Book Sale?????
Hi Mike, Sure you are not trying to sell your wife's book here. You say you are not trying to be negative but looks to me that is what you are doing. I do not buy my flax oil from Barleans but do have their order form. I think they are the one that had Dr. Budwig's two books translated into English and they do sell them. The Flax oil as a True Aid... list for the grand sum of $1.95. If they went to the expense of getting the books published and translated why would they be nuts enough to mention the competition. I think most of the people on this list have cancer or health problems and some of us have had cancer and used the flax oil longer than others with at least some good results. After 18 months on Gerson therapy I started cheating on the diet too much. While on Gerson the psa was under control and dropping but my self discipline went to hell and I started doing everything you are not supposed to do to be successful on Gerson. Gerson started you off among many other things with 2 tbl of flax oil and one cup of cc or yogurt a day and very shortly dropped the oil down to 1 tbl per day. When I quit Gerson I realized real quick I needed somethng to bring the psa back down or slow it down so went up to between 4 to 8 tbl a day and it did bring the psa back down. Can't expect flax to do it all by itself though. I am more than satisfied with what flax oil can do and I don't want to wait for the "scientific study", that will probably never be tried with the cc or yogurt. I did not avail myself of conventional therapy of any kind except for the original biopsy and get a blood test every month. Over 5 1/2 yr now. Do I believe everything Budwig says. Nope. I do know that flax oil helps people with health problems from a little to a lot. Thats the longest email in a year so guess that will last me another year. Dave Reese ps. I buy my flax oil from Omega Nutrition and at a lower cost. They are slower in getting the shipment to you than Barleans but after dealing with them for 5 1/2 years I can live with that.
Reasons Flaxseed oil may not work
Hi All Some people are looking for a formula for the amount of Flaxseed Oil to take. When there can be no specific amount because what is truly required is a balance of omega 3 to omega 6. So a person consuming more vegetables would have less intake of omega 6 than someone consuming more grains or meat. In which case the omega 3 intake would have to be greater for the grain/meat eater. It seems from my experimentation that one can safely ingest 80 grams or more of omega 3 per day spread out but depending on what you eat 30+ grams (approx. 3 tablespoons) should work ok - but realize that flax oil has only half as much omega 3 as cod liver oil has. So the amount for flaxseed oil would be 6 tablespoons/day. Also omega 3 is apparently dose dependent = the more you take the faster it will work but it is still a long process to replace the omega 3 - 6 balance in all the cells of the body. Another key factor is the pre enzymes vitamin C, niacin (B3), pyroxidine (B6), zinc, or magnesium. If they are deficient then proper assimilation of omega 3 or omega 6 may not take place. See: Rick
Flax in Bread
Hi, Thiere is point that I have seen rather often that I want to question. Heat kills Omega 3. We are warned not to cook with Flaxseed oil. How then does it help to put Flaxseeds or Flax flour in bread? Maybe there is an answer to this that escapes me at present. Does the Biochemist who advocates this have any studies that show scientifically that there is a difference in cancer prevention, etc. by the use of bread with Flax flour and ordinary bread and no other differences? One other thing is that the Europian establishment, as well as the American, want no part of Dr. Bidwg's work. It would mean a restructering of the oils industry. It would eliminate hydrogenated oils. Products would no longer have a long shelf life. It would mean disaster for the financial returns of the Oncology Industry. It will never happen. We have to remember what we are really facing. Cliff In order to understand the whole situation better, I am enclosing these items. I cannot document either one, but I believe both to be true. In the summer of 1993 a man stopped in from Chattanooga. When he retired he was second in charge of all the TVA power plants. He had lost his wife the year before in a cancer treatment complex in Illinois. Before she died she was talking to the head doctor of the whole establishment. She asked him whether he could foresee any hope for people in her condition. He replied, "I'll be frank with you. No! In our society the biggest income producers are the energy companies. The second biggest income producer is cancer and if we were to announce today that we had a cure for cancer it would cause the biggest depression America has ever seen. Our leaders will NOT LET THAT HAPPEN!" In his book, "The Cancer Answer", Al carter says that, directly or indirectly, there are more people making a living on cancer than there are people who have it. The new toll free number for Al Carter's book, and an excellent video tape on Cancer entitled "The Immune System" is 1-888-464-5867. The cost for both, delivered, is $36.95. Two years ago a friend of my son's told him that he had heard a news broadcast that told of a study just completed at Johns Hopkins that concluded that of people who die of cancer half die of cancer and half die of chemo and that chemo actually helps only two or three per cent of those taking it. That report was buried immediately. My son has put a more complete and detailed account of the tape on a personal web page on the internet. We will not update the tape again, but we will update the web page account as needed. The address is E Mail spinner@... Very soon, within a day or so, we will be on line with This is because a forced change of address by earthlink to our personal web site forced us off the search engines. We are going to a commercial type website to get back on the search engines. Cliff
For vitamins to help eyes
For vitamins to help eyes; Best Regards, Lorenzo
lung cancer flax/cottage cheese
My Grandmother has small cell lung cancer. I was told for her to eat about 2 cups of cottage cheese to 8 tablespoons of flax seed oil. It is making her too full. Is that the right dosage? Can she eat a tablespoon or two of flax and then some cottage cheese or must it be mixed? I have seen where some have mixed it with yogurt. Is that as good? thanks Kim
Cynthia, do you know how the man with lung cancer is? Which type was it? My Grandmother has small cell of the lung. I have looked and looked for someone with it that flax seed/cc has helped..thanks Kim
Here is a claim that baked flax is still OK
flaxseed-Storage and Baking Stability--look for this item at the site. flaxseed-Storage and Baking Stability Best Regards, Lorenzo Join the CaveManFood list and eat like our ancestors. CaveManFood-subscribe@... Trapshooters Join this; trapshooter-subscribe@...
