be a good, permanent thread option for the page. It's just another way to dial in and distill the local activations from the widespread noise via the other alert options. If someone has broadband service while hiking/nearing the summit, it can also be used as a last minute alter/spot. Yes, one can filter the existing tools for W0C alerts but I think this also adds an opportunity for last minute beta, suggestions, warnings, etc. Sure, the thread might generate many emails, and some that are salty might not like the barrage of emails, but then again, if you joined an .io group, you probably don't have too much of an aversion to emails ;) Plus, it's easy to hit delete. My 2 cents. Thanks - Mike.
Розпочато Mike W1NV @ · Останніх @
Закрито Липкий Welcome to Colorado Summits on the Air 2
We are are tight community activators and chasers that is passionate about ham radio and the outdoors. Please feel free to use this forum to announce and recap activations, ask questions, coordinate` group outings and meetings, and discuss techniques and equipment. Let's share our experiences, communicate and coordinate our activities and have more fun! 73, Walt W0CP
Розпочато Walt W0CP @ · Останніх @
Al KH7AL is on Wake Island 3
I just noticed Al's blog concerned SOTA and POTA activity on Wake Island (KH9). Al used to be active on SOTA here in Colorado. https://sites.google.com/view/kh7al/home/wake-island-kh9/activations-blog -- Bob Witte K0NR bob@... My website: www.k0nr.com
Розпочато Bob K0NR @ · Останніх @
Mt. Sniktau Trip Report
The trip up Sniktau on Sunday was exactly as I expected. Cold and windy! There was almost no snow on the ridgeline all the way from the parking area at Loveland Pass to the summit. We didn't have to use spikes or snowshoes. I am sure that this ridge is bare most of the time due to the wind, but we sure could use more snow... Once at the top, I set up for 2m activation using my TIDRadio TD-H3 with a telescoping antenna. I called CQ a few times on 146.58, and I got two contacts: N1SMB on Keystone, and Bob K0NR from Trout Creek Pass. Then I went to 52 and got a few more, including N0DET on his way to Mt. Pence. I brought my KX2 with me, but it was so cold and the wind was howling, so we decided to call it after I got four contacts. Just as I was about to wrap up, Ray KD8EQA came through from Castle Rock with a fifth contact. We decided to head back down and get a beer. I couldn't describe it as "fun", but It was a great experience to be up there. I'm happy I did it. Now that I've activated once a month the whole year, I have to figure out a new goal for next year! Torreys Peak from the Summit of Sniktau Me, Nick KC3DNF and Sarah at the top, post activation. Eisenhower Tunnel and Loveland From the top. Lots of dirt along the ridge. 73, Terry WB0RBA
Розпочато Terry WB0RBA @
Thanks to our Vets! 4
Many thanks to all our Vets that keep America safe and free. Freedom is not free...... We have many SOTA Vets and I am flying my flag today in honor of them and all the other Vets across our great country. 73, Brad WA6MM
Розпочато Brad WA6MM @ · Останніх @
285 Tech Connect Radio Club TechFest Nov 2, 2024
Hi everyone, Sorry for the brief interruption, but I thought I’d let you know that my club, 285 Tech Connect Radio Club, will be holding our annual TechFest on Saturday November 2 in Lakewood CO. This event is a cornerstone of our club, which has been held more-or-less annually (with breaks for COVID etc) since 2008. The TechFest consists of five 45-minute technical presentations that run from 9:00am to 3:00pm, with an hour for lunch. In addition to the presentations we will be giving away door prizes including a Yaesu FT-4X HT, ARRL gift certificates and a 6-meter Yagi. We have coffee, donuts and other refreshments available for sale. Here is the speaker lineup: 8:00 - Doors open 8:45 - Welcome (Mark Ehr K0EHR) 9:00 - The RMHAM Network: Speaker, Willem Schreuder ACØKQ 10:00 - Choosing an HF Radio and Recommendations: Speaker, Rob Sherwood NCØB 11:00 - Ham radio in an HOA: Speaker, Stan Trout WB2SHR 12:00 - Lunch - Bring your own; visit a local fast-food joint. Also, we'll be making a Jimmy John's group order. You will need to be able to receive e-mail and complete your order using your smartphone. 1:00 - Introduction to SDRs (Software Defined Radios): Speaker, Steve Brightman KI5ENW, of SDRPlay 2:00 - Radio Astronomy and Ham Radio Activities at Star Haven Observatory: Speakers, NØCOT - Jim Moravec and his students 3:00 - Conclusion and grand prize giveaway As you can see, we have a great variety of topics of interest to all hams (and potential hams), so please join us! We will also be broadcasting and recording the event via Zoom if you can’t attend in person. You will find the Zoom link on our website (see below). Note that giveaways are only available to in-person attendees and you must be present to win. Location: Bridge Church, 3101 S. Kipling St, Lakewood CO (roughly 285 and Kipling); please park in the west (rear) lot and enter through the doors on the northwest side of the building. Admission fee: $15 payable at the door (cash/checks accepted). You can also sign up to join the club for an additional $15, which will give you membership until Dec 31, 2025. Club membership also includes access to our remote station in Strasburg CO. Additional information on the club and TechFest can be found on our website: https://na0tc.org/doku.php?id=techfests, and feel free to email techfest@... if you have any questions or would like to pre-register. We hope to see you there! 73, Mark Ehr K0EHR President, 285 Tech Connect Radio Club president@...
