It's . . . SCIENCE!!!
Scientists uncovered a bizarre way that our brains are mutating Hhmmmm, . . . . Now let me think. WHAT could possibly ever be causing widespread MUTATIONS to the DNA of the brains of YOUNG PEOPLE??? MAYBE all of the KRAP that is being pumped into their daily diets by Big Ag??? Maybe all of those "Vaccinations" REQUIRED to "protect" them from every form of typical childhood illness under the sun by Big Pharma??? Maybe the completely artificial and utterly useless "Anti-COVID" JABS??? . . . . OR could it even be the results of being incessantly bombarded by electronic stimulates 24/7/365???? Whatever the "CAUSE", you can bet your bottom dollar that NOBODY is going to take the blame or be held accountable. . . . I'm sure that it will just be chocked off to Climate Change. Right??? Speaking of "Climate Change" --- Remember Al Gore's tirade about "Rain Bombs and the Oceans Boiling"??? . . . . Yeah. Not so much, Al. No one can figure out why the Atlantic Ocean is cooling at record speed Gotta wonder just HOW BIG of a government taxpayer funded grant the Egghead who untangles this from The Narrative without upsetting the Climate Crazies and while keeping Big Al rolling in the dough will be getting. . . . . I'm blaming Whale Farts!!! And if ya can't frack-up your own planet . . . . then just set your sights on fracking-up somebody else's! Feasibility of keeping Mars warm with nanoparticles Personally, I don't think that Marvin The Martian has too much to worry about from Komrade Muskie's threatened takeover. Not when they still can't even figure out how to get their WOKE-anauts BACK TO THE MOON with all of their "New & Improved" Super Tekno Toys. Heck, they can't even figure out how to get them BACK DOWN TO EARTH!!! . . . Reckon that they'll just have to call for an Uber. Boeing Starliner astronauts will return home in 2025, NASA confirms ---------------------------------------------- Keep Er FUN! & WEIRDZ!!! Dan G
Ryan Jump Jets
Always a fan of Odd Birds and Military Dream Machines that were never given the chance that they deserved (Thank You GREEDY Air Force brASS HAT JERKS!!!) I think that the Ryan Jump Jets really could have made a lasting impression on the battlefront even into today. Especially for the US Army! In the role of Launch & Land ANYWHERE "Jack-In-The-Box" Interceptors and Ground Support/ Attack Aircraft, (not to mention as RESCUE craft that some of those downed AF FlyBoys might have appreciated!!!), these light little Odd Birds could have made a big difference. Certainly, far more versatile than those knockoffs of the British Harriers we eventually went with. Ryan Aeronautical Had Big Plans for the Vertifan Jump Jet I wonder how they would have done as predecessors of the A-10s if comparably armed as Gunships with autocannon and/or rocket pods??? Yeah, I needs me some Alt-Cold War Military SF/F!!! ---------------------------------------------- Keep Er FUN! & WEIRDZ!!! Dan G
Eggheads Teach THE BLOB To Play Pong!
Another case of --- What Could Possibly wRoNgk??? Scientists Build a Simple Gel 'Brain' That Learns How to Play Pong Better Why don't these Eggheads EVER watch the Training Vids??? THE BLOB And this particular Egghead refugee from a hippy commune "thinks" that it would be an improvement by teaming this stuff with A.I.??? == You WANT T-1000s? THAT is how you get T-1000s!!!!!! ---------------------------------------------- Keep Er FUN! & WEIRDZ!!! Dan G
Ooooh, It's The End Of The World As We Know It . . . .
