Закрито Липкий WELCOME
Dear A1CLUB members, Thanks for your visit to "A1eML", A1CLUB English Mailing-List. A1eML will provide some info on scheduled activities such as "A1NET"(Weekly Chat NET), "A1C OAM"(Weekly On-Air Meeting), in-club contests and QSO parties, and also some QRV info of A1CLUB regional club stations and personal SOTA, IOTA, POTA and etc. For some detailed information about A1CLUB, AWT - A1CLUB Weekly Test and A1CLUB AWARDS, please visit the following homepages. And "A1-Chat" is a good place to find some changes such as QRV frequencies and bands. https://a1club.org/A1_club_e.htm https://a1club.org/contest/awt/ https://a1club.org/award/index_e.htm https://www.a1club.net/b_chat/chat.cgi LoginID/PW: 599/599 Also, to find A1CLUB members on the air, https://rbn.telegraphy.de/ is the best site to go. So are you ready to enjoy CW with A1CLUB? We are all looking forward to your SIGs over here and everywhere in the world. Again, thank you very much for joining the A1CLUB. CU SN, 73 // HIRO de JJ1FXF // Moderator of A1eML -- PS Some English INFO of Japan’s HAM are following. - Japanese Band Plans https://www.jarl.org/English/6_Band_Plan/JapaneseAmateurBandplan20210129.pdf - Japan's Call Areas and Prefectures https://www.jarl.org/English/4_Library/A-4-2_Awards/waja_map.pdf - JARL Awards https://www.jarl.org/English/4_Library/A-4-2_Awards/Award_Main.htm - 8J Special Event Stations http://www.motobayashi.net/8j-station/index_e.html
Розпочато HIRO, JJ1FXF @
Закрито Липкий A1CLUB Regular Activities
Please note that the following URLs are mostly in Japanese. Try to use the browser's translator. [ GB - Giving Back program ] Every JA's evening @10:00Z-11:00Z https://a1club.org/events/GB/ [ AWT - A1CLUB Weekly Test ] Wednesday 12:00Z-13:00Z https://a1club.org/contest/awt/ [ A1C OAM - A1CLUB On-Air Meeting ] Friday around 21:00Z - 23:00Z https://a1club.org/OAM.htm [ A1NET - A1CLUB Chat NET ] Saturday 10:30Z - 11:30Z https://a1club.org/events/net/ [ WABUN OAM - Japanese OAM ] Saturday around 21:00Z - 23:00Z https://a1club.org/wbn/#wabunoam [ ACT5 - A1CLUB CW Talk for 5 minutes ] https://a1club.org/events/act5/ [ A1CC, A1AA, A1CLUB Ranking ] https://a1club.org/a1cc/ https://a1club.org/a1aa/ [ ZOTA - Zodiac On The Air ] https://a1club.org/jr0zfy/zota/2024/ For the QRG, please visit A1-Chat or the CW Club RBN Spotter https://a1club.org/b_chat/chat.cgi (ID:599, PW:599) https://rbn.telegraphy.de/
Розпочато HIRO, JJ1FXF @
[Administrative Notice] Membership Information 2024.12.28
Dear A1C DX Members This week, we have 0 new member and 1 change as follow; -------------------------------------------------------- │Change Member number: 57 Callsign: JJ1GHH (ex.7L4ESN) -------------------------------------------------------- 73 ___/___/_/_/_/ _/_/_/___/___/ Membership Secretary JE1TRV/JS2AHG ATSU Taniguchi ___/___/_/_/_/ ___/___/_/_/_/_/
Розпочато ATSU JE1TRV/JS2AHG @
TRIO ends the repair services for some ancient radios 5
TRIO, former name of KENWOOD, will end their repair services for old radio products by the end of this year. Unlike other HAM product companies, KENWOOD Japan has been accepting old radio repairs such as TS-520 with an initial inspection fee of Y10,000. But it will end in this December 2024. I got my TS-520X almost 50 years ago and KENWOOD has been supporting so far and also it was fun to talk with KENWOOD's old engineers actually. Here, I am waiting for the next flagship radio after TS-990, with the TRIO label, hoping named with "520". hihi // HIRO, JJ1FXF
Розпочато HIRO, JJ1FXF @ · Останніх @
Web Morse Runner (お正月 / New Year 2024 Edition)
