Giving time...
Dear Santa, R&L electronics in HAMilton, Ohio.. (one of the best Ham Stores I've ever been to) has the ICOM 7300 with a 30amp power supply- Free Shipping for $999.95..A year or 2 ago just the ICOM 7300 was $1300.. I've never used one, but they are probably the most popular HF-6 meter rig going these days along with quite a selection of rigs from Yaesu. Announced this past week is a new Raspberry Pi (RPI) Model 500.. It is modeled after the RPI400 which is quad core and 4Gb of memory. Both are encased with their own keyboard, The RPI500 is 2.4 times as fast and has 8Gb of RAM. The RPI 500 is selling for $90-120 USD. I like the keyboard feel. Dave Slaughter K3DJS is keeper of the HAM-PI suite. A collection of over 200 ham related programs for the RPI's..I use that program suite on my RPI400 and have i connected to my YAESU FT-991A Both.offer dual video HDMI outputs. Both run LINUX.. The big advantage of the RPI400-500 is that it will run with a 5 volt phone charger, and means it can run on a 12 volt adapter. Many video screens- including the official RPI15.1 inch monitor ($100) also will run on DC.. Making it perfect for EMCOMM-POTA-PORTABLE use.. So, Santa should you decide to get anyone these wonderful gifts for Christmas, be sure to include on the packaging from Santa and Larry W8LM...after all I suggested it.. Larry W8LM
Розпочато Larry Macionski @
Christmas Party 5
Hello Ham Family I am writing to you this morning to remind you of our Christmas Party. Details are below. Please RSVP so that we can make sure we have enough chicken. I will end this email with my response in order to provide an example of what we need. What? VFW Post 3115 Amateur Radio Club Christmas Party When? Sunday December 15th at 3pm. Where? Channel five TV station. Requirements? Please bring the food item you signed up to bring. Also each person is to bring a gift for the gift exchange. Your gift should cost no more than $30. Note: Yes you can bring a guest, your spouse or someone interested in radio or whatever, so long as the person also brings a gift for the exchange. This is a party so let's have fun. And my reply? Patricia and Bill will attend. We will bring fruit salad and potato salad. Please reply to this email telling us who will attend and what food will be brought. Remember that the club is providing the meat and also the items needed for the meal (plates, cups, and so on.) Hope to see you at the party. Blessings Pat Hawkins, KE0TGA Vice President, VFW Post 3115 Amateur Radio Club
Розпочато Patricia Hawkins @ · Останніх @
Sunflower was Re: How to Let Kids Talk with Santa Over Ham Radio This Holiday Season 5
When K-link announced sunset years ago, Sunflower was set up to do statewide linking. There’s been a little interest but very little do. The do part is simple. Connect your device on any mode desired to any mode the system offers. One solution is to make an M17 repeater, the first in this Stare, and join that way. There’s grant money for such as this and help online and in Oklahoma, home of the first in that State. The goal has been a statewide network such as Alabama, Illinois, Oklahoma, and others have. I still believe in Santa and this goal. At any rate, tomorrow, Echolink, Echophone, Droidstar are three modes to use on your PC, tablet, or phone to participate. 73 -- Lloyd Colston, KC5FM Hamshack Hotline 50052
Розпочато Lloyd Colston @ · Останніх @
Annual Repeater Meeting
The Air Capitol Tec-Ni-Chat Amateur Radio Club’s annual meeting will be held at 7 PM on Saturday, 12/7/2024. The meeting will be held at Riverwalk Church of Christ at 1st & Waco. Dues are due for the year, new members welcome, election of officers. refreshments served... This is the group that owns the 146.94 repeater in Cowich.. It is the oldest repeater in the area... Larry W8LM
Розпочато Larry Macionski @
How to Let Kids Talk with Santa Over Ham Radio This Holiday Season 3