Розпочато Mark K0EHR @
KKOB tower taken down by balloon
https://youtu.be/uyzxeFc4LPo?si=e9Yu6x37PSTQKcI1 -Dave
Розпочато Dave NN5K @
This doesn't look good! 5
Check out the current solar report! 73, Brad WA6MM
Розпочато Brad WA6MM @ · Останніх @
Thank You / 2024 W0C SOTA Fall Campout 5
James and Jamie (KI0KN & KD0VET), thanks for hosting the campout dinner last night. And thanks to you as well Sean (KF0IHL) for your baked on site cornbread and brownies. All good stuff! I had a great time. I especially enjoyed watching WA6MM - Brad work to complete a VHF only activation on Tremont. I wasn't sure he had it in him :-). It was nice catching up in person with those of you that could make it out. 73 Steve - K5SJC Lake George On Tue, Sep 10, 2024 at 9:12 AM James KI0KN via groups.io <james.m.cizek@...> wrote: Not a lot changed, but see below for an update. We will make a pot of chili for Saturday night. It's just a basic, hearty chili. Everyone is welcome, and as said before, even if you don't want chili, please bring a meal and come eat with the group. If you'd like to bring any small extras (cornbread, desert, etc) to share, please do. We'll provide the chili and the fixins for it (sour cream, fritos, crackers, etc) everything else is bring your own. I'd like to propose that Friday or Saturday night we do a "gear share" session before or after dinner. Bring your pack and show us what you carry up the hills. If there are devices or procedures that you'd like to share, I know we all would love to learn about them. I have changed my pack contents and activation procedures many times because of what I have learned from my fellow SOTA'ers. Come show us what you use and how you use it! On the other night (whichever night we don't do gear), I'd like to propose we discuss and share trip/trail planning. What do you use to do your research? How do you go about route planning? Do those topics sound good to everyone? I am open to ideas, just thought those would benefit others as much as me :) Again, let's use 146.580 simplex for any comms until we are all at camp and have a plan in place for things. I will provide WiFi (via Starlink) to anyone that wants/needs the net for spotting, logs, surfing, etc. Looking forward to a fun weekend. See you soon! KI0KN + KD0VET (Wife) Confirmed Loop C KD8EQA, N0QLR, K0LIV Confirmed Cabins WG0AT + 2 visitors Tentative Cabins N0LNT + Wife Confirmed Loop J KF0IHL + Wife + 2 kids Confirmed Loop J N0MTN Confirmed Loop J Willam (Testing for license before the outing) Confirmed Loop J (W1NV's spot, Friday night only) If I missed anyone, please let me know and I'll update. As I mentioned before, we'll be bringing a decent size propane powered fire pit (that meets all the Gilpin county fire restrictions). For now, I'll offer that we'll hold the fire near our campsite at C26, but if we find a better 'common area' between our different loops, we'll make a game day decision and move the party. We will plan on a fireside visit on Friday and Saturday nights. Feel free to stop by our camp at C26 anytime! Should have a SOTA flag out to make it easy to spot :) If you aren't camping with us, come out and activate for the day (or both)!! If you can't activate, chase us! James KI0KN
Розпочато Steve K5SJC @ · Останніх @
W0C Campout - Thanks! 9
Well, the 2024 W0C campout is in the books! Before I say more here, I want to recognize that W1NV is the one that revitalized this and did all the back end leg work. Unfortunately Mike had something come up and couldn't attend, but he really deserves the credit for making this happen! Jamie and I just picked up the reins to make sure we still had some communication about things. Thanks Mike! This was my first campout for SOTA and I had a blast! Was awesome to see some old friends, meet some new ones, and see some in real life for the first time after email/zoom contacts. Within the group, I believe Fairburn, Tremont, Thorodin, and Dakota Hill were all activated (and I think we can throw in Jelm and Medicine Bow since Ray and Shane left at a humanly unkind hour Sunday morning to drive to Wyoming and activate them). It was a bit humorous how these activations all went down... almost like the 3ish groups of activators all heard a community "switch" message and everyone scurried down their peak and up the next one. Seems that almost everyone passed everyone else on the trails going up or down, then it was a massive S2S event on 2meters for the first 10 minutes on each new peak :) The food was fantastic, the visits were fantastic, and the weather could not