Dear CW-Friends, thanks so much for all the feedback on the initial release of Web Morse Runner (aka Christmas Edition). As of all the feedback from the A1Club community I put together a very quick update. We celebrate Japanese New Year in our Family (like NHK紅白歌合戦 HI HI) So I call this small update: お正月 / New Year 2024 Edition: https://fritzsche.github.io/WebMorseRunner/ 0.05-beta (2024-12-27) - お正月 / New Year 2024 Edition Added support for Band Conditions QRN, QRM, QSB, Flutter and LID's. New Keyboard shortcut: The shift key is now supported. Calls are now cached in browsers local storage and are not reloaded. Experimental new: Upload your own call file. (Example Calls List contributed by K5GQ) Several important bugfixes. Details on the Github page: https://github.com/fritzsche/WebMorseRunner This release is for bugfix and catchup functions of VE3NEA's Windows Morse Runner. But I hope: Tom-san (DF7TV) as advanced operator finds it more challenging adding band conditions. Izumi-san (BH6BEZ) can use the Space-key as keyboard shortcut. Mark-san (K5GQ) can use the new (experimental) upload function of Web Morse Runner to practice US-Calls with his CW Ops Academy students. The Upload function is "experimental" as I like Hiro-san's idea to upload complete CW-Contest definition files (Calls+Contest Rules as json?), but this needs more changes, like for example how scores are calculated, or special exchanges. etc. As I like to release the new version to fix some bugs, I'll need to look into this file definition again in year 2025. 良いお年を BEST 73 DE Thomas - DJ1TF - JJ1QPB
Розпочато Thomas Fritzsche @
Web Morse Runner (Christmas Edition 2024) 23
Dear CW-Friends, the best CW practice is to be on the air, like in AWT. But not always the situation permits activity on HF bands. When Hiro-san asked what we do to practice CW I replied: using Morse Runner (VE3NEA), even I'm not a contest guy, it helps to get better and faster. However there are many situation (like travel) where I could not run MorseRunner, as it is a Windows software. To overcome this limitations I have re-create Morse Runner as Web-Application (Javascript) from scratch. It runs in the browser without local installation. Meanwhile this website covers 100% of my personal used Windows Morse Runner functions, this is about 80-90% of all functions. Even Web Morse Runner is very new and I'm still bug hunting and optimizing, I personally started to daily practice with it. This early "Christmas Edition" of Web Morse Runner can be accessed for evaluation: https://fritzsche.github.io/WebMorseRunner/ It is available as open source in the linked GitHub repository. Maybe during Japanese New Year (正月) some A1CLUB members have no access to HF antennas and still like to practice the beautiful sound of morse code? I could get Web Morse Runner running on my iPhone using a BT Keyboard. HI HI If you don't know Morse Runner yet, there is a English Youtube Video that explains the use of the original Windows software: https://youtu.be/1tENliEvQwc?si=A6c8J2kdur4Ujaw1 I hope this is useful and I'm happy for feedback, particular if you find bugs or have suggestions. VY 73, Thomas - DJ1TF / JJ1QPB
Розпочато Thomas Fritzsche @ · Останніх @
SKCC SKM - Straight Key Month
Dear A1CLUB members, Here is about SKM - Straight Key Month, a month on-air event by SKCC - Straight Key Century Club. https://skccgroup.com/k3y/k3y.php Special station "K3Y" will QRV in the US and the SKM OPs in other countries will QRV with their own call signs. https://skccgroup.com/k3y/k3y-docs/SKM_2025_User_Guide.pdf And SKCC members can participate it as the K3Y/SKM OPs. I'm the SKM Asian coordinator. So please feel free to email me if you have any questions. Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! 73/88, // HIRO, JJ1FXF
Розпочато HIRO, JJ1FXF @
[Administrative Notice] Membership Information 2024.12.21
