Липкий Old Yahoo Messages
Located in the Files section is a folder called 1 - Old Yahoo Messages Folder. Here are the notes with the text file in that folder - All of the old Yahoo Messages from #1 to Nov, 2019 in a txt file of 1.1 mb. This file should open OK using Notepad. You can also use the free Notepad++ to open it faster. Notepad++ is available here - https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ . This file was edited to remove Yahoo text formatting data. Search using the Find function. Also available is an html file of 1.7 mb that will open with any browser but so far has only been tested with Firefox. Takes a bit of time to load. If you find any missing data please let me know as I have the original file.
Розпочато Roger VE7LB @
Липкий Folders, Files and Photos Ownership 2
A note about Photos Ownership: Whoever uploads photos becomes the owner of those items even though he/she may have never actually had anything to do with their creation and original posting. For the original owner to regain control over the items here is my suggestion - Contact the existing photo folder owner or photo owner and ask for ownership to be transferred to you as the original owner. A note about Files Ownership: Whoever uploads folders or files becomes the owner of those items even though he/she may have never actually had anything to do with their creation and original posting. For the Original owner to regain control over the items here is my suggestion - 1 - Create a new folder with the same name but add an asterisk (*) at the end of the folder or files name. For example an existing 6146 folder would have a 6146* folder next to it (if sorting is by Name). 2 - Copy the 6146 folder files back onto your computer. 3 - Load the 6146* folder with the files. Change the comments section as required. 4 - Ask the existing folder owner, group owner or a moderator to delete the original 6146 folder. 5 - After the 6146 folder has been deleted you can delete the * at the end of the name. 73 Roger VE7LB
Розпочато Roger VE7LB @ · Останніх @
New FRG7 display from Marcel 9
Today the package arrived, awesome job by the postal system and our overworked customs. They are overworked because of our greedy government wanting all kinds of taxes from anything crossing our shores. The kit is of very good quality, and is very compact, well packaged and thought out. Marcel has done a very good job with this, I hope many take the opportunity to buy one, that helps creators continue to create niche products that big companies would not bother with. Tomorrow I hope to get time to install it into my FRG7, that can only happen if its raining, Im told the lawns need mowing............
Розпочато Pentagrid @ · Останніх @
New digital readout for the FRG-7 10
Hi, In a previous post, I've announced that I was making a new kit for a digital readout with also a MHz indication. Now I've assembled the first PCB's and they function well. For an impression, look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iuP9ElnuoQ @Pentagrid, concerning your remarks about the RACAL RA-17. I'm in the lucky position to own one now. I'm busy, finding the right points for the signals and the power supply. The kit will probably replace the S-meter. For anyone who is interested, please contact me. Best regards, Marcel de PA8MA
Розпочато Marcel, de PA8MA @ · Останніх @
FRG-7 for sale.
Hi, I have my FRG-7 for sale. It is an early version without the "fine tune" control. It is in good condition for its age an works well. I am looking for offers near £150 and it will need to be collected from RG31 area of Reading, Berkshire UK. Comes completed with original manual and circuit diagram.
Розпочато Gary Sangwell 2E0IHS @
Font used for FRG-7 11
Hello, I'm working on a new version of the digital readout. Does anyone know which font has been used for the dial in the FRG-7? Regards, Marcel de PA8MA
Розпочато Marcel, de PA8MA @ · Останніх @
Lock light stays on 16
Greetings, I was given a FRG-7 by a friend. No clue as to the history of this radio. After cleaning all the rotary switches and volume pot I was only able to receive some local AM broadcast as the zero blob on the MHZ dial is the only spot on the MHZ dial where the lock light would go out. Tuning up through the entire MHZ range the lock stays on. In reading many posts here it was mentioned to slightly tweak VR102 to get the lock to work properly but no joy. So I'm at the point of deciding to try a quick alignment as described in the link below or hopefully someone here can suggest other items to check. https://worldradiohistory.com/UK/Short-Wave-UK/80s/SWM-1981-10.pdf Thanks in advance Brian / N6RZR
Розпочато Brian Waligorski N6RZR @ · Останніх @
For sale 2
Are FRG-7 for sale ads permitted ?
