Net control script
Updated 9/10/2023
Willmar Area Emergency Amateur Radio Club Constitution and By-Laws
Willmar Area Emergency Amateur Radio Club Constitution, By-Laws and Membership Fees
Welcome to the Willamar Area Emergency Amateur Radio Groups.io This group will be used for club announcements, operating events and discussion of all aspects in ham radio. Feel free to ask questions and join the conversation.
Iss SSTV event
Now is the time to download Yoniq MMSSTV, for your PC, or Robot 36 for your smart phone if you interested in capturing pictures from the International Space Station!
Here's a new rabbit hole to go down that could be rather interesting. I used to do HF APRS with a MFSK16 tracker I designed and built. It worked surprisingly well, but HF mobile operators are scarce. Fast forward 15 years and they are doing it much better with VARA. Stephan Smith WA8LMF is the stateside "guru" tho I will warn you, he's abrasive and doesn't suffer fools. He's an engineer in the mold of Sheldon at times. http://wa8lmf.net/VARA/APRSoverVARA/ I'm think about trying the Pinpoint version with my VARA HF station. 73 Mike N0QBH
Solar Mesh node power experiment
One of the issues operators have with remote solar powered anything and lithium batteries is cold weather. They don't like to be charged at below freezing temperatures. Thanks to another user I discovered a possible method of preventing battery damage using a Thermal reed switch. It appears to be a normal magnetic operated reed switch with a substance called Thermorite orientated as a magnet. According to the spec sheet, Thermorite is a ferromagnetic substance who's magnetism decreases with rising temperature. Depending on the recipe, it can be made to operate at specified temperatures. I've ordered one to switch open at freezing (0C). It will be in contact with the lithium battery and the switch in series with the 5W solar panel. Specs say it can handle 10W. Anytime the battery is too cold, no charging will occur. If it works out, the next thing will be to see how much storage I need to get thru the sunless days. Here's a link to the data sheet. Digikey carries them. Not cheap at $30 ea. https://search.kemet.com/download/datasheet/TRS1-0MSR01EV 73 Mike N0QBH
A tale of two Baofeng UV5R radios
Awhile ago I ordered a cable assembly from Digirig for the Baofeng UV5R model handheld radios. The cable is prewired for the Digirig and comes with a second programming cable that uses the Digirig's serial capabilities allowing a program like Chirp to read and write the radio's program memory. My reason was to see if the inexpensive $35 Baofeng radio will work with VARA FM and Winlink for nearby stations accessing the W0AYE-10 gateway. The results? Yes and no. I have two of these radios, one a few years old and the other purchased in the past year. Both UV5R model. The old one works VARA FM like a dream and seems to be a rival to the Yaesu FT-60 I've been using. The new UV5R with identical settings, on the other hand, is unable to complete a connection with the gateway. It's transmit to receive turnaround time is way too slow for VARA causing the incoming data to be missed. Searching the Internet showed this to be a very common issue with the Baofengs and VARA FM. What remains unclear is if the problem is model change related or variations within same models. If you have one and want to find out, I can probably test it before you spend $35 on a cable set. For folks planning to use handheld radios, invest in a gain antenna around 2' long. Night and day difference in signals. 73 Mike N0QBH
SSTV local net
I'm gauging interest in having an impromptu SSTV net after the W0SW net on Sunday evening to exchange a few pictures. I'd like to host the net on the 147.03 repeater to let more folks tune in and copy the signals S-9. We used to do it 30 years ago without issue. Slow scan FM is no different than voice communications from the repeater's standpoint. However, I thought it would be a good idea to get some club member input first. Leon KF0OUA and myself have done some SSTV simplex on 146.550 and it works well between us because we have fairly tall antennae. Doing over the repeater just lets more folks get good copy. Opinions? Questions? Answers? :) 73 Mike N0QBH
ARRL 10m Contest
ARRL 10-Meter Contest: 0000Z, Dec 14 to 2400Z, Dec 15 Geographic Focus: Worldwide Participation: Worldwide Mode: CW, Phone Bands: 10m Only Classes: Single Op (QRP/Low/High)(CW/Phone/Mixed) Single Op Unlimited (QRP/Low/High)(CW/Phone/Mixed) Single Op Overlay: (Limited Antennas) Multi-Single (Low/High) Max operating hours: 36 hours Max power: HP: 1500 watts LP: 100 watts QRP: 5 watts Exchange: W/VE: RST + State/Province XE: RST + State DX: RST + Serial No. MM: RST + ITU Region QSO Points: 2 points per Phone QSO 4 points per CW QSO Multipliers: Each US State + DC once per mode Each VE Province/Territory once per mode Each XE State once per mode Each DXCC Country once per mode Each ITU Region (MM only) once per mode Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults Submit logs by: December 22, 2024 E-mail logs to: (none) Upload log at: https://contest-log-submission.arrl.org Mail logs to: 10 Meter Contest ARRL 225 Main St. Newington, CT 06111 USA Find rules at: http://www.arrl.org/10-meter
