FFPU: Graco baby swing #free
Giving away a Graco Simple Sway baby swing (this one: https://a.co/d/8cEIDkb). Several years old but very lightly used and in perfect working condition. (Note this is NOT the Fisher Price baby swing that was recalled earlier this year.) Disassembles for easy transport. Email me if interested. Emily Cathedral Avenue emilyjenniferlowe @ gmail dot com
Розпочато Emily L Gardner @
🥯🎄Hurry - Pre-order Bagels & Dessert Platters before we sell out!
Looking for an easy breakfast or dessert for your family this holiday season? Then check out our bagel platters and dessert platters! All you have to do is put them out, lift the lid, and enjoy. Choose from: Bagel Platters Dessert Platters Lox Platter Whitefish Salad Cream Cheese Coffee Travelers ✨Gluten-Free & Vegan Options✨ And so much more! Pre-order your platters today! If ordering for Christmas Day, we strongly encourage you to pre-order. We'll be open on December 25th from 8 am-3 pm. Click here to learn more or to order any of our platters. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Baked by Yael 3000 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20008 www.BakedByYael.com 202-234-9235 Connect with Baked by Yael! Facebook | Instagram Cleveland Park Listserv Sponsor
Розпочато Victoria atBakedByYael @
MPD 2D Crime Alert: Armed robbery investigation in the 2400 block of Wisconsin Ave NW
This is an important message from the District of Columbia AlertDC system. Alert: MPD Units are investigating an Armed Robbery in the 2400 block of Wisconsin Avenue NW. Lookout for a black male, 30 years old, medium build. wearing a face mask, black jacket, blue jeans while armed with a gun. DO NOT TAKE ACTION CALL 911 W/ EVENT # I20240660386 Sent to 2nd District (PSA 201-208) AlertDC Sent by MPD Cad #13002 Saturday, December 21, 2024 9:02 PM
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What every list member wants to know: How to vote for your favorites in the Cleveland Park listies
by Peggy Robin You have a voice -- well, not much of one in this taxed-but-unrepresented District-Not-a-State within the United States -- but you can vote in the Cleveland Park Listies! This year, for the first time, we're giving you a ballot. It's attached in an MS Word document (which I hope I have made accessible!) as well as below: BALLOT - The Cleveland Park Listies 2024 VOTE FOR ONE in each category Best Giveaway O Free piano by Stephen S. O Eclipse glasses by Djinn B O Dollhouse by Addar L. O Barbie Dream House by Ofri B. O Four free tomato cages by Judy K. Best Animal Story O Coyote encounter by Mary G. O Coyotes with mange by Carol G. O Nesting mourning doves by Steve S. O The Lost Parakeet Saga (The Return of Nico) by Pam H. O Acrobat raccoon by Marcy Best Query or ISO O Got sheets for the Zoo’s orangutans? by Therese F. O Mystery object – does anyone know what this is? by Sharon C. O Who knows stained glass? by Leslie P. O ISO help assembling a kids bike for refugee family by Kay P. O Reptile needs a ride by Marjorie D-S Best Advice/Response to a Query O Protect our feathered friends by Samantha K. O Where’s an elevator in the RER station when you need one? by Sharon S. O Planning a trip to Amsterdam? by Lisette O Get your stolen bike back by Bill P./Anthony O Get free expert planting advice by Kate M. Best Long Discussion Thread O Going carless in DC by Nancy R. O Ranked choice voting by Sarah B. O The art critics of Cleveland Park by Ana E. O Deadly driving continues by Kathy R. O We should put up a statue to…. by Eleanor O. Photo of the Year O Bald eagle looking regal by Bill M. O Aurora at the National Cathedral by Andrew L. O Juvenile cardinal in Rock Creek Park by Tom Hentoff O Pink view of the castle by Jennifer J-C O Our own Stumpy by Susan B. Post of the Year O Holiday traditions at our house by Eleanor O. O Witness to a bike accident by Whitney P. O The Delft Mug Essay Contest by Gail G./winning essay by Stewart W. O Giverny gone wild by Henry D. O Candy vs Potatoes by Henry D. Many ways to vote! Print the attached ballot, X the box for your favorite in each category, scan or photograph the pages and email back to: clevelandparklistservmoderator@... - or you can snail-mail it back to Cleveland Park Listserv, 3409 Ashley Terrace NW, Washington, DC 20008. Reply by email to this Listserv post and mark your votes in your reply email. Send a new email to clevelandpark@groups.io and note your favorites in your message to me. Your votes will be added to votes from the Moderator's Advisory Panel (the "MAP" composed of an odd bunch of family members, friends and neighbors, plus some random friends of friends). Votes of the panelists may be given more weight than the public at large, depending somewhat on the forcefulness of the personalities on the panel. At least there's no electoral college! Ballots must be received by noon on Saturday, December 28, 2024 to be counted! May the best posts win! ------------------------ The Cleveland Park Listies come out every year, over the course of the last 4 Saturdays in December. Winners will be announced on Saturday, December 28, 2024.
