Routing or pan how to
Hi All I have a 01V96 and am having trouble understanding the manual to solve a problem. My church does live stream of services using OBS. Currently we use 2TR out to send audio to the PC with OBS. We have added crowd mics and these are placed in front of main speakers. Unfortunately these create feedback if we turn the volume up too high for these mics, resulting in very low levels for the stream. It appears that the 2TR mirrors Stereo out. Obviously there is no need for the crowd mics to go to stereo out. So, I want all channels to go to the PC, and all but the crowd mics to go to stereo out. Was thinking of using 2TR OUT DIGITAL, but cannot understand the manual for routing, and how do I stop a channel form going to ST out? Any help or advice would really be appreciated. Regards Juergen
Aux out on 01v96i
Hi All Have been doing some reading after some very helpful advice from Peter. I have a query about AUX outs. Is it true that the mixer can only have 8 AUX outs? I believe our mixer is using the 4 OMNI outs as AUX 1 to 4. We have a Behringer ADA8000 connected via optic fibre, which gives 8 outputs. Are we able to only use 4 of these, and would they be AUX 5 to 8 by default, and therefore numbers 5 to 8 on the ADA8000? Google searches have not really helped. Juergen
01V96 main outputs at reduced level
Hey I have a problem : My mixer have some issues with output. The sound is very weak on the xlr output , if i use the Jack output the sound is normal, someone who have experience with this problem ? Is the output blown or is there a way to fix this? Best regards Kennerth
01v96 to control Reaper
Hi everyone, I’m on a quest to get a 01v96 up and running as a DAW controller. It’s doable, but progress is slow. I’m going with the General DAW protocol setting on the 01v96 so far, and I see data coming into the computer. But Reaper won’t recognize the 01v96. It’s probably a settings issue. Can anyone offer advice, svare experience or suggest resources that could maybe add to my understanding of how the 01v96 can talk to Reaper? I’m trying on Windows 7 and Windows 10 which could be the roots of the problem… Enjoy your 01v96s out there! 😊 BR, Mathiad
hello all
Hi William, If you're just checking in, there are still quite a few people using the 01V96 and this Group is still happening. Yesterday I got to talk with one of the 01V96 beta test techs. He's a musician and electrical engineer that worked for IBM for a couple decades so had all the skills needed for mixer testing in the field. He recently specced a Yamaha TF mixer in to a venue and then found out that the patching is very limited. He sorta longed for the very flexible patching of the 01V96. Ended up putting in a higher-end mixer. Thanks and good health, Weogo
Which is the best way to connect a recorder, to the board, for recording a live performance? The manual seems to favor using the Monitor outs, with every channel that you want recorded to have the SOLO button activated. Is this the way to go?
Internal effects on Stereo Out AND omni outputs as well
This is another case of me missing something simple... probably. My effects work perfectly on the mains, but they cannot be heard on the monitors. The monitors are connected to the omni outs, which have been configured to Aux5 - Aux8. I would like to hear that Reverb through the monitors as well. What am I doing wrong?
Meter Bridge
I don't suppose anyone has a spare meter bridge that they would like to unload?
Omni Outs
Hey guys! Ive got the internal effects problem solved, they work great. In the course of doing so, I patched the four effects processors to Aux 1-4. The instructions then had me patch the four Omni Outs to Aux 5-8. I intend to use the Omni Outs to drive four stage monitors. But, I cant get any signal out of Omni Outs, and I fear that I have missed something small. Any ideas?
Is anybody still in this group?
Ive acquired an OIV96 and I need some help with the operation. Anybody out there?
Hi to new group
Hello All the best from Croatia. Ban Nenad
User group for 02R
Hi, Is there a user group for 02R? What happened to the Yahoo groups? did they migrate elsewhere?
HI does anyone know where i can get my 01v96 mixer repaired My display is not working. i am in north London.
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