Winlink county specific weather report
I copy and pasted this info from the EAST-COAST Winlink net but I thought this is too good to not pass along. This week, we are going to help you get a weather report that is only for your specific County or Weather zone. We are also going to help you create a Template in Winlink, so in the future, the weather report for your specific county or area will only be a few mouse clicks away. Don't worry, it is not a complicated project! I am going to talk you through it, step-by-step in this message. The first thing you will need to do is visit this website: https://www.weather.gov/pimar/pubzone Once you are on this website, find your State or area in the list, and click on either the PDF or JPG highlighted link. (My preference is for a PDF file). Once you click on that file, a map of your state or area will show up. Each County or area will have a 3-digit number. Either print out the map, or write down the 3-digit number for your County or area. Now you want to go back to your Winlink program and click on MESSAGE to expand the list, and scroll down and select TEMPLATE MANAGER. For most of us, 3 choices will appear, which are Standard Templates, Global Templates and a choice with your Call Sign Templates. You want to click one time on your call sign templates so that it is highlighted. After your Call sign Templates is highlighted, go to the top of that window and click the word ADD. A new window opens, and you are asked to Name your template. I suggest that you name it with the name of your County and state and the words Weather Report behind it. (Example: Renville County MN Weather Report) You should leave the little radio button for Call Sign Specific highlighted and click the CREATE button. A new window will open, and you will need to enter the information below in that window: (The information below creates a Renville County MN Template. For your personal template for your County or area, you will change the Subject name, the cd state abbreviation, and where it says get mnz065.txt, you would enter your 2-letter state with the letter z followed by the 3-digit code followed by .txt ) Type: Winlink To: nws.ftpmail.ops@... Subject: Renville County MN Weather Report msg. open cd data cd forecasts cd zone cd mn get mnz065.txt quit After you have entered the above information (edited for your County or area) you want to click SAVE and close out the window. To use your new Weather Template, Click MESSAGE like you were starting a new message, then click SELECT TEMPLATE, then click the + sign next to your call sign and look for your County Weather report that you have created. Double click on it so that it opens. When your message template opens, just click POST MESSAGE, and then open or run a Winlink session to exchange your message. Wait a few minutes and open another Winlink session to check for mail, and your new Weather Report message should be there.
Winlink - what you will need
After I got done telling the net about visiting winlink.org I did just that and realized it might be a bit intimidating because it's like a big box store for emergency communications. The two topics and programs we are interested in are: Winlink Express - the email client program for Winlink users. VARA FM - the modem over radio program. On the top bar of the Winlink home page is a button named Download. Clicking it gives a choice between sysop programs, user programs and VARA products. Under user programs click on Winlink Express install to download the Winlink Express zip. Remember to extract it before trying to install it. After installation read the help section. It answers most questions. At this point, assuming you have an Internet connection, and you've installed the Winlink Express program, filling out the pop up form gets you registered with Winlink as a user. It's free, however they do ask for a $25 donation. Don't worry about it for now. Under VARA Products you will want VARA FM setup zip. Again, extract before installing as admin (right click mouse). It's free, however they do charge $70 for a full speed lifetime licence. Don't worry about it for now. These are the two programs that make it all happen. An email program and a modem program. VARA FM will require a sound card interface. I recommend Digirig ($50). Signalink USB also works well ($125). The next installment will discuss connecting the interface and getting it running. 73 Mike N0QBH
W0AYE-10 gateway move 11/22/24
The W0AYE-10 gateway will be shut down from 6am to 4pm on 11/22/24. We will be moving the gateway from my QTH in Olivia to the HHS tower in Willmar during this time. If everything goes well, we will have a fully functioning internet gateway after the install.