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The Listies 2024 Special Edition! Poster of the Year
by Peggy Robin We don't award this Listy every year. In fact, we've awarded it only once before, in 2022, to Eleanor Oliver, for her posts about the past -- her oral histories of neighborhood life going back to the sixties (Message #196424, Dec 31, 2022). We're awarding it this year for posts about the present. Our award winner, Meghan K., has posted excellent messages all year long, on the widest possible range of topics -- messages that were always lively, engaging, and useful contributations to the Listserv. What's more, her posts were all properly formatted, grammatically correct, signed at the end, and all the other adjectives that characterize a good Listserv message: kind, helpful, brave, clean, and completely Listworthy. When totting up the nominess, I found that Meghan had a solid contender in in fve of the seven categories, missing only Best Giveaway and Best Query. In the category of Best Advice alone, she could have had all five nominations! But that seemed unfair to all the other posters who were potential nominees, to have one list member up for some many awards. Then we hit upon the solution -- and here it is: Forget the separate nominations and recognize Meghan K. as POSTER OF THE YEAR. Here are the posts that might have been nominated in five of the seven categories: Best Animal Post: Spotted lantern fly is here! Sept 20, Message #217943 with photo! Ack! Spotted this spotted lantern fly on the Connecticut Avenue bridge over the Klingle Valley Trail! I tried to stomp on it but was distracted trying to explain invasive species to my 5-year old. If you see them, smush them. This is just one of five of her posts that could have been a contender for Best Advice: Re: Recycling question. (Mar 25, Message #211910) Since the recycling questions are going strong, I thought I would share a few resources: Charlotte Dreizen on X/Twitter - hands down the best place to learn about recycling in DC Zero Waste DC Electronics Recycling DC I'm also attaching the cheat sheet I put together for my multi-family building. [You can find that attachment in her original message at Message #211910] The big thing to remember is to not "WISHcycle." When we put items we wish (or think) could be recycled in the blue bins, it leads to contamination. If the contamination levels are too high, the entire load is diverted to the trash. Most common wishcycled things I see - wire hangers, plastics bags (in household recycling), wires and electronics, bubble wrap, plastic mailers, and tea bags/used coffee filters. Also, all items must be larger than 2x2 - so if it's smaller than a post-it note, it has to go in the trash. This is why you need to screw plastic caps back on plastic bottles and leave can lids attached to the can. Photo of the year FS: Vintage Wood Rocking Horse (May 5, Message #213355). Our kiddo has outgrown the wooden rocking horse that used to be her dad's. This is vintage from the '80s. Definitely old school but still in great shape. [snip] Best post in a LONG DISCUSSION. Moving away from gas appliances. Message #220421 , "Depending on where your interests/concerns lie, research has shown that gas appliances are an attributable factor to childhood asthma -https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9819315/ There are also other health factors mostly related to respiratory issues but also methane release as it negatively impacts climate change - https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10704234/ Good, solid message, brief but informative, citing reputable sources. Last: and for Post of the Year, this charming recounting of her kids' non-candy Halloween haul -- plus the bit about the side-eye to the GIANT pixie stick. Funny, helpful....sweet, but not TOO sweet: Re: Candy v. Potatos - Halloween Survey Results !!! (Message #219328 on Nov 1) "This year, on top of the usual candy selection, our kiddo came home with stickers, pencils, a popcorn snack bag, a hostess cupcake, and a banana dressed like a mummy. It was the most diverse bag of treats! The only one I, as a mom, side-eyed at was the GIANT pixie stick. If you want to break away
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The Final Five: Nominations for the Listy for POST OF THE YEAR
