PSKfest this weekend!
The Ø7Ø Club PSKfest is fast approaching - 0000 UTC Saturday, 6 January 2025 to 2359 UTC Saturday, 6 January 2025 This is a 1 day, 24 hour event – Friday evening and Saturday in US. Rules – work as many stations as possible in the allotted time using PSK31 mode. Work each station once per band. (Same station, same band, is a dupe!) Open to all licensed radio amateurs. Using 80M thru 10M (No WARC Bands) For Rules and details, Click Here 4 Power Categories: QRP < 5 W Low < 25 W Medium < 50 W High < 100 W (See Rules) Exchange: State/Province/Country (SPC) Call: “CQ PSKFEST” All entry logs must be received within 1 week after the event ends. The PSKfest Uploader link will be activated for the Contest. See Rules. 73, Steve W3HF PODXS 070 Contest Director
Reminder -- Upload for Doubleheader
I forgot to remind everyone that last night was the upload deadline for the Doubleheader. The uploader is still open but will be closed later today, so if you haven't uploaded left you have just a little time to get that done! Steve W3HF 070 Club Contest Director
Doubleheader Low Band Sprint is one week away!
The Ø7Ø Club DOUBLEHEADER LOW BAND SPRINT is only one week away – CONTEST PERIOD Saturday, December 14 - 0000 UTC to Monday, December 16 2359 UTC This is a 3 day event – Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings in US Sprint Rules – Work a 6 hour block each UTC Date. For Scoring, your 6 hour block will start with the hour you select on the Scoring page and continue for the next 6 hours. You may have only one “Block” or “Block Portion” on a given UTC date. NOTE that any start time of 1800 or later will end at 2359 that UTC day, so those times are consolidated into a single "1800-2300" start time selection in the Contest Scorer. Work each station once per band - DURING THE ENTIRE CONTEST PERIOD.. (Same station, same band, different day is a dupe!) Open to all licensed radio amateurs. Using 40M, 80M and 160M. For Rules and details, Click Here: Frequencies: - 1.807 / 1.838 MHz (Europe). 3.580 MHz, 7.070 / 7.040 / 7.035 (Europe) MHz 4 Power Categories: QRP < 5 W Low < 25 W Medium < 50 W High < 100 W Exchange: State/Province/Country (SPC) eg: “FL” Call: “CQ 070 Sprint” All entry logs must be uploaded within 1 week after the event ends. See Uploader Link in Rules. This event will again test your ingenuity and stealthy antenna talents. But with 3 bands to choose from, you can optimize your luck with propagation. This event will also decide the ultimate winner of the annual RC3 (Rollo Cup Contest Championship). The RC3 has been a tight competition for the last several years. This year John, KC3FL is trying to protect his lead, with Buz WA5AMM in hot pursuit. And it will again be worth pursuing, in order to grab that Top Band Endorsement Sticker with 20 QSOS on 160M. And 160M QSOs count as 3 points each. Especially for help in grabbing a few 160M QSOs, it is helpful to post your intentions to QSY on the Reflector. Also, be sure to use PSKReporter and to Spot calls seen. We need all the help we can get. 73, Steve W3HF PODXS 070 - Contest Director
RC3 Update after Triple Play
As we move through the low band contests, the contests’ challenges are becoming more pronounced. As usual, the top competitors are making the necessary adjustments because the RC3 challenge demands participation in the contests. John KC3FL and Buz WA5AMM are continuing to pull away from the field. But the battle for third place has tightened up tremendously. Bob KF3AA and Lee N5SLY have been jockeying back and forth for a few months, with the gap between them shrinking to only 2.1 points now! The Top Dawg in the Rollo Cup Contest Championship will receive a special certificate, a Rollo Dog Tag, and an Engraved Silver Revere Cup Trophy. The full leaderboard for the 2024 RC3 through the Triple Play will soon be posted on the PODXS 070 web site. Check out your standing at: We hope you enjoy this “Race for the Rollo Cup.” 73, W3HF PODXS 070 – Contest Director
Results of the 070 Club Triple Play 2024