Winlink Nets and Check-In info
I'd like to pass along some info for checking into a few Winlink nets. I made a sticky note with all of the pertinent info in the format for each net which makes checking in a simple copy and paste format for each net. Hopefully this helps a few of you get started! My info is as follows but you should change the info to your call, name, location and mode. For these nets info format is critical for their records and documentation. Check-In Anytime- Florida Winlink Net TO: W4AKH SUBJECT LINE: FL WL NET, BEN, OLIVIA, MN, VARA FM (or mode) OPTIONAL IN SUBJECT LINE (80 characters MAX): EMERGENCY POWER TYPES: BAT, GEN,SOL ) BAT (charged by Grid) , GEN (Battery charged or direct from generator) , SOL (Solar charging batt) Check the W4AKH website for Pictures Check-In Anytime- Great Lakes Area Winlink Net TO: GLAWN SUBJECT LINE: GLAWN (DATE) BODY: BEN, W0AYE, OLIVIA, RENVILLE, MN, USA Check-In on Wednesdays- Winlink Wednesday TO: KN4LQN SUBJECT LINE: WINLINK WEDNESDAY CHECK-IN BODY: W0AYE, BEN, OLIVIA, RENVILLE, MN (VHF) Check-In Anytime- To: East-Coast Subject Line: East Coast Winlink Net Body: W0AYE, Ben, Olivia, Renville, MN (Questions or Attachments in Body) JS8CALL Check-In: Fridays 4PM-9PM To: N3MEL Dial Freq: 7.078 MHz Message: N3MEL MGS FL WL NET, Ben, Olivia, MN
Free Day Mn State Parks
November 29th is a free day across the state for State Park use. It's a great opportunity for the most frugal of hams to grab there portable rigs and do a POTA activation!
Internet at the HHS site!
Tony WD0HXV has informed us that Ace KB0MNU was able to get the Internet access arranged at the HHS site! This is great news because it means our Winlink gateway and the new analog/digital 444.8 repeater will be able to make use of the additional features being on line provides. It also means that non registered Winlink VARA users who can reach our TALL site will be able to access everything - no digi needed! Once on line, the new Yaesu repeater will be able to link to repeaters all over the continent - sort of like DXing with your FM radio. Stay tuned... 73 Mike N0QBH
mmsstv-yoniq SSTV
A few of us had fun receiving the SSTV (slow scan tv) images from the International Space Station during their multi day event. As I mentioned before here, Ben turned me on to a newer version of MMSSTV that did a fantastic job of automatically receiving using the Digirig interface. This is the same USB soundcard we use for VARA and VARA FM. I simply selected the DigirigUSB as the soundcard in the setup's misc menu. I didn't try any transmitting until today because I assumed there would be some additional software needed to handle the PTT. On a lark, in the MMSSTV setup, I decided to simply assign the same COMM port I use with VARA to the PTT port menu and I checked exclusive lock. Viola! It works. Apparently, the 210x UART driver installed for VARA also works with the SSTV program. Nice. If there is any interest, perhaps we could start an informal SSTV net? Eons ago, we held them on the 147.03 machine til we ran out of pictures to send. The Internet was brand new then and pretty empty. :) Simplex works well for us that have out door antennas. Thoughts? 73 Mike N0QBH
ARISS SSTV Event Scheduled for Next Week November 6, 2024 — Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) announces an SSTV event to be held next week. The event is scheduled to begin on Monday, November 11 at 11:50 UTC and to end Monday, November 18 at 13:40 UTC. SSTV transmissions will be paused during scheduled school contacts on November 15 and 16. Downlink transmissions will be at 145.800 MHz and the mode is expected to be PD 120. *** Scheduled SSTV outages (AS OF 2024-11-12) *** Nov 13 – Off 12:35. On 13:15 UTC, Off 7:35 am ET. On 8:15 am ET (Progress test) Nov 14 – Off 09:05. On 09:30 UTC, Off 4:05 am ET, On 4:30 am ET(Soyuz test) Nov 15 – Off 17:05. On 19:00 UTC, Off 12:05 pm ET, On 2 pm ET (ARISS School contact) Nov 16 – Off 17:55. On 19:30 UTC, Off 12: 55 pm ET, On 2:30 pm ET (ARISS School