W8CCE repeater talkgroup structure
To all, This is a spreadsheet I made up for just a handful of talkgroups. This is currently how we have the repeater set up to run dual servers. I'm currently looking into a way to drop the TGIF 500 prefixes but thats a ways out yet I believe. Have a look for when programming your radios. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oxhW6j_J0NV23xXkgywI3g3Rbz_N2SKuDD5AGyVjhtU/edit?usp=drivesdk Thanks Adam N8APX
Welcome to digital!
Welcome to Northern Michigans digital voice network. This post will serve as a guide to getting started. Please review some of the clips I've picked out that explain the world of digital voice in amateur radio. DMR BASICS https://youtu.be/5ZawJek5z9c https://youtu.be/5FAFt1QCtC0 https://youtu.be/VExx628R0DM DMR ID registration https://radioid.net/register#! D-STAR BASICS https://youtu.be/hC6aw4_mcBE https://youtu.be/QfkHwgourDg FUSION BASICS https://youtu.be/rJX71piqW54 https://youtu.be/tNjgHUhhMmA CURRENT REPEATERS 445.3875 W8AGB Mackinaw City simplex node MMDVM 443.375 N8DNX Petoskey D-star only 147.120 W1WRS Gaylord Fusion only 443.3125 KD8OXV Travers City DMR only There is a few others. Please let us know if more need to be listed or as new repeaters come on line. Again, welcome and thanks for being a part of the digital community here in Northern Michigan! -Adam N8APX
K8PDC contact infromation
anybody have peters email I'm trying to get in touch with him ?
Weekly net reminder
To all, Remember to join us tonight on the D7AUXCOMM net at 1930 (7:30). Tgif network talkgroup 2416. Adam, N8APX
Net Reminder
Just a reminder the D7AUXCOMM net will be tonight at 7:30 on 2416
Repeater updates. Link to website for info
To all, We've made strides in the last few months with the DMR machines in the north. Please look at and share this URL far and wide so everyone can program their repeaters as necessary. http://w8cce.org/w8cce-and-w8agb-dmr-repeaters/ As always any ?s shoot me an email. Thanks! Adam N8APX
New DMR repeater
All, Just a heads up that we now have a multi mode repeater on the air in harbor springs. Currently have DMR and Dstar enabled. Running dual server brandmeister and TGIF. When using TGIF you'll need to preface your TG IDs with a 5 and 0s and total 7 digits. Examples of this are as follows. Original TG "2416" would be "5002416" or TG "31665" would become "5031665" so on and so fourth. I've already gotten good signal reports from Cheboygan, East Jordan, and a station in Travers City so its getting out well. Details W8CCE 443.375 +5 1,280 elev in stutsmanville -Adam N8APX
Hello everyone, First off, I apologize for my lack of updates here lately. Things have been crazy and just haven't had much time. A couple of announcements: TGIF is beginning their move from the legacy server over to the prime server. They have a tentative date of February 4th for the switch. In the meantime they will be making short beta test switches every so often. This is to try and work out any bugs. If you encounter strange behavior over the next few weeks keep this in mind. Those of you who were participating in the Wednesday night net may have noticed that it hasn't been happening. I've just found myself not having the time to do it. The CCECPSCO group has been doing a short net around 8:30ish Sunday night after our analog net. All are welcome to join. With that said, I invite and highly encourage anyone in D7 to start a net. For the whole district or locally. Remember this is a talkgroup for all in D7. Please don't be afraid to use it as such. My ultimate goal here with this was to have a complete transcoding server that includes DMR, D-star and fusion. I've been talking with the group down in Detroit that has built a system like this. They have invited us in the north here to use this system. This is a general discussion server that works like D-star 24C did in its heyday. The DMR talkgroup is 31264 in TGIF. I plan to have this as a static talkgroup on our repeaters here in the north end of the district to facilitate Statewide and mulitmode operation. I will be laying out codeplug data for multiple radios over the next week and sending them along shortly thereafter. Finally, there has been big improvements in the droidstar/dudestar program. Things like running in the background are now supported and it feels much more stable. I highly encourage those not running the program to look into it as you can stay connected even without a radio or Hotspot. Thanks everyone. 73's Adam N8APX
DMR over cellular
To all, I've just come upon an app developed that allows full TX/RX of DMR, Fusion, P25 and M17 with only a smartphone. The app is called "droidstar" i believe there is a windows version named dude-star. Still need to look into that. Below is a link to a screen grab video i made testing it out. The link is only good for 24 hours so if it says expired send me an email and I'll forward it to you. Adam.price18@... ( Adam.price18@... ) https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/4SJmiCqVBxKN Adam N8APX
MMDVM repeater controller
All, This is the link to the STM32 repeater controller. This is basically a supercharged hotspot that pipes TX and RX audio to any 9600 baud capable repeater. We currently have one on line in Mackinaw City and its been working well. It uses pi-star like most are used to and allows for use of both the TGIF server and the Brandmeister server together so everyone's happy. Also this gives you access to D-star, Fusion, and P25 on top of the DMR. http://www.repeater-builder.com/products/stm32-dvm.html Any questions don't hesitate. Adam N8APX
DMR net
All, This is a reminder of the DMR net this evening at 7:45. TGIF server-Talkgroup 2416 "D7Auxcomm". Hope to hear some of you there! 73 Adam N8APX
Orlando Ham fest
To all who would like to go to Orlando hamcation they will have to wait till 2022 as 2021 is postponed the notice went out this am.Feb 11-13 2022 I was looking at going this coming year but that is off the books, Hope they do not postpone hamvention At Dayton Chuck N8NXP
New Hotspots
So I heard Chuck got approval for hotspots for District 7. You sir, are a radio god! Glen Johnson
Beginning 9/30/2020 we will hold a DMR net on the D7Auxcomm TG 2416 on the TGIF network at 7:45 PM. A reminder will be sent on this platform roughly 12 hours prior to the net.
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