have been more perfect. I think most were excited that this happened on the same weekend as VHF contest as well. I learned a lot and laughed a lot, a great weekend! If you have any pictures worth sharing, please send a few to the list. They will be placed (automatically) in the "photos" section of groups.io where people can access them. I didn't think about it until Sunday so unfortunately we didn't get a group picture. We'll have to put that on next years to-do list. No matter who organizes in the future, I think everyone was excited to do this again and hopefully make this an annual event. Thank you everyone for your participation, regardless of camping, hiking, or just chasing! See you next time. 72/73 James KI0KN
Розпочато James KI0KN @ · Останніх @
HF Condx yesterday, but a fun day nonetheless!
Maybe this explains the poor HF condx yesterday morning as we were getting on the air around 1600 for the W0C Campout/SOTA palooza: As it seems to be with these events, if you are willing to wait it out a bit, things often improve. I didn't have a stellar log on Tremont Mtn in the morning (~1600z), but a few hours later on Dakota Hill things were crankin'! Thanks again to James and xyl Jamie for hosting the evening get-together at their campsite, and the SOTA activators who participated - it was great to see you all in person! I know there were others who just couldn't make it - we missed you all - but hope to see you all next year. The wx was great, and the evening was warm and clear - we could hardly have asked for a better day! 73, Dave, N0DET
Розпочато Dave N0DET @
2024 W0C SOTA Fall Campout 49
Hi All In June, a message was posted about a proposed 2024 W0C SOTA Campout. It’s been a while since there has been an update, so I figured I’d take a quick moment to offer some ideas and request additional feedback. I apologize for the length of this message but I wanted to make sure I covered the key discussion points. A few months ago, a few of us got together to toss around some ideas. Ultimately, we landed on some suggested changes to what was initially proposed. We discussed that it would likely be best to keep the CO 14er Event and the W0C SOTA Campout as separate and distinct events, as opposed to combining them, which was the idea that was initially floated. We noted how this would likely offer the following benefits: · We’d have two (2) separate activation-focused W0C SOTA Association events for the year. More is better. · We knew that a number of folks like to operate remote peaks during the 14er event and didn’t want to interfere with existing plans. · By not combining the two events it maintains the tradition of the CO 14er Event and doesn’t muddy the waters in terms of planning, etc. · The suggested 2024 W0C SOTA Campout weekend we are proposing is September 13th-15th. This provides a great fall event for our CO Mountains and it would coincide with the ARRL September VHF Contest (Sept. 14-16), affording activators the opportunity to participate in the VHF contest from a summit while simultaneously participating in Campout /activation activities. Again, we are offering the suggested weekend for the Campout as September 13th-15th, 2024. We also discussed locations that would be beneficial for the vast majority of the W0C Association members. Discussions centered on the proximity to SOTA summits, convenience, and the likelihood of participation based on location. We felt that if a location was too remote, it might possibly deter some from attending. Thus, we noted that the Golden Gate Canyon State Park is a solid candidate. It’s just to the West of the Denver Metropolitan area while being somewhat equidistant from those living in large communities to the North and South of Denver. https://cpw.state.co.us/placestogo/parks/GoldenGateCanyon There are a few options for accommodations at Golden Gate Canyon State Park. There are two areas that offer individual campsites at the park, namely “Reverand’s Ridge” and “Aspen Meadows.” There’s also a group site (Rifleman Phillips Group Campground) that offers yet another option. Reverand’s Ridge has both electric hookups for those with RV’s, trailers etc. in addition to a number of tent sites and cabins for rent. There’s also showers and flush toilets here. Aspen Meadows is more “austere” in that it’s simply tent sites and vault toilets. The Rifleman Phillips group site has vault toilets and tent sites only but can accommodate up to 75 people and 15 cars. Essentially, for any of the above, there’s obviously camping fees. The sites and associated fees