Not much of an ADDITIONAL surprise to the never-ending cluster-muck that has thus far comprised this glorious decade of the 2020s, I reckon that it should come as no sort of a shock that the Doom Criers are proclaiming that even beyond "THE SCIENCE" all sorts of "Omens, Signs & Portents" indicate that "BAD THINGS BE A'HAPPENING!!!" . . . . I reckon that they've gotta work with whatever will bring in the bucks while they still can. Right??? 'Bad omen' declared after ancient pyramid suddenly collapses Rare 'doomsday fish' spotted near Californian coast sparking fears of imminent disaster Yepper > IF < we survive the 2020s we are all going to be suffering from PTSD. ---------------------------------------------- Keep Er FUN! & WEIRDZ!!! Dan G
One of the things I meant to say and forgot was IN THE SHOW he DOES STATE how the guns firing are blanks except for the small arms and he usually introduces the guy (they call him the armorer) that is responsible for doing the actual blasting. Also when they do make a weapon (tank/ canon) able to shoot again even though they are blanks they have to have special permission and another "armorer" responsible for those weapons. Obviously the short clips on UTube leave a LOT to be desired when explaining what he is doing. The show IS A CLASS act, NOT like the usual BS on TV. Ron
I will give the Chinese one thing ... my 1/16 R/C tanks may not be top quality from the factory but they still run/shoot and do all the other things they are supposed to and I have yet to have one die on me and I've had them for 20 years or so. It is pretty cool to listen to the motor as it cranks up, fires and then sits and idles until I give it the throttle. I love the 6mm paint balls it shoots and the way they rock back after firing the main gun. Nice sounds to the MG's too. Of course adding upgraded gearboxes with better motors helps and adding metal running gear/tracks helps with making it run a lot smoother over the ground and even grass. They almost sound like a real tank with the clanking and squeaking going on when running!! And price - basic tanks can be had for less than $200!!!!! Sure as hell can't beat the price, I have bought them for as little as $50!!!!!!!!!!! Didn't run because the idiot that owned it was trying to use it with the wrong batteries!!!!!!!!! With all that going for them why would I want to mess with 1/35 toys? You never did say anything, did you ever get a chance to check out that Combat Dealer??? Man I LOVE that show and have learned a LOT from it. Ron
A few days ago, our old Houndzilla decided to get a bit rambunctious and with one mighty swipe of his TAIL OF DOOM leveled everything setting on my little side table. . . . . Most notably, my FULL Tankerd of ice-tea!!! Needless to say, the devastation was fairly complete as the tsunami of essential caffeinated life-support fluids washed over everything in its path with absolutely no regard for anything laying downstream of the raging headwaters of its now wasted fortified golden refreshment and thus saturating all that stood before it. = I.e. - My bloody laptop and cellphone! Which have now been rendered utterly useless as their machine spirits succumbed to their terminal drenching with obviously little or no humor and have now stormed off in a bit of a soggy shitfit-snit to drier climes wherever the heck it is that such entities go on their vacations. Yeah. What an absolute MESS! Fortunately, since those worthy entities did not depart in the traditional overwhelming display of pyrotechnics of blinding flashes of diminutive lightning and rising columns of smoke so well documented on numerous occasions by the filmographers of HollyWeird, I can only hope that they might yet be coaxed and cudgeled to return once again to their proper homes. Unfortunately, my Bidenomics plagued limited resources are such that it won't be until the end of the month before I can even hope to procure the required funding essential to petition the high priest daemonologists in their temple of the Electrostatic Machine God to undertake the proper secret rituals and incantations required to ensnare these wayward and elusive minor daemons once again. If indeed, even they can accomplish such a task. For all are aware of the rather temperamental nature of such creatures, and their outright skittishness once they have found even short-lived freedom among the outer realms. Especially when such beings feel that they have been so abused and insulted by an intrusion of other elementals into their exclusive rightful domains. (And/or they just don't bloody well feel like coming back from vacation.) If all such appeasements should fail, . . . . . well, then FUCK EM if they can't take a joke! . . . . And I'll just have to endure until such times as I can procure yet another set of ensorcelled infernal machines containing newly recruited and properly domesticated imps perhaps more willing to endure cohabitation with persnickety old farts and their rampaging Houndzillas. So, as it now stands my time communing through the eather is greatly limited and handicapped due to the prerequisite of purloining my Wife's seriously less robust and far more tamely domesticated devices while she slumbers during my very limited "Off Hours". <sigh> I will attempt to continue to remain in contact whenever physically possible. = Just because I ain't here, don't mean I ain't HERE. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> NEVER GIVE UP!!! -- NEVER SURRENDER!!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<< . . . . I wonder how many biscuits it required from the Xeno DemoCommies to bribe the OLD Houndzilla to curtail my further tirades against their onslaughts??? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TRUST NO ONE!!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<< . . . . and I do mean >> NO ONE <<!!!! ---------------------------------------------- Keep Er FUN! & WEIRDZ!!! Dan G
Tamiya kit
There is no R/C involved. The Panz IV is a WIRED remote control model. I'd never waste time on R/Cing a plastic model, the drive system wouldn't last long enough to sneeze at. I think about the same when it came to N. Africa, Hitler never intended to get mixed up there at least for a while. But the Italians screwed it up so bad he kind of got sucked into it. I have always believed it was a HUGE mistake to try to take Russia, he never did and never would have an army big enough to get the job done. The very same reason we would never try it any more than they would try to take this country by invasion. Just a plain stupid idea, to many logistical problems any way one looks at it. Like the Jap said, invade and there will be a gun behind every blade of grass ... Ron
I've pretty much turned off the news again. I've had enough of the lies and BS from BOTH sides. It really pisses me off when I am told HOW I will vote and WHO I will vote for according to "their polls" .. in my mind that who set of BS traps ought to be illegal, to many idiots out there want to be "on the winning side" and listen to that crap spewed and churned out by a bunch of idiots. I had to chuckle, we've gone through that tree line BS with a couple different home owners on one side of us over the years. Well, they are ALL cut down now and a nice 8' high solid privacy fence sits there now. SCREW 'EM!!!!!!!!! LOL Puttering with an old Tamiya "Remote Controlled" Panzer IV to haul on the trailer. I actually got the 1985 drivetrain to work and the controls are all wired and soldered up. Only problem is the gears on the motors want to slip some. To old, I'm going to see if I can replace them before I button it all up. Wish me luck! Ron
A friend suggested a massage would be good for me. When I arrived I was asked to point out the source of my pain. I began to cry ... because I realized it was my entire existence. Ron
I sure as hell hope to stick around long enough to see how the vote goes ... but then again, maybe I won't want to know what happened to this country. Ron
The SS MINNOW 2.0???