by Peggy Robin This is the last category -- and the best! -- in the 2024 Listies: 1. Holiday traditions at our house. This message by Eleanor O. (posted on Oct 26 #219130) is long, so I'll quote from just the middle section: "My father made my first Advent Calendar. He used graph paper. He was a toolmaker and precision was everything. The windows were evenly spaced out and cut on three sides so the fourth side could act as a hinge. They were randomly numbered, however, and that was the challenge in the simpler days of my early childhood. We taped the “Advent Calendar” to the window of the kitchen door and every morning I came rushing in for breakfast and the opening of another little window. I was the only kid I knew who had an Advent Calendar! That made it even more special. "My favorite season of the year is the whole month of Advent. It follows the Autumnal Equinox and marks the changing of the season from equinox to solstice—the Hibernian Solstice! Advent lasts a whole month and you can celebrate a little more each day, perhaps by lighting a candle, then another and another, maybe at sunset, or whenever you like in the evening. "My daughter in Massachusetts, calls it candle time. I still cling to the ethnic traditions of my forebears and light an additional candle each Sunday during the Advent season. I set them in a wreath, an Advent wreath, of course. No matter how evenly I try to burn the candles, by Christmas some are still shorter, some are still taller than the others." Can't you just smell the piney scent of the wreath and see the flicker of candlelight? So Christmas-y and so List-mas-y! 2. Witness to a bike accident. Over the years we've had our share of posts seeking witnesses to a crash, usually, to try to find the driver at fault, and, on occasion, to try to find the good samaritan who stopped to help, in order to express proper thanks. But this message is a first: a witness who wants to find out if the person who got taken away in the ambulance is okay. Whitney P. posted this compassionate query on the Listserv on June 30, Message #215274: "Bike Accident on Newark Street. I was the first on the scene to a bike accident on the south side of Newark St opposite of 3136 Newark. A male, initials DM, was badly injured and bleeding from his head and face. I called 911 who responded quickly and took over." [snip] This is a two-part nominee for Post of the Year, as part 2 of the story is the one with the heartwarming conclusion: "Follow-up on bike accident on Newark St last Saturday. Thanks to this listserve, I was able to connect with the twin brother of the man I helped on Newark St last Saturday after he had a bad bike accident. I have been able to visit him in the hospital where he is recovering." (July 8, Message #215536 ) We extend our sincere wishes to the victim for a full recovery...and we extend a Listy nomination to Whitney for her compassionate use of the Listserv. 3. The Delft Mug Essay Contest. Gail G. was giving away this lovely Delft mug (Message #212121 on March 30) but she didn't just leave it out for pickup for the first to respond, as giveaway posters typically do -- she set up an essay contest. How creative! She received six submissions, each wonderful in its own way. I just wish I had space to reproduce all six here, but a few are long; instead I urge you to read them in full at Message #212119, posted April 1 ....and don't let the date mislead you -- they're all responses by real list members....although one is labeled a joke. The winning entry was by Stewart W. -- and if Gail G. wins the Listy for Post of the Year, it's only fair to give one to Stewart W., too. (And please do read his essay -- you will be glad you did!) 4. Giverny Gone Wild 2024 edition...with soundrack! It's Message #216273 posted by Henry D., July 31. But first, a bit of background. We must go back to the 2023 nominated posts in the categoriy of Photo of the Year. Kathy R. posted the photo of a hillside in bloom, but the planting was done by Henry R, so they both shared the nomination. You can see the photo in Message #20
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The Cleveland Park Listsies 2024: Nominations for PHOTO OF THE YEAR