can be viewed at the below link. https://cpw.state.co.us/placestogo/parks/GoldenGateCanyon/Pages/Camping.aspx If people are interested in doing the Group Campground, there is going to be the need to book and pay for the group site in advance. Thus, folks that are interested will have to pay a designated person in advance so that the site can be booked. Or, the individual that books the site can be later reimbursed. This can be coordinated at another time, but it’s something to note. If folks are interested in doing either Reverand’s Ridge or Aspen Meadows, then it will be incumbent upon everyone to book their sites as soon as the opportunity (booking window) opens. Sites can be booked no more than 6 months in advance. Thus, the booking window for September 13th and 14th will open up on March 13th and 14th. More details on this can be provided later. Again, we just wanted to give everyone a heads up. This method is how other Associations have been successfully operating their annual Campouts (W1, W4, and W7O, etc.) FYI, this is a VERY popular time to camp in CO, so sites will go quickly if people aren’t willing to book immediately when the window opens. Also, Golden Gate Canyon State Park is not the only option. There are others. But if people prefer to go elsewhere, please offer suggestions so the planning can begin! In terms of the planned Campout Activities, this is up for discussion. However, in general, for those interested, there will be two days of activating summits (14th and 15th) and two nights of gatherings around designated sites (13th and 14th). For those that want to hang out at the campground and chase the activators (or not chase), that’s also an option. TBD! If people want to camp yet another evening after getting down from the summit (15th), that’s also an option. I’m sure some would be interested in that. What are we requesting? 1) Do you like the proposed dates? 2) Is Golden Gate Canyon an acceptable location? If not, please offer alternatives. 3) Do you prefer the individual camp site option(s) or the Group site? 4) MOST IMPORTANTLY, Are you interested in attending in general? There wasn’t a ton of responses to the proposal back in June, but I know that was more than a year in advance. However, those of us that have been discussing this idea would truly appreciate responses noting whether or not they’d be willing to attend. Ultimately, if there’s not much interest, there’s no need to continue to market the idea and fill up everyone’s email inbox. If it’s a small number of folks, we can just plan things on the side privately. Not a worry at all. However, this is a great opportunity to get folks together and could be a great event to continue annually. I’m positive I forgot to discuss a few topics, but the post was already long enough. Everything else can get ironed out, but we wanted to put something out sooner rather than later and get the ball rolling. Thanks in advance!
Розпочато Mike W1NV @ · Останніх @
Two Goats on Sheep Mtn 3
I've done many first activations in Colorado when I started SOTA nine years ago. Many have not had repeats for some reason. Perhaps it's because I don't publish detailed info on the routes I took. But that's starting to change slowly. My good friend Dennis (WA2USA) and I did Sheep Mtn (W0C/SP-041) at the end of last month. He became the second activator to do that peak -- and he's from Indiana! In fact, he's been among the top second, third or forth activators on several of our peaks. For those with capable offroad vehicals, the easiest way to summit is from Browns Pass on the south side of the mountain. You park at the start of the Sheep Mountain trailhead which takes you to the final section of the ridgeline to Sheep Mtn. The trail at that point takes you down to the Horseshoe Campground thousands of feet below. You can start this climb at the Horseshoe campground but it's a much longer hike with much more vertical feet from there. Late breaking news: Jim (N0IPA) did the third activation of Sheep Mtn shortly after we did it. I now have a SOTA complete -- thanks Jim! There are a lot of quality peaks out there to activate....go get 'um! 73, Brad WA6MM
Розпочато Brad WA6MM @ · Останніх @
