M253 > DF29 > Z58 > A5716 > A5726 > A5734 > BY152625 > BY155598
An updated map for M253 > DF29 > Z58 > A5716 > A5726 > A5734 > BY152625 > BY155598 via http://scaledinnovation.com/gg/snpTracker.html:
Any updates?
I was active in this group about 8 years ago but got into other things? What did I miss?
Ken Nordtvedt
I have looked for archived copies of Ken's site, knordtvedt.home.bresnan.net, which is now offline, but without much success. Anyone know of people who have saved material from his old site? I am particularly interested in this document, knordtvedt.home.bresnan.net/Tree%20for%20I1%20Z58+.pdf. https://web.archive.org/web/20070901000000*/http://knordtvedt.home.bresnan.net/ https://archive.fo/knordtvedt.home.bresnan.net Aaron
Terminal Haplogroup
Keep your eyes on FTDNA… They just gave me a new Terminal Haplogroup! The YFull tree hasn’t caught up yet. The Big Y test was worth it, for sure. Jim Robeson, I1a-M253 > DF29 > CTS6364 > S4795 > S4767 > S4770 > Y13495/Y13016 > Y29634/S4774 > A13294 > FTA86767 Mito-H1e1a
Y DNA Haplogroup Comparisons
Is there a way to compare one terminal haplogroup with another to determine if one is ancestral to the other? Is there a web site to easily do the comparison ? Jim Robeson, I1a-M253 > DF29 > CTS6364 > S4795 > S4767 > S4770 > Y13495/Y13016 > Y29634/S4774 > A13294
M253+ > DF29+ > Z58+ > A5734?
I have studied the SNPs in my most closest matches. There appear to be two distinct subclades as of now. M253 > DF29 > Z58 > A5734 > BY152625 > BY155598 and M253 > DF29 > Z58 > A5734 > FT90664 Unfortunately, Family Tree DNA does not offer these in the Z58 package for some reason. I1 - Z58 SNP Pack Includes the following SNPs on the haplotree: Z59, Z138, Z139, FGC3447, PF2805, S5619, FGC3466, FGC3481, FGC3491, F2011, Y11873, Y11214, Y11213, Y11212, Y11211, Y8434, Y8433, A6849, A6835, A6827, A6830, A6832, A6839, A6846, Y8432, Y8431, Y8430, Y8429, Y7634, BY1, A6482, S2293, S6277, Y15575, Y15576, Y15577, Y15902, Y15903, S6270, S6275, S20289, A6549, S27836, Y16451, A6553, A6558, A6579, A6583, A6586, A6591, A6592, A6606, A6397, A6552, A6779, A6546, A6781, S6402, Z382, Y5384, Y15694, Z2040, Z58, A285, FGC12741, FGC12742, FGC12744, FGC12748, FGC12752, FGC12754, FGC12755, FGC12757, FGC12759, FGC12760, FGC12763, FGC12764, FGC24330, L1450, L1451, L1452, PH4774, PH5206, S15398, S16501, S18311, S20488, S26361, Y15002, Y15003, Y15004, Y15005, Y15011, Y15013, Y15479, Y15480, Y15482, Y15484, Y15485, Y15596, Y15597, Y16456, Y18238, Y18310, Y18386, Y2170, Y3564, Y3573, Y4111, Y5385, Y5387, Y5390, Y5391, Y6085, Y6086, Y6088, Y6089, Y6090, Y6091, Y6092, Y6165, Y6708, Y7040, Y7041, Y7042, Y7043, Y7044, Y7049, Y7052, Y7055, Y7056, Y7057, Y7232, Y7233, Y7927, Y7931, Y8341, Y8342, Y8343, Y8777, Y8778, Y8779, Y8780, Z2037, Z2039, Z2041, Z2042 Includes the following SNPs that are NOT on the haplotree: PF1610, PF856, Y18237
Just learned that one of my cousins is I-Z58+. This is from the 23andMe database. I, unfortunately, tested years ago, long before this subclade was discovered. Anyone know of any resources for this group? Aaron
Haplogroup I1 Ancient Samples Map
Since we have a first post on the list from Hans, then we can say the list is active. Thanks Hans! Not sure if any of the material will migrate from Rootsweb, and in case it doesn't, I'll share the link to my map of ancient samples that have been designated Haplogroup I1. Also including some samples that are pre-I1/I* (on the map with black skull and crossbones) - they have derived SNPs on the I1 branch that are phyloequivalent with M253 (312 SNPs on the current YFull tree) but also have ancestral SNPs on that level, as well as including cases where the analysis isn't comprehensive enough to give a clear answer