by Peggy Robin Let's start out with the concession that Groups.io is far from the ideal platform to show photos. Groups.io handles just one image format consistently well -- that's .JPG -- and it severely limits the free storage of images, driving frugal list owners to set strict size maximums on photos if they don't want to upgrade to a more expensive level of service. Even within these limits, we still get some pretty darn good pix! Here are the five up for the Listy in the category of Best Picture of 2024 (a/k/a Photo of the Year) 1. Bald Eagle Looking Regal, taken by Bill M. and posted on July 22 Message #216030 Aurora at the National Cathedral, photo by Andrew L. and included in the "Best Show in Town" compilation of aurora photos in Message #21865, Oct 12. 3. Juvenile cardinal, Rock Creek Park was posted in Message #219557 on November 9. The photographer, Tom Hentoff, who won last year's Photo of the Year Listy for his "Woodpecker on Rodman Street," is back with another incredible bird pic -- this guy, who seems to look down at us with amused disdain. 4. "Pink View of the Castle." This photo appeared in the Tuscan estate rental ad posted by Jennifer Johnson-Calari on Oct 21, Message #218964. At first I thought it was a painting -- a finely executed, idealized watercolor. Real life is seldom so lush, so glowingly beautiful. Only when you click on the link to the property and scroll down to the fourth photo does it become clear that you are indeed looking at a photograph. Definitely worth viewing the full-size version on that site! Magical! Bonus! You can view 51 photos of the property here: https://www.chianticasa.com/en/overview#gallery. There are at least half a dozen Listy-worthy contenders in the numbered album, including these particularly well composed images: #1 Poppies along the drive; #20 View from the back terrace; #39 View from the guest house window; #41 View of the olive grove and castle at dusk; #42 Night view; #44 Nightscape. Warning for those suffering from acute property-envy: Proceed with caution -- you may never get over it! 5. "Our Own Stumpy, " photo by Susan B.,on March 19, Message #211649. Cleveland Park's own little cherry tree that could! And unlike the original, ours is still standing! Just had to show it some love with a nom for a Listy! ~~~~~~~~~~~ Next up: Nominations for POST OF THE YEAR. ------------------ Still Life with Robin is published on the Cleveland Park Listserv and on All Life Is Local on Saturdays. The Cleveland Park Listies nominations will be posted in a series of messages, this Saturday and next Saturday, December 21, and the winners will be announced on December 28. -----------------
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Still Life with Robin: The Cleveland Park Listies Nominations continue with BEST LONG DISCUSSION THREAD
by Peggy Robin Last Saturday, we presented five nominations in these four categories: BEST GIVEAWAY Hyperlink BEST ANIMAL STORY BEST QUERY/ISO linked BEST ADVICE/RESPONSE TO A QUERY Today the show goes on with the nominations in these three categories: BEST LONG DISCUSSION THREAD PHOTO OF THE YEAR POST OF THE YEAR As explained last week (in Message #220602), we'll be presenting the nominations in one message per category, to allow sufficient space to describe what makes each nominated post Listy-worthy and include any photos, without making any one message excessively long or going over the 500 kb maximum for images in a message. First up: BEST LONG DISCUSSION THREAD. This is the only category that requires a note about the qualifications: "Long" means at least six messages sent in by separate list members, and "discussion" means that differing points of view are advanced, which rules out, for example, a long thread that simply names good shoe repair places or fun sports bars. ---------------- 1. Going Carless in DC. Nancy R. kicked off the discussion on Feb 18, Message #210683, when she posted that she'd given up her car and maybe should've asked for tips on carfree living first, but in any case, she'd welcome them now. Ten different car-free list members were happy to give advice and encouragement, including practical tips about all of the following: car-shares, good delivery services, short-term rentals (with some pros &cons for specific rental apps); public transportation (bus/rail); insurance considerations, and of course, the health benefits of being outdoors and getting some exercise on foot -- 13 good messages over 6 days. If this one wins the Listy, I wish I could award it to every single one of the dozen list members who contributed, but my stock of little, golden "Like" statuettes is limited, and so they'd have to accept a virtual nod, while the physical object would go to Nancy