Beth Sholom Shiva notification
We regret to inform you of the passing of Goldie Diamond, beloved sister of our esteemed member, Cantor Sam Ganz. Shiva will be observed at the Ganz residence, 13 Columbia Avenue, Cedarhurst, through Sunday, January 26th, 2003. Shacharis: Tuesday- Sunday: 7:30AM Mincha & Maariv: 4:50PM PLEASE MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MINYANIM AS MANY MEMBERS ARE AWAY ON VACATION THIS WEEK. It is our fervent hope and prayer that the Al-mighty comfort the mourners together with all other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Rabbi Kenneth N. Hain Dr. Gilbert Klaperman, Rabbi Emeritus Danny Hiller, President Gary Miller, Chairman of the Board Jeffrey Rosenberg, E-mail Committee Chairman Joseph Grob, Webmaster
Cong. Anshei Chesed - Shwekey Concert - March 22, 2003
Please send this out with your next e-mail. Thank you. Roy Hoffmann RESERVE THE DATE - SATURDAY NIGHT - MARCH 22, 2003 ****SHWEKEY IS COMING TO THE FIVE TOWNS **** THE FIRST ANNUAL FAR ROCK/FIVE TOWNS COMMUNITY CONCERT WILL BE HELD AT LAWRENCE HIGH SCHOOL - VERY LIMITED SEATING STARRING SHWEKEY AND A SURPRISE SPECIAL GUEST STAR (YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED) ------------------------------------------------------ SPONSORED BY: CONG. ANSHEI CHESED - HaRAV SIMCHA LEFKOWITZ SHLITA ------------------------------------------------------ CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE - "PROGRAM ADVERTISING", $3600/FRONT PAGE (SOLD), $3600/BACK PAGE, $1000/FULL PAGE, $500/HALF PAGE, $360/QUARTER PAGE, $100/GREETING ------------------------------------------------------ TICKET PRICES - $75, $50 AND $36. - MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY ------------------------------------------------------- FOR MORE INFORMATION EMAIL: shulconcert@... Roy Hoffmann Sheldon Wayman Yakov Hagler Concert Chairman Director of Special Programs President
Beth Sholom - Mincha at Klein Shiva
Klein residence, 1 Heather Lane, Lawrence: Mincha: the rest of this week Please note time change for mincha: 4:50pm (in lieu of 4:30pm) Please make every effort to attend as most of the neighborhood is missing in action. Jeffrey Rosenberg Cong Beth Sholom
Israeli Vendor Fair - Mid Island JCC - February 8-9, 2003
"Shop the Shuk" Israeli Vendors' Fair Mid Island "Y" JCC Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview All your Purim & Pesach needs: Saturday, February 8, 2003, 7:30 - 10 PM Sunday, February 9, 2003. 9 AM- 4 PM
OHEL's 33rd Annual Dinner, February 9th
OHEL 33rd ANNUAL DINNER Sunday Evening, February 9, 2003 The New York Hilton Avenue of the Americas & 53rd Street New York City Reception: 5:30 PM Dinner 6:30 PM - Honoring - Chesky and Adina Wertman Deana Schuck Erwin, Barbara and James Brandt The Principals of UtiliSave of New Rochelle, New York : Michael Steifman Stephen Galowitz Mikhail Khenin Barry Weiss Donna Miele Campaign Co-Chairmen - Chaim Kaminetzky and Irving Langer Dinner Co-Chairmen - Saul Bienenfeld and Avi Lauer Journal Co-Chairmen - Jay Kestenbaum and Miriam Lubling To Make Reservations and/or Place ads in our Journal: Call 718-972-9338 or Toll free 1-888-311-OHEL or visit OHEL SPONSORS OVER 20 PROGRAMS - many within the Five Towns Community - INCLUDING: * Bais Ezra programs for the developmentally disabled * The Lifetime Care Foundation for the Jewish Disabled * The Milton Schulman Foster Care Program * Robert & Roselin Vegh Preventive Care Program * Tikvah Out-Patient Mental Health Clinic * Services for adolescents * Domestic abuse counseling & shelter pgoram * Addiction treatment program * Child molestation, prevention & treatment program * Mobile Outreach Team * Residential Rehabilitation for adults & children with psychiatric disabilities * Kadimah Psychiatric Day Program * Supported Employment Program * Project Liberty at Ohel * Summer camps * Institute for Advanced Professional Training The dinner is intended for anyone who supports providing services for more than 3,000 Jewish children, adults and families in the New York metro area. We provide services including foster care, counseling services and more than 50 homes for developmentally disabled and mentally ill individuals, domestic abuse counseling and shelter, substance abuse treatment, child molestation prevention and treatment, mobile outreach team, supported employment, Project Liberty at OHEL and much more. Many of these services are provided to members of the Five Towns Community. OHEL Children's Home & Family Services Cedarhurst Office - 123 Grove Street, Cedarhurst Brooklyn Office - 4510 16th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11204 Phone (718) 972-9338 Fax (718) 851-2772 Dinner Website: Email: development@...
