Rappahannock Model Railroaders (RMR) December Model Train Show
I am a member of the RMR and was wondering if there is interest in setting up a small Z-scale layout at our December 9-10, 2023 model train show at the Eagles Lodge in Fredericksburg, VA? Recently I was given a box of Marklin Z-scale trains and track and this group is my only contact with the Z-scale model train world. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Dan Walters
First Modules As Z-BendTrack standard from Finland
Hello from Finland I have build two Standard Z-Bend-track modules withs has been on exebition in Finland last Autum. Now i build next module it will be Z-BandTrack standard Precentation module in 2023 Spring exebition at Hyvinkää City Railway musem in second week of May. Now I am the only who make Modules in Z-BendTrack strandard in Finland. Now the ready Modules are 450mm X 600mm and 1200mm X 600mm on construktion 1200mm X 600mm module i build that module in Portugal i live wintertime in Portugal. Here is address to my Z-track photoalbum: https://goo.gl/photos/edpVSFZmRz1pSDoH8 I use to plan AnyRail software. For controll i plan to use Rockrail. The Tolling stock I will keap as alalog but the Controll of Railway system digital. I have prepair Z-BendTrack standard to have possibilities to have one track as analog and that other as DCS. the non standard cores in D25 plug I have reserved as they have done in Svzerland Saint Gotthardtunnel projeck
Just discovered this list
Since there haven't been any posts to this forum for a couple of years, has everyone migrated to some other forum? Modular Z-scale layouts still seem to be present at the National train shows, but finding any information on them, or the people/groups who put them together, seems to be difficult.
Hello is anyone out there?
It has been a long time since this forum has been used. I am seeing who is still out there. I have been recently working on the Z-Bend standards, especially with the use of sectional track. I think it is time the 2004 standards are updated to reflect the new options of track on the market. I am looking for a few folks to work with me to review and update the standards. Anyone interested? Let me know! Rob Follow us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/ztrackmagazine Ztrack Magazine Ltd. Distributor for American Z Line Full Throttle & Rokuhan Authorized MTL, InterMountain and Tenshodo dealer. www.ztrack.com www.ztrackcenter.com www.ztrackresale.com www.zscaletrack.com 6142 Northcliff Blvd Dublin OH 43016 (614) 764-1703
Z bend Track Cables
I have a set of cable that will fit a 5 foot module (red, yellow and white). I put them together for a module that I never started. They have DB25 connectors and connectors on the other end for attaching to a barrier strip. Brown zip cord for the wire. I don't remember if I ever checked the out to see if all the soldering is correct so with that in mind. I will sell them for $10.00 plus postage of $13.45. Postage would be more if outside CONUS. Please contact me off line if you are interested.
2016 NMRA NTS in Indianapolis, Indiana
Hi Everybody, It's time to start planning to attend the NMRA NTS in Indianapolis, Indiana. The train show will be held Friday, July 8, 2016 through Sunday, July 10, 2016 at The Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, Indiana. Exhibitors drop off ONLY of modules and equipment will be Wednesday, July 6, 2016 from noon until 6pm. Exhibitor set-up begins Thursday, July 7, 2016 at 8am and ends at 8:30pm. Hand carry items only will be allowed to move in Friday, July 8, 2016 from 7am until 9am. The train show hours are: Friday, July 8, 2016 9am until 6pm ... Saturday, July 9, 2016 10am until 6pm ...and Sunday, July 10, 2016 from 10am until 5pm. We're looking for Z scale modules to join us at the show! So far Ellen Shelton and Thom Welsch have committed to doing the show. While Ellen and Thom