R. 2. Ranked Choice Voting. A few weeks before the November 2024 election (remember that -- or are you trying to forget?), with Initiative 83 "Ranked Choice Voting" up for a vote, the CP Listserv hosted a lengthy debate -- 63 messages! --on the ballot measure, and I am happy to report it was everything a moderator could want in a Listserv debate. Posters on both sides made thoughtful, evidence-based arguments. The messages were, for the most part, informative, respectful of points made by the other side, and free of hyperbole, finger-pointing, or the sort of straw-man target-shooting that has all too often characterized debates on most other forms of social media. I would also venture to guess the discussion helped a good many on-the-fence voters make up their minds. But with dozens of different posters, who gets the nomination? Normally, my first choice would be the poster who kicked off the discussion....but in this case, that would be....me. On October 5, in Message #218376 I posted an announcement of a public discussion panel being held at a church, where civic leaders would discuss the pros & cons of Initiative 83. The Listserv discussion took off from there. So, having reviewed all 63 messages, I nominate the one I thought made the most persuasive argument. For me, that would be Sarah B., who looked at the results of the Ward 7 Democratic Primary in June 2024, a race that featured ten candidates, with the winner getting a mere 23.6% of the vote -- and who went on to present her analysis of the vote, making the point that RCV would have given far more voters a say in the outcome (Message #218610 on October 11). The entire thread ran just one day short of 3 weeks, from Oct 5 to Oct 24, under three different subject lines, but you will find the bulk of them threaded together by the subject line ISO pro/con on Initiative 83, 3. The Art Critics of Cleveland Park. The jumping-off point for this discussion was an agenda item (Section VII., item #1) tucked away inside the announcement of the July meeting of ANC 3C proposing that the ANC send a letter of support for a DC government arts grant to fund the painting of a mural along the seco
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Real Estate for Sale, Top Instagram Posts & Merch 2
Homes For Sale: Cleveland Park – Open By Appointment 2731 Ordway Street NW #2 $629,900 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Condo with Parking! Video of Property: https://www.instagram.com/p/DAbuJiSStq7/ Website: https://www.atproperties.com/DCDC2160810/2731-ordway-street-nw-2-washington-district-of-columbia-20008-brightmls ========== Petworth – Open By Appointment 5200 Kansas Avenue NW $1,000,000 7 Bedroom + Den, 3-1/2 Bath Fully Renovated End-Unit Townhouse Video of Property: https://www.instagram.com/p/DC453TTRfwM/ Website: https://www.atproperties.com/DCDC2165744/5200-kansas-avenue-nw-washington-district-of-columbia-20011-brightmls ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Uptown Theater T-Shirt & Sweatshirt, Tote Bags, Mugs, Stickers, Bookmarks and More: https://www.bestaddress.com/joe-s-merch ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Top Instagram Posts: The Room Where it Happened: The Birthplace of Historic Preservation in the US https://www.instagram.com/p/DB3_pFHSkhP/ The Oldest Theater in the United States https://www.instagram.com/p/DB9ts2aylh0/ Incinerator in North Cleveland Park Building https://www.instagram.com/p/DCE6jzaxImt/ Inventor of The Lazy Susan Corner Cabinet https://www.instagram.com/p/DCHzTZlywUW/ Victorian House Details https://www.instagram.com/p/DCKIE8ZRr36/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upcoming Walking Tours: March 29, 2025: Kalorama: “Center of Politics & Power” https://www.bestaddress.com/event-list Joseph Himali (He, Him) BEST ADDRESS® Group, LLC Mobile: (202) 669-4656 Email: Joe@... [Joe @ BestAddress dot com] Buy with Joe: Walking Tours & Events | Merch | Amazon Storefront Joe’s Social Media: Instagram | TikTok | YouTube |Facebook | Threads Other: Website | Reviews | Biography | Awards | Press RLAH @properties Chevy Chase Office: 4600 N. Park Avenue #100 | Chevy Chase MD | 20815 | 301-652-0643 Licensed Real Estate Broker in the Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia Licensed Tour Guide in Washington, DC Cleveland Park Listserv Sponsor
Розпочато Joseph Himali @ · Останніх @
Easy, no fuss last minute Holiday gift idea!