I have been thinking about Medicine Bow Peak, W7Y/EW-001 for a few months. I drove up there Friday after work. After I crossed into WY I heard a 146.520 QSO breaking squelch. I few minutes later the signal got better and I chased KD0YOB on Muddy Mtn, W7Y/EW-005. I got to the Medicine Bow Peak area found a place to pitch a tent. I started hiking the Medicine Bow Peak trail a few minutes after 7am on Saturday morning. Hike took me a bit over two hours. There were not many people early, but by the time I got back to the 4Runner, I had seen hundreds of people. It is a very popular area for hiking and fishing. The main part of this post was after setting up the HF antenna, I tried the Yaesu FT-60 with the flexible 17" antenna, and got Dave, N0DET. A few minutes later he made the summit of Parnassus, and we had a VHF S2S. I just looked on Google Maps, and see it was 116 miles between the summits. I know there have been longer VHF contacts, but this was the longest for me. I took a longer route down Medicine Bow and I saw a lot of neat country. Mark N0MTN
Розпочато Mark N0MTN @ · Останніх @
W5N SOTA activations 3
We had a fun trip to Wagon Mound, New Mexico over the Labor Day weekend. Last April we stopped in Wagon Mound with my mother-in-law. Her father had lived there 60+ years ago. On the April trip I activated Wagon Mound, W5N/EL-016 while my wife and her mother looked for any family remaining. They did find some relatives still there. Wagon Mound has an annual Labor Day Bean Festival, and we took our camper this last weekend and set up in the relative's yard. I drove the truck with the trailer and dogs, my wife, KA0JKZ, was in the Subaru with two of our friends. We both were on 146.520 for the driving part. A week before our trip I joined the W5N Groups.IO list and found a few people to hike Hermit Peak, W5N/PW-015, with me. I met Fred, KT5X, John, K1JD, and Mike, AD5A at the trailhead Friday morning. Hermit Peak was the site of the Hermit Peak fire in 2022 and there are lots of dead trees with a lot of new green growth around the trail. The hike was around 8 and a half miles round trip. There were quite a few switchbacks going up the trail. It was a short activation. I had made four contacts and was tuning up on 12 meters when John walked over and said the group was concerned about weather and was packing up. As I was packing up, I saw a large ring of rocks that was placed there long ago. I wonder if it was Native American. The rock ring is at 35.745368, -105.414022 After we got back to the trucks, The others headed back to Santa Fe, and I drove to Johnson Mesa, W5N/PW-017. I parked where I could do a short ten-minute hike up for the activation. I had chased KE5AKL on this summit in 2021 so it would be a complete. I made six contacts when I heard thunder on a nearby peak. At the same time, Annette, KA0JKZ called me and wanted me back in Wagon Mound for dinner at the festival. So, another short activation. Saturday and Sunday I spent the days with my wife and our friends did not hike. We enjoy visiting the Chimayo mission north of Santa Fe, and this was our third time there together. Monday morning, I was trying to give my wife a break from the dogs and took the huskies to activate West Las Mesas del Conjelon, W5N/EL-014. One of the dogs does not do well off trail, and did not like the rock hopping, so I had to give up on the activation. Later Monday, on the way home, I saw the sign for Capulin Mountain as we got into Raton. I had thought about activating Capulin Mountain, W5N/SG-009, and quite a few here on this last have activated it. We headed east from Raton and arrived at Capulin. We parked the truck and trailer in the lot and piled into the Subaru. I have the Veterans lifetime park pass, and the NPS worker scanned it before we drove up. Dogs are not allowed on the trails. Annette stayed with the dogs, and I grabbed my pack and headed up the trail around the rim. Our friends started walking as well. I was in a hurry to get to the high point and get set up. RBNHole spotted me quicky and I got a quick eight contacts and wound my antenna back up. I ran down the rest of the rim trail and passed our friends who were walking rather leisurely. Annette was asking me to make it a short activation. "You only need four contacts?". All three activations were very short this weekend. I am really enjoying the new KX2. I had a nerve ablation in my back a month ago and most of the pain is gone and I am ready to get back to activating more summits. Mark N0MTN
Розпочато Mark N0MTN @ · Останніх @
Land Nav Elmer Advice Needed 9