QST de ARRL Letter Nov 27,2024: How to Let Kids Talk with Santa Over Ham Radio This Holiday Season | | | | Santa Claus will be on the amateur radio airwaves again this year. The 3.916 Santa Net will be on the air every night at 7:00 PM CST from November 29 through December 24. Reserve a spot with Santa by making a pre-net check in. You can check in each night starting at 6:30 PM CST online at Santa and Mrs. Claus will also beon the air, together, thanks to special arrangements with the Cowley County Amateur Radio Club in Kansas. They will be on the air on the 147.000 repeater and the Sunflower Net system, between 10 AM and noon CST on November 30 and beginning at 10 AM until band conditions change on December 14 and 21. In addition to the local repeater, the Sunflower Net offers connection options to Allstar, DMR, Dstar, Echolink, Fusion, Hamshack Hotline, M17, and P25. The club is also setting up a radio link at the local library to talk to Santa. A special effort is being made to give children who are hospitalized or otherwise unable to visit personally an opportunity to reach out to Santa. NNNN Larry W8LM P.S. (1) If desired, we could switch W0VFW repeater from Blind Hams on Allstar to Sunflower Net system during the Saturdays Nov 30th, December 14 and 21, while Santa is on the air 10am to Noon. (2) our W0VFW newest member Lloyd KC5CM in Arc City, is a big shot on Sunflower Net system...
Розпочато Larry Macionski @ · Останніх @
Fw: AmRRON » AmRRON News & Alerts » On The Brink of WW3 (again?) -- Assessment and Action Items for 'What If'
On The Brink of WW3 (again?) -- Assessment and Action Items for 'What If' AmRRON|AmRRON News & Alerts|by John Jacob Schmidt What if conflict spreads and reaches the US? Grid up, or grid down. Full posting at: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . //EOM// → view on | | | | | | | | | | | Team App | Sign up or log in to Stack Team App | Team App is a platform that allows teams and groups to improve communication by creating their very own smartpho... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | AmRRON | | | Stack Team App This email was sent by Stack Team App on behalf of AmRRON. To receive notifications via the app and to access all of Stack Team App's great features, please download Stack Team App and sign-up via the links below. Get the App|Terms|Privacy|Unsubscribe
Розпочато Larry Macionski @
Christmas Party
In case you missed the meeting Sunday our Christmas Party is at the TV station December 15 @ 3pm. Please RSVP and let me know if your coming and what side dish you will bring. We have a sign up sheet for the side dishes and the club is providing Fried Chicken.
Розпочато TRACIE WA5LSH @
4 Small items for sale..
Just a quick note.... I have a number of small items for sale. I didn't go to Ardmore OK hamfest this year. (OK city- Tulsa - Dallas 1/2 way between 2 day hamfest). So someone may want something to play with over winter.. MFJ 259B - new nicad batteries, new power pack...sold new for $259 without nicads and power pack. Asking $180 TYT 350 3 band 5 watt Talkie- 2 antennas (144/440 and 222) stand up charger.. Ham band Xmit only. Bought it new, looks new still in the box. Used maybe 2 hours. Cannot be programmed with CHIRP -the secret they don't tell you till after the purchase. But RT has $$ programming for it..TYT programming is free. .Asking $30 SDR play RSP1A wide band SDR receiver. USB connection to computer. 1khz to 2Ghz coverage... Made in England $117USD.. Very popular.....Asking $80 RTL-SDR genuine V3 SDR dongle. This is the size of a pack of gum and direct plug into a USB computer port. Many hams use it to add a spectrum analyzer- panoramic display to their HF rig.. Asking $25. The MFJ259 and SDRplay was part of an estate purchase. I have my own MFJ259 had it 20 years. Great piece of test gear. We can meet up a my place, your place or somewhere in Wichita, KS.. Reply off to my email address - am_fm_radio@... Enjoy the holidays.... Larry W8LMARRL Life member - Licensed 59 years.