anemia and colon cancer update
I posted a while back on my brother-in-law's cancer. His latest blood test results show a big improvement from six weeks ago, however anemia is a concern at this point. His pH is low as well. I will give the actual numbers as I review them. I am looking for ways to improve the anemic condition, which can be serious in cancer patient's survival outlook. Thanks. _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
Flaxseed to a cat
>is so long.The thought is that if the dogs get inhalation form, the signs would be respiratory distress (breathing hard, acting very sick, bleeding from > >the nose/mouth).MIKE Bullin Dear Mike.. I wonder what the first signs are? And if cats can also get this. Which it might be harmful to all animals around the farm and in the house or just running in the yards. Can animals pass anything like this onto humans? Also talking about a cat..Our friends over the weekend had to take STINKY to the vet Saturday. She was vomiting, and not at all feeling well. They also found on her neck some tiny like raised lumps. Upon the examination, she had only a couple fleas.The vet said he felt that the fleas were biting her flesh is where the lumps came from, and this got into her bloodstream, causing her nausea. Then Sunday she was again not feeling very well and was vomiting what looked like just water. Giving it some thought we think that maybe the chlorinated water makes her ill. So they boiled some water. In hopes this will help until they can buy her some mineral water. I had taken along my flaxseed oil and some C/silver and added this to her water. She drank it and then most of the morning she went off to sleep.But again upon waking she got a little sick. This is when we think that the water has a lot to do with it. They have just moved here, so chances are she is not adjusted to this water. WE now wonder if they should have weaned her from the old water gradually into the new? But how would a person do that? Nashville,Ohio Genealogy Bereavement of a Lost Love One My Cancer Challenge Ordeal NaturalWellBeing-subscribe@... Owner: Miz Judy: mrjau@... FlaxSeedOil2-subscribe@... Owner: Cliff Beckwith: spinner@...
(No subject)
Strangely, my wife also put the oil in her eyes the same two times that I did, and suffered no ill effects. Maybe some people's eyes just don't like flax oil?? Dave this is why we stress to people.." That what might work for one person may not for the other.Everybody has to be very careful. The following is what I answered on the Natural Well Being list.. Letter One; Chances is this Melanie, this lady is elderly Right? She may not have followed directions to the T..Flaxseed oil is not to have the Lignan in it. Golden seal is best for the eyes to keep them from stinging. And her bottle might have been contaminated if she used it directly from the bottle. She should have poured the oil into an eye dropper bottle and left this settle before using. The lignans is what causes the grittiness like sand in the eyes. I've learned to let the new bottle settle and using an eye-dropper only take what is on the top to fill the eye-dropper bottle. I've never have had any problems this way. Chances are her cataracts fell off leaving a stinging, and the matting was from the fluids still healing in the eye. With a little warm water on a cloth laid over her eyelids I have an idea her eye would have healed up..She no doubt didn't have anything sterilized ( all instruments must be sterilized before using in the eye. And if by chance she picked up germs from unwashed hands. I do not believe it was the flaxseed oil that caused the infection..but the methods she was using. She needed to have someone else do this for her.And if right after putting the 1-drop ( not a lot into the eye ) she should have laid down and kept the eyes closed. I bet she rubbed the eyes that became irritated as the flaxseed was first applied..she probably felt a grit ( like sand ) and begin to rub..this alone caused irritation, then if her hands or hanky was soiled she caused more problems. You get to the bottom of this, and ask her questions as to each step she took in apply this to her eyes..Cleanliness is next to Godliness. letter 2 Please folks..when advising someone else how to do something..make sure it is wrote down..they make a copy and one for yourself as well. REMEMBER we are not to be playing doctor in our house....but only giving people an option. Never tell them something heals ..this is false..But tell them what it has done for you and maybe someone you know well had good results. But it should be left up to the individual themselves to apply the things your talking about at the time. This is why I had hesitated about giving out the cancer salve recipe. To often people ( are so DUMB ) is putting it mildly, that they will try to use it for something other than what it is for.Or apply more than what is needed. WHEN we say recommended dose..that is what we mean. If I'd say to you. 1/4 Teaspoon, I didn't say 1 teaspoon. More don't heal any faster. EACH time you use a product, or want to try something..PLEASE always make sure you first understand the proper way to handle it. One don't put a bottle of something on a shelf or refrigerator where other things contaminating can touch it. Keep you medications, herbs, and so forth inside another safe container. I try to keep my flaxseed oil and etc, in a Ziploc baggy. GERMS can travel from food to food, by just touching another you've just handled. And above all make sure everything you use on or in the body is sterilized. Bottles ( containers ) have germs. And lets say if I have a new bottle of oil..look at all who handled it first at the factory, then the store. How many people first handled this container? Did the bottle get washed off from your hands to hers..or from whomever might have helped this lady apply the oil to her eyes..Was she aware what rubber-gloves are for? I doubt if you or her thought of this either. And id she used them, did she use throw way gloves..or use the same ones over and over. If she had no gloves, she could have used a cheap plastic bag over her hands. And if she applied this oil with cotton..chances are a piece of this got into the eye to irritate. Or an dust particle floating in the ai
FO in the eyes- infection?