I'm sure that it must just be me, but for some odd reason every time I read yet another instalment in the ongoing saga of Boeing's stranded STARLINER and DEIonauts I keep hearing the well-known theme song to that OTHER famous "Tale of a fateful trip/ That started from a tropic port/ Aboard a tiny ship" playing somewhere off in the background. It certainly is seeming like the Castaways' short tour has turned into being "They're here for a long long time/" == NOW they may not make it home until > FEBRUARY OF NEXT YEAR <!!! --- Probably depending mostly upon the outcome of that Congressional Inquiry, the results of those MASSIVE Lawsuits pending against Boeing, and WHO gets to run the government and by extension, NASA. (AND the state of the nation!!!) NASA says Boeing's Starliner astronauts may have to come home on different spacecraft I can't help but wonder that if by then these Castaways will be desperate enough to accept a ride from Komrade Musky or get their series cancelled by the ISS's intended crew and stuffed into a returning Rooskie resupply-turned-trashcan??? So Just Sit Right Back And You'll Hear A Tale/ "So join us here each week my friends/ You're sure to get a smile/ From two DEI stranded castaways/ Here on the ISS"!!! ---------------------------------------------- Keep Er FUN! & WEIRDZ!!! Dan G
I just got home, I went a few rounds with an E-Coli blood infection that pretty much did me in. I'll try to hang around but don't expect much, the cancer pretty much has my insides wrecked and I'm out of options ... Ron
A MEGA SKYRAT For . . . . Where Else???
Just what New York needs! . . . . A GIANT sculpture dedicated to a SkyRat to put the fear of a drowning deluge of aerial borne excrement bombardment into anyone foolish enough to look up and take their eyes off of all of the Imported Street Rats lurking all about them. >>>>>>>> BEWARE THE WRATH OF THE MIGHTY POOPING PIGEON GOD!!!! <<<<<<<< ---------------------------------------------- Keep Er FUN! & WEIRDZ!!! Dan G
The NEXT Mummy Movie Star???
Considering HollyWeird's fixation with Gender-Swapping, it sure looks like THIS might just give them the perfect excuse to phase out old Boris once and for all. 'Screaming Woman': Egyptian mummy's pained expression Ya sure do gotta admit, this Mummy (Don't you DARE call her a "Mummy MOMMY"!!! She was SURELY a Strong Independent Single WOMAN done wrong by the EVIL Male Egyptian Patrimony jealous of HER indominable strength and POWER and unrequited love of CATS!!!) is plenty CREEPY & WEIRD enough to rate at least one Mummy Movie/Cartoon Knockoff. If not a FULL (UNDYING) FRANCHISE!!!! (IF they can just get it by all of those ignorant bigoted lowbrow audiences who are so unappreciative of TRUE ART and THE MESSAGE!!!!) LOL! ---------------------------------------------- Keep Er FUN! & WEIRDZ!!! Dan G
So Much For Peanuts & Crackerjacks!
Yepper! If you thought that you had to wait for your local State Fair to indulge in the latest disgusting gastronomical abomination's assault on your arteries with their traditional Deep-Fried Whatnots, the Arizona Cardinals say, "Here! Hold My Beer-amid!" NFL Stadium Selling Insane 'Cotton Candy Burrito' In 2024 Because American Sports Fans AREN'T over-weight enough these days??? . . . . OR are they just hoping to appease the sensative "(NON)Evolving" tastebuds of the Kidaults who now makeup the greatest proportion of attendees at their WAY OVER-PRICED "events" like Big Pharma has done over the years with their ever-expanding lines of chewable gummy candy "vitamins"???? . . . . OR is this just somebody's Zombie Brainstorm of how to get back at all of the utterly disgusting "Nutritional Vegan Fare" served up at that equally disgusting Frog WOKE-lympics??? ---------------------------------------------- Keep Er FUN! & WEIRDZ!!! Dan G
So, Now There Are TOO MANY Solar Panels Crashing The Grid???
