Software for the TDS500-600-700 series scopes uploaded!
Hi all, I've just uploaded a bunch of software applications for the TDS500/600/700 series scopes. Some of this (that which isn't technologically obsolete anyway) seems to be rather sought after, so here it is. I bought a CD from a seller on ebay to add to the few apps I already had, so I'll release it for free to give back to the community. I have installed and tested it all on my TDS784D and TDS794D, but check the included readme files for specific compatibility with your scope. You will also need the HD HDD option to install these. Installation is simply a matter of copying the file structure in the zipped file directly to your scope's HDD. Check that readme for details. :) If anyone finds any missing softwares, documentation, different versions, or anything else at all, please do upload it to the linked folder and let me know so I can check it, update the archive and make it available for easy use by anyone. :) I'm particularly interested in a non-Demo version of the Power Analysis software (TDSPWR1) and the Communications Pulse Measurements software (TDSCPM1), also any documentation on the Optical Eye Pattern Measurements software (TDSEYE1) Regards, Jared.
TEK 492 ATTENUATOR pad inside
Good afternoon, I tried in vain before asking this group, I'm looking for where to buy the small fixed pad attenuators present in the 60dB attenuator group of a Tektronicx 492. The first 10dB section turns out to be good, the two, the central one is 30dB and the 20dB lateral are completely gone. They can be disassembled and replaced easily but finding them of the same dimensions, at least for me, is becoming a challenge. Before deciding to buy the entire attenuator found on ebay from an American OM and submit to the exorbitant duty and customs request.... could anyone direct me to a site where I can find the two pads? I would like to attach photos, but I can't. I'll try again later... Thanks Sergio IK8TNG Aversa (IT)
Photo SME03E R&S tester0.bmp updated
The following photos have been updated in the TEK 492B/P Inside ( ) photo album of the group. * SME03E R&S tester0.bmp ( ) *By:* sergio valentino <ik8tng@...>
TDS640 available for parts
Hi all, I got distracted from my project to bring the TDS640 back to life and then lost interest. It's now available as a parts donor. The top board, the computer, gives some clues about its problem on the LED display, but without a decoder I haven't been able to read its more-verbose clues. It doesn't go far enough in its starting sequence to send text messages to the CRT. The signal board on the bottom has a small chip that fell off; otherwise it looks okay. The board next to the inputs (ADC?) seems to be intact, but I haven't tested it or thought about how I'd test it. The CRT is probably good - it has given white lines and has both vertical and horizontal deflection. The power supply seems good - all the needed voltages reach the top board and the CRT gives a bit of light right at power-on. Whoever wants it can have it for free but would have to pick it up or pay for shipping from Point Roberts, WA 98281 or Vancouver BC. Please inform me of your interest by email using my callsign at myrac dot ca. Cheers Halden VE7UTS
Slightly OT, Transistor Cross Reference
I was searching for the same HP part number 1854-0448. I have found that SS1147 is/was a Freescale transistor with another equivalent made by National NS12258. Sources: Hopefully this is helpful to others
TDS744A flicking
Good afternoon, I am a humble electronics hobbyist with some knowledge. I have repaired various household devices, but this time I decided to take on repairing my TDS744A. I bought this scope online from Japan. When I first turned it on, there was no image on the screen, though it did display through the VGA output. A few days later, I turned it on again, and only the front panel LEDs flickered. I have recapped the entire CRT board following all recommendations, and I also replaced the RIFA capacitors in the power supply. Unfortunately, the issue persists. I don’t want to go any further on my own and am reaching out to you for assistance. It would be very helpful if you could advise me on where to look to resolve this issue. I would be very grateful for any suggestions. I’m attaching a video showing the issue. Thank you very much in advance.
Problem with 2235 CRT having a strange glowing background
Hi all, This is my first message on this group. I have a strange problem with my recently bought Tek 2235, which was in apparent very good condition with a sharp, bright trace (which made me feel safe re. the CRT's condition), and it passed the performance check procedure of the service manual with flying colours. But when I started actually using it, I noticed that, after a variable running time ranging from a minute to several hours, the whole surface of the screen starts glowing rather uniformly, and the glow can become so intense that it gets almost as bright as the trace itself - at which point I turn the 'scope off in case it could get damaged. I had never seen that behaviour before, nor have I seen it described in the manuals or on the internet. I can add that the supply voltages are spot on, that the deflection and brightness control voltages appear to be correct as well - and, more importantly, they don't show glitches, remain constant in time, and remain the same with or without the glow. The 'scope did not have the 050-2242-03 power supply update advised by Tektronix so I made it, also changed the supply capacitors for good measure (needlessly, they were perfect), and added a fan as in the 2236, just in case the problem was temperature-related. That did not made the problem worse, but did not improve it either. I tried to locate possible cold solder joints and PCB contamination, but could not find anything. I noticed that the glow appears much sooner if the 'scope has only been left off for a short time before turning it on again, and much later if it has been allowed to rest for a day. That made me think that the cause might be a static charge building up while the CRT is powered, and needing time to dissipate when it is unpowered, but I haven't found any evidence of this. I have created an album with photos of the problem: Has anyone seen this sort of thing before? I really, really hope that there is a solution! Many thanks in advance for any idea you may have.
Looking for TDS600/700 etc Java software.