Розпочато Larry Macionski @
November Meeting 10/17 3
Hello Ham Family Our new adventure begins. Weekend meetings should help us pick up some new members and thus build our club. Thank you all for voting to take this club in a new direction. Please join us on Sunday November 17th at 3pm at VFW Post 3115 for our monthly meeting. We will hold our elections, talk about the Christmas party, and hopefully welcome a few new members. Hope to see you there. Feel free to invite a friend. Also the Christmas party this year will be at the channel 5 location thanks to President Tracie. At the meeting please sign up and share what you plan to bring for the potluck dinner. See you Sunday at 3pm. Pat Hawkins, KE0TGA Vice President, VFW Post 3115 Amateur Radio Club
Розпочато Patricia Hawkins @ · Останніх @
rain thwarted tower install this weekend.. 4
Well, rain thwarted my continuing the tower install.. Instead i worked on what will be a mobile install- hotspot.. etc.. I mentioned ha tI picked up a 4G LTE hotspot and decided to set it up for use in my new FORD as I'm not sure what eventually will be my mobile set up.. Here's the latest... i picked up a Fanklin T9 4G LTE hotspot on Ebay... they are labeled as T-mobile and are new in the box, and unlocked.You buy them outright for just under $20...Here is the link from the vendor There are other vendors selling the units.. Make sure they ar eunlocked or the vendor tells you the unlock proceedure. They are GSM-- so they will work on T-mobile or AT&T type networks.. Boost, Mint, Tello, Cricket as some of the cell companies that use GSM and therefore AT&T or T-mobile towers. You have to get a SIM card from a carrier, plug it in activate it and then pair it to a amateur radio hotsopt.. I used Tello.. the have a DATA only plan 5Gbps a month for $10.. now they don; cut you off, they only throttle you during high uses periods --unless you buy more data... i have been told 5Gbps is plenty for ham radio use.. It's about the same as listening to podcasts, and 5Gbps gets you 135 hours of pod casts according to one advertiser.. Tello web site I used to sign up and order the SIM is: I signed up for 5Gb DATA - NO minutes (talk and text) for $10 per month.. Now when they arrived and I set i tup an activated it .. only 15 minutes on the computer.. I needed to pair it with a ham radio type hot spot. it can be MMDMV or OPENSpOT - for digital work... or ALLSTAR for Analog HT's and such.. An analog hot spot that does Allstar and Echolink is the Shari, but there are others.. it can be pretty inexpensive Raspberry PI 3A+ and a sound card dongle that can be made for under $50.. You could also use a smart phone and cellphone app like DV switch.. My openspot 2 allows me to transcode Fusion to DMR and back again... The open spot 2 is n longer made, but still supported.. The MMDMV's can be found on ebay, amazon, Temu and banggood.. I have one as a kit but I have not played with it. I like Hamkit products.. SHARI's and Dinah..products.. Now regarding the club.. The VHF repeater is on ALLSTAR Blind hams.. Te UHF wa son K-LINK and K-LINK is now defunct.. Howerver there is another KANSAS STATE type network that seems no tto have the politics of the former K-link It's Called Sunflower Net.... The possibility that the club ma want to place o the UHF repeater as a suggestion...Here is the "poop" sheet on Sunflower Net... http:// I have been told, the Quarter Century Wireless has it's nets there. So does skywarn.. Finally as on November 6th.. I will have been licensed going on into my 59th years. November 6th 1966.. .