Розпочато Gary Sangwell 2E0IHS @ · Останніх @
Digital readout 33
has anyone added digital readout to their FRG-7 this year ?
Розпочато MikeM @ · Останніх @
Much improved tuning resolution, mechnical mod 3
The FRG7 has around 12 turns of the tuning knob to cover a 1 meg band segment, pretty fast, requiring the finesse of safe crackers hands to tune in that ssb station, especially when the machine hs been fitted with narrow filters. Here is a very simple mod to slow that tuning speed to 75 turns band end to end. Remove the central plastic tuning dial from the kilocycle tuning capacitor, held on by one central nut, careful maneuvering under the S meter will see it free. Remove the three wires from this capacitor, remove the main tuning knob and carefully lift it out. Buy a ball reduction drive, these can be got almost anywhere, and eye up the space available after removing the front facia plate. Two 2.5 mm holes are drilled into the front chassis to mount the added ball drive in line with the existing tuning shaft. The existing tuning shaft will need shortening, use a hacksaw. Measure carefully. The radio can now be reassembled. The kilocycle tuning capacitor can now be slid back into the existing cavity another 15mm or so, and new mounting holes drilled to reattach it to the chassis. Reconnect the three wires to the tuning capacitor. The dial drum is now too small. I found a plastic jar lid the right diameter and drilled through the center to mount it to the shaft. Masking tape around the edge can be used to mark the 100 and 10 kc increments accurately as the radio is tuned, then this is transferred to a drawing program to make A professional looking dial..... Im still getting round doing that part..... Tuning is now so much easier, and the fine tune is no longer needed.. Originally, the kilocycle tuning is mounted forward toward the front panel as here. . .... After the mod, it is mounted toward the rear, you can see the added ball drive on the front panel...
Розпочато Pentagrid @ · Останніх @
Newly acquired FRG7 Loop light stuck on/loop not locking 7
Hello Everyone, I just acquired a broken FRG-7. I bought it untested for a decent price. After it arrived I tested it and confirmed my suspicions that the unit was not functioning. It appeared to lock correctly, tuning the MHZ dial the lock light functioned correctly but there was no readout on the S meter, and peaking with the preselect did nothing. I opened it up and found the previous owner had butchered the RF board, attempting to replace the front end transistor trying to swap it for an NTE 454. An attempt was made to solder the leads of the 454 to the old leads of the old front end transistor, the previous owner trying to use what I assume was plumbing solder. I removed all the butchery and hooked the NTE 454 up correctly. The receiver started to work immediately, and I was able to tune and peak on all bands. It was on for a few minutes while I tuned around the bands early in the day. I was able to get the BBC and several time signals. Turning the unit off and coming back to it a few hours later the lock light was stuck on, the receiver completely deaf in the front end. The lock light would only turn off when setting the MHZ dial to the lowest frequency. I read the manual, on this issue and took note of where VR102 was set, ans rotated it around a few times. I also used contact cleaner on all the switches, power switch, band switch, mode and VR102, still nothing. Lock light is stuck on. I turned it off and turned it back on and BOOM! It's working again! I let the unit run for 4 hours listening to all sorts of shortwave programs. Switching After 4 hours I turned the unit off and then immediately back on and the lock light is stuck again. Anyone have any idea what could be causing this behavior? The unit once working works flawlessly for hours, but it will then refuse to work at random, requiring random amounts of turning off and on again? I did read the PSU and its outputting high at 15.9 volts. Could the electrolytics in the PSU and AF board be causing power issues causing the receiver not to lock? Let me know what you think
Розпочато dentycamera@... @ · Останніх @
A network of 3D printer owners the print replacement knobs?