After reading a few posts about some getting what may appear to be infection after dropping FO into the eyes, I have a few questions: 1)was the eye dropper bottle sterile? 2)if it was a used bottle, what was in it? Some essential oils leave a noticable residue even after rinsing throughly. This could be a source of irritation. My mother will be trying the FO in the eyes soon for cataracts. Based on what I've see here, I will mix a small amount of colloidal silver in the oil, although it may not mix well. Please don't post warning me about the dangers of colloidal silver (properly made that is) used in the eyes. It is pure hogwash. Your eyes won't turn blue, and it does work well for eye infections. I now make my own CS with a system from . The amount I will use is just enough to kill any pathogen that "may" be in the oil. _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
What benefits, if any, can be derived from flax seed meal, 3 tbsps. per day, mixed in water, juice, cereal (soy milk), etc. Thanks for any information. Stuart
The eyes and sterilized guaze
Miz Judy & Mel wrote: . I would first boil some water, and poor it into the bottle and immediately dump it out, turning it over on a sterilized gauze. I always wanted to be SAFE as possible. Which bottle do you mean -- a bottle that you pour the oil into before using the eye dropper? The eye-dropper bottle. Second question: After filling the bottle with boiling water, you empty it immediately, pouring the water through a sterilized gauze. Did I get that right? IF so, what's the purpose of the gauze? Why not pour the water directly into the sink? I said gauze, I turn the bottle on the sterilized gauze, to make sure it is well drained out..I'm to lazy to sterilize cloth and gauze are handiest for me at times..oh you could just shake out excess water, but usually it evaporates fast anyway..but one drop could dilute the oil we don't want that now do we? Best wishes, Joel I live in my own little world, but it's ok, they know me here. I can say anything I like.. 'cause nobody listens to me anyway. Nashville,Ohio Genealogy Bereavement of a Lost Love One My Cancer Challenge Ordeal NaturalWellBeing-subscribe@... Owner: Miz Judy: mrjau@... FlaxSeedOil2-subscribe@... Owner: Cliff Beckwith: spinner@...
