Welcome to Z80machines@groups.io
Hello, Before two years elapse with this group being very, very quiet. It's time to wake-up and smell solder and get some retro-bit actively computing. What Z80 machine(s) do you own and do you have some modern Z80-based kit and is it working? I have somewhere collecting dusk a Radio Shack model 4 and a model 100. At least the model 100 has been powered up in the last decade! I bought a Z80 kit and most of the parts to build and ordered some boards by built oversea for another. But this last month I got a p.c. board that has a PICmicro chip to be a simple 'dumb' terminal. regards, David -- Chuluota, FL
is the group alive?
I did and still do a lot of engineering as well as hobby with Z80. That ranges from 1977 z80 in S100 through a recent project using Z280. Even ordered a SC131 SB180 to play with as I'm a long time CP/M user. Any life here??? Allison
This weekend: MakerFaire
I hope to get to this event tomorrow: https://www.makerfaireorlando.com/ Can not tell if there a a retro-computer groups this year. Any one still playing with this stuff? regards, David
Z80 CMOS version doesn't like single stepping
Hello everyone, I am new to the breadboard computer hobby and I have purchased several of the old school processors including the Z80 (Z84C0006PEC). I have set it up on good breadboards with a 555 time for a clock and debounced single step button. I have decoupling capacitors in place and watch the address and data bus lines via LED's and sometimes an Arduino. I have built a similar circuit with the 6502 and did not run into this problem. When I try to stop the clock and single step through instructions, or if I slow the clock down too slow, the Z80 freaks out on me and goes AWOL. It starts jumping to crazy addresses or stops reading instructions and just flashes the data bus at me. If I let the clock run at a sufficient frequency then the processor works fine and doesn't run off the rails. Does anyone have any insight? My code is as simple as it can be the only instruction is to loop back to the current instruction. This was a last resort trying to break down to the bare essentials. Any help would be appreciated!
Awaking from a slumber
Anyone still around? https://z80machine.blogspot.com/ Also I start to play with trs80gp http://48k.ca/emu-update2.html regards, David David Billsbrough (KC4ZVW) Chuluota, Florida Grid Loc: EL98kp Web: http://www.kc4zvw.us --- Blog: http://kc4zvw.wordpress.com AMSAT * Arduino * FreeBSD * Linux * MSP-430 * PICmicro * Raspi * TAPR * Z80
Vintage Z80 - PCB advice?
I'm a long time small / embedded computer hobbyist. Recently began to dig through my collection of Z80 junked boards... Will be converting a few into small SBCs using the "reverse engineer / hack" method, but also wondered if there are ready-designed, small PCBs for purchase, making it easy to pull parts (usually socketed), to quickly create working SBCs? I am familiar with Searle design (no digital i/o), RC2014 (not interested in another bus structure), Z50 (bus structure...). Would like typically provision for: Z80 CPU, SIO, CTC, E(E)PROM (24 or 28 pin), SRAM (up to 32KB), some digital i/o; either large chips like 8255, or simple 8bit register chips. All in DIP sizes. Enough chip select for several devices... Anyone know of any tested pcb designs, that could be easily and cheaply ordered in small quantity at one of the offshore pcb houses? (I've used JLCPCB before; excellent results). Thanks, tom
Local group starting
Details here: https://www.meetup.com/Orlando-Retro-Computing-Group/events/256561605/ regards, David
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