Липкий Old Yahoo Messages
Located in the Files section is a folder called 1 - Old Yahoo Messages Folder. Here are the notes with the text file in that folder - All of the old Yahoo Messages from #1 to Nov. 30, 2019 in a txt file of 7 mb. This file should open OK using Notepad. You can also use the free Notepad++ to open it faster. Notepad++ is available here - https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ . This file was edited to remove Yahoo text formatting data. Search using the Find function. If you find any missing data please let me know as I have the original file. 73 Roger VE7LB
Розпочато Roger VE7LB @
Липкий Files and Photos Ownership
A note about Photos Ownership: Whoever uploads photos becomes the owner of those items even though he/she may have never actually had anything to do with their creation and original posting. For the original owner to regain control over the items here is my suggestion - Contact the existing photo folder owner or photo owner and ask for ownership to be transferred to you as the original owner. A note about Files Ownership: Whoever uploads folders or files becomes the owner of those items even though he/she may have never actually had anything to do with their creation and original posting. For the Original owner to regain control over the items here is my suggestion - 1 - Create a new folder with the same name but add an asterisk (*) at the end of the folder or files name. For example an existing 6146 folder would have a 6146* folder next to it (if sorting is by Name). 2 - Copy the 6146 folder files back onto your computer. 3 - Load the 6146* folder with the files. Change the comments section as required. 4 - Ask the existing folder owner, group owner or a moderator to delete the original 6146 folder. 5 - After the 6146 folder has been deleted you can delete the * at the end of the name. It's too bad that files owners can't be switched as easily as photos owners.
Розпочато Roger VE7LB @
FT-101 RF Board 2
Hi Everyone, I am currently restoring a 1st generation ft-101 (actually a ft-277...) and while smoke-testing it I found that the RF board may need to be repaired or replaced; Therefore, I have two questions: - Does anybody have a drawing of the PB-1077B board with the parts indicated? (the yaesu manual shows just a few of them) - Apparently the PB-1183 board can also work in an old ft-101, and it can still be found; has anybody tried the replacement? Any help or advice will be appreciated! Best Regards, and Season's greetings to all 73 - Joseph F4JVO
Розпочато JsF4JVO @ · Останніх @
FT-101ZSD Circuit Schematic 6
Anyone have a schematic for the Yaesu FT101ZSD (10 watt version)??
Розпочато KQ4NUO @ · Останніх @
New to me FT-101B 5
Hello to all here. I'm Butch - KAØWWT and have recently purchased an FT-101B (SN: SC119507) along with the YC-601B Digital Display. The rig has been 'on the shelf' for a great deal of time but was well taken care of before that and during that time. It has the original tubes in it and still has the glue/paint/whatever on all of the screws in the boards. I don't believe anything was ever done to this rig after the initial purchase from the looks of it. Fast forward to now, I attempted to do an initial tune up on her and I am not able to get the idle current reading down to the 60 milliamps according to the initial tune. And that is with the Bias adjust VR2 turned all the way to minimum. Best I can get is around 150ma. So, that is where I have stopped and am now pouring over any and all documentation I can find. Thing is, I am not finding what is probably right in front of me. And now I am here reaching out for some guidance. Is this a driver tube problem? An adjustment on a trimmer cap that I am not seeing? My intention is to get this rig back on the air and will certainly make it a project to do just that. I have not cleaned or reseated anything as of yet, I have some contact cleaner coming and it should be here this week. From my list of things to do at this point: 0. Inspect as much of the rig I can see, upper and lower for any cracked caps or any other potential damage. (I have not seen any of that topside at all.) 1. Remove and inspect all boards, clean contacts and connectors. 2. Clean all switches with cleaner. 3. Clean wafer switches with either erasers or contact cleaner (incrementally and not a mad wash of everything). 4. Change all the electrolytic caps. 5. Change out C13 and C131 with newer better caps. 6. Put it all back together and smoke test it. All this will take me a bit of time but I intend to put in the work. I have the service manual as well as the instruction manual and I am not afraid to use them. Yep, I am well versed (albeit very rusty working on electronics), in this sort of stuff but it will be a relearning experience for me. I am happy to see a schematic that I can easily recognize parts again. Right now, all I have are a couple of volt meters. I will have to borrow an O'scope but I know where one is. My ask of the community here is, can you recommend some additional steps I can do now or during that I may have not considered initially? The receive on the rig is good on some bands and could be better. on others. The preselector is scratchy when I move it through its ranges. Is that something I can fix, if so, how? All the knobs need some cleaner of some sort or another. They are all scratchy to some degree. I expect the contact cleaner and exercising them to work those bugs out. Here are a couple of pictures of the rig. I posted on the FoxTango site as well a few days back. I greatly appreciate any help or guidance from anyone here and thank you in advance. Regards, Butch - KAØWWT
Розпочато Butchie_T - KAØWWT @ · Останніх @
Yaesu FT-101ZSD vs FT-101ZD
Anyone know the main differences between the 101ZD and FT-101ZSD ?? Does anyone know where I an find schematcs for the FT-101ZSD ??