CBS Shabbos schedule for this week: Parshas Yisro
Friday, January 24, 2003 Candlelighting:.....................4:46PM Evening Service:.................4:50PM Saturday, January 25, 2003 Parshat Yisro Hashkama Minyan:............7:45AM Chumash & Rashi:..............8:30AM Shacharit: (Shma 9:40AM)..9:00AM Women's Parsha................3:45PM Rabbis Shiur:......................4:00PM Mincha:..............................4:30PM Shabat Ends:......................5:49PM Jeffrey Rosenberg, E-mail Committee Chairman Joseph Grob, Webmaster
Though the initial shocks of September 11 have passed, the ongoing threat of terror, our deep concern for Israel and the potential for war in Iraq have impacted us all. How do we counsel and comfort our clients, our congregants, our students and ourselves? What can we do to provide reassurance and strength during these uncertain times? Join Project Liberty at Ohel and Yeshivat Chovevei Torah in a unique educational seminar addressing these critical issues, "Times of Terror, Times of Resilience: A Jewish Response to Catastrophe and Trauma" on Sunday, February 2, 2003. It will be held at Congregation Ramat Orah, 550 West 110th Street in Manhattan between 1:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Ohel Children's Home & Family Services is in the forefront of providing outreach, education and mental health services to the Jewish community on issues ranging from child abuse to substance abuse prevention. Project Liberty at Ohel, supported by FEMA/CMHS, has launched numerous initiatives and programs during the past year to respond to those in the Jewish community who have been affected by September 11 and the terrorist acts in Israel. Yeshivat Chovevei Torah last year held an unprecedented and groundbreaking conference on "Mental Health and the Orthodox Community, A Day of Education and Empathy", which drew over 400 people. "Times of Terror, Times of Resilience" will include several sessions which will address the issues faced by mental health practitioners, Rabbis, Jewish Educators, parents and the broader Jewish community in confronting trauma, grief, and the anxiety of adults and children over terrorism and the violence in Israel. Admission to "Times of Terror, Times of Resilience" is free. "Times of Terror, Times of Resilience" will feature renowned experts in the field of trauma from both New York and Israel and Jewish communal leaders including: Dr. Danny Brom, Director of the Israel Center for Psychotrauma at Herzog Hospital; Mr. David Mandel, Chief Executive Officer of Ohel; Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Ph.D. the Jewish Executive Vice President of the Orthodox Union and a well respected clinical psychologist with substantial experience in the Jewish and general communities; and Rabbi Avi Weiss Founder and Dean of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School. Dr. Rachel Yehuda, Director of the Traumatic Stress Studies in Mount Sinai School of Medicine will deliver the keynote address. For more information about "Times of Terror, Times of Resilience," please contact Ellen Cohn at 718-686-3327 or (718) 718-686-3283 or log on to
Aish Kodesh Shabbos Schedule - Parshas Yisro
Aish Kodesh Shabbos Schedule: The Following is the schedule for Shabbos. FRIDAY Candles at 4:43 p.m. Mincha Kabbolas Shabbos at 4:53 p.m. SHABBOS Hashkama Minyan at 7:15 a.m. Daniel Fink's shiur at 8:15 a.m. Shachris at 8:45 a.m. Mincha/Seudah Shlishis at 4:30 p.m. Motsai Shabbos at 6:02 p.m. Have a great Shabbos. Azriel
New dress code for Congregation Beth Sholom for this Shabbos Yisro
Dear Member, Auto dial sent out earlier this morning advised the membership that our heating system is inadequate and overwhelmed by the current weather conditions. We suggest that you dress a bit warmer for shul this Shabbos. Shabbat Shalom. Jeffrey Rosenberg, E-mail Committee Chairman Joseph Grob, Webmaster
Israel Art Fair at Aish Kodesh - Sunday January 26 Noon-4PM