Good evening, everyone! My name is Jared, and I’m approaching my one-year anniversary of earning my general license. I initially got into ham radio specifically for SOTA. After a year and 10 activations, I’m becoming more familiar and confident in navigating this amazing hobby. Recently, I attempted to summit McReynolds Peak (W0C/FR-120). However, the route I had planned and researched led me to private property with “No Trespassing” signs. I was eager to attempt an activation, but the last thing I wanted was to put my wife and myself in danger. So, we made the best of the situation, drove back along Old Stage Road into Colorado Springs, and decided it was still a nice way to spend Labor Day. Since returning home, I’ve been determined to see how others have activated this peak in the past. After further research, I believe I’ve found an alternative, legal route for my next attempt. Building on this, I've found several other locations in the area that I would like to activate, but they also seem to be situated on or near dense private property. I’m not sure if this is part of the challenge of SOTA, but as a new activator, I'm very curious about how often the SOTA database gets updated, what the requirements are for adding a location to the database, who the W0C SOTA database administrator is, and whether we can assist them in updating the database. This would help make the hobby safer for both newcomers and experienced activators, ensuring we maintain a legal, enjoyable, and safe environment for everyone. To give a specific example, Cow Mountain (W0C/FR-129) appears to be entirely on private property. I use Gaia maps with the private land overlay, and it shows that this area is owned by Terri L. Hoffman. The last activation of this location was on February 4, 2018. I’m curious whether the person who activated it knew the landowner or if it was public land at that time. I’m eager to hear others' thoughts on this topic—whether I’m being overly cautious or if other activators share my frustration when trying to earn some points. Thank you all for your knowledge and the fun stories you share. 73, Jared KF0NRX
Розпочато Jared KF0NRX @ · Останніх @
This would be me 2
Розпочато Curtis KC5CW @ · Останніх @
2024 Colorado 14er Event results
Andy MM0FMF kindly pulled the QSO data from the SOTA database for all summits in W0C on the days of the Colorado 14er Event. I have pulled some key factoids out of the data, summarized below. The way the database works, S2S contacts inside Colorado will be entered twice and I did not attempt to back this out of the numbers. Day Activations QSOs Friday 15 195 Saturday 23 310 Sunday 20 170 Monday 3 23 Total 61 698 This compares to 2023 where we had 57 activations and 1188 QSOs. So that's slightly more activations but significantly fewer QSOs. Note that many activators did more than one activation. Saturday and Sunday were the big days and Monday dropped off dramatically, even with good weather. Here are the total number of QSOs by band: Band QSOs 7 MHz 26 10 MHz 60 14 MHz 264 18 MHz 22 21 MHz 25 24 MHz 1 28 MHz 4 144 MHz 284 222 MHz 7 433 MHz 5 698 The 144 MHz had the most QSOs but 14 MHz was not that much lower. The profile supporting this is many VHF-only activators making less than 15 QSOs (mostly 144 MHz) while HF operators often cranked out many more Qs. The big QSO count activators were: KX0R 125 WA2USA 63 N0IPA 59 K5SJC 44 WA6MM 39 KD8EQA 35 They all had large numbers of HF Qs but they all worked some VHF, too. Except for the drop-off on Monday, activity seemed good this year. Thanks to everyone that came out and played! 73 Bob -- Bob Witte, K0NR bob@... Have fun with amateur radio and tell people about it. My blog: www.k0nr.com My book: VHF, Summits and More: Having Fun With Ham Radio
Розпочато Bob K0NR @
Yikes! 5
Severe geomag storm today! I hope our activators mades some contacts. 73, Brad WA6MM
Розпочато Brad WA6MM @ · Останніх @
Activating Mt Blue Sky tomorrow. 3
Hello everyone, I’m part of a medical research study that’s going to the top of Mt Blue Sky Wednesday and Thursday, and I’m taking my POTA HF setup. I’ve never activated SOTA before, however I’m a pretty seasoned POTA and Field Day operator. I’m pretty excited, I’ve never been to the top of a 14er. We are hiking from Summit Lake to the top, so it’ll be at the mercy of my own physical fitness. We will be spending the night in the observatory, however I have no idea with the expected storms what my operating will be like. I’ll probably be on 20 and 10, SSB, CW but if my equipment cooperates, I’d like to try PSK31 and SSTV. I’ll try and self spot on SOTAWatch (No idea what cell service is like, so I also have SOTAMat), but it’ll probably be in the early to mid-afternoon. Thanks, Dan N7NKR — Sent from my iPad. Same errors, more misspelings.
Розпочато Dan N7NKR @ · Останніх @
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