Розпочато KQ4NUO @
Very Sticky Original Grease in Drive Reduction Vernier Assemblies 4
The lock-ring retainer fell out of the Plate adjustment control in an FT-101ZD, so the vernier didn’t turn the tuning capacitor. Rather than just reinstall the locking ring, I decided to take it apart, clean it and inspect, re-grease, and reassemble, knowing that some very very sticky grease was needed. I used Green Grease, which is quite sticky, but not as sticky as the original. It now turns much easier than those with original grease from Yaesu. The vernier appears to work now, kinda. It slips a little sometimes. So can anybody tell me the name of the original grease that was used and where to obtain it? Thank you, Michael Smith, N4KZO
Розпочато Michael Smith @ · Останніх @
Deoxit D5 & F5 2
Hello This is Claudio Bio - OA4BMG from Lima Perú Im performing a maintenance on my 101 and need to clean all wafer switch’s and potentiometers. Here in Perú is not available Deoxit D5 & F5. If I order online, it can not be sent to Perú due customs restrictions. What other options can I have to clean wafer switch’s and potenciometers without any damage. I would really appreciate your suggestions. 73, Claudio OA4BMG
Розпочато Claudio Bio @ · Останніх @
FT-101EE : C13 80pF Moulded Mica Capacitor 2
Hello This is Claudio Bio - OA4BMG from Lima Perú Am performing a recap to my 101. For safety am going to replace C13 locate on Main Chassis, it is 80 pF Moulded Mica capacitor. If I can’t find it as Moulded Mica what other type can fit without any further problem? Maybe a normal Mica? I would really appreciate your comments based on your experience. 73, Claudio OA4BMG
Розпочато Claudio Bio @ · Останніх @
FT-101EE - R40 Metallic Film resistor 2
Hello again This is Claudio Bio - OA4BMG from Lima Perú During a inspection on my 101 I found R40 burned. R40 is locate on Main Chassis, it is 1.5k ohms 5w 10% Metallic Film resistor. If I can’t find it as Metallic Film resistor; what other type of resistor can be used without any chance of damage my radio and also decrease performance. I would really appreciate your comments based on your experience. 73, Claudio OA4BMG
Розпочато Claudio Bio @ · Останніх @
FT-101EE - R40 Metalic Film Resistor
Hello gain This is Claudio Bio - OA4BMG from Lima Perú Durung a inspection on my 101 I found R40 1.5k ohms 5w 10%; this is a Metallic Film resistor. R40 is locate on Main Chassis. If I can’t find it as Metallic Film resistor, what other resistor can be used? I would really appreciate your comments based on your experience.
Розпочато Claudio Bio @
Need USB Carrier Crystal 3
My FTdx-560 is in need of a 3178.5 Khz USB/CW carrier crystal. I think it's the same as the 101 series, anyone have a source? Thanks.