either way (brown with question mark). Divided the rest of the I1 samples into I-Z2336 and downstream (red), I-Z58 and downstream (green), I-Z63 and downstream (yellow) and blue for everything else (I-DF29 that don't fit into I-Z2336, I-Z58, I-Z63; as well as I1 subclades that are negative for DF29). The map can be found here https://bit.ly/2Z3CJk7 Click on pins on the map to bring up a side window with more information - eg. archaeological context, dating (radiocarbon if available), SNP calls from BAM file, link to the relevant paper where the sample is described. Or click on the sample name on the left hand list. Map currently has 131 ancient samples and will be updated as new results come in.
New member from old list
Hello all, Just looked at my back-log of gmail messages and saw that the new list was created here so joined up. Hope you are all well and staying safe from the COVID-19 Pandemic in your area/country. Regards, Wayne R. Roberts Y-DNA Haplogroup I-M223 (sub-clade I-Y4722)
Historic Migration Patterns Are Written in Americans’ DNA
Historic Migration Patterns Are Written in Americans’ DNA “Studies of DNA from ancient human fossils have helped scientists to trace human migration routes around the world thousands of years ago. But can modern DNA tell us anything about more recent movements, especially in an ancestrally diverse melting pot like the United States?” https://blog.eogn.com/2020/03/06/historic-migration-patterns-are-written-in-americans-dna/ “Understanding the genetic structure of the US is important because it helps illuminate distinctions between populations that studies might not otherwise account for. If we want genetic technologies to benefit everyone, we need to rethink our current approach for genetic studies because at the moment, they typically miss a huge swath of American diversity.” “Some findings caught the researchers by surprise. For instance, their analysis revealed a striking diversity in the geographic origins of participants who identified as Hispanic or Latino. The genetic patterns of these participants indicated a complex mixture of European, African, and Native American ancestries that varied widely depending on where participants lived, whether they were in California, Texas or Florida, for example.” https://www.cell.com/ajhg/fulltext/S0002-9297(20)30044-6
New list
thank you Aaron for setting up this new list -- Stuart Stuart Phethean Hampshire UK FTDNA B1292 I-Z63 Family tree at Ancestry.co.uk and http://www.phethean.org.uk ONS at one-name.org
Z382-project at FTDNA
Over at the z382-project on FTDNA we are doing alot of work trying to map out I-M253 > DF29 > Z58 > Z59 > Z2041 > Z2040 > Z382 including some custom made applications. Sometimes we expand our perspective to include clades upstream of ”ours”, in attempt to get a better picture, and here is an example of what the output can look like: http://artificial.se/DNA/I-M253_e.jpg
Michael Sager of FTDNA at Genetic Genealogy Ireland Belfast
Michael Sager, the man behind FTDNA’s Y chromosome haplotree, will be talking about his work at Genetic Genealogy Ireland Belfast next month. You can read Michael’s profile here and get a taste of what he will be talking about: https://ggi2013.blogspot.com/2020/01/mike-sager-speaker-profile.html Debbie Kennett
Cheddar Man from a Y-dna perspective
Hi all, Great that we have a new list! To fuel the fire and start some activity I post a link to my recent citizen science paper "Cheddar Man from a Y-dna perspective". It think it will interest all those focussing on I2: https://www.academia.edu/people/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=cheddar+man Comments are welcome :-) Hans
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