sbitx.db 8
After doing a system update with the newest sbitx app and copying the Hardware_settings.ini and web/ *.mc files over, what is in the sbitx.db and why is that saved. Thanks Barry K3BO
Розпочато barry halterman @ · Останніх @
A solution to the noisy hot 5V buck regulator 46
I have been fighting bad band noise on all of my sBitx's from the DE to my V2 and V3, finally decided and set out to find another solution. I researched the most quite Buck converter that the RC and Drone users are using and they mostly agree that this is the best one, I tried it in my V3 and found it works great with no rf noise that I can see anywhere and the general noise floor is much lower than before and the best part, it runs cool to the touch after 5 hours. I'm now going to install one in my DE now. YMMV. Joel N6ALT
Розпочато Joel Caulkins/N6ALT @ · Останніх @
µBitx concept as a pure receiver 18
Can the concept of the µBitx be used with the SIS5351 as a solo receiver. I would like to build a receiver based on this concept. Either with 12MHZ or with 11Mhz crystals I have for both versions. Has anyone used this before and is there any information about it? Many Thanks Bernd DL3BLA
Розпочато Bernd DL3BLA @ · Останніх @
uBITX v6 Low Audio Update 11-24-24 11:45 AM 10
Thank you guys, a brief update, and I'll summarize later into one message. But for now based on new suggestions: Probing, flexing the board, touching diodes, other components, BNC connector, etc., all nothing. Tapping everything, everything seems solid. And I used it this morning to check into the NTN on CW and SSB. So it's working fine in that regard. Good RX TX, no issues with coax, antenna, etc. Only weak audio output. It is off frequency, NTN is on 7.284.00 My display is on 7.282.50. Have not aligned the BFO yet as was suggested. Will get to that. I'm using headphones and Vol is wide open. I do hear a LOUD crackle from time to time like the audio is trying to come back. Touching points listening for hum... TP1 - nothing TP2 - nothing TP3 - can't find yet TP20 - nice loud hum TP21 - very weak hum Gate of Q74 - nothing Pin 2 P2 - nothing Pin 3 of U1 - loud hum, higher pitch than base of Q70 Base of Q70 - loud hum, tone is different than Pin 3 U1 Still have not found D3 or D4. Board is out of its case on my bench. WOW! Just blasted me out of my chair for a second or two, then audio died again. Hear crackles from time to time, something intermittent, it's trying to come back. And is there a CW sidetone adjustment on the board? On CW, about blows my ears off. Audio is sure working in that regard. 73, Richard AG5M On Sunday, November 24, 2024 at 12:57:12 AM PST, tomekdm sp7etd via <tomekdm@...> wrote: Ok. I missed some previous messages. Is it not continued, same topic? Anyway, Do You have the same level of noise/hum while touching core of antenna connector and pin2 of P2 (or, TP1, TP2)? Is Your antenna and cable confirmed with other transceiver? Regards Tomasz
Розпочато Richard AG5M @ · Останніх @
uBITX v6 Low Audio Update 11-25-24 9:00 AM 5
Well now, thank you, you have given me a lot to ponder in this last batch of notes I'll not give up. I'll digest all that and get back to the rig after the holidays. I do have dummy load, RF and AF generators, frequency counters, O-Scops, all sorts of analog and DVMs, etc. as you might imagine having been a Ham for 61 years. And I know how to use them. I do not however have one of those new tinySA things. Christmas? I'll drop a hint to my kids. One of whom is a Ham. Oh, BTW, power output on CW and SSB appear to be the same, and I find no intermittent issues when transmitting. TX seems to work FB. As does RX, just weak audio from speaker and/or headphones. And of course I know an alignment is in order for BFO and frequency. I can take and post pictures of the PCB, but it looks like any other v6 PCB you might have. Anything in particular you want to see, any particular section closeup? 73, Richard AG5M On Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 08:38:43 AM PST, tomekdm sp7etd via <tomekdm@...> wrote: Richard, Don't give up. While waiting for Your feedback regarding significant (or not increase) of noise while touching TP16 with screwdriver I have a tip for You if no power meter is available, or no antenna. Connect matched antenna (can be shortened CB antenna at around 28MHz) or dummy 50 ohm load like this (20x 1k resistors connected parallel) to antenna connector. This is my self-made dummy load (enough for ubitx): It is worth to spend one or more evenings to build it for Your shack. Instead of TX power please provide current consumption. On RX there should be around 370mA. On TX on lower bands (let's say on 80m 3600MHz) on CW, with normally adjusted ubitx v6 - there should be around 1.8A (up to 2A), and the same (up to 2A) on LSB while whistling into mic. Accordingly lower on higher bands, but in general - similar proportions (CW/SSB). This is quite important - if there is significant lower SSB TX power we can shoot into one of the crystal filters sections or semiconductors. TP16 should allow for narrowing area. I am suspecting crystal resonator. Someone (sorry, cannot find it now who) was reporting 2 boards with failed Y1 filter (might be some failed series of components). Also, could You please paste good quality pictures of Your board? Regards Tomasz