usually display their modules on top of tables, this year the NTS is requiring all modules to be on self-supporting legs. Our modules are set up for that at any height from table level to the ZBT standard 50" height. We'd love to have as many modules as possible at this show so put one in your car or pack up the trailer and join us! I need to have the application turned in as soon as possible to get us the space we'll need. You can email me at twnts2014@... to let me know what you'd like to bring and I'll include it in the plan. We also welcome B.Y.O.Z. and anyone who just wants to help set up and/or run trains. We're looking forward to seeing as many people and modules as possible. Thom Welsch MidweZt HaulerZ Module Coordinator
New templates
I have been playing with using the Rokuhan sectional track system on the Z Bend Modules. I have uploaded today two templates showing the track on a standard 2x4 module and an end loop. If anyone wants the raw files, I am using RailModeller Pro for the Mac to create these files. Email me at ztrack@.... I am going to craft these into a future article series on getting started with modules. This will run later on this year in Ztrack. These templates are giving me a good opportunity to play with track and create different options based off the base templates. Rob Ztrack Magazine Ltd. Distributor for American Z Line Full Throttle & Rokuhan Authorized MTL, InterMountain and Tenshodo dealer. www.ztrack.com www.ztrackcenter.com www.ztrackresale.com www.zscaletrack.com 6142 Northcliff Blvd Dublin OH 43016 (614) 764-1703
New file uploaded to Z-Bend_Track
Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the Z-Bend_Track group. File : /Rokuhan Z Bend Module Templates/2x4 basic module.jpg Uploaded by : robkluz <ztrack@...> Description : 2x4 basic module with Rokuhan sectional track You can access this file at the URL: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Z-Bend_Track/files/Rokuhan%20Z%20Bend%20Module%20Templates/2x4%20basic%20module.jpg To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: https://help.yahoo.com/kb/index?page=content&y=PROD_GRPS&locale=en_US&id=SLN15398 Regards, robkluz <ztrack@...>
New file uploaded to Z-Bend_Track
Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the Z-Bend_Track group. File : /Rokuhan Z Bend Module Templates/2x2 basic end module.jpg Uploaded by : robkluz <ztrack@...> Description : 2x2 basic end module with Rokuhan sectional track You can access this file at the URL: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Z-Bend_Track/files/Rokuhan%20Z%20Bend%20Module%20Templates/2x2%20basic%20end%20module.jpg To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit: https://help.yahoo.com/kb/index?page=content&y=PROD_GRPS&locale=en_US&id=SLN15398 Regards, robkluz <ztrack@...>
Z bend modules (legs)
What do most people use for legs on your modules?
Updting the ZBend Track document
All, It's been a decade since the release of the ZBend document. Since then there has been a lot experience learned on building and using the modules. There has also been a good many changes in Z scale: a new track system, larger cars and locomotives to name a few. I've probably learned as much about ZBend asking questions of the BAZboys and Zocal groups and poking my head under their modules as I have from the original document. Seems to me it's about time to get all that experience written down. Mark
Z-Bend Track Wiring Harnesses
Thanks for your patience during our construction we do have out Z-Bend Track Wiring Harnesses back up on our website. Here is a link to the page: http://hobbycraftsnmore.com/php3dp30mub0020/products.php?cat=254 Have any question please ask. Kevin & Bonnie Hobby Crafts N More Website: www.hobbycraftsnmore.com Email: hobbycraftsnmore@...
Noob Question
Is there a particular brand or type of track that has to be used on modules?
Micro Structures Z-505cl Marquee Kit ?