Dear A1C DX Members This week, we have 5 new members (#4785-#4789) as follows; -------------------------------------------------------- ■Membership Member number: 4785 Callsign: KO5USA NAME: Tom Prefecture: Overseas QTH: Bullard/Smith/USA [Communication column] Love CW. Was a Morse Code Intercept Operator Army Security Agency 70-73 served in Thailand -------------------------------------------------------- ■Membership Member number: 4786 Callsign: JS2RUF Prefecture: Gifu City: Toki -------------------------------------------------------- ■Membership Member number: 4787 Callsign: JQ3KWM NAME (Roman): MAT Name (Japanese): マナブ Prefecture: Osaka City: Suita ---------------------------------- ---------------------- ■Membership Member number: 4788 Call sign: JO3IEE NAME (Roman): TAKA Name (Japanese): タカノリ Prefecture: Osaka City: Matsubara [Communication column] I've been using digital mode a lot lately, but I'll keep my roots in the basics and QRV for telephone and telegraph in 2025 -------------------------------------------------------- ■Membership Member number: 4789 Call sign: JM1MKH Prefecture: Chiba City: Yachiyo [Communication column] I've passed the telegraph grade, but I've never communicated on CW. Also, my station license expired nearly 20 years ago, but I thought I'd resume it while I could still use my old call sign, so I reactivated it the other day. And the other day, I happened to borrow 「実践ハムのモールス通信」"Practical Morse Communication for Hamradio" from the library, and I became very attracted to CW. Thank you. -------------------------------------------------------- Note. Some part of the above info was originally written in Japanese. 73 ___/___/_/_/_/ _/_/_/___/___/ Membership Secretary JE1TRV/JS2AHG ATSU Taniguchi ___/___/_/_/_/ ___/___/_/_/_/_/
Розпочато ATSU JE1TRV/JS2AHG @
[Administrative Notice] Membership Information 2024.12.14
Dear A1C DX Members This week, we have 3 new members (#4782-#4784) as follows; -------------------------------------------------------- ■Membership Member number: 4782 Callsign: W3SI NAME: Bill QTH: Edgewater, FL USA Message to members: Thank you for allowing me to join. I love CW and operate almost daily. I am interested in Christmas Key Collection as I have many of them from N1FN. Bill - W3SI -------------------------------------------------------- ■Membership Member number: 4783 Callsign: JL1DNL Prefecture: Tokyo City: Shinjuku -------------------------------------------------------- ■Membership Member number: 4784 Callsign: JP1UWF NAME (Roman): MUTA Name (Japanese): ムタ Prefecture: Chiba City: Kamagaya -------------------------------------------------------- Note. Some part of the above info was originally written in Japanese. 73 ___/___/_/_/_/ _/_/_/___/___/ Membership Secretary JE1TRV/JS2AHG ATSU Taniguchi ___/___/_/_/_/ ___/___/_/_/_/_/
Розпочато ATSU JE1TRV/JS2AHG @
[Administrative Notice] Membership Information 2024.12.07
Dear A1C DX Members This week, we have 6 new members (#4776-#4781) as follows; -------------------------------------------------------- ■ Join Member number: 4777 Call sign: JP1PQV Prefecture: Saitama City: Soka -------------------------------------------------------- ■ Join Member number: 4778 Call sign: JL1AQA NAME (Roman): MASA Name (Japanese): チバ Prefecture: Tokyo City: Nerima [Communication column] I aim for DX on CW. Thank you very much. -------------------------------------------------------- ■ Join Member number: 4779 Call sign: JA3SYK NAME (Roman): Lee Name (Japanese): ナカタニ Prefecture: Osaka City: Takaishi [Communication column] I would like to resume Japanese communication, so I would appreciate your guidance. -------------------------------------------------------- ■Membership Member number: 4780 Call sign: JL7BWM NAME (Roman): KOU Name (Japanese):サトウ Prefecture: Iwate City: Morioka [Communication column] Thank you. -------------------------------------------------------- ■Membership Member number: 4781 Call sign: JK1USF NAME (Roman): HIDE Prefecture: Kanagawa City: Isogo-ku, Yokohama -------------------------------------------------------- Note. Some part of the above info was originally written in Japanese. 73 ___/___/_/_/_/ _/_/_/___/___/ Membership Secretary JE1TRV/JS2AHG ATSU Taniguchi ___/___/_/_/_/ ___/___/_/_/_/_/
Розпочато ATSU JE1TRV/JS2AHG @
[Administrative Notice] Membership Information 2024.11.30