Розпочато Richard AG5M @ · Останніх @
uBITX v6 Low Audio Update 11-25-24 9:00 AM 3
Would you all recommend this one for Christmas? 73, Richard AG5M On Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 09:06:04 AM PST, Richard AG5M via <ag5m@...> wrote: Well now, thank you, you have given me a lot to ponder in this last batch of notes I'll not give up. I'll digest all that and get back to the rig after the holidays. I do have dummy load, RF and AF generators, frequency counters, O-Scops, all sorts of analog and DVMs, etc. as you might imagine having been a Ham for 61 years. And I know how to use them. I do not however have one of those new tinySA things. Christmas? I'll drop a hint to my kids. One of whom is a Ham. Oh, BTW, power output on CW and SSB appear to be the same, and I find no intermittent issues when transmitting. TX seems to work FB. As does RX, just weak audio from speaker and/or headphones. And of course I know an alignment is in order for BFO and frequency. I can take and post pictures of the PCB, but it looks like any other v6 PCB you might have. Anything in particular you want to see, any particular section closeup? 73, Richard AG5M On Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 08:38:43 AM PST, tomekdm sp7etd via <tomekdm@...> wrote: Richard, Don't give up. While waiting for Your feedback regarding significant (or not increase) of noise while touching TP16 with screwdriver I have a tip for You if no power meter is available, or no antenna. Connect matched antenna (can be shortened CB antenna at around 28MHz) or dummy 50 ohm load like this (20x 1k resistors connected parallel) to antenna connector. This is my self-made dummy load (enough for ubitx): It is worth to spend one or more evenings to build it for Your shack. Instead of TX power please provide current consumption. On RX there should be around 370mA. On TX on lower bands (let's say on 80m 3600MHz) on CW, with normally adjusted ubitx v6 - there should be around 1.8A (up to 2A), and the same (up to 2A) on LSB while whistling into mic. Accordingly lower on higher bands, but in general - similar proportions (CW/SSB). This is quite important - if there is significant lower SSB TX power we can shoot into one of the crystal filters sections or semiconductors. TP16 should allow for narrowing area. I am suspecting crystal resonator. Someone (sorry, cannot find it now who) was reporting 2 boards with failed Y1 filter (might be some failed series of components). Also, could You please paste good quality pictures of Your board? Regards Tomasz
Розпочато Richard AG5M @ · Останніх @
uBITX v6 BFO Adjustment No Luck 11
Today I tried to adjust the BFO setting per Farshan's video and his website - I had no luck at all. Perhaps because I don't have enough audio, or perhaps the original owner of this radio got it so far off I don't know where I am. I do know he tried to set the BFO and never could, or so he told me. Sadly he is now SK so I can't ask him. Right now when I go to align the BFO, I see on my screen 11.053.0. Assuming, if I am right, given the rather tight tolerances of components these days, every unit like this was probably set at the factory at some number +/-, but reasonably close. So, if you would be so kind as to check your BFO setting number, what number do you have? I would assume they should all be reasonably close +/-. Perhaps I should start there. I'm guessing this thing is way way off from the original owner trying to align it. I don't seem to be able to move the audio in the Tuning Aid screen either way. With the holidays coming I might have to put this on the back burner for awhile, which is OK. Ham radio is an enjoyable hobby, not a living. Thank you all, have a great Thanksgiving. 73 Richard AG5M
Розпочато Richard AG5M @ · Останніх @
Specan Revisited Noise floor 6
I’ve boxed up my Specan into a chassis and carefully shielded the LPF, BPF, Crystal filters, Log Amp Detector as well as the Arduino on a copper ground plane in a steel metal chassis. I am getting a -65 dBm noise floor, whereas I seem to recall getting -88 dBm when it was all spread out on a plywood breadboard, (albeit with a copper ground plane also). I see here you had a -92 dBm noise floor. Any guidance? When I de-power the 2nd Oscillator, the noise floor drops down appropriately. I have checked all the decoupling capacitors and added a filter onto incoming +12 VDc.
