Historic Migration Patterns Are Written in Americans’ DNA
Historic Migration Patterns Are Written in Americans’ DNA “Studies of DNA from ancient human fossils have helped scientists to trace human migration routes around the world thousands of years ago. But can modern DNA tell us anything about more recent movements, especially in an ancestrally diverse melting pot like the United States?” https://blog.eogn.com/2020/03/06/historic-migration-patterns-are-written-in-americans-dna/ “Understanding the genetic structure of the US is important because it helps illuminate distinctions between populations that studies might not otherwise account for. If we want genetic technologies to benefit everyone, we need to rethink our current approach for genetic studies because at the moment, they typically miss a huge swath of American diversity.” “Some findings caught the researchers by surprise. For instance, their analysis revealed a striking diversity in the geographic origins of participants who identified as Hispanic or Latino. The genetic patterns of these participants indicated a complex mixture of European, African, and Native American ancestries that varied widely depending on where participants lived, whether they were in California, Texas or Florida, for example.” https://www.cell.com/ajhg/fulltext/S0002-9297(20)30044-6
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