contact) *** There may be additional outages. We will post that information when it is available *** The transmissions will consist of 12 images featuring activities from the 2024 40th Anniversary Celebrating Amateur Radio in Human Spaceflight. If you are a past participant in our SSTV events, please note that we will be using our newly updated gallery at https://ariss-usa.org/ARISS_SSTV/ . ARISS has a new way to request a special certificate. When participants successfully receive at least one image and submit it at the new gallery, participants will be moved to a thank-you page. There, a person can read text about data protection, and press the button that says “I agree,” and receive an email in two weeks or sooner with a certificate. If a person submits additional images, the thank-you page tells them they have already asked for a certificate. Thanks to our user community for participating in ARISS. Receive frequency on 145.800 MHz Mode PD 120 ISS tracking for Android - ISS Detector | The mobile satellite tracker ISS tracking for Windows - ISS Finder - Free download and install on Windows | Microsoft Store SSTV decoding for Android - Robot36 - SSTV Image Decoder - Apps on Google Play SSTV decoding for Windows - MMSSTV_YONIQ - HamSoft
How to watch local APRS
Here's the link to a real time APRS map locally. https://aprs.fi/#!lat=45.0000&lng=-95.0100 Increasing the track tail length time will let you see who's been out and about sending APRS beacons. Several local Ham have the new Yaesu FTM-200, 300, 400 and 500 model radios with built in GPS and APRS. I usually have mine on when I'm traveling. The info beacon these radios send also tells what voice frequency they are listening on. 73 Mike N0QBH
Winlink / VARA workshop follow up.
One of the things Mike Wisnewske KC0TAF showed us was the "hiding places" Windows puts settings that can affect VARA FM. When I checked one of my under performing stations - sure enough I found AGC (auto gain control) on the mic in enabled! Since YouTube is often our friend in these situations, I found a short video that gets to the point and shows you where to look. One of the other things they mention is making the PC speakers and mic the default. I wasn't able to do that always. I might add that with my mini PC there is no native microphone and Digirig is the only default device option, so I left it. https://youtu.be/KFC8GwOMQyk 73 Mike N0QBH
Winlink VARA FM workshop after action report
A big thanks to Leon KF0OUA for putting this summary together! Hello all, This is just to summarize the meeting this afternoon with Mike Wisnewski, and the Workshop that was incorporated with it. First, Mike (KC0TAF) is very knowledgeable about Winlink VARA FM and VARA AC. His input was greatly appreciated. Second the Winlink workshop I feel was mostly successful, with the exception of not being able to digipeat without a paid version. It was informative for those new to Winlink, and a great refresher for those that have not setup Winlink for a minute. Third I believe Mr. Wisnewski was on the same page as us in favoring Vara AC NVIS over digipeating with VARA FM. He was in favor of 40m vs. 80m which we had previously discussed. I suppose the next step would be to dust off the equipment at the EOC and give it a try. I understand the NVIS antenna at the EOC is multiband, but I am not certain. Mr. Wisnewski did mention that he is always monitoring P2P when he is not otherwise engaged in exercises and whatnot. I forget which band, and freq. he said to try. Perhaps he can speak to this as he is included in this Winlink thread. Fourth I believe Mr. Wisnewski was interested in recruiting for the Central Minnesota Communications Unit. You can find more information at www.mnecb.org/comu, or possibly reach out to him directly. There was a lot of information shared, and I am doing this "top of the dome", so please add to this as you see fit. Thank you for reading this far in the message. 73, KF0OUA, Leon
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