Розпочато Nigel Maund @ · Останніх @
uBITX v6 Alignment Question 5
In Farhan's video on frequency alignment he uses a 40m AM signal to zero beat too. Does it have to be a 40m signal? Can't I use WWV at 10 MHz? Or for that matter, adjust to a known signal, e.g., the Noon-Time-Net that meets everyday at 7,284 MHz. Tuning to that LSB signal until I hear the best audio. Just curious. I'm going for an alignment later today. I'll worry about the low audio another day, probably after the holidays. Thank you all, 73 Richard AG5M
Розпочато Richard AG5M @ · Останніх @
sBitx No Power Out, blown Finals? 15
Hello, I think the transmitting transistors of my sBitx V3 (approx. 1 month old, delivered fully assembled) are defective, there is no more transmitting power. When I measure with a qrp wattmeter, I can see the pointer on the meter twitching. The initial situation: I made FT8 with approx. 20w, 1-2 QSOs in 10 minutes, SWR under 1:1.2, from now on the transmission power was gone, the display shows an SWR of 1.0 and 0 watts. The first thing I did was to take a new SD card and set up the system again. I opened the device and there is no visible damage, to check the mosfets, I wanted to loosen both screws and found that the screws were loose and the mosfets were not in contact with the heat sink (could be easily recognized by the gap in the thermal paste, about 1-2mm distance) The mosfets look visually ok, nothing burnt or apparently too hot. i didn't change the language either (i had already made that mistake on the first day :) ) How would you proceed? Write to Ashhar Farhan?, replace the two replacement mosfets yourself (btw, lead or lead-free solder?), check other components first? Has anyone else had a similar problem or have any ideas? Many thanks and regards Andy DO6DOC
Розпочато Andreas Zahmel DO6DOC @ · Останніх @
uBITX v6 Low Audio Update 11-23-24 18
Tried again this morning, this time on the correct TP, TP21. I have 53.6K on RX, 2.1 ohm on TX. So according to what you (Evan) said, that's right. Everything is right so far, but I have weak audio. Time to get out the O-Scope? I do not have a schematic, does anyone have one? I used it this morning to check into the Noon-Time-Net with CW so other than weak audio it appears to be working FB. BTW, is there a setting to reduce the sidetone level? It's really loud! I'm surprised that other than through this Forum, HFsignals provides no support. Makes me a little hesitant to purchase a radio from them. Given this experience. 73, Richard AG5M On Friday, November 22, 2024 at 02:55:55 PM PST, Richard AG5M via <ag5m@...> wrote: Taking another run at this, I confirm I have Zero volts RX at the gate of Q74, if the gate pin is the one closest to D14. And I have 5 volts when in TX mode. Given this information and what's noted below, dos this tell anyone anything? Why I have virtually no audio? 73, Richard AG5M On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 11:03:28 AM PST, Richard AG5M via <ag5m@...> wrote: Evan and others who may be following. The TP1 and TP2 I mentioned below was a typo, they were TP20 and TP21. I did the same this morning. With volume control fully clockwise. Nice loud hum at Pin 3. Considerably lower hum at TP21, and almost no hum at TP21. Turning the volume control made difference. This morning I checked the resistance measurements you mentioned at TP20. With radio on it measured 70 ohms RX, 2.36K TX. From what you mentioned then I guess Q74 is faulty? I did not make voltage measurement yet. Where exactly is Q74? I don't see it. 73, Richard AG5M On Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 05:09:11 PM PST, Evan Hand via <elhandjr@...> wrote: On Tue, Nov 19, 2024, at 01:10 PM, Richard AG5M wrote: Was that TP1 and TP2, or TP21 and TP20? All are on the board. TP1 tests the antenna input, TP20 tests the audio after the demodulator, and TP21 is the input to the audio amp with muting. With the volume control fully clockwise, the AC hum should be the same when touching pin 3 of the LM386 as TP21. If not, then there may be an issue with the volume control. Try turning it back and forth to see if there is a broken connection. Another test is to verify that the mute MOSFET (Q74) is switching correctly. Measure the gate voltage of Q74. It should be zero when receiving and 5 volts when transmitting. Also, you can measure the resistance from TP20 to ground with the radio on. It should be higher than 5kOhms while receiving and less than 200 Ohms when transmitting. If not, then Q74 may be bad. Another problem I have seen with low signal strength is related to the Raduino board. The Si5351 chip failed to lock at the right frequency, which would appear as a jittery signal on any of the three clocks to the mixers and demodulator. In particular, the BFO seems to drop in and out of sync. This could be the case for any of the three clock signals. To test the Raduino, I removed it from the radio, powered it from a USB connection to my PC, and measured the outputs on the mainboard connection. 73 Evan AC9TU