Aish Kodesh is pleased to invite you to a special art fair featuring "Art of Eretz Israel" that will take place this Sunday, Januray 26th from noon until 4 (so there will still be plenty of time for hachana for the Super Bowl). Art of Eretz Israel is a group of Israeli artists who have pooled their resources and are marketing directly to overseas clients. The works range from original paintings, lithographs, prints, photos and posters, ceramics, silver jewelry and Judaica, music CDs, hand painted silk painted challah covers, gift baskets and flowers. All of their products are produced in Eretz Yisrael. They are feeling the effects of the economic downturn due to the lack of tourists. Through 'buy Israeli' product fairs and Shul-hosted shows they are marketing their products. They are very determined not to let the current situation undermine their lives in Israel. Please take this opportunity to support Israel, acquire beautiful art and share a part of the creativity of Art of Eretz Yisrael.
Rabbi Twerski in West Hempstead - Feb. 2 at 7PM
Rabbi Doctor Abraham Twerski, M.D. is coming to West Hempstead!! We want to alert you to a wonderful and important guest coming to our community. Rabbi Doctor Abraham Twerski will be at the Young Israel of West Hempstead (YIWH), Sunday, February 2 at 7 p.m. (630 Hempstead Avenue). Rabbi Dr. Twerski, is the author of 40 books and an outstanding speaker - providing both an orthodox, Torah perspective and state-of-the-art medical and scientific knowledge. He will provide insight and direction for a growing epidemic of alarming proportions in the orthodox community - namely substance abuse and chemical dependency. His talk is titled "I'd like to call for help, but I don't know the number". Following his talk, he will be available for a question and answer session and a schmooze. Refreshments will be served. Rabbi Dr. Twerski is an internationally renowned expert on chemical dependency and is Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University Of Pittsburgh School Of Medicine. He is founder and Medical Director of one of the nation's 12 best drug and alcohol treatment centers. Given the large numbers of children at risk within our community, this is a perfect opportunity to become tuned in - our children's lives are at stake. Many yeshivas are just beginning to realize and accept this as a disease, and recognize their students at risk. The disease is often present for years before the symptoms force the parents to confront the thought that drugs or alcohol may be the source of their son's problems. The orthodox community is not immune to this disease. Ask your teen if he or she knows someone who drinks or uses drugs. Chances are the answer is YES. The disease of drug and alcohol abuse is definitively here in the New York Orthodox community. The profits from our evening with Rabbi Dr. Twerski will be used to provide support for RTA, Returning Teens Academy; a New York State Regents' approved (and soon to be accredited) alternative Yeshiva with both Judaic and secular studies, located in Woodmere, New York. It is the only Yeshiva in America with a full-time therapeutic program, specializing in teens with substance abuse issues. Under the expert guidance of Rabbi Dov Silver of RTA and Barry Wilansky, MA, CASAC of Tempo Group, the program has a high success rate for having students complete high school and go on to study in Israel, go to college, or successfully enter the job market. It provides a highly individualized, structured environment that includes psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers and expert drug rehabilitation counselors. Parent and family sessions are fully integrated into the program. Admission is free, refreshments will be served and donations to RTA are voluntary, but welcomed. Opportunities for sponsorship are still available. Please call 516-292-7927 or email RTAfundraiser@.... Hope to see you there!