RESULTS - TRIPLE PLAY LOW BAND SPRINT – 2024 This year there were 23 logs submitted – down from last year’s 34 logs. There were 5 High Power, 9 Medium Power, 8 Low Power and 1 QRP logs submitted. QSO counts were also lower across the board. Top Dawg and First in High Power was John, KC3FL with 67 QSOs and 24 multipliers, resulting in a score of 2484 points. High Power - Second Place was Bob, KF3AA, with 833 points. Third place was Karl, K0CIE, with 264 points. Medium Power - First place was Buz, WA5AMM with 59 QSOs and 20 multipliers, for a score of 1700 points. Buz finished with the 3rd highest total score. Medium Power – Second Place was grabbed by Denis, VE3OOZ with 714 points. Third Place went to Iz, W0IZ with 666 points. Low Power – First Place went to Steve, W3HF, (operating as W3HF/4 from a club station) with 54 QSOs and 26 multipliers, for a score of 1872 points. Steve finished with the 2nd highest score overall. Low Power - Second Place went to Lee, N5SLY with 1020 points. Third Place went to Fred, K8FER with 704 points. QRP Power – First Place (and only QRP entry) was again Delos, NO8R with 37 QSOs and 20 multipliers, for 1020 points. The table below lists the results in each power category: We again are deeply indebted to David, K9DWR, who established the upload link and parsed the contest results. Thank You, David! Note that the Top Dawg Certificate and Rollo Dog Tag will be reserved exclusively for members. Thanks to all who submitted logs. Stickers will be in the next mailing. It is not too early to start thinking about your participation in the next PODXS 070 Event. DOUBLEHEADER – Triple Play Low Band Sprint This is a Three Day Contest, 72 hours, 3 Sprints Second Saturday in December Saturday, December 14 - 0000 UTC to the Following Monday in December Monday, December 16 - 2359 UTC See Rules at: 73, Steve, W3HF PODXS 070 - Contest Director
Triple Play Log Due Today!
Just a reminder--logs for the Triple Play are due just about 12 hours from now. Don't forget to upload! And don't forget the Doubleheader coming in four weeks, the weekend of 14-16 December. Rules are the same as the Triple Play. 73, Steve W3HF 070 Club Contest Director
80m is a mess, but found a clear spot at 3.580.2. I will try 160 for a little bit and if nothing will go back to 80. Best 73, Buz, WA5AMM
Less than 24 hours until the Triple Play Sprint!
The Ø7Ø Club TRIPLE PLAY LOW BAND SPRINT is Tomorrow! November 9 - 0000 UTC to November 11 - 2359 UTC Sprint Rules – This is a 3 day event. Work a 6 hour block each UTC Date. For Scoring, your 6 hour block will start with the hour you select on the Scoring page and continue for the next 6 hours. You may have only one “Block” or “Block Portion” on a given UTC date. Work each station once per band during the contest. (Same station, same band, different day is a DUPE!) Open to all licensed radio amateurs. Using 40M, 80M and 160M. For Rules and details, Click Here Frequencies: - 1.807 / 1.838 MHz (Europe). 3.580, 7.070 / 7.040 / 7.035 (Europe) MHz 4 Power Categories: QRP < 5 W Low < 25 W Medium < 50 W High < 100 W Exchange: State/Province/Country (SPC) eg: “W9SMR FL” Call: “CQ 070 Sprint” All entry logs must be received within 1 week after the event ends. The upload link will be activated after the contest closes. See Rules page. 73, Steve W3HF PODXS 070 – Contest Director
Triple Play Low Band Sprint Heads Up
The Ø7Ø Club TRIPLE PLAY LOW BAND SPRINT is just 1 week away – November 9 - 0000 UTC to November 11 - 2359 UTC Sprint Rules – This is a 3 day event. Work a 6 hour block each UTC Date. For Scoring, your 6 hour block will start with the hour you select on the Scoring page and continue for the next 6 hours. You may have only one “Block” or “Block Portion” on a given UTC date. Work each station once per band during the contest. (Same station, same band, different day is a DUPE!) Open to all licensed radio amateurs. Using 40M, 80M and 160M. For Rules and details, Click Here Frequencies: - 1.807 / 1.838 MHz (Europe). 3.580, 7.070 / 7.040 / 7.035 (Europe) MHz 4 Power Categories: QRP < 5 W Low < 25 W Medium < 50 W High < 100 W Exchange: State/Province/Country (SPC) eg: “W3HF PA” Call: “CQ 070 Sprint” All entry logs must be received within 1 week after the event ends. The upload link will be activated after the contest closes. See Rules page. This event will again test your ingenuity and stealthy antenna talents. But with 3 bands to choose from, you can optimize your luck with propagation. And 160M QSOs count as 3 points each. 73, Steve W3HF PODXS 070 - Contest Director
