Day ahead episodes and spoilers
Hi everyone, Due to lack of participation on this list, I have decided to no longer post the day ahead Episodes or any spoilers. I did not come to this decision lightly. I just don’t feel that my efforts are needed or appreciated. Maybe in the future things will change. I sure hope so. But right now, I just don’t feel it’s worth all the effort. Dee
The Young and the Restless 07/11/22 FULL Episode 720HD || Y&R July 11th,...
The Young and the Restless 07/08/22 FULL Episode 720HD || CBS Y&R July 0...
The Young and the Restless 07/07/22 NEW Episode 720HD || Y&R July 07th, ...
The Young and the Restless 07/06/22 FULL Episode 720HD || CBS Y&R July 0...
The Young and the Restless 07/05/22 FULL Episode 720HD || CBS Y&R July 0...
SPOILERS July 4th -July 8th, 2022 | The Young and The Restless
The Young and the Restless 07/04/22 || CBS Y&R July 04th, 2022 FULL SHOW...
The Young and the Restless 7/1/22 FULL EPISODE ❤️ Y&R The Young and the ...
3 Sent from my iPhone go Victoria! L O L
Today’s show, Thursday, June 30
Chelsea; Chelsea has been in the business long enough to know that when she blows off deadlines and insist on extensions, Chloe is the one who has to negotiate all of that and smooth things over. That is putting unnecessary stress on Chloe. If Chelsea can’t do her job right now, put in for some time off and get some counseling. Stop making everybody else miserable around you! Lol Victoria and Ashland; Did anyone else catch it? “My lawyer!“ Said Victoria! When Ashland speaks of their business deal, it is always plural. Our building, our business! Lol
The Young and the Restless 06/30/22 FULL Episode 720HD || Y&R June 30th,...
The Young and the Restless 6/29/22 FULL EPISODE ❤️ Y&R The Young and the...
The Young and the Restless 06/28/22 FULL Episode 720HD || Y&R June 28th,...
SPOILERS June 27-July 1, 2022 | The Young and the Restless
These are much better detailed spoilers. I like the name of Victoria’s company, but my idea was better. I thought she should call it victorious media! Lol
SPOILERS June 27-July 1st, 2022 | The Young and The Restless
CBS The Young and the Restless 06-27-2022 ❤️ Y&R June 27th, 2022 FULL SH...
Dishing With Digest - Soap Opera Digest News and Exclusive Interviews: Y&R’s Peter Bergman On His “Amazing Journey” In Daytime
Y&R’s Peter Bergman On His “Amazing Journey” In Daytime Dishing With Digest - Soap Opera Digest News and Exclusive Interviews Peter Bergman (Jack) reflects on his record-setting Emmy run and his iconic leading ladies, offers his candid take on the current state of Jack’s life and much more with Digest’s Stephanie Sloane and Mara Levinsky. We also discuss the DAYS exits of Lamon Archey (Eli) and Sal Stowers (Lani). Listen on Apple Podcasts:
Wednesday, June 22
Sally receives the gift of a nameplate for her desk from Adam. Adam and Victor; Adam and Victor are talking in the Neuman Enterprises office. Adam informs Victor that he knows why he gave him the position and that he is going to do a better job than he expects him to do. After Victor leaves with Michael, Adam goes to see Sally. Victor and Michael; Michael‘s new assignment is to track down Victoria. Michael isn’t happy about this assignment and advises Victor that it is probably time he should let Victoria go and spread her wings. Nikki and Nicholas; Nick talks to his mother about Victoria and gives her details about their last conversation. Nikki is still very upset because Victoria will not pick up her phone or return any calls. During their conversation, Nikki gets an idea of who to reach out to in regard to Victoria. Later we see her talking to Billy. Billy and Lily; Billy is leaving a voicemail for Victoria. He is letting her know that despite their last conversation, he is OK with her having the kids around Ashland wherever they land. He tells her to take her time because the kids are still in boarding school. He tells her to get in touch with him so they can meet and make definite plans. Lily over here is this conversation. Lily and Billy sit down and talk about the launch party and his conversation with Jill. Lily still senses some unsettledness was Billy. She asked him if it’s because of his job or because of something else. I’m not really sure what the Hecks going on with Billy. I never really got a straight answer out of that conversation myself! Lol Billy assures Lily that their relationship is fine and he is good with being her second in command. At that point Chelsea approaches and talks to Billy and Lily. Lily excuses herself and Billy tells Chelsea to wait a minute. He slows Lily down and assures her again that everything is good and he’ll be back in the office soon. Chelsea and Billy talk about a few things and catch up. She asked about Johnny and catie. She suggested that maybe they get Johnny and Connor together for a play date soon. Chelsea leaves and at some point finds Nick in the park. I can’t remember everything Nick and Chelsea talk about. It is obvious to me that the riders are trying to figure out who to pair Chelsea with next. That’s pretty much the end of the show. There really wasn’t anything eventful happening today. Sorry about that! I don’t write them I just report them! Lol
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