Розпочато Larry Macionski @ · Останніх @
Закрито Proposal Federal Legislation 3
I do see and read that we have a problem with way too many unused repeater pairs. I also think we have too many over lapping coverage areas with no variety of on going subject matter, or exact same conversation taking place. Most of the described problems are in the 28,52,900 NFM bands. I don't think this is a good solution. I don't see how the federal government can place a taxable value on a non revenue generating community service. After all we are texted like professional employees, but we are described as "Amateur's" 73'$ Chuck KB0TOT
Розпочато KB0TOT-Chuck-913-648-2585 @ · Останніх @
Закрито Meeting Reminder
Hello VFW Hams Tuesday October 22nd at 7pm we will have our October monthly meeting at Post 3115.Hope you can join us for this important meeting. At this meeting we will also begin nominations for officers to serve in 2025. Please participate in this anual process. Voting will be done at the November meeting. Hope to see you Tuesday evening. Pat, KE0TGA Vice President VFW Post 3115 Amateur Radio Club
Розпочато Patricia Hawkins @
Закрито Antenna 3
Everybody, I traded trucks and removed my antenna and found it was damaged where the door had been pinching it. I need to splice the damage. Any suggestions? Mike
Розпочато Mike Holmes @ · Останніх @
Закрито New Vehicle Antenna's welcome to the 21st Century..
A month ago, I took a drive u to Detroit -my home town and picked u a New Ford Maverick Hybrid on the Ford Employee and immediate family plan. I have a brother in law who is an Audio engineer at Fords. Anyhow. It doesn't even have 1600 mile on it and the trip back from Detroit was 1100 miles. Being a hybrid, I have not yet got out my Spectrum analyzer to see how clean the electronics are.. My last car, a German made vehicle had NO RFI at all. I pulled the HF radio from it and sold the car to my nephew. before I install any ham gear in the car the car has navigation and locator- remote start and can tell me and the cops where it is if it's stolen. Ford has suspended the 10 device Wi-FI that's supposed to be in the truck because of chip shortages and that's a bone of contention. Since ford has partnered with AT&T.. when and if they offer wifi hot spot, it will be on AT&T at $20 per month.. well.. I am looking into TELO.. its 10 dollar s month service for 5 Gb of 4G LTE, good enough for video and audio. Tello seems to use T-Mobile GSM towers... I picked up a hot spot for $13 on Ebay. All should be arriving today.. and I will probably put it in my new Ford and use wither Fusion, DMR or Allstar for World wide connection..Plus I can take my hot spot anywhere... . Verizon and AT&T hot spots are about $50 per month.. so I'll give this a try and see how it works.. I plan on reporting back as to my success or failure.. but at $10 a month and $3 initial investment ,, It will give me world wide communications in the car with a talkie.. before I drill any holes or have to fight RFI... I did listen on AM radio and the hash is pretty clean but HF is another matter.. So stay Tuned...
Розпочато Larry Macionski @
Закрито Work Day Reminder 4
Hello Hams Please come and help with our Work Day Saturday October 19th starting at 11am. Yes the needed truck has been taken care of and also needed supplies have been purchased. Hope to see you there. Thank You Pat, KE0TGA Vice President, VFW Post 3115 Amateur Radio Club
Розпочато Patricia Hawkins @ · Останніх @
Закрито Emergency Request Relayed
ANNOUNCEMENT Winlink Development Team All-- The Winlink Development Team is requesting that all non-essential Winlink traffic (weekly nets, testing, etc.) be postponed until after hurricane Milton has moved on and response efforts have turned to recovery. There is still a lot of traffic in the aftermath of Helene, and we expect Milton will add significantly to that. We need to keep the gateways clear for that traffic. Thank you! -Scott, NS7C Please pass this information on to operators on your teams so we can maximize the entire winlink system for those in need. We rarely send out additional emails to this list, but figured this one was worth pushing out to everyone. Thanks for your understanding. We will update you later in the week about this Sunday's show. 73! Chris Mattia de W6AH Relayed Via Chuck KB0TOT
Розпочато KB0TOT-Chuck-913-648-2585 @
Закрито Fw: Are You Next? Hundreds of ARRL Members Have Joined Grouper! 2