[070Club] 160m Great Pumpkin Sprint Results
I apologize to Fred for the typo in his callsign in the table. He really is K8FER. Steve W3HF On Monday, October 28, 2024 at 08:05:30 PM EDT, Steve W3HF <w3hf@...> wrote: Our 160 M contest continues to be a challenge. Conditions seemed worse than last year, which was worse than the year before. The max number of QSOs was only 6, down from 7 last year, and we only had 7 logs submitted, down from 8 last year. Once again, there were no non-members who submitted logs. One thing that was different was our first-ever three-way-tie for Top Dawg! And just to make it interesting, those three Top Dawgs were from three different entry categories! First Place in the High Power 100W category (and sharing Top Dawg) was Rex, WB8TDG, with 6 QSOs and 5 States. 2nd Place in the HP category was Bob, KF3AA, with 4 QSOs and 3 States. 3rd Place in the HP category was John, KC3FL, with 3 QSOs and 3 States. Interestingly, Bob and John traded places from last year’s contest. First Place in the Medium Power 50W category (and sharing Top Dawg) was Gary, N8FL, with 6 QSOs and 5 states. 2nd Place in the MP category was Buz, WA5AMM, with 6 QSOs and 4 states. 3rd Place in the MP category was Roger, N8TCP, with 4 QSOs and 3 States. First Place Low Power 25W (and also sharing Top Dawg) was Fred, K8FER with 6 QSOs and 5 States. Fred was also first in LP last year. There were no other valid entries in the Low Power category, but Lee N5SLY earns an unofficial “Valiant Effort” award for submitting a LP entry with zero QSOs. (Lee thinks 160m signals can’t get to Texas.) No one entered in the QRP category. Note that the Top Dawg Certificate and Rollo Dog Tag will be reserved exclusively for members. Thanks to all who submitted logs. This was once again a tough contest this year. But please pay attention to the posting earlier today from John KC3FL, about a smaller 160m antenna that might fit in your yard! Stickers will be in the next mailing. We again are deeply indebted to David, K9DWR, who established the upload link and manually scored the contest results. Thank You, David! The next PODXS 070 Event is the Triple Play Low Band Sprint. Triple Play Low Band Sprint Begins 00:00 UTC 9 Nov. 2024 To 23:59 UTC 11 Nov 2024 Three UTC Days See Rules at: Rules: Triple Play Low Band Sprint 73, Steve, W3HF PODXS 070 - Contest Director
RC3 Update after Great Pumpkin Sprint
The RC3 race seems to be tightening up. The Top Dawgs of the 160m contest were able to make up some ground in RC3 compared to the most other competitors. WA5AMM and K8FER were the stations that seemed to benefit most from their scores in this contest. So while KC3FL is still the leader, his lead over second-place WA5AMM has been cut almost in half. Positions 3 through 6 have shifted a bit, mostly due to participation in the contest, but the spread has shrunk from 63 points to 53 points. And K8FER jumps into the Top Ten because of simultaneously sharing the Top Dawg status while doing it from the Low Power category! The Top Dawg in the Rollo Cup Contest Championship will receive a special certificate, a Rollo Dog Tag, and an Engraved Silver Revere Cup Trophy. The full leaderboard for the 2024 RC3 through Firecracker will soon be posted on the PODXS 070 web site. Check out your standing at: We hope you enjoy this “Race for the Rollo Cup.” 73, Steve W3HF PODXS 070 – Contest Director
160m Great Pumpkin Sprint Results