Dear A1C DX Members This week, we have 2 new members (#4774-#4775) as follows; -------------------------------------------------------- ■Membership Member number: 4774 Callsign: JM1IIF NAME (Roman): Ken Prefecture: Miyagi City: Ishinomaki [Communication] Nice to meet you. My name is Matsui. I'm back in the field after about 30 years. I've acquired 3AM certification, focusing on CW and DX. I'm looking forward to learning from scratch and enjoying it. Due to work, I'll be operating from area 7. Thank you for your support. -------------------------------------------------------- ■Membership Member number: 4775 Callsign: JH3VYA NAME (Roman): GOMA Name (Japanese): ゴマシバ Prefecture: Osaka City: Kishiwada [Communication] I wanted to do CW, so I started the ham radio again two years ago but I wasn't making much progress, so I joined Thank you for your support -------------------------------------------------------- Note. Some part of the above info was originally written in Japanese. 73 ___/___/_/_/_/ _/_/_/___/___/ Membership Secretary JE1TRV/JS2AHG ATSU Taniguchi ___/___/_/_/_/ ___/___/_/_/_/_/
Розпочато ATSU JE1TRV/JS2AHG @
CQWW contest 11
Hello fellow clubmembers This weekend the CW-sections of the non-WARC bands will be full again because of the CQWW contest. I hope to work some of you then, especially on 40m & 80m because I try to concentrate on these bands for my 5BDXCC. But in general I would like to work as many A1Club-members as possible too. As club I will fill in the A1CLUB in my Cabrillo. See you then! 73, Martin, PE1EEC/PE6X/JAxyyy P.S. given that my plan is to walk the Henro-trail next year, I also applied for a JA-guestlicense to do some SOTA and general CW while in JA5. The paperwork is at the JARL and the representative will start processing it early December.
Розпочато Martin, PE1EEC/PE6X @ · Останніх @
[Administrative Notice] Membership Information 2024.11.23
Dear A1C DX Members This week, we have 1 new member (#4773) as follow; -------------------------------------------------------- ■Membership Member number: 4773A Callsign: NOCALL NAME (Roman): HIRO Name (Japanese): ハタナカ Prefecture: Chiba City: Urayasu [Communication column] I'm a senior who recently got back into ham radio. I'm currently trying to start QRP operation in CW as a lifelong hobby. Thank you for your support. -------------------------------------------------------- Note. Some part of the above info was originally written in Japanese. 73 ___/___/_/_/_/ _/_/_/___/___/ Membership Secretary JE1TRV/JS2AHG ATSU Taniguchi ___/___/_/_/_/ ___/___/_/_/_/_/
Розпочато ATSU JE1TRV/JS2AHG @
Dear A1CLUB members, It's getting colder suddenly here in JA. and when the WX gets colder like this, I'll start missing vacuum tube radios and so turn them on as their health check recently. The next A1NET is the BUG NITE, but if I'll have a chance I also hold a Boat Anchors Gathering on the A1NET, so please be sure to maintain your vacuum tube radios. * Boat Anchors: Because the old radios are very heavy, they are often referred to as boat anchors. Now, I'm happy to announce that "ONLINE KONSHINKAI (online gathering) [Year-End Party Edition]" will be held in DEC 2024. This time, there will be no presentation session but the entire event will be just an online eyeball QSO. *** ONLINE KONSHINKAI [Year-End Party Edition] *** When: 2024/12/21(SAT) 10:30Z - 11:30Z (19:30~20:30 JST) Where: On Zoom online meeting that you can login with your PCs and SmartPhones. Fee: Free of Charge How to Apply: Send your email to "A1CLUB.ENTRY[at-mark]gmail.com" with the Subject: "ONLINE KONSHINKAI DEC 2024" and please include (1)your call sign, (2)your CW name, (3)your reachable email-address in the mail body. Please allow me a few days for the first reply. The Zoom URL of the ONLINE KONSHINKAI will be sent to you a few days in advancer to the event. Please note the low-speed CW session "Giving Back program" and the chat A1NET will be held at the same time. I hope you enjoy both of online and on-air at the same time. CU all on the Online KONSHINKAI DEC 2024. 73/88, // HIRO, JJ1FXF
Розпочато HIRO, JJ1FXF @