Hello all, As some of you might know, I have designed 3D printable replacement knobs for the FRG-7 switches and have them available through my website (https://ph2lb.nl/webshop/order.php) . I often get request from the US and other countries for these knobs, but international shipping (letter box package up to 100 gram) costs Euro 12,00 (aprx USD 13,00) now a days which I find ridiculous expensive. Especially when a set of 2 knobs cost Euro 1,00. So because I have made the designs public, everybody who has a 3D printer can print them., I want to set up a network of 3D printer owners who are willing to do some on-demand print for replacement knobs for help there fellow country frog owners. I was wondering what your all think of the above. -- 73 Lex PH2LB https://www.ph2lb.nl/
Розпочато Lex PH2LB @
FRG-7 Current draw using an external 12V PSU 5
Hi group, and thanks for having me! Anyone who can tell the current draw for a FRG-7, when using an external 12V PSU? I have a nice linear little PSU, but it's only capable of delivering 0,9 A continously. Thanks, Hans / LB6GG Sandnes, Norway
Розпочато Hans Ostnell @ · Останніх @
Need more selectivity 9
Hi, Y'all! Long time Frog owner but first post here. I'm hoping the collective can help me put this radio into mainstream use in the shack. I have been trying to pair this up with a Heathkit DX-60A I just acquired and after a few attempted CQs it became clear selectivity is lacking. I have had this radio for about 20 years and I re-capped it not too long after I bought it and besides the re-capping it is bone stock. Are there any mods that might help with the selectivity like a crystal filter or some other wizardry. Thanks and 73, -- Justin B. KI5GKD
Розпочато Justin Bowser - KI5GKD @ · Останніх @
Not working and deaf 7
I have a FRG-7 that has the following non working symptoms. The Mhz led can be tuned out on the upper shortwave bands only, and a few stations can be heard at very low volume. The Mhz led does not go out on the lower bands and and no stations are heard. Any clue on where to look for the fault would be appreciated.
Розпочато Chris Rogers @ · Останніх @
Almost ready to give up but... 25
..I thought I'd give the group a try. Friend gave me an old FRG7 to fix for him. No fine tune on the front & has some corrosion on the chassis. Symptoms: * Only a light hiss from the speaker with volume turned all the up * No stations or s meter movement * Can hear the 455 IF (I think on 1455) if I mess with LOCK So I check for the obvious: * PS voltages OK. Electrolytics ESR are fine. * All connections seem fine I suspect Q101 & find only G2 is working & replace it. No change. When I was checking component voltages I notice Q102/103 Emitters somewhat high at 2.5 & 2VDC Also find that Q401 has 5.2vdc on G2 (vs 2.7). I pull 401 & it checks fine. I start searching for cause & misread the schematic looking for R133 to find R135 on the RF board completely missing (missing from Yeasu's component view also??). So I install it, no change. I then check Q407 voltages (connects up to Q401) & they are fine. Further inspection of the IF/AF board I find a big solder blob left behind from another incompetent tech. Remove it & no change. I do insert a 3MHz signal into the the IF/AF board & get a loud report. So I find 3 issues & still have a non working radio. I am very surprised how quiet the AF is even at full volume. I know it can get pretty loud when I inserted the 3MHz. Any suggestions before I return the unit with a sad face. Thanx - Bob W8RMV ps - is there a good (cheap) source for 3SK40's?
Розпочато Bob W8RMV @ · Останніх @
Antenna recommendation for nursing home setting 13
I've been prepping my FRG-7 to lend to a gentleman who lives in a 12 x 13 ft room in a nursing facility.. I'm looking for suggestions of what sort of antenna to set up for him. Do I need to connect to all 3 ports or just one? I modified the radio today and installed an IEC socket with integral EMI filter mostly to improve the ground situation and simplify cord handling. Thanks, Reg
Розпочато Reginald Beardsley @ · Останніх @
Very very useful thread
I think this thread would be useful to anyone working on an FRG7 https://antiqueradios.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=370837
Розпочато MikeM @
Sacrilege 2
My upgraded FRG7,
Розпочато Pentagrid @ · Останніх @
Original tuning knob? 5
Hi, Can anybody tell if this Sommerkamp FRG-7 tuning knob is an original design for this receiver? I don't see any pictures on the internet with this kind of tuning knob. Tnx! 73 Wilbert
Розпочато Wilbert PA3DAE @ · Останніх @
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