Has anyone here built the Micro Structures Z-505cl Marquee Kit ? It's The add on lighting kit for the Crestline Theater kit from Miller Engineering. I know the 505cl kit has bin sold out everywhere for quite some time so I'm going to try and build my own. I have some fiber optic and can build my own LED moving lights to light the fiber optic What I'm looking for is the etched brass billboard front with the holes for the lights marked. I believe the kits came with 2 one open frame and one with the etched movie name on it. I'm hoping to find someone who has the one they didn't use and is willing to loan it to me to use as a template for drilling the holes for the lights. I would also be interested in seeing the instructions from the kit if anyone has them. David
FW: FT. Dewey
wer http://www.m-toys.eu/tqfuda/knumochpvkxzxr/cmxyehqlwp/lccoaecqvkmj.php FT. Dewey
Z-Bend Track Modules Needed for NTS 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia
I have been asked to help coordinate Z-Bend Track modules for the NTS this July in Atlanta, Georgia. There will be approximately 700 square feet available to us. I already have firm commitments from 3 people but we'll need a lot more modules to fill the space. Please contact me here or at my e-mail address rvn2001 @ hotmail . com (remove spaces) with specifics as to what modules you would like to bring to join us. The layout will start out as DC but we will be happy to dedicate a mainline to DCC if/when needed. Plese let me know as soon as possible so we can get things organized as early as possible. Thom Welsch MidweZt HaulerZ
Z Scale Layout On Long Beach-South Bay (CA) Layout Tour – May 18
Model Railroads of Southern California's thirty-eighth layout tour takes place on Saturday, May 18. Lindley Ruddick's modular Z scale layout in Rancho Palos Verdes will be on this tour. This will be a self-guided tour of eleven layouts at ten locations in the Long Beach-South Bay area. Altogether there will be five HO scale layouts, one N scale, one S scale, one O scale, one Z scale and two garden railroads. The S scale club layout has both standard gauge and Sn3 operations and one HO layout, also a club, has both standard gauge and HOn3 operations. The Los Angeles Division/PSR/NMRA will be operating a "Hospitality Tent" at one layout location, offering free coffee and sweets. And for you bargain hunters, the Belmont Shore Lines and Angels Gate Hi-Railers clubs also will have a swap meet from 8:00 to 12:00. This is a free event and you may bring relatives and friends. The basic information for this tour is displayed below. If you would like layout descriptions and a tour map showing the general locations of all layouts, please e-mail me OFF LIST at: chiefbobbb@... Lastly, one of the model railroad hobby shops in the tour area is offering a store-wide ten percent-off coupon to members of Model Railroads of Southern California only. This coupon is available in the group's files section. If you join the group you will have access to the coupon. Persons taking this tour assume all risks and liability for their personal safety. Although I am the Moderator of Model Railroads of Southern California, I am not responsible for personal loss or injury to persons taking this tour. If you cannot make this tour more tours are scheduled including: • All Southern Calif. – September 1 • Central Coast Railroad Festival – October 10-14 • Banning Train Festival – October 19 & 20 Layout tours for 2014 are now being considered and a 2014 tour has been scheduled as an official event of the PCR/NMRA Convention in San Luis Obispo, CA. Bob Chaparro Moderator Model Railroads of Southern California http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Model_Railroads_Of_Southern_California/ +++++ Model Railroads of Southern California Layout Tour No. 38 Saturday, May 18, 2013 Angels Gate Hi-Railers (O) Belmont Shore MRC (N) 10:00 to 4:00 3601 South Gaffey Street San Pedro (Angels Gate Park) Mary Barstow (G, HO) 10:00 to 4:00 6930 Clovercliff Drive Rancho Palos Verdes Inland Terminal Model RR Club (S, Sn3) 10:00 to 3:00 4734 West 152nd Street Lawndale Steve Kin (HO) 11:00 to 4:00 4923 Verdura Avenue Lakewood Los Angeles Model Railroad Soc. (HO/HOn3) 10:00 to 4:00 14005 South Crenshaw Boulevard Hawthorne John Polen (G) 10:00 to 4:00 5365 Middlecrest Road Rancho Palos Verdes Lindley Ruddick (Z) 10:00 to 2:00 28042 Acana Road Rancho Palos Verdes Jeff Smith (HO) 9:00 to 3:00 6143 Adenmoor Avenue Lakewood Ron Varnell (HO) 8:00 to 7:00 2741 Plaza Del Amo Suite 211 Torrance Hospitality Tent Open At This Location 8:00 to 11:00 Persons taking this tour assume all risks and liability for their personal safety personal safety.