Розпочато Richard AG5M @ · Останніх @
uBITX v6 Low Audio Update 11-22-24 5
Taking another run at this, I confirm I have Zero volts RX at the gate of Q74, if the gate pin is the one closest to D14. And I have 5 volts when in TX mode. Given this information and what's noted below, dos this tell anyone anything? Why I have virtually no audio? 73, Richard AG5M On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 11:03:28 AM PST, Richard AG5M via <ag5m@...> wrote: Evan and others who may be following. The TP1 and TP2 I mentioned below was a typo, they were TP20 and TP21. I did the same this morning. With volume control fully clockwise. Nice loud hum at Pin 3. Considerably lower hum at TP21, and almost no hum at TP21. Turning the volume control made difference. This morning I checked the resistance measurements you mentioned at TP20. With radio on it measured 70 ohms RX, 2.36K TX. From what you mentioned then I guess Q74 is faulty? I did not make voltage measurement yet. Where exactly is Q74? I don't see it. 73, Richard AG5M On Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 05:09:11 PM PST, Evan Hand via <elhandjr@...> wrote: On Tue, Nov 19, 2024, at 01:10 PM, Richard AG5M wrote: Was that TP1 and TP2, or TP21 and TP20? All are on the board. TP1 tests the antenna input, TP20 tests the audio after the demodulator, and TP21 is the input to the audio amp with muting. With the volume control fully clockwise, the AC hum should be the same when touching pin 3 of the LM386 as TP21. If not, then there may be an issue with the volume control. Try turning it back and forth to see if there is a broken connection. Another test is to verify that the mute MOSFET (Q74) is switching correctly. Measure the gate voltage of Q74. It should be zero when receiving and 5 volts when transmitting. Also, you can measure the resistance from TP20 to ground with the radio on. It should be higher than 5kOhms while receiving and less than 200 Ohms when transmitting. If not, then Q74 may be bad. Another problem I have seen with low signal strength is related to the Raduino board. The Si5351 chip failed to lock at the right frequency, which would appear as a jittery signal on any of the three clocks to the mixers and demodulator. In particular, the BFO seems to drop in and out of sync. This could be the case for any of the three clock signals. To test the Raduino, I removed it from the radio, powered it from a USB connection to my PC, and measured the outputs on the mainboard connection. 73 Evan AC9TU
Розпочато Richard AG5M @ · Останніх @
New sBit? 6
Ashhar mentioned he had a few 10" displays on a trial basis to see how they would work out in a new sBit. The Pi Display 2 is quite an upgrade from the old one in terms of resolution. If the 10" is a proportional upgrade from the Display 2, it sounds as if it is the solution to all the issues of simultaneous display capabilities. Since this display would require a completely new cabinet, how about putting in a Pi 5 CPU, and replacing the uSD card with something faster & more reliable. If my memory serves me right, I seem to recall that an NVMe can be used and installed internally. Sure, it's going to cost more, but the trade-off would be much improved performance, I think. Any comments? Gerry Sherman Sent by the Windows 11 Thunderbird
Розпочато Gerald Sherman @ · Останніх @
Difference between sBitx V3.01 and V3.02 Board 11
I recently acquired a second V3 sBitx and while doing some mods on it I noticed that the board version is now V3.02. Does anybody know what the changes are? Some things I noticed are that a lot of the through hole resistors are now surface mount devices, the silk screen now shows the proper polarity of the power connector, and the SWR meter diodes are now SMD also. Are there any other changes that anyone has noticed? Joel N6ALT
Розпочато Joel Caulkins/N6ALT @ · Останніх @
Raspberry Pi Display 2 9
Will the new Raspberry Pi Display 2 (1280 x 720) give the resolution we need to run WSJT and others on the built in screen? Garrett N7QWT
Розпочато Garrett N7QWT @ · Останніх @
uBITX v6 Low Audio Update 11-21-24