ARRL membership is NOT a requirement. Elderly hams have been singled out as socially isolated..who knew??? 58 years as a licensed ham, social problems abound with in the group... loaners, nerds, wacko's, just attend a hamfest and look around.. Sarcastically, Larry W8LM ARRL Life Member- Licensed 58 years. ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: ARRL <membership@...>To: "larmac17@..." <larmac17@...>Sent: Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 02:53:06 PM CDTSubject: Are You Next? Hundreds of ARRL Members Have Joined Grouper! | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Dear ARRL Member, Did you know that since the ARRL partnered with Grouper just a few weeks ago, over 315 of our members have already joined Grouper and will soon be receiving checks to help offset the costs of their ARRL membership and ham radio activities?! In case you missed our previous communication, Grouper provides benefits to ARRL members aged 65+ with eligible Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplement plans for staying active in group activities. Maintaining social connections through group activities - like ARRL Affiliated Club meetings, hamfests, or helping other members put up an antenna - has proven health benefits, and these connections are especially important for older adults, who have above-average risks of social isolation. Here is what Grouper offers eligible ARRL members: - Easy sign-up with two simple questions and no personal information needed - $50 initial payment just for having an eligible plan - $20 every three months for reporting your in-person activities Redeem your benefit here. | | | | | | | | Joining groups like ARRL improves mental, physical, and social health. Through Grouper, your health plan encourages you to benefit from those social connections by staying connected in your community. You can use your Grouper benefits to help cover the cost of any group activities that keep you socially connected and healthy. Participating in events and contests, engaging in public service training, building equipment, mentoring or being an instructor, or just having lunch with friends - any ARRL group activities that form friendships and connections qualify you for Grouper. If you’re 65+, you probably have these benefits available through your current health plan. And don’t worry—Grouper isn’t a health insurance company and will never try to sell you anything. To see if you qualify for Grouper's benefits, simply visit the Grouper website and sign up. | | | | | | Grouper does not have access to ARRL member information (name, call sign, email), unless you provide it to them to take advantage of the paid benefit. And Grouper does not share your information except to service your benefit. Have Questions? Need help signing up or have other questions? Call us at (833) 445-2400 or email info@.... ARRL members with additional questions about the benefit can visit the FAQ from Grouper orcontact ARRL Member Services. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | About this Email: You are receiving this email because you are a member of the ARRL®. To manage the notifications you receive from us, please visit You must be logged in to the ARRL website to edit your email subscriptions. Copyright © 2024 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution. All other purposes require written permission. | | | | | | |
Розпочато Larry Mac @ · Останніх @
Закрито Look up in the sky-- it's a.....
A BIG NEW SUN-GRAZING COMET Astronomers are monitoring a new sun-grazing comet discovered just a few days ago by the ATLAS survey. It appears to be unusually big, and could become a significant naked-eye object by the end of October. Experts say if it survives its close encounter with the sun -- a big IF - -it could rival Comet Lovejoy in 2011 Updates @
Розпочато Larry Macionski @
Закрито Here is a semi-kit" project if the club is interested.
i build kits-homebrew, integrate items into Ham Radio..I've built the BITX 40 kit out of India, the uSDX 8 band all mode QRP transceiver by DL2MAN, and numerous kits over the years.. even when I lived in New Hampshire. This kit looks real interesting. It is a semi kit, not all parts supplied.. i think the touch screen you buy on your own because it the big ticket item and the company gives no discount till you order 1000 and a ham that's knitting kits in has basement isn't going to front 1000 displays to save 5%.. So I'm looking for a winter project.. and this looks interesting... If others show interest we can coordinate a build.. Larry W8LM
Розпочато Larry Macionski @
Greetings: Our September meeting is next week on the 24th at the post. We will be approving or disapproving the change to our by laws that will let us change the day of the week we meet at the post. This change I think will help us keep more of our members and hopefully add more members, I ask you all plan to attend and help us pass this change and hopefully get more members. Tracie Walsh President 2024
Розпочато TRACIE WA5LSH @
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Sat 8:39am