Home Layouts Needed For Banning, CA, Train Festival (October)
This is the first call for layouts for the Banning Centennial Train Festival on October 19th and 20th. The Festival will feature railroad history and artifact exhibits, children's train rides, displays of current railroad and transit operations, model railroad presentations, hobby clinics, modular model railroads, a model train and railroad collectible/antique swap meet and exhibitor booths for historical, hobby and community groups. We're looking for operating layouts in any scale in the area in and around Banning, including Beaumont, Calimesa, Cherry Valley, Redlands and Yucaipa. The public generally is not familiar with Z scale so here is an opportunity to spread the word. Owners may elect to be open either or both days. As always, this will be a free, self-guided model railroad tour sponsored by my Yahoo group, Model Railroads of Southern California. The tours are designed to promote the hobby and allow layout owners to showcase their work. All owners need to do is operate their trains. I will do all the planning and publicity, as I have done for thirty-eight other tours since 2006. Please contact me OFF LIST at chiefbobbb@... if you are interested in displaying your layout or know someone who may be interested. Thank you. Bob Chaparro Moderator Model Railroads of Southern California http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Model_Railroads_Of_Southern_California/ Festival Website: http://banning100birthday.com/2012/11/26/centennial-train-fest/
[BAZ_modules] Z Module Club Expanding Track Offer
We have reviewed the Rokuhan R031 Expanding track. Very similar to the Kato N-scale version, it works well. For those that build their modules with Rokuhan or Micro-Trains sectional roadbed track, this is a winner, maintaining track and ballast look across the module sections. However, for those that are using roadbed-less track (classic Märklin or MTL's Flex), the cork or underlayed roadbed that extends from the track setback to the edge of the modules (2-1/8"), you cannot use these and must stay with the Märklin 8592 or cut-track pieces. Same as if you place your track directly on the surface (without roadbed). The middle rails are cut in half, length-wise to allow side-by-sdie parallel expansion/compression. The electrical contact is maintained by sliding through a middle-mounted rail joiner (clever) and also retains mechanical strength. A 're-railer' in the middle helps wheels stay in place, for sure. I tested many wheel types and there is *no* chance of the wheels slipping into the thinner rail head, if the section is expanded. A 'Toot-Toot' from us (Engine moving forward !) Jeff SF Bay Area Z From: Robert Kluz <ztrack@...> Subject: [BAZ_modules] Z Module Club Expanding Track Offer To: "Z_Scale" <z_scale@...>, ZoCal@..., Z-Bend_Track@..., BAZ_modules@..., greatlakes-Zscale@... Date: Tuesday, November 27, 2012, 7:46 PM Z Scale Module Clubs We'd Like Your Opinion On The New Rokuhan Expanding Track The adjustable Z scale track section from Marklin (Marklin 8592) has long been an essential price of track for Z scale module clubs. These track sections have always commanded a premium price due to their engineering and Rokuhan has now released their own version of an expandable track section (Rokuhan R031). To help Z scale modular clubs, Ztrack is offering module clubs in the United States two (2) free sections of Rokuhan adjustable track sections for use and review. We would like to hear back from clubs regarding these Rokuhan sections, primarily if they are a good replacement for the Marklin adjustable track. If these new Rokuhan track sections are determined to be a good alternative to the Marklin adjustable track, Ztrack will further assist clubs with special pricing for these new Rokuhan track sections. Clubs may apply for Bill Kronenberger Grants to cover the cost of these track sections. To receive your two (2) free Rokuhan R031 track samples for club evaluation, send an email to: rob@.... Please include your club name and address. We look forward to hearing your feedback on these new track sections. Rob www.zscaletrack.com Ztrack Magazine Ltd. Distributor American Z Line Authorized MTL, Full Throttle, Rokuhan and Tenshodo dealer www.ztrack.com www.ztrackcenter.com www.ztrackresale.com www.zscaletrack.com 6142 Northcliff Blvd Dublin OH 43016 (614) 764-1703
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