Tehillim Magnets
The Gedolei Yisrael in Israel have asked for Klall Yisrael to say five perakim Tehillim each day for our brethren in Israel. Yeshiva of South Shore has produced a magnet with those perakim on it in order to put in a conspicuous place and recite daily. The Yeshiva has mailed out over 10,000 magnets, however there are still some available. If you would like to receive a Tehillim Magnet Please sent a self-addressed stamped (60 cents) envelope to Magnet Campaign Yeshiva of South Shore 1170 William Street Hewlett, NY 11557 Att: Rabbi Kamenetzky You may add an additional 23 cents postage for each additional magnet request.
Aish Kodesh Class Schedule
Following is the Aish Kodesh schedule of shiurim for the coming week. Shiurim marked 'teleconference' are available live by calling 1 888 -726 0804, pin number 15116#. PLEASE PUSH *6 or the mute button on your phone to ensure that we are not hearing you: MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY Morning Chaburah at 6 a.m. learning the Shulchan Aruch of the Rav. (men) MONDAY Rav Weinberger's shiur in Ma'amarim of the Ba'al Hatanya at 8 a.m. (teleconference). (men and women) Rav Weinberger's shiur in Chasidus (Kedushas Levi of Berditchev) at 8 p.m. (teleconference) (men and women). TUESDAY Rebbetzin Weinberger's shiur in Chovas Hatalmidim at 10:45 a.m. (women) Daniel Fink's shiur in Hilchos Shabbos at 9:15 p.m. (men) WEDNESDAY Rabbi Fogel's shiur in Talmud at 9:15 p.m. (men) THURSDAY Women's chaburah in Navi Shmuel led by Dr. Labovitz at 10 a.m. FRIDAY Rav Weinberger's shiur in Chovas Hatalmidim by the Aish Kodesh at 6 a.m. (teleconference). Rav Weinberger's shiur in Oros Hateshuva by Rav Kook at 8 a.m. (men and women). (teleconference). SHABBOS Daniel Fink's shiur in Rabbeinu Bachayei at 8:15 a.m. SUNDAY Moshe Schmell's shiur in Talmud for beginners at 9 a.m. Sunday morning. (men) ESTHER WEIN'S Shiur in Tefilah at 10 a.m. WILL NOT TAKE PLACE THIS WEEK, February 2nd (teleconference) (women).
A night of Music with Aron Razel at Aish Kodesh
On Motzai Shabbos, February 1st, Rosh Chodesh Adar I, at 8:30 p.m., Aron Razel will be joining us at Aish Kodesh for a special night of music (and, as usual, Rav Weinberger will deliver divrei Chizuk during the break). Aron, a classically trained musician from the Nachla'ot neighborhood of Yerushalayim, is one of the most popular musicains in Eretz Yisrael. His unique musical style combines elements derived from his classical training, with a touch of jazz, and the influence of the music amd Torah of Reb Shlomo Carlebach, z'l. Aron has produced and recorded four CDs, including the number one CD in Israel of its genre, Redemption Time (Zman Hage'ulah) and, most recently,(available in the US for the first time at Aish Kodesh) a compilation of 11 rare songs of Reb Shlomo. Aron was a featured performer at the two most recent Shlomo Carlebach Yahrtzeit concerts in Yerushalayim. His first event at Aish Kodesh last June was a tremendous success and we look forward to a very special evening. Admission is $15, $10 for students. Aron will also be leading us in Kabbolas Shabbos on Friday night. (Coming musical events: A pre-Purim bash with Avraham Rosenblum and the Diaspora Band on motsai Shabbos, March 15th).
