Kolskoot! 2
Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out Anton Checkov
Розпочато Tony Moen @ · Останніх @
English sentence: edit 3
Middag mense Aside from a power imbalance, online communities on social media have resulted in a digital platform economy, as many social media corporations operate with the primary goal of generating revenue. Is this sentence correct? Can a community result in something? Dalk eerder: online communities on social media have evolved into a digital platform economy [?] Lynette
Розпочато Lynette Posthumus @ · Останніх @
Duitse redigeerder 2
Hallo almal Ek is dringend op soek na 'n redigeerder wat 'n boek in Duits kan redigeer. Kontak my asseblief. Baie dankie. Leoni Benghiat Baie groete. Leoni Benghiat SA Vryskutskrywer E-pos leoni@... Tel 074-296-3390 | Whatsapp 074-296-3390 Web www.savryskutskrywer.co.za
Розпочато leoni@... @ · Останніх @
lower back 7
Mens het ’n boarm en ’n onderarm (of voorarm). So ook bolip en onderlip bobeen en onderbeen bokaak en onderkaak botande en ondertande Nou hoekom kry ek op die internet net “lae rug” en “lae rugpyn” (!!) vir lower back? Snyman en Brink verwerdig hulself nie om so ’n eenvoudige term op te neem nie. Noem ’n mens dit benederug, onderrug, laerug? ’n Rivier het ’n boloop, middelloop en benedeloop. Dan kan ’n mens mos seker ’n borug, middelrug en benederug hê?
Розпочато Tony Moen @ · Останніх @
Branderplankterme 3
Ek het ’n handvol Engelse terme oor branderry, soos – Beach break Shore break Point break Reef break River break Artificial break Duck diving Take off Bottom turn Top turn Cut back Re-entry Floater Aerial Riding the face of the wave Tube riding Ek kan waarskynlik wel die definisies kry, maar soek eintlik die Afrikaanse terme hiervoor. Ek ry nie self golwe nie. Ek duik gewoonlik onderdeur. Ken iemand dalk ’n persoon wat in Afrikaans branders ry? Tony
Розпочато Tony Moen @ · Останніх @
trust v confidence
I found the following about this issue: https://www.theceomagazine.com/opinion/trust-and-confidence/ Trust versus confidence issues In the context of the work I do, I think about trust as being relationship based – it exists between two or more people and represents a set of beliefs about the others, especially around their motivations. Confidence is a belief about an individual’s capabilities, experience, positional authority or training. By separating the two, we can create different conversations. Imagine, for example, that you are waiting on a colleague to allocate resources to support one of your initiatives. Your colleague has been delaying, and it is impacting your ability to move forward. You have a choice in this situation about how you might accurately describe your feelings: • “I don’t trust my colleague to help me out by allocating the resources.” • “I don’t have confidence in my colleague’s understanding of the situation.” Those are two very different ways of articulating what you believe to be the problem. If you don’t trust your colleague’s motivations, you have a relationship issue that requires investment of time and energy from both of you to connect, build a common bond and appreciate each other. If you don’t have confidence in your colleague’s expertise, you have an issue of clarity and connection to the situation that can be addressed with information, data and support. Die verskil tussen die twee stellings is klaarblyklik: jy trust (vertrou) ’n mens en jy het confidence (vertroue) in iemand se vermoë (om iets te kan doen). Die bron hier onder (dankie, Jaco) bevestig dit (“is called confidence, is concerned with abilities”). Eerder as om ’n leksikale ekwivalent te soek (ek ken nie ’n geskikte Afrikaanse woord hiervoor nie) sou ek dit vertaal as: “Ek glo nie my kollega gaan my van die nodige hulpbronne voorsien nie”; en “Ek glo nie my kollega verstaan die situasie nie.” Dis immers wat die skrywer bedoel. Waar die CEO-bron die twee onderskei op grond van die aard van “trust”, focus die bron hier onder op die oorsprong daarvan. Dit noem “confidence” ook as ’n soort “trust”, wat die saak verder kompliseer. https://understandingsocialtrust.wordpress.com/the-distinction-between-trust-and-confidence-1/ The consensus view within social science research is that there are two main types of trust, one that is based on the relations between the trusting person and the other (relational trust), and one that is based on past behavior of the other and/or constraints on future behavior (calculative trust). The former, which we call trust , is concerned with intentions; the latter, called confidence, is concerned with abilities. In general, trust is more important and given more weight than confidence. Among the other characteristics that distinguish trust from confidence are these: Trust: Function is to reduce complexity through social risk taking; no external criterion of accuracy; greater use of heuristic processes, such as value similarity and affect; regulatory focus is promotive. Confidence: Function is to control future behavior through knowledge of the past or constraints on the future; lesser use of heuristic processes, such as familiarity; regulatory focus is preventive. Deur “funksies” aan albei toe te skryf beteken seker dat trust en confidence sekere effekte het eerder as dat (wat my eerste indruk was) dit bestuurstegnieke is. Dis mos belaglik om enige vorm van vertroue te beskou as ’n bewustelike, koelbloedige keuse te maak om vertroue te hê. Laastens, hier het mens weereens te doen met die beginsel dat mens idees vertaal, nie woorde nie. In Afrikaans kan jy iets meemaak, belewe, ondervind en ervaar; in Engels is al drie “experience”. En as jy met elkeen van die vier iets anders bedoel, moet jy daardie bedoeling maar op ’n ander manier weergee.
Розпочато Tony Moen @
trust vs confidence in Afrikaans 8
Dagsê ZALangers ’n Advokaatvriend vra die volgende: Ek brand weer vas met woorde. Sou graag ’n sinvolle Afrikaanse vertaling vir die uitdrukking “trust and confidence” wou vind. Beide blyk “vertroue” te wees. Daar word verduidelik dat “trust” meer met geloof in iets of iemand te doen het, terwyl “confidence” gebaseer is op feite of ervarings. Dus lei “trust” dikwels tot “confidence”. Enige voorstelle, asseblieftog? Groete Leona ________________________________ Leona Labuschagne Sworn translator of SA High Court and SATI-accredited conference interpreter +27 83 302 2632 GMT +2
Розпочато Leona Labuschagne @ · Останніх @
Xhosa-vertaler 3
Goeie more Kan iemand dalk 'n Engels-Xhosa-vertaler aanbeveel? Groete Elna
Розпочато Elna Roos @ · Останніх @
Language query 6
Good morning, I hope everyone is doing well. Would someone perhaps be able to assist me with the correct spelling (with/without a dash OR is the dash in the correct place) of the words in the list below; as well as the correct Afrikaans/English translation of each of these words. Beta-agonist beta-blockade activity alpha- and beta-adrenoreceptor-stimulating agents alpha-1-receptor antagonist Beta-adrenergic receptor blocker Beta-sympathomimetics non-selective beta-blocking properties renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system non-insulin dependent diabetes Kalsium-kanaal blokkers Bloeddruk-verlagende Kind regards, megan grassow COMPLIANCE & PHARMACOVIGILANCE PHARMACIST: ARTWORK & LAUNCH m.grassow@... PHONE: 021 707 7000 CUSTOMER CARELINE: 0860 PHARMA (742 762) www.pharmadynamics.co.za Pharma Dynamics is a proud supporter of the YES initiative This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the recipient. If you are not the recipient you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Should you nevertheless do so, you may cause harm to Pharma Dynamics for which you will be held accountable. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. Pharma Dynamics therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If verification is required please request a hard-copy version from Pharma Dynamics
Розпочато Megan Grassow @ · Останніх @
Beter vertaling vir "coexistence" in Afrikaans? 3
Goeie dag almal Kan julle my miskien help met 'n beter vertaling vir die woord "coexistence" in Afrikaans? Spesifiek in die konteks van harmonie/saambestaan/naasbestaan/samehorigheid? tussen die mens en wilde diere. Nie een van hierdie woorde dra vir my heeltemal die betekenis van die Engels nie. Dit is in 'n boekie wat gemik is om boere raad te gee vir konflik met wilde diere, so verkieslik nie te hoë akademiese taal nie. Groete Chavoux