Hi all, I just got the HDD option installed and working in my TDS784C and am now looking for any of the applications that were available. Does anyone have any of the apps that they can send through to me? TDSPWR1 - Power Analysis TDSJIT1V2 - Jitter Analysis Measurements TDSCEM1 - Communications Eye-Diagram Measurements TDSCPM1 - Communications Pulse Measurements TDSDMM1 - Disk Drive Measurement TDSPRT1 - Enhanced Printing Thanks! Jared
Tektronix 570 Meter Needed
I require a replacement meter for my Tek 570 curve tracer. Mine is a later version, SER # 5474. The part # is 149-017. Any help appreciated. Thanks, Art
Tek 7704a Incorrect Readout Position
Hey everyone, I’ve got a Tek 7704a where the readout that SHOULD be at the top and bottom is offset and near the center. Adjusting the vertical separation pot didn’t fix it, it won’t adjust enough Any tips?
Free... G-8688-04 plotter board
Just reposting... "I upgraded my Tek 2232 scope from the X-Y plotter to GPIB, so I have a G-8688-04 plotter board with trim panel and mounting hardware. The x-y plot module is in pretty perfect condition. Seems a shame to throw it away if someone could use it." ...still available, and still free.
Any real difference between 7904 & 7904A
Hello Learned Subscribers! I have looked in my catalogs, etc. and have failed to discern any real differences between the M/F 's mentioned. I have not searched the TEK list archives (don't really know how). Does anyone have any comments? I have several 7904A's (need a little TLC) and a few 7904's but was going to thin them out if redundant (they are getting up there in years..).Thank you.
TDS380 Scope Stopped Booting - PSU?
I turned on my TDS380 yesterday and the CRT flashed some garbage and the front panel LEDs all came on and stayed on but that's it. I'll pull it apart this weekend and start looking for obvious failed components on the PSU and also check the capacitors for ESR and capacitance, but thought I'd check here to see if anyone has had a similar issue with their TDS3xx scope. The SM has a power troubleshooting section that has you disconnect the boards one at a time which I'll also run through . . . . Thanks in advance for any input. Rich
FS: Tektronix Type 1101 accessory power supply
FS: Tektronix Type 1101 accessory power supply LEMO connectors (4) on front panel. +15VDC -15VDC +5VDC TESTED, Works as it should. Serial # B042132 $150 by PayPal or Zelle Ships from Dallas, USA Free shipping for US 48 states, other please ask for quote. PM me off list with inquiries. Ron
PCB for 465B Electrolytic Capacitors
I have uploaded the Gerber files for the PCB I designed to replace the electrolytic cans with snap-in caps in the 465B (not sure if it is compatible with the 465 but I'm thinking it probably is). This is the link to the folder where the Gerbers are and a PDF of how to implement the PCB. Note that that pictures in the PDF are of the older board and the Gerbers are for the newer version. If anyone spots anything amiss about this, please let me know. It's been a few years since I did this and I'm pretty sure the Gerbers are of the last, correct version. Thanks, Barry - N4BUQ
P6042 repair
Hi all, I have P6042 current probe that works well but the thumb button has popped off the slide assembly. The probe is still perfectly usable by manually sliding the head open and closed. The thumb button has 2 plastic protrusions that are intended to fit into two holes in the slider assembly but when I hold it on with finger pressure the slide can't be opened fully. It seems that something has given way or snapped off the plastic. I would be grateful for any advice abut how to fix this or failing that, I'd be happy to pay for a non functioning probe head that I can use for parts. I'm in Melbourne, Australia. 73, Morris
Replacing Electrolytics in a 465/465B
Recently, I had a problem with the LV supplies in my 465B. Thinking it was a shorted electrolytic can, I decided to replace all of them (although it turned out to be a shorted tantalum but had already pulled the cans before finding the real problem). I decided to design a small PC board on which to mount modern snap-in caps. THe board mounts with standoffs in the exising larger holes that are left when the cans are removed and allow replacement of the snap-ins if/when they fail and that can be done without further soldering on the original board. Pictures of the board and the process are in the following album: If anyone is interested, I have extra boards for sale. Thanks, Barry - N4BUQ
A6302 Current Probe - AM503B 588 Error, No DC function
Hello, I recently purchased a A6302 current probe from eBay and keep getting 588 errors on my AM503B amplifier. I purchased another AM503B amp and A6303 current probe to compare since I couldn’t determine whether it was the amp or probe causing the error. The 588 error follows the A6302 probe. When I try and degauss, I get the error. I can use the AC amplifier and get a scope waveform similar to my working current probe. But when I put the amplifier in DC mode, the probe doesn’t give a signal at all, apart from a DC offset that cannot be adjusted with the amplifier pot. I’m trying to follow the schematics but am not seeing why this might be right off. Does anyone know why I would able to get an AC signal but not a DC? Is this the hall sensor that might be defective? Thanks, Dave
A different 2235 power supply issue
So in an effort to help me learn and trouble shoot these power supplies I bought a second working 2235, I was using it to take some voltage readings from u930 when I must have shorted something or something just failed. I now own 2 2235 USM - 488 with power supply issues. This one will work ok when I supply 43 volts to Test points 950 and 940. nothing happens when I try to power it up normally. I do get about 170 volts dc before R 926 and only 1v after R926 I believe it should be about 43 volts. Cr 920 tests good, c925 is also good, q 928 and q930 both good Im not sure why im struggling with these but any help would be appreciated R A
Oscilloscope Camera article on HAckaday
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