I call Bug users to participate in the A1NET this weekend, NOV 23 (SAT) @11:00-12:00. A1NET is a weekly chat net. You call back to the "CQ A1NET" and the KEY station of the night will chat for one or two turns. https://a1club.org/events/net/ And the A1NET of this weekend will be the BUG NITE. When the time comes, login to the A1-Chat and you'll find the detailed QRG. https://a1club.org/b_chat/chat.cgi ID = PW = 599 HPE to CU on the night. Have a good day! 73/88, // HIRO, JJ1FXF
Розпочато HIRO, JJ1FXF @
[Administrative Notice] Membership Information 2024.11.09
Dear A1C DX Members This week, we have 2 new members (#4771-#4772) as follows; -------------------------------------------------------- ■Membership Member number: 4771 Callsign: JE6QNK NAME (Roman): SHUN Name (Japanese): ハマサキ Prefecture: Kagoshima City: Kirishima [Communication column] On air from Fukuyama-cho, Kagoshima Prefecture, the home of black vinegar! -------------------------------------------------------- ■Membership Member number: 4772 Callsign: GI0BEY NAME (Roman): SCOTTY Prefecture: Overseas QTH: BANGOR NORTHERN IRELAND [Communication column] Thank you. I am cw op only.. -------------------------------------------------------- Note. Some part of the above info was originally written in Japanese. 73+77 ___/___/_/_/_/ _/_/_/___/___/ Membership Secretary JE1TRV/JS2AHG ATSU Taniguchi ___/___/_/_/_/ ___/___/_/_/_/_/
Розпочато ATSU JE1TRV/JS2AHG @
[RandomGram] Event #26 - Fri Nov 15th #event_notice
QSP RandomGram #26 // HIRO, JJ1FXF ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Drew AF2Z via groups.io <pubx1@...> Date: 2024年11月11日(月) 9:55 Subject: [RandomGram] Event #26 - Fri Nov 15th #event_notice To: <RandomGram@groups.io> Welcome to RandomGram Event Nr. 26: Date/Time: November 15th @ 22:00 - 23:59 UTC. That is Friday afternoon/evening for most. Objective: This is a 25-group event with five-character alphanumeric groups. Transmit each of your 25 code groups (one per QSO) for a perfect Tx score of 50 points (2-pts per transmitted group). You can resend groups in additional QSOs to help ensure that all are logged & reported by other operators. Also log as many code groups as you can from other operators, during QSOs and by SWL/intercept, for maximum Rx and Total points (1-pt per received group). New TX Lists (code groups) are available now for this event. Code groups from previous events have expired and will not score. Obtain a registered TX List by emailing your call sign to the Group Owner email address at RG+owner@groups.io Multiple Same-band Contacts (dup's) are encouraged. Please use the revised procedure for making multiple same-band contacts, in effect since April; see info HERE. Teams: Teams are listed in the Roster & Results message post for this event (see below). Additional teams are available by request. Team membership is open to all and is completely optional. Operating on a team is no different than otherwise. Team scores are the sum of individual members' scores. If you're interested in joining a team for this event just email your call sign and team preference to RG+owner@groups.io Suggested Frequencies: 50-60 kHz above the bottom of non-WARC HF bands, conditions permitting. Other frequencies in the band may prove better depending on your region or QRM from other ongoing events. 7028 kHz is preferable in OC & AS regions. Suggested Spotting Page: RG participants are invited to use the SKCC SkedPage at https://sked.skccgroup.com/ (SKCC Members who post or self-spot on the SkedPage-- please be prepared to provide an SKCC style exchange for callers who request it.) Operating Tips: - A transmitted group earns 2-points; a received group is 1-point if accurately transmitted, copied and reported; - Work the same stations on the same band multiple times and exchange additional code groups (see new procedure here ) - Transmit a different code group with every contact (one code group per QSO); - For additional points monitor other stations: log and submit code groups they exchange (SWL/intercept); - Submit your log or list of received code groups via email to obtain your current score and abstract of groups. For