oil in the eyes harmed my neighbor
Hello all! I am so frustrated right now! Last Friday, I had a phone call from my elderly neighbor that I have mentioned before on this list. (She had put the oil in her eyes one time and said it felt like it peeled something off and it hurt.) Well, then last week, she tried it again, and put it in her eyes right before she went to bed. She said that her one eye hurt so bad after she put it in that she couldn't sleep hardly at all that night. Then, she woke up and her eye was completely matted shut! And it was full of infection! She went to a local dr and he referred her to one in a town 45 miles away, it was that bad!!!!!! I went and saw her Friday night and I just cried and cried! I still am hurting because I caused her so much pain! She has told eveyone that she sees what I have done to her, and she knows I feel badly, but I AM responsible for what happened to her. Her eye looked TERRIBLE! I have seen other people do this, right here in my town, and NEVER did I imagine that it would hurt anyone like it did to her! I am very fortunate that she is not going to sue me! If it was anyone else, I'm sure I'd be hearing from their lawyer right now! Her eye dr asked her if she was from Oklahoma, and she said no, why? He said that when he was practicing there, he would actually have to did the flax seeds out of people's eyes there! That's pretty wierd, I thought! I'm DEFINATELY NOT blaming anyone here on this list, I just want to let you all learn from my experience, what can happen! I would like to know why this happened to her. So, whenever you have someone try something, BE CAREFUL! I know this stuff has helped way more people than it has hurt, but that's just how it goes for me! I was so confident that it would do her some good! But, that sure back-fired! I told Marie that I would pray that her eye will be better than ever after this infection is gone, can anyone join me in that prayer? I thank you all so much! Melanie
For all those new to using Flaxseed OIl
(This is an edited reply that I made to a post today (shown below) on the old Flaxseed Oil board. I thought all other newcomers here and even those who have been around awhile, may also find it useful). Many people here to the Flaxseed Oil group with mets (metastases) and have experiences great improvement with the use of Flaxseed Oil thoroughly combined with low-fat cottage cheese. The standard mixture calls for 1-2 tbls oil blended with 1/4 cup of CC/quark. The daily amount taken for cancer patients is usually a minimum or 2 tbls. per 100 lbs. of body weight. Fruit and honey may be also added for flavoring and milk or water added to get the right consistency. Be sure to use enough CC/quark so there is no oiliness or oily residue whatsoever after mixing. Taking 4 tbls. oil with about 3/4 cup of CC/quark daily would be a good starting point for most people. Possibly better to spread out eating during the day instead of at one sitting. I'll let you convert these measurements into the metric system rather than my taking time to try to do so for you. I believe the following material will provide most of the answers you seek. If not, we will be happy to help further and answer any questions you may have. Here are links to the three best summaries I've found to use as an introduction to Dr. Johanna Budwig's protocol and diet. It tells of her treatments of cancer and many other health problems utilizing flaxseed oil. Here is a link to Cliff Beckwith's home page which has his original articles on his experiences with Flaxseed Oil for his Prostate Cancer. It was reading those three articles that gave me my start into researching FO/CC further and not having become my primary modality that I employ. For those wishing more information, here are links to Barlean's, an excellent source for flaxseed oil information as well as a good source to purchase flaxseed oil and also Dr. Budwig's primary book, "Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer and Other Diseases." This book is available there for a couple of dollars for those with cancer and I believe only $2.95 for those without cancer. Flaxseed oil is also available there and from other sources at an additional discount for cancer patients. As to what brands of flaxseed oil is available in Great Britain or who ships their oil there, others may be of more help than I can be. Incidentally, flaxseed oil is the same thing as linseed oil, however here in the states that is not used internally. May be a different situation there I hope this information helps you. I believe it will also help other newer and even older members here to answer many of your questions. Regards, NHY
Budwig diet
Thanks NHY for your Oct 30 post. Larry Clapp told us last week to investigate FO/CC. The information you supplied is exactly what we were looking for. MM
How important is mixing
I have been blending the fo/cc by hand and was wondering how important is it to blend the mixer? I did try blending last night and it came out ok a little runny put palatable. I seem to prefer to taste the cc/fo in its more familar form.
Turnover studies
What exactly are turnover studies in humans?? Michael Martin
Effect of chemo and radiation on the bones
I mentioned my opinion that my treatments of chemo and/or radiation had contributed to my problems with tooth decay, and an MD stated that yes, chemo and radiation affect the bones, and that they could contribute to tooth decay. Now, I would like to know if any of you have experienced this. I have heard both that calcium can contribute to cancer as well as calcium can assist in fighting cancer. The only calcium I get now is from vegetables and fruit, as I am not using any dairy products other than cottage cheese with flaxseed oil. I have just begun researching calcium and cancer, and would like any information any of you may have on this. Thanks, Mildred
Replacement of celllular trans-fatty acids with natural fatty acids
Dear Loren, From my understanding of human physiology there is a constant replacement of all tissues and cells in the body including the membranes of each cell. The membranes are rich in phospholipids which are composed of long chain fatty acids (amongst others molecules). My feeling is that provided one eats good quality natural fats and avoids industrial fats (eg. sunflower, canola, veg. shortening, magarine, pomace olive oil etc.), by a process of elimination, all one's existing fatty acids will be turned over and if one's replacement source is high quality, all the crucial cell membranes will eventually be lined with good quality (cis-fatty acids Vs. the trans fatty acids). Regards Ben Wulfsohn -------------------------------------------------------- Liquid Gold: Specialists in cold pressed oil and other delicious goodies supply to the health and fine foods retailers. MILLBROOK Cold Pressed Oils, South Africa 's best producer of the Essential Omega 3 & 6 nutritional oils : Flax , Sesame, Sunflower & Coconut the Cape's award winning VESUVIO Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Olive Oil Khoisan Natural Salt - from the unpolluted south Atlantic ocean Roses Handmade Confectionery - freshest Nougat, choc coated, plain & Turkish Delight - no preservatives! Contact : Tessa Carlyle-Mitchell or Ben Wulfsohn. Tel/fax +27 (0)31 2060243 cell: 083 452 2924 email: liqgold@... web:
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