Automotive flat belts for lathes
Hello, Wondering if automotive flat belts (grooved serpentine type) can be put to use as a drive belt for my 10L. I just bought a Duralast #750K7 (7PK1905) and before I cut it and try to glue together, has anyone had prior success? Thanks...! Mike
Bonding Diamond Grit
This is a tangential topic at best. The question is does anyone know of a way to bond diamond grit to a steel plate? I am thinking about experimenting with general purpose epoxy. However they bond brake linings could work, but I do not know how. Regular epoxy seems like it would fail as the plate heated, but the brake lining adhesive should be more than adequate. Background: I have a 1950's era grinding machine that uses steel discs with bonded diamond grit on the flat side of the disc. It would be perfect for HSS or carbide sharpening given its adjustable angle work table. The problem is that the abrasive plates are not available any more. Self-adhering sanding discs are an option, but not preferable.
Old southbend lathe
I recently acquired a 1913 southbend 13x8 gap bed lathe, cataloge number 134. I am looking for any printed material pertaining to it. Can anyone help?
South Bend [Grizzly] SB1002 Owners?
I'm interested in hearing from South Bend [Grizzly] SB1002 owners. Please contact me privately.
Headstock bearings
Hello, first post here... I have a 1947 SB "Heavy 10". Whenever I exert a little too much pressure when using a parting tool, I can hear 'banging or clattering' in the headstock. Is this an indication of worn out main bearings? Thanks for any help. Mike
Speaking of lathe belts
my kid just sent this to me
Another one of these " Pretty Slick " tubes
3 animal
Anybody know about Trav-a-Dial installation?
Got a Trav-a-Dial off EBAY and discovered it didn't have the base. Bought one from . Made a mounting bracket and now I'm trying to get it installed. It was missing the Load Cell and Clamp Screw. I tried to fake one from the illustration in the manual, but doesn't seem to want to hold Trav-a-Dial in correct position against the Load Screw tension. Anybody got any input? Retired Gunsmith ask_derrick@... 480-710-6354- Cell
Used Equipment - Soon To Be Scrapped!
Hi eeveryone, A machine engraving company next door is liquidating, but time is short. i just went over to visit and the scrap man is coming this week. It's in Woburn MA. Lots of milling machine vises and other stuff. Inspection tables and tools. A Bridgeport and a Sunmax lathe. Anyone around this part of the country? You can call me at 1-617-797-9930. Just trying to help a nice guy, and save some good iron:) Payson.
Small Miller 2000 compressor manual ?
hey folks , wondering if anyone here has one of these small Miller 2000 compressors , Probably sold for air brushes back in their time . I'm looking for a copy of a manual for them . One of mine needs oil & is missing a breather , I can deal with the breather , just not sure what kind of oil to put in it . thanks animal
DIY power feed for mill ?
Finally got my mill in my machine room & under power . Wondering if anyone here has come up with a DIY powerfeed that could be used on a mill . thanks animal
9a for Sale in the UK , bike question
Were those Viscounts Renyolds or Columbus tubing ? animal On 10/18/24 10:25 AM, david pennington via wrote:
9a for Sale in the UK
A change of circumstances means I need to sell my 9a lathe, I'm not sure how many folks here are from the UK, but I thought the decent thing to do would be to offer it here first before heading to Ebay. If anyone is interested let me know and I can email pics and info directly. I was never very active on the posting side , but as I fear this will likely be the end of my Southend ownership, this seems like an opportunity to thank all those who have helped me over the years and maintain this group, especially Jim B (thanks for the leadscrew). Regards Adam
I dug this up. It may help Jim B, -- Jim B
1.375-spindel and 1.5-8 spindle -in-headstock-.jpg
I found these. Above 1.375 1.5 spindle Jim B, -- Jim B
Hello all New to this group restoring a nice condition 405-y shipped dec 1934 Can anyone tell me if the 1 1/2 8 spindles from model a b c will fit the 405? Is there a felt replacement kit available specific to the 405 or will any of the a b c kits work? I have replaced all of the cross/compound feed nuts added the needle bearing fix for axial play an re machined the original 1 3/8 10 back plate to fit a nice bison chuck and added an aloris axa tool post. Im seeking any information on parts compatibility between the 405 "grandfather" and the model a b c Thank you
Eliminating the step pulleys
Has anyone eliminated the undercarriage step pulleys on a heavy 10L by using a VFD and motor to drive one of the spindle pulleys directly?
cannot turn lead screw in reverse
SB 9A Cutting a thread using the method of engaging the lead screw, running forward, stop, running in reverse without disengaging, repeat. Running forward goes smoothly. Running in reverse flips the belt from the pulley. The spindle turns freely cw and ccw. The lead screw grabs when I turn it in reverse by hand. I removed the gear box from the lathe and all looks clean. Any thoughts on what causes the problem in reverse? How does the bearing surface on the left end of the lead screw get its lubrication? Thanks.
MLA Crossslide
Has anyone here don the MLA Crossslide for a South Bend 9A lathe ? I'm thiking of just buying the plans & wondering do the drawings include the dimensions for the Gibb too ? They also mention that if ya buy the casting they are " stress relieved where necessary " just what does that mean ? I have a bud that's gonna give me the cast iron . thanks animal
Apron refurb measurements
Group, Before I head down maybe not too deep of a rabbit hole, has anyone seen detailed dimensions for the location of the hole for the handwheel shaft in the various South Bend aprons? I’ve got wobbly handwheel shafts on my 10k and 14.5”. I’ve measured the gears in the 10k and have a center-to-center distance calculated for one pair, but I need the vertical distance down from the rack or bed. That distance will be dependent on how much wear there is on the saddle and ways on any given lathe, but I should be able to nail down the numbers by getting bed and rack measurements in headstock or tailstock areas where there’s no wear. Seems like many of the online accounts of those that have bored and bushed the shaft holes have been off just enough to have the gears bind up a bit when everything is reassembled. I also plan to nail down the vertical dimension for the lead screw axis as long as I’m in measurement mode! Please point me in the right direction if you know where to find this out from someone’s previous travel down this path. Thanks, George H. Meinschein, P.E. Firearm and Ballistics Engineering LLC150 Brittany Drive Freehold, NJ 07728 gmeinschein@... Cell#: 732-580-1736 Sent from Proton Mail for iOS -- -George M.
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