additional operating and logging guidelines see the RandomGram FAQ HERE. SWL Intercept: Even if you don't transmit any code groups you can still earn Rx points by submitting groups you have logged while monitoring other stations. Your confirmation of other stations' transmitted groups also helps them to earn Tx points. Deadline for submitting your copied groups: the sooner, the better. Other operators' scores depend on your confirmation of their transmitted groups. Roster & Results. See the list of participating stations and scores (when available) HERE. Have fun! 73, Drew - AF2Z RandomGram Mgr
Розпочато HIRO, JJ1FXF @
SKSA - NOV 08 UTC 22:00Z-23:59Z 2
Dear A1CLUB members, SKCC's Straight Key Sprint Asia - SKSA will be held on NOV 08 UTC at 22:00Z-23:59Z this weekend. https://skccgroup.com/operating_activities/sksa/ Non-SKCC members are all welcome and send the exchange as RST + SPC(State, Province, Country) + NAME + "NONE". Last weekend I heard many stations on the Sweepstakes on 10m/15m bands, though I couldn't call them. hi So I expect this weekend will also be in a FB CONDX on high bands and work many of you out there. Let us enjoy this FB Cycle 25 Autumn CONDX before CONDX turns to cold Winter. CU soon. 73/88 // HIRO, JJ1FXF
Розпочато HIRO, JJ1FXF @ · Останніх @
[Administrative Notice] Membership Information 2024.11.09
Dear A1C DX Members This week, we have 4 new members (#4767-#4770) as follows; -------------------------------------------------------- ■Membership Member number: 4767 Call sign: JI1VDE NAME (Roman): YASU Name (Japanese): オクヤマ Prefecture: Tokyo City: Koganei [Communication column] I love CW, but my hands still shake and I can't communicate. I'm going to use joining as an opportunity to overcome that. Thank you. -------------------------------------------------------- ■Membership Member number: 4768 Callsign: JJ0XHF NAME (Roman): TAKU Prefecture: Nagano City/ward/county: Kamiina -------------------------------------------------------- ■Membership Member number: 4769 Callsign: N4IN NAME (Roman): Dave (Des) Prefecture: Overseas QTH: Bardstown, KY, USA [Communication column] CW op since 1994 when I received my tech plus and extra class since 1998 -------------------------------------------------------- ■Membership Member number: 4770 Callsign: JL2FJB NAME (Roman): YASU Name (Japanese): マツオ Prefecture: Mie City/ward/county: Shima -------------------------------------------------------- Note. Some part of the above info was originally written in Japanese. 73+77 ___/___/_/_/_/ _/_/_/___/___/ Membership Secretary JE1TRV/JS2AHG ATSU Taniguchi ___/___/_/_/_/ ___/___/_/_/_/_/
Розпочато ATSU JE1TRV/JS2AHG @
[Administrative Notice] Membership Information 2024.11.02
Dear A1C DX Members This week, we have 4 new members (#4763-#4766) as follows; -------------------------------------------------------- ■ Join Member number: 4763 Call sign: JH8DRH NAME (Roman): HIRO Prefecture: Hokkaido City/ward/county: Nishi-ku, Sapporo -------------------------------------------------------- ■ Join Member number: 4764 Call sign: JH3JZI NAME (Roman): MASA Name (Japanese): シマサキ Prefecture: Hyogo City/ward/county: Nishi-ku, Kobe -------------------------------------------------------- ■ Join Member number: 4765A Call sign: JQ3KBC NAME (Roman): YUTO Name (Japanese): ユウト Prefecture: Hyogo City/ward/county: Kakogawa [Communications] I'm a high school student ham. Started on 2024/6/26 with 4th class HAM, FT-70D -------------------------------------------------------- ■Join Member number: 4766 Callsign: NOCALL NAME (Roman): ABO Name (Japanese): シライ Prefecture: Osaka City/Ward: Higashisumiyoshi-ku, Osaka [Communication column] exJA3DRB -------------------------------------------------------- Note. Some part of the above info was originally written in Japanese. 73+77 ___/___/_/_/_/ _/_/_/___/___/ Membership Secretary JE1TRV/JS2AHG ATSU Taniguchi ___/___/_/_/_/ ___/___/_/_/_/_/
Розпочато ATSU JE1TRV/JS2AHG @
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Sat 8:39am