Розпочато Chavoux Luyt @ · Останніх @
Intern opportunities at City of Cape Town
Good day The Language Services Unit of the City of Cape Town invites graduates to apply for internship positions. Please see the advert attached. The closing date is 16 August. Regards Elise Engelbrecht Manager: Language Services | Executive and Councillor Support Operations Corporate Services | City of Cape Town Tel: 021 400 3642 | Cell: 084 941 4331 Web: www.capetown.gov.za Disclaimer: This e-mail (including attachments) is subject to the disclaimer published at: http://www.capetown.gov.za/general/email-disclaimer Please read the disclaimer before opening any attachment or taking any other action in terms of this e-mail. If you cannot access the disclaimer, kindly send an email to disclaimer@... and a copy will be provided to you. By replying to this e-mail or opening any attachment you agree to be bound by the provisions of the disclaimer. =============================================================== This message has been analyzed by Deep Discovery Email Inspector.
Розпочато Elise Engelbrecht @
Multimedia- en drukwerkterme > A
Dankie Marita Jy is goed vir my. Groete Lynette
Розпочато Lynette Posthumus @
FW: [ZaLang] Multimedia- en drukwerkterme > A
Uit die Drukkerswoordeboek (Hersiene uitgawe, 1995, Nasionale Terminologiediens, Dept. v Kuns, Kultuur, Wetenskap en Tegnologie) Waar daar nie ʼn identiese inskrywing is nie, het ek die woorde wat lyk of dit verband hou, hieronder gelys. mask n – masker mask v – afdek, maskeer masking – afdekking, maskering masking film – maskeerfilm onion skin – uievliespapier crawl (inch, jog) – skokdraai, stopdraai (drukpers) crawling (inching, jogging) – skokdraaiing, stopdraaiing (drukpers) mock-up (dummy, dummy copy, size copy) – formaatmodel instance – geen inskrywing of enigiets soortgelyks nie, die enigste “instan…” is: instantaneous binder (spring-back binder) – knyprugomslag Beste wense Marita This message is intended solely for the addressee and may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. Any use, disclosure or reproduction without the sender’s explicit consent is unauthorised and may be unlawful. If you have received this message in error, please notify Marita Botha immediately and permanently delete it. Any views or opinions expressed in this message are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of any professional bodies the author may be associated with. The sender cannot guarantee that this message or any attachment is virus free or has not been intercepted and/or amended. The details of the receiver are kept private and where possible, secure, and no information about the receiver will be divulged to a third party without explicit consent. From: zalang@groups.io [mailto:zalang@groups.io] On Behalf Of Lynette Posthumus via groups.io Sent: 06 August 2024 08:54 To: zalang@groups.io Subject: [ZaLang] Multimedia- en drukwerkterme > A Kan iemand my help met die volgende asb? masked; onion skin; crawls; mock-up; instance dankie Lynette
Розпочато M Botha @
Multimedia- en drukwerkterme > A Dankie
Baie dankie, Hester. Waardeer! Groete Lynette
Розпочато Lynette Posthumus @
Multimedia- en drukwerkterme > A 6
Kan iemand my help met die volgende asb? masked; onion skin; crawls; mock-up; instance dankie Lynette
Розпочато Lynette Posthumus @ · Останніх @
kombinasiemedikasie 2
Hi Almal Ek sien dikwels dat kombinasietablette of -kapsules in die Engels so geskryf word: “medikasienaam/medikasienaam-behandeling”. Tegnies is dit mos eerder “medikasienaam-medikasienaam-behandeling”, want die leesteken moet beteken “en”, nie “of” nie. Wat dink julle? Ek skop ’n mens teen die prikkels? Groete CHARL HATTINGH +27 (0)83 457 9526 charl@... This email message, including any attached files, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain legally confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not authorised to copy or disclose all or any part of it without the prior written consent of Charl Hattingh.