Розпочато Tom - AJ8X @ · Останніх @
FTdx-560 crystal
I'm in need of a 3178.5 Khz USB/CW carrier crystal for my FTdx-560. I believe the FT-101 used the same crystal. Thanks
Розпочато Tom - AJ8X @
S-meter Lamp for the FT-101ZD 6
I’m restoring an FT-101ZD MK0 which has an open-circuit S-meter lamp. Are these 12 volt lamp assemblies with leads still being manufactured? What is everyone replacing these bulbs with? Thank you. 73, Michael Smith, N4KZO
Розпочато Michael Smith @ · Останніх @
Early FT101 Serial Numbers 22
Hello All I am trying to understand the serial number on my FT101: 1M117016 I have been able to establish from the PCB number reference list that this is an early 25,000 or under model. Does the 1M/1M11 have a meaning? Is this then model number 17016? Any guidance appreciated! 73 Steve W8SAW
Розпочато STEPHEN WIDDETT @ · Останніх @
Sommerkamp FT-277ZD (Yaesu FT101ZD) MK3 has RX and TX problem on some bands 5
Dear Friends! RX: I have a Sommerkamp FT277ZD MK3, it is the same transceiver like Yaesu FT101ZD MK3 The marker signal is on 1800kHz only S2, but on 1825kHz is S9, on 1850kHz only S2, on 1875kHz is S9, why is so big difference? Is it problem? Other bands the marker signal is about S9. Marker signal level is not good or my transceiver rx is not good on 160m? On 160m I hear the station well if the antenna is on the radio but the noise level is now only S3 on my Sommerkamp FT277ZD and the beacon on 1850kHz is S4, on my IC751A the noise level is S8 and beacon is S9, other bands the two transceiver has the same noise level TX: On 160m and 10m no power output, other bands is ok 100W. On 160m and 10m if I rotate VOX GAIN to MOX the Ic is 50mA, it is ok. But If try to increase the drive level clockwise the Ic is the same, not more, if I rotate the PRESELECTOR it does not matter, no power. Can you help me? I have only multimeter and Diamond SX-100 power/SWR meter. I have an oscilloscope also, but not using it. Thanks: Laszlo ha5bzr
Розпочато szegedylaszlo@... @ · Останніх @
Yaesu FT101ZD Slow rising output only on 40M! 2
Hello to you all, Recently I bought a Yaesu FT101ZD MK3. It needed a lot of cleaning and was “deaf” due to a blown J310 in the RF unit but everything works fine now except for a strange slow power increase on 40M. I can tune the transceiver to maximum power but it takes about 10 seconds before the output is at its max. When I release the PTT, wait for a few seconds and go back to transmit I have instant full power BUT when I wait for a minute or longer the output power starts at about 25 Watts and slowly (10 seconds) climbs to full power. This happens only on 40M!! I checked and rechecked everything but can’t find anything wrong: - All (HV) voltages OK, changed all HV caps, no change. - Output from the RF unit is stable. - Output on the “rf-out” jack on the back is stable. - Changed driver and PA tubes from my FT902, no change. - Bandswitch is cleaned and all contacts checked with ohm meter. - T/R relay OK. - Aligned the trimmerboards for 40M, no change. - All bands 100W output, 80-90W on 10m. - No ALC indication on the meter. - Checked for cold solder joints in driver and PA unit. The output at the "RF OUT" jack is nice and steady so I suspected that there is something wrong with the (40M) C trimmer board or with a 40M only component in the PA tank circuit. I checked and changed C107, a 620pF ceramic capacitor for a silver mica, no change. I can perfectly align the 40M part of the trimmer board so that one also drops from the list. Today I fed the input of the driver with a signal generator at 7.1 MHz. 20 dBm input gives me 100W output and exactly the same behaviour as described above. So there must be something wrong in the driver of pa unit but only at 40M. I’m really out of options now. This is a video of the 101ZD outputmeter which demonstrates the effect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpHgFSGevfA Video of the output at the RF JACK on a SA and the slow rising output on a watt meter with 50 Ohms dummy. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SyqdqOwNehY Who has an idea what's wrong here. Any help will be appreciated. 73's Erwin, PA3DAF (I posted this problem in several other forums but forgot his one)
Розпочато PA3DAF @ · Останніх @
Need FR-101 S-Meter
Hi, I'm looking for a S-Meter for.my FR-101. Thank
Розпочато andbro1965@... @
side-tone frequency adjustment? 5
hi all My 101 has a cw side-tone frequency of about 1310 cps. according to the manual it's meant to be around 800 (which would fit with the cw filter) Does anyone know of an easy (or difficult) way to adjust it, please? My s/n is:
Розпочато Jimi Wills @ · Останніх @
FT/FR-101 filter choices
Going off some Inrad, Fox Tango and Yaesu data here: I've found filters in 20KHz, 12KHz, 6KHz, 2.4KHz (of various shape factors and pole counts), 1.8KHz, 600Hz, 500Hz and 250Hz bandwidths. Were there any more bandwidths offered? 4KHz, 350Hz, etc.? The 12KHz ones (Tayima P/N TF30H12) also cross to a YF30H12. I cannot find any of these stateside. Perhaps someone has a couple in their junk box? There's an eBay seller in UK who offers them but doesn't ship to the US - and won't return a message about them. Perhaps someone across the pond can help me snag a few? Thanks - 73 Fred, N8YX
Розпочато Fred, N8YX @
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