BSC 2024.07 released
We are pleased to announce the next official release of open-source BSC! This release includes the BuildList library, syntactical improvements to included and generated C and C++ code, improvements to documentation, and other general improvements. For more details, see the release notes: Along with source code, we release binary distributions for Ubuntu, Debian, Rocky Linux, and Mac OS. This release, for the first time, includes a binary distribution for macOS 14 "Sonoma" built for ARM64 (Apple Silicon). All packages are available at: Your comments on this release are welcome at: And, as always, feel free to report any issues you encounter at: The next release is scheduled for 2025-01. --ken
Some sad news about a pioneer of Bluespec
Dear enthusiasts of BSV and BH, I have some very sad news to share with you today. Our dear friend and colleague Prof. Arvind of MIT passed away this morning, after suffering from Myeloma for some years now. The central technical idea behind the Bluespec BSV and BH hardware design languages---expressing hardware behavior using atomic rules and compiling it to efficient Verilog---came out of research in the late 1990s by Prof. Arvind and his then PhD student James Hoe. A later important development in BSV/BH, "Ephemeral History Registers", or "Concurrent Registers", came out of research by Prof. Arvind and his then PhD student Daniel Rosenband. Arvind founded two companies---Sandburst (in 2000), and Bluespec, Inc. (in 2003)---based on those ideas. Some of us have been involved with these companies since 2000 (and still are). We shall miss Prof. Arvind dearly. Nikhil
BSC 2024.01 released
We are pleased to announce the next official release of open-source BSC! This release includes bugfixes, UTF-8 support, additions and improvements to BH to match features available in BSV, documentation improvements, and other general improvements. For more details, see the release notes: Binary distributions for Ubuntu, Debian, Centos, Rocky Linux, and Mac OS, as well as source code packages are available at: Your comments on this release are welcome at: And, as always, feel free to report any issues you encounter at: The next release is scheduled for 2024-07. --ken
BSC 2023.07 released
We are pleased to announce the next official release of open-source BSC! This release includes bug fixes and incremental improvements. For more details, see the release notes: Binary distributions for Ubuntu, Debian, Centos, Rocky Linux, and Mac OS, as well as source code packages are available at: Your comments on this release are welcome at: And, as always, feel free to report any issues you encounter at: The next release is scheduled for 2024-01. --ken
BSC 2023.01 released
We are pleased to announce the next official release of open-source BSC! Along with bug fixes, this release most prominently includes language reference guides for BSV and for BH (Bluespec Haskell / Classic). For more details, see the release notes: Source and binary distributions for Ubuntu, Debian, Centos, Rocky Linux, and Mac OS are available at: Your comments on this release are welcome at: And, as always, feel free to report any issues you encounter at: The next release is scheduled for 2023-07. --ken
BSC 2022.01 released
We are pleased to announce the next official release of open BSC! Along with bug fixes and build improvements, this release includes initial support for automatic linking with Verilator and for using DPI instead of VPI for imported C functions. Source and binary distributions are available at We use the convention YYYY.MM for naming releases and a release schedule of twice a year, in January and July. Therefore, users can expect a next release, 2022.07, in six months. Patch releases, if needed, will be named 2022.01.1, etc. Mid-cycle snapshots may also be tagged, if needed by developers. Your comments on this release are welcome at: And your thoughts for the next release are also welcome at: For more details, see the release notes: And, as always, feel free to report any issues you encounter at:
Workshop on Open-Source EDA Technology (WOSET)
A paper on BSC was accepted to WOSET, the Workshop on Open-Source EDA Technology! The conference will occur online on November 4th and is free to attend. Plus, the papers and presentations are already freely available to download from the conference website. If you're interested in open EDA or just want to see our paper, check it out: The paper, written by folks at Bluespec Inc, is a whirlwind summary of the open BSC tools and a survey of open designs written using BSC, many of which are interesting open EDA tools in themselves. WOSET has run annually since 2018 and the papers from past years are all available on the website, as well as the video presentations and slides from last year: We'd love to hear about other venues, organizations, or initiatives around open EDA or open hardware. If you're involved with any, let us know!
BSC 2021.07 released
We are pleased to announce the first release of open BSC! Thank you and congratulations to everyone involved! Source and binary distributions are available at We have decided on the convention YYYY.MM for naming releases and on a release schedule of twice a year, in January and July. Therefore, this first release is 2021.07 and users can expect a next release, 2022.01, in six months. Patch releases, if needed, will be named 2021.07.1, etc. Your comments on this release are welcome at: And your thoughts for the next release are also welcome at: For more details, see the release notes: And, as always, feel free to report any issues you encounter at:
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