Evan and others who may be following. The TP1 and TP2 I mentioned below was a typo, they were TP20 and TP21. I did the same this morning. With volume control fully clockwise. Nice loud hum at Pin 3. Considerably lower hum at TP21, and almost no hum at TP21. Turning the volume control made difference. This morning I checked the resistance measurements you mentioned at TP20. With radio on it measured 70 ohms RX, 2.36K TX. From what you mentioned then I guess Q74 is faulty? I did not make voltage measurement yet. Where exactly is Q74? I don't see it. 73, Richard AG5M On Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 05:09:11 PM PST, Evan Hand via <elhandjr@...> wrote: On Tue, Nov 19, 2024, at 01:10 PM, Richard AG5M wrote: Was that TP1 and TP2, or TP21 and TP20? All are on the board. TP1 tests the antenna input, TP20 tests the audio after the demodulator, and TP21 is the input to the audio amp with muting. With the volume control fully clockwise, the AC hum should be the same when touching pin 3 of the LM386 as TP21. If not, then there may be an issue with the volume control. Try turning it back and forth to see if there is a broken connection. Another test is to verify that the mute MOSFET (Q74) is switching correctly. Measure the gate voltage of Q74. It should be zero when receiving and 5 volts when transmitting. Also, you can measure the resistance from TP20 to ground with the radio on. It should be higher than 5kOhms while receiving and less than 200 Ohms when transmitting. If not, then Q74 may be bad. Another problem I have seen with low signal strength is related to the Raduino board. The Si5351 chip failed to lock at the right frequency, which would appear as a jittery signal on any of the three clocks to the mixers and demodulator. In particular, the BFO seems to drop in and out of sync. This could be the case for any of the three clock signals. To test the Raduino, I removed it from the radio, powered it from a USB connection to my PC, and measured the outputs on the mainboard connection. 73 Evan AC9TU
Розпочато Richard AG5M @
Enclosure For Nextion Display 5 inch
Hi Friends . We had sold out the Nextion Display Enclosure for uBitx. We require a feedback from group members if they plan to build the micro Bitx with Nextion Display, so we could get another lot ready. If any color or extra fitting is required we could get it done in the new lot. Anticipate some feedback. Thanks and best of 73s Sunil vu3sua
Розпочато Sunil Lakhani @
swr_bridge.ino 117
Hi Farhan; Looks like you are tweaking on the swr_bridge.ino program that lives in the attiny85. It looks like there could be a possibility that the message[] variable assignments, which occur in a fast loop, could get interrupted mid-stream by an i2c request from the pi, which would corrupt the forward and reverse power readings that are sent back to the pi. You may want to set a flag in the requestEvent() function, which is then used in the main loop to get an update from the ADC channels, make the message[] variable assignments, then clear that flag and just wait for the next i2c read request to come in. An alternative would be to block interrupts while making the message[] variable assignments, but this could impact the i2c code. Note: I haven't built the Power/SWR sensor circuit for my DE, but I am collecting the parts. 73; Steve, N3SB
Розпочато Steve Beckman @ · Останніх @
Several weeks ago someone posted an alternative to IAMBIC A&B. I lost the email and wanted to include this mode in my new V6 software. Please re-post or send it to me direct. Thanks in advance Ron
Розпочато W2CTX @ · Останніх @
uBITX v6 Low Audio 9
Thank you for letting me join the group. I just became the proud owner of a uBITX v6 assembled by another Ham who sadly went SK. When I turned it on I had plenty of audio. And I already knew it needed alignment. But otherwise it was working as expected. I used it to check into the Noon-time-Net, no problem. I can get to alignment later. Then suddenly, the audio dropped to such a low level I could barely hear the station with volume control wide open. Same for speaker and headphones. After some time passed, perhaps 15 minutes or so, the volume popped back to normal. About blew me out of my chair. However, the next time time I turned it on, VERY low volume again. And it has stayed that way since. Barely audible. Not being familiar with this radio, can someone give me some ideas how to trouble shoot the missing volume? Where to look. I do have the schematic. Will be much appreciated. 73 Richard AG5M
Розпочато Richard AG5M @ · Останніх @
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