Hello Fellow Cleveland Park List-Servers, Well, it’s that time of year again… Hannukkah and Christmas are less than a week away! If you are contemplating your gift list and are not keen on fighting the crowds at the mall, or if ordering from Amazon makes you feel guilty about contributing to the demise of the local retail establishment, then I have a suggestion for you... Win points with your friends and family members for your thoughtful gift of a massage from Cary Bland Therapeutic Massage, a local business serving the NW DC community for many years! Conveniently located near the intersection of Wisconsin Ave. and Albemarle St, close to the former Wilson Pool and the Tenleytown Metro, 4000 Albemarle St is easy get to with nearby on-street parking available. Gift certificates are available with a special 10% Holiday Discount for all new clients through December 31st! Visit https://www.CBMassage.com for general information, and contact Cary by text (202) 841-6060 or email carusco@... [carusco @ verizon dot net] for details about purchasing gift certificates. Happy Holidays! Cary Bland LMT, NMT Cary Bland Therapeutic Massage Specializing in Massage for Active People https://www.CBMassage.com carusco@... (202) 841-6060 Cleveland Park Listserv Sponsor
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Free: The Game of Life #free
Giving away The Game of Life game (aka Life). Used but great condition. For "ages 9+" Debbie Ben-David Rodman St. aniramybur@... [aniramybur @ gmail dot com]
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Anyone know a Liron Shirazi? We keep getting their misdelivered mail 2
We keep getting mail for this person, despite sending each letter back to the post office marked as "incorrect address." Some of the mail looks important. Thanks, Bonnie bonnieroskes@... [bonnieroskes @ gmail dot com]
Розпочато bonnie roskes @ · Останніх @
ISO: Bartender
We are looking for a bartender to serve drinks at a house party. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thank you in advance. Allison Birgfeld jones915 @ gmail dot com
Розпочато Allison Birgfeld @
Free: hula hoop #FFPU
Hello, Giving away a hula hoop. It's totally functional but the sparkly magenta surface has seen better days (peeling a bit). Debbie Ben-David Rodman St. aniramybur@... [aniramybur @ gmail dot com]
Розпочато aniramybur @
ISO Zoo Lights Ticket Tonight (12/21)
Hello! Does anyone have an extra Zoo Lights ticket available for tonight (December 21st) that you would be willing to sell to me? My friend is visiting from out of town and was really looking forward to going but we just saw that it’s sold out for tonight. If you do, please email me at em.strange95@.... [em.strange95 @ gmail dot com] Thank you! Em
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Happy Holidays from Little Gallery!
Visit Little Gallery at www.littlegallery.org or, in person, at 4400 Fessenden St NW to learn more about the artists. Let me know if you'd like to exhibit. -- Sid Edelmann Little Gallery Celebrating Creativity in the Neighborhood 4400 Fessenden Street NW www.LittleGallery.org sidedelmann@... [sidedelmann @ gmail dot com] Cleveland Park Listserv Sponsor
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FREE: XL Wee Pads for Dogs #FFPU
We have 29 XL wee pads for dogs available for free. Here's the link to them on Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/4d75tfxw Priority goes to quick pickup in the 3100 block of Garfield St. I can leave them on our front porch for you. Maureen mminehan@... [mminehan @ yahoo dot com]
Розпочато Maureen Minehan @
ISO recommendations to line our chimney flues 7
Hi there - We have an old house with old chimneys and a number of flues that need to be contained and relined. We got one estimate from a company that wanted to redo all the tiles and then put in a liner for all the flues, which would be extremely expensive. Some online resources suggest you can put a good liner in without repairing the tiles (bypassing them) or by filling them in rather than removing and replacing them. If you have a good recommendation for a good chimney company, we are hoping to find someone who has a better price or else who can safely bypass part or all of the repair process and do the liners in a way that is safe and cost-effective. Any info is appreciated. Robert epsteinrob@... {epsteinrob @ yahoo dot com]
Розпочато Robert Epstein @ · Останніх @
Free Costco umbrella stroller and kitchen / hardware items #FFPU
Free for porch pickup near VanNess and Reno: - Teal Costco umbrella stroller with sunshade - Kitchen items: cheese knives, nut cracker (new in package), spatula - LED light bulb - 40 W - Halloween themed candle holder -Thermometer for porch, etc. - Pry tool to open painted shut windows (never used) Email for exact address. Martha -- Martha W. Buckley marthabuckley@... [marthabuckley @ gmail dot com]
Розпочато Martha Buckley @
TAKEN Re: Art Materials FFPU #free-taken
Many thanks to all who responded. The materials have been picked up by the first person to respond, within minutes--possibly seconds--of my posting. This Listserv is amazing! With best wishes to all, Nan S.
Розпочато Nan Simpson @
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