Beth Sholom Funeral and Shiva notification
We regret to inform you of the passing of Fay Feinstein, beloved mother of our esteemed member, Judi Bernstein. The funeral is scheduled to take place at Shomrei Hadas, 39th Street and 14th Avenue, Brooklyn (Boro Park), New York, tomorrow, Tuesday, January 28th, 2003, at noon. Shiva will be observed at the Feinstein residence, 376 Central Avenue, Apartment #2S, Lawrence, New York, until Monday morning, February 3rd. TIMES FOR DAVENING WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT A LATER TIME. It is our fervent hope and prayer that the Al-mighty comfort the mourners together with all other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Rabbi Kenneth N. Hain Dr. Gilbert Klaperman, Rabbi Emeritus Danny Hiller, President Gary Miller, Chairman of the Board Jeffrey Rosenberg, E-mail Committee Chairman Joseph Grob, Webmaster
Bais Tefilah of Woodmere - Youth Department Ice Skating - 2/8/03
Congregation Bais Tefilah of Woodmere Youth Department Ice Skating Attention all youth & parents! Come join us at Grant Park for a fun filled time! Motzei Shabbos, February 8, 2003 8:00pm - 10:45pm Pizza, French Fries and Soda Cost Youth Member $12 Child / $15 Adult Non Youth Member $15 Child / $20 Adult Cost Includes Skate Rental, Pizza, French Fries & Soda. To RSVP call 516-569-7198 or email bospitz@... (please RSVP by Feb 5, 2003) Drop Off & Pick Up At Grant Park
Rebetzin Tehila Jaeger Shiur at YILC
Every Tuesday morning for the past 16 years at the Young Israel of Lawrence-Cedarhurst (Broadway corner Spruce St), Rebetzin Tehillah Jaeger has been teaching the women of our community. We are currently in the midst of a series on the Seven Prophetesses. Please join us at 10:45 AM for Tehillim and 11:00 for the class.
OHEL Annual Dinner - journal deadline extended to Friday, January 31
OHEL 33rd ANNUAL DINNER Sunday Evening, February 9, 2003 Reception 5:30 PM Dinner 6:30 PM The New York Hilton - Honoring - Chesky and Adina Wertman Deana Schuck Erwin, Barbara and James Brandt The Principals of UtiliSave of New Rochelle, New York: Michael Steifman Stephen Galowitz Mikhail Khenin Barry Weiss Donna Miele Campaign Co-Chairmen - Chaim Kaminetzky and Irving Langer Dinner Co-Chairmen - Saul Bienenfeld and Avi Lauer Journal Co-Chairmen - Jay Kestenbaum and Miriam Lubling *** The Journal deadline has been extended to Friday, January 31 *** To Make Reservations and/or Place ads in our Journal: Call 718-972-9338 or Toll free 1-888-311-OHEL or visit OHEL Children's Home & Family Services Cedarhurst Office - 123 Grove Street, Cedarhurst Brooklyn Office - 4510 16th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11204 Fax (718) 851-2772 development@...
Reminder : Rabbi Topp's Lecture Series Continues - Tuesday 1/28/03 at 8:15PM
Young Israel of Woodmere Adult Education Notice: Please be reminded that Rabbi Kalman Topp will continue the series entitled "Men Are From Lakewood, Women Are From Flatbush". The topic of this shiur is the laws & customs of the Jewish wedding. The shiur will take place on Tuesday evening, January 28, 2003 at 8:15pm at YIW, 859 Peninsula Blvd, Woodmere. Men and women are invited to attend. For further information, please call 516-295-0950.
Beth Sholom Shiva Notice - Davening at the Feinstein residence
Davening as follows at the Feinstein residence. Shacharis: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Monday : 7:00AM Sunday: 8:00AM Mincha & Maariv: 5:00PM ************************************* This in regard to yesterday's e-mail: Dear Member: We regret to inform you of the passing of Fay Feinstein, beloved mother of our esteemed member, Judi Bernstein. The funeral is scheduled to take place at Shomrei Hadas, 39th Street and 14th Avenue, Brooklyn (Boro Park), New York, tomorrow, Tuesday, January 28th, 2003, at noon. Shiva will be observed at the Feinstein residence, 376 Central Avenue, Apartment #2S, Lawrence, New York, until Monday morning, February 3rd. TIMES FOR DAVENING WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT A LATER TIME. It is our fervent hope and prayer that the Al-mighty comfort the mourners together with all other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Rabbi Kenneth N. Hain Dr. Gilbert Klaperman, Rabbi Emeritus Danny Hiller, President Gary Miller, Chairman of the Board Jeffrey Rosenberg, E-mail Committee Chairman Joseph Grob, Webmaster
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