Розпочато Charl Hattingh @ · Останніх @
Woordeboek te koop: A Concise Dictionary of Theological and Related Terms 13
Middag almal Stel iemand belang in my A Concise Dictionary of Theological and Related Terms? Outeur: Ferdinand Deist In ‘n goeie toestand; maak my ‘n aanbod. Groete Lynette
Розпочато Lynette Posthumus @ · Останніх @
Afrikaans translation query 3
Good morning Would anyone possibly be able to assist with translating the following English word to Afrikaans: Mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors (mTOR inhibitors). I can’t seem to find the Afrikaans translation for this word anywhere. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone would be able to assist. Kind regards, megan grassow COMPLIANCE & PHARMACOVIGILANCE PHARMACIST: ARTWORK & LAUNCH m.grassow@... PHONE: 021 707 7000 CUSTOMER CARELINE: 0860 PHARMA (742 762) www.pharmadynamics.co.za Pharma Dynamics is a proud supporter of the YES initiative This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the recipient. If you are not the recipient you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Should you nevertheless do so, you may cause harm to Pharma Dynamics for which you will be held accountable. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. Pharma Dynamics therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If verification is required please request a hard-copy version from Pharma Dynamics
Розпочато Megan Grassow @ · Останніх @
Afrikaans: push notification 5
“Push technology, also known as server Push, refers to a communication method where the communication is initiated by a server rather than a client. This approach is different from the "pull" method where the communication is initiated by a client.” “Examples of push notifications include app updates, breaking news alerts, sports scores, weather updates, social media notifications, and promotional offers...” Bestaan daar al ’n Afrikaanse term hiervoor? Of sal “outomatiese kennisgewing” werk?
Розпочато Tony Moen @ · Останніх @
FW: [ZaLang] Woordeboek te koop: A Concise Dictionary of Theological and Related Terms
Hi weer Lynette ‘Skuus, ek is bietjie aan die slaap! leona@... L : - ) ___________________________________________________________________ Leona Labuschagne, Translator | 083 302 2632 | SA GMT +2 From: zalang@groups.io <zalang@groups.io> On Behalf Of Lynette Posthumus via groups.io Sent: Monday, June 24, 2024 10:30 AM To: zalang@groups.io Subject: Re: [ZaLang] Woordeboek te koop: A Concise Dictionary of Theological and Related Terms Hi Leona Stuur jou private e-posadres asb. Groete Lynette From: zalang@groups.io <zalang@groups.io> On Behalf Of Leona Labuschagne via groups.io Sent: Monday, June 24, 2024 10:16 AM To: zalang@groups.io Subject: Re: [ZaLang] Woordeboek te koop: A Concise Dictionary of Theological and Related Terms Hi Lynette Ek hoop dit gaan goed met jou! Lynette, het jy al ’n aanbod gehad vir jou woordeboek? Indien nie, kan jy my laat weet hoeveel blaaie dit is? Lekker week vir jou L : - ) ___________________________________________________________________ Leona Labuschagne, Translator | 083 302 2632 | SA GMT +2 From: zalang@groups.io <zalang@groups.io> On Behalf Of Lynette Posthumus via groups.io Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2024 3:38 PM To: zalang@groups.io Subject: [ZaLang] Woordeboek te koop: A Concise Dictionary of Theological and Related Terms Middag almal Stel iemand belang in my A Concise Dictionary of Theological and Related Terms? Outeur: Ferdinand Deist In ‘n goeie toestand; maak my ‘n aanbod. Groete Lynette
Розпочато Leona Labuschagne @
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