Well, shucky-darn! . . . . But it's all those darn "Cheap ChiCom POSs FAULT!!!" . . . . Even if > ALL < of those Solar POSs both for Home AND MegaCorp > ARE MADE IN CHINA <!!!! === Ya just CAN'T FIX STUPID!!! . . . . Until ya throw enough taxpayer money at it! Right??? ‘Handelsblatt’ Reports: Photovoltaics “Causing Problems Electricity Distribution Grids Sorta "FUNNY" that they want Homeowners with installed Solar Panel Systems (Mostly taxpayer funded via "Rebates".) to tear down THEIR systems that are doing EXACTLY the job the Greenie-Weenies were creaming their panties over HOPING that they would do, but NOT the MegaCorps' systems that won't last more than a few years (at best!) that were 100% built on the taxpayer's dime and SUBSTANTIALLY RAISED those very same Homeowner's Energy COSTS forcing them to invest in HOME SOLAR PANEL SYSTEMS!!! Do ya ~ THINK ~ that it MIGHT just have SOMETHING to do with the FACT that for every 15 cents charged to a homeowner for their electricity that only TWO CENTS represents the actual generation costs, but THIRTEEN CENTS is the "Infrastructure Charge" to supply that current???? Climate Science > IS < "science"! . . . . Just NOT like any Science we've ever KNOWN BEFORE! . . . . . Because we used to be able to call a Scam a SCAM!!! ---------------------------------------------- Keep Er FUN! & WEIRDZ!!! Dan G
And here you thought that they were just for Kids and Kidaults to play with??? . . . . NO MORE! = The space bricks have landed! The REAL GOOD NEWS is that --- IN SPACE NOBODY CAN HEAR YOU SCREEEEEEAAAAM!!! ---- when you step on one of the bloody things!!!! I think that they are planning on using them as caltrops for any bands of marauding Xeno Ninjas trying to sneak up on our Space Cadets! = DARPA can be downright FIENDISH when it wants to be!!!!! ---------------------------------------------- Keep Er FUN! & WEIRDZ!!! Dan G
WHO Done It??? . . . Or DID They???
Watched a couple of old (Not too Old) Murder-Mystery-Comedies last night that I'd completely forgotten about. BOTH offer a spooky old mansion full of some of THE BEST comedy actors of their times doing a FANTASTIC job of navigating more murderous plot twists, unexpected deadly turns, outright head scratchers, and Red Herrings than one could ever hope to find in the darkest cobweb laced hidden passages so often an architectural requirement of such domiciles. All while keeping a rigor mortis grin firmly affixed to the audience's faces that would make the best missing corpse jealous. Can YOU solve the mystery of WHO DONE IT before the final reveal??? . . . . Don't be too sure!!! . . . . But it sure is FUN trying!!! Break out your trench-coat, deerstalker and magnifying glass! . . . .They probably won't help, but at least you'll look cool doing it!!! LOL MURDER BY DEATH CLUE I would love to see a gathering of some of the old Pulp Heroes (The Shadow, Doc Savage, The Spider, Capt Midnight, Etc.) given this same treatment. THAT would be FUN!!! ---------------------------------------------- Keep Er FUN! & WEIRDZ!!! Dan G
Eggheads Make Dino-Chow Question EVEN WORSE!
Yepper! Leave it to the Egghead "Experts" to get all excited about one thing, but MISS the MUCH BIGGER picture and GLARING QUESTION! (Even though they DID highlight > MY < point about those Mega Lawn Mowers' Eco Impact!) No, Dinosaurs Did Not Trudge Through Thick Rainforests So, (According to THIS Egghead Expert) there were NO LUSH JUNGLES before the Space Rock's Fifth Extinction Event. . . . . . Then WHAT THE HECK did those over-sized hayburners ("Megaherbivores") survive and FLOURISH on???????? ESPECIALLY, those "Several Hundred" strong herds of Mega-MEGAherbivore TITANOSAURS??? TWO THOUSAND Pounds Per Day EACH of lawn clippings and storebought Purina Dino-Chow????? That MIGHT be fine for some of these herds of SMALLER Megaherbivores which might only put down around a Couple Of HUNDRED Pounds per day EACH. But even there I still believe they'd be eating their way to extinction and NOT FLOURISHING!!! --- I'm seeing A LOT of Dino Jerky on the hoof!!! Just BTW -- WHY don't we see "FEATHERS" on any of the newer renditions of any of the dino herbivores like the Eggheads insist that all of the predators must now sport??? (Sort of "Funny" how nearly 150 Years of official Eggheads digging up dino bones and EVERYBODY just kinda-sorta MISSED that little detail, ain't it???) I reckon that ONLY the predators evolved into chickens???? ---------------------------------------------- Keep Er FUN! & WEIRDZ!!! Dan G
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