Our 160 M contest continues to be a challenge. Conditions seemed worse than last year, which was worse than the year before. The max number of QSOs was only 6, down from 7 last year, and we only had 7 logs submitted, down from 8 last year. Once again, there were no non-members who submitted logs. One thing that was different was our first-ever three-way-tie for Top Dawg! And just to make it interesting, those three Top Dawgs were from three different entry categories! First Place in the High Power 100W category (and sharing Top Dawg) was Rex, WB8TDG, with 6 QSOs and 5 States. 2nd Place in the HP category was Bob, KF3AA, with 4 QSOs and 3 States. 3rd Place in the HP category was John, KC3FL, with 3 QSOs and 3 States. Interestingly, Bob and John traded places from last year’s contest. First Place in the Medium Power 50W category (and sharing Top Dawg) was Gary, N8FL, with 6 QSOs and 5 states. 2nd Place in the MP category was Buz, WA5AMM, with 6 QSOs and 4 states. 3rd Place in the MP category was Roger, N8TCP, with 4 QSOs and 3 States. First Place Low Power 25W (and also sharing Top Dawg) was Fred, K8FER with 6 QSOs and 5 States. Fred was also first in LP last year. There were no other valid entries in the Low Power category, but Lee N5SLY earns an unofficial “Valiant Effort” award for submitting a LP entry with zero QSOs. (Lee thinks 160m signals can’t get to Texas.) No one entered in the QRP category. Note that the Top Dawg Certificate and Rollo Dog Tag will be reserved exclusively for members. Thanks to all who submitted logs. This was once again a tough contest this year. But please pay attention to the posting earlier today from John KC3FL, about a smaller 160m antenna that might fit in your yard! Stickers will be in the next mailing. We again are deeply indebted to David, K9DWR, who established the upload link and manually scored the contest results. Thank You, David! The next PODXS 070 Event is the Triple Play Low Band Sprint. Triple Play Low Band Sprint Begins 00:00 UTC 9 Nov. 2024 To 23:59 UTC 11 Nov 2024 Three UTC Days See Rules at: Rules: Triple Play Low Band Sprint 73, Steve, W3HF PODXS 070 - Contest Director
Web Site
FYI, it looks like the web site is down. This obviously impacts anyone who is trying to upload their contest results, along with anyone who wants to simply refer to info on the site. We'll post something when things are working again, and if the delay is significant, we'll extend the due date for contest logs. Steve W3HF
[070Club] Contest
Aackkk! Mea culpa. Yes, the 160m contest is this weekend. I had intended to send the one-week reminder, but managed to forget. Thank you for reminding me to send the 24-hour reminder. The contest starts at 2000z tomorrow--Saturday 12 October--and closes at 2000z on Sunday. As with our other sprints, you choose your 6 (six) contiguous hours of operation within that window. All the details are on the web site at: 73, Steve W3HF 070 Club Contest Director On Friday, October 11, 2024 at 11:58:39 AM EDT, Barry VA7GEM via <boat.anchor@...> wrote: Is 160M contest this weekend?
2024 RC3 Championship Standings
As we move into the low band contests, the contests are becoming more challenging, but the top competitors are making the necessary adjustments because the RC3 challenge demands participation in the contests. After the 80m Hudak Memorial Sprint, there was just a little bit of jockeying among the top ten competitors, reflecting who was able to participate and who didn’t. John KC3FL is starting to pull away from the field, with Buz WA5AMM staying close behind him. But the battle for third place is intensifying, with four competitors separated by only 63 points. Note that this is only half the spread that existed after the last contest! The Top Dawg in the Rollo Cup Contest Championship will receive a special certificate, a Rollo Dog Tag, and an Engraved Silver Revere Cup Trophy. The full leaderboard for the 2024 RC3 through Firecracker will soon be posted on the PODXS 070 web site. Check out your standing at: We hope you enjoy this “Race for the Rollo Cup.” 73,Steve W3HF PODXS 070 – Contest Director
RESULTS FROM THE JAY HUDAK MEMORIAL 80M SPRINT – 2024 This year there were 16 logs submitted - down from last year’s 29 logs. There were 4 High Power, 6 Medium Power, 5 Low Power logs and one QRP log. Scores were also resultingly lower. Top Dawg and High Power First place was John, KC3FL of Inverness FL, with 23 QSOs, 15 States and 391 points. Rounding out the High Power top three were Bob KF3AA with 315 points and non-member Jim WW5L with 182 points. Medium Power – First Place was Buz, WA5AMM of Easley SC, with 21 QSOs, 14 States and 336 points. Second place was Roger N8TCP with 285 points, and Stan W9SMR with 208 points. Low Power – First Place, was Fred, K8FER of Milton WV, with 18 QSOs, 13 States and 270 points. Keith N9VEL took second with 204 points, and Bill AG4QX was third with 156 points. Braving the QRP category alone for QRP – First Place was Delos NO8R of Sand Lake MI, with 13 QSOs, 13 States and 182 points. Below find the full Jay Hudak Memorial 80M Sprint results. Stand by for the RC3 standings update that will include this Contest. We again are deeply indebted to David, K9DWR, who established the upload link and parsed the contest results. Thank You, David! Full results will also be uploaded soon to the 070 Club and 070 Club Contest Reflectors. Thanks to all who submitted logs. Stickers will be in the next mailing. Time to start thinking about your participation in the next PODXS 070 Event. Check your long-wire or make a plan for a temporary stealth antenna if your HOA seems to be dead set against any wires outside. This is a great opportunity to put some 160m Q’s in the log for the Top Band Endorsement. 160M GREAT PUMPKIN SPRINT Choose any 6 hour block : Begins 2000 UTC 12-Oct-2023 Ends 1959 UTC 13-Oct-2023 See Rules at: 73, Steve W3HF PODXS 070 Contest Director
Jay Hudak Sprint starts in just a few hours
The Jay Hudak Memorial 80M Sprint starts in just a few hours! 20:00 UTC Saturday, September 7th, 2024 (that's today!) 19:59 UTC Sunday, September 8th, 2024 Sprint Rules – You may operate the full 24 hours of the Contest. For scoring, your six-hour block will begin with the hour that you select. Open to all licensed radio amateurs. For Rules and Log Uploading Info, see: Jay Hudak – KA3X was one of the founders of the 070 Club (070 #001). He became a SK in August of 2008. The 070 Club has renamed its annual fall 80M contest in Jay’s honor, the Jay Hudak Memorial 80m Sprint. Frequencies: - 3.580 MHz Dial freq. 4 Power Categories: < 5 W < 25 W < 50 W < 100 W Exchange: Callsign and State/Province/Country (SPC) Call: “CQ 80M Sprint” All entry logs must be received within 1 week after the event ends. Good luck!! Participation is the key!! 73, Steve W3HF PODXS 070 Contest Director
Jay Hudak Memorial 80M Sprint - Heads up
The Jay Hudak Memorial 80M Sprint is just over one week away - 20:00 UTC Saturday, September 7th, 2024 19:59 UTC Sunday, September 8th, 2024 Sprint Rules – You may operate the full 24 hours of the Contest. For scoring, your six-hour block will begin with the hour that you select. Open to all licensed radio amateurs. For Rules and Log Uploading Info, see: Jay Hudak – KA3X was one of the founders of the 070 Club, and held 070 #001. He became a SK in August of 2008. The 070 Club has renamed its annual fall 80M contest in Jay’s honor, the Jay Hudak Memorial 80m Sprint. Frequencies: - 3.580 MHz nominal dial frequency 4 Power Categories: < 5 W < 25 W < 50 W < 100 W Exchange: Callsign and State/Province/Country (SPC) Call: “CQ 80M Sprint” All entry logs must be received within 1 week after the event ends. Good luck!! Participation is the key!! 73, Steve W3HF PODXS 070 Contest Director
RC3 Standings after Firecracker Sprint
With the results of the recent Firecracker Sprint now available, some familiar patterns are starting to emerge in the RC3 standings. The Top 5 didn’t change positions, but some gaps between them widened and others narrowed. Positions 6 through 11 did move around, as N8TCP and W0IZ switched places, and VA3TPS re-entered the top 10, effectively displacing NY7H. There are only four more contests left this year, but that's still enough time for more changes. The Top Dawg in the Rollo Cup Contest Championship will receive a special certificate, a Rollo Dog Tag, and an Engraved Silver Revere Cup Trophy. The full leaderboard for the 2024 RC3 through Firecracker will soon be posted on the PODXS 070 web site. Check out your standing at: We hope you enjoy this “Race for the Rollo Cup.” 73